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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 226

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 23 Apr 91 Volume 91 : Issue 226

Today's Topics:
``Standard'' colors for desktop computers
ASSIGN.SYS for OPUS spreadsheet/Charting program
atari user mag
Cubase vs. Omega for ST???
Esion XLI and 60 Hz
Good database software wanted.
Graphics on the STE - v. generally speaking...
How to set environment and have shel_find use it (problem solved!)
ICD AdSpeed
Next release of Mupfel
Other FTL games? (2 msgs)
Upload to atari.archive (TeXdraw 1.79)
Whattahe Demo (2 msgs)

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Date: 22 Apr 91 12:22:46 GMT
csun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!mantis! (mathew)
Subject: ``Standard'' colors for desktop computers
To: (Malcolm L. Carlock) writes:
> Admittedly, this light tan and black (or all-black) color scheme tends to
> be non-distracting and soothing to the eye, but has anyone else besides me
> ever been tempted to get a can of "Hot Purple" spray paint (and maybe a
> day-glo orange racing stripe kit) and liven up their disk shoebox or CPU?

Jeff "The GOD of Arcade Games" Minter has a resprayed Atari ST. It's black
with starfields and rainbows and geometric shapes in neon colours and similar
bizarre decorations.


If you're a John Foxx fan, please mail me!


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 10:38 MET

Hi there,

I want to know if there is an analog simulation program for
the ST/TT.
something like Pspice.
please E-mail me

Albert Jochems ....Email TC3_JOCHEMS@HRO.NL


Date: 22 Apr 91 17:06:59 GMT
bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!ukc!warwick!nott-cs!!elmar@arizon (Mohammad A. Rahin)
Subject: ASSIGN.SYS for OPUS spreadsheet/Charting program

Many recently, once again showed their frustration for not being able to draw
fancy charts with the OPUS program. All this is mainly due to OPUS's rather
strict rule on printer font selection. The main requirement is that one must
use the exact corresponding printer font as for the screen font. If this
requirement is satisfied, one is more or less assured of hassle free
operation. There is one other thing one must do, i.e., run FONTWIDT.PRG in
order to set up font metrics for OPUS's internal use. Any way, here is my
ASSIGN.SYS file. It works perfectly OK with me and hopefully will work for you
as well.
[ I'm using a mono screen and a 24-pin Epson LQ800 compatible printer. ]

------------------------ Sample ASSIGN.SYS File --------------------------
path = A:\GEMSYS
01p screen.sys ; DEFAULT
02p screen.sys ; LOW RESOLUTION
03p screen.sys ; MEDIUM RESOLUTION
04p screen.sys ; HIGH RESOLUTION


;shtr10un.fnt ; corresponding printer font is not available
shtr12un.fnt ; -> Helevetica 12 Pt. converted from MAC.
;shtr14un.fnt ; 14 pt printer font is not available

;Printer is 24-pin Epson (LQ800)
21 LQ800.SYS


;lqtr06un.fnt ; I don't have screen fonts for 6 & 8 pt dutch.

----------------------------- END ---------------------------------------

Hope this helps.



Date: 23 Apr 91 10:23:34 GMT
du (Luis Outumuro)
Subject: atari user mag

Hi Matthew,
Actually you are correct, AtariUser is intended as a free
magazine for the users. It was also intended for the dealers (both computer
and bookstores) to give it away for free; but a few dealers and several
bookstores said they would not carry it if AtariUser was a free magazine
(that's why AtariUser has a $1 cover price, so those that insist on charging
for it can).
The $15 price is actually an "introductory price" available for this
month only. The annual subscription rates will be:

$ 21.30 US Bulkrate
$ 41.30 US First Class

This subscription prices are set according to the cost of postage.
AtariUser is offering subscriptions not for profit; but for users who cannot
pickup AtariUser in the user's local area.
In addition to computer dealers and bookstores, AtariUser will also
be available free to/from local user groups.
AtariUser's future looks very promising with John Nagy (of Z*Net) as
the Editor-In-Chief. The AtariUser staff feels that the first issue had few
mistakes, and the quality will only continue to get better. Bye........


Luis Mark Outumuro III | "
Well... you're damned if you do,
Computer Office Products 818/813-1051 | and you're damned if you don't!"
Infoline 818/813-1053 | - Bart Simpson, 1990...


Date: 22 Apr 91 11:13:16 GMT
u!emory!gatech!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!ukc!strath-cs!rmacgreg@ariz (Sorcerer)

In article <0ce3fc9fa1cd280eb898@rose.uucp> jim.devonshire@rose.uucp (JIM
> I've been trying to get Autogem to operate for me.
> I've run the BOOTMAKER.PRG and told it which program to load and
>the screen text which appears tells me it was successful in creating
>the bootable file. I then copied the AUTOBOOT.PRG into my Auto folder
>and rebooted my ST (TOS Ver.1.2). The screen text which appears tells me
>that AUTOGEM is auto starting my specified program and then I am promptly
>returned to the GEM desktop? My program, which is in the root directory,
>does not load.
> I have only one other program in my auto folder (LGSELECT) which loads
>before Autogem.
> Anyone have any suggestions? (other than the obvious)

I've got a similar setup to you and I've got no problems when I run everything.
Assuming you've checked the file with a texteditor and its ok, try loading
Autogem before LGSELECT, and/or disabling all DA's.

I'll setup my system as you've described yours and see if I come across any

The Sorcerer is 'Only visiting this planet' but can be found at:

JANET: cadx862
INTERNET: via BITNET: via ukacrl UUCP: via ukc.uucp

or second star to the right and straight on 'till morning.


Date: 22 Apr 91 13:01:35 GMT
From: aurs01! (Jonathan Whitcomb)
Subject: Cubase vs. Omega for ST???

In article <qkuo11w164w@midiline>
(Xorcist) writes:
>X-OR is NOT a multitasking tool with OMEGA as is CUBASE's MIDI MANAGER.

Well, X-or is not a multitasking tool in itself, but it does run in KCS
Omega's Multi Program Environment (MPE), which loads several programs into
memory and lets you switch amoung them without re-loading (effectively
a multitasking environment). In addition, MPE allows several of Dr.T's
programs to share common data. For instance, you can play KCS Omega
sequences from within X-or. The song editor in Omega will automatically
load X-or performances when a new song is loaded, which will save lots
of time. You can only do this sort of thing within will lose
all these capabilities if you go with CUBASE.

>Although, OMEGA, I feel, is better then CUBASE. I've used both and
>CUBASE is a lot buggier then OMEGA and very sluggish. It's like
>working in jello. OMEGA is fast and direct.

And I have yet to find a bug in KCS Omega.

> The only way to utilize XOR and OMEGA is to have 2 ATARI's. I'm going to
>try that soon.

Sorry, this is incorrect... although you will need at least two megs of
RAM to fit them both, you can most definately run them in one ST...I
can comfortably fit KCS, Tiger , the Song Editor and X-or in my
un-modified Mega ST2, with Hotwire! and Maxifile resident. This is a
very powerful setup, and it's great to switch amoung all of the
programs with no waiting. I will have to upgrade to 4 megs in order
to load T-Basic and Quickscore as well, though.

> PS

Jonathan Whitcomb UUCP: <>
Alcatel Network Systems, Raleigh, NC Delphi: JBWHIT


Date: 22 Apr 91 22:25:31 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: Esion XLI and 60 Hz

Due to some tight timing it looks like the Esion XLI
SoundTracker posted to comp.binaries and to some of you
directly from me does ONLY work as it should in 50 Hz.

If you have an Atari monitor it should work in both
50 and 60 Hz (at least they do over here in Europe)
and most good Televisions do too....

Use this short program to switch to 50 Hz video....

begin 644 50hz.prg
M8!H 8 $ $AZ X_/ F3DY<CT)G3D$(z
+~ !@@I.=0 y

Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________
Osterud / / /___ / The norwegian ST
__________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association


Date: 22 Apr 91 14:47:38 GMT
From: aurs01! (Jonathan Whitcomb)
Subject: Good database software wanted.
To: (Michael Goo) writes:

[Gobs of stuff deleted]

>On a related note, has anyone tried out Timework's new Data Manager
>Professional? Any thoughts you'd care to share? ~~~

Do you mean that there is a new version of Data Manager Professional?
I bought mine about a year ago, and although I haven't spent a great
deal of time with it, it does seem like a nice vanilla database.

The thing is completely GEM driven, but the menus and documentation
are very "British", and some of the terms were less than intuitive
in American English.

(Funny how the languages have diverged! Usually the changes I've
noticed are in developments in technology made since the turn of
the century...truck vs. lorry, trunk/hood vs. boot/bonnet and
so on. I was in England on business a year ago and had to
translate British English to American English for my partner.
Reminds me of a quote from "My Fair Lady". :~) )

Once you get used to the terminology it is easy to use, and relatively
powerful. You have to live with the built in features though, because
there is no associated command language.

You also have to make sure you plan out your data fields well in
advance, because you can't easily add new ones or change parameters
of existing ones once you've gotten started. It should be
more than adequate for all but the most advanced users.

The program is not copy protected, so you can use it on your
hard disk. It comes on two floppy disks, and is not bad to
operate off of floppies (I did so before I bought my hard

Jonathan Whitcomb UUCP: <>
Alcatel Network Systems, Raleigh, NC Delphi: JBWHIT


Date: 22 Apr 91 15:35:20 GMT
!ipsi! (Georg Wallmann)
Subject: Graphics on the STE - v. generally speaking...

In article <> (Robert G.
Rhode) writes:
>In article <>, (Robert G.
Rhode) writes:
>> In article <1563@ipsi.UUCP>, wallmann@ipsi.UUCP (Georg Wallmann) writes:
>> > always came up with "too expensive". Of course if you think 16 MB isn't
>> > expensive ... as you do in your post. While thinking about it I
>> > had this great idea for a new RAM technology, which unfortunately
>> > (then unbeknownst to me) already existed as dual-port RAM. Even then the
>> > bus width needed and the cycle speed is just about too ridicolous for
>> > [deleted]
>> I think I can (theoretically) offer you a better deal:
>> How about 1024x1024x24-bit color for <$350 parts cost (if you are an OEM)...
>> Ingredients:
>> 24 1-Megabit Video Rams @
>> 1 Brooktree triple 8-bit RAMDAC @
>> glue logic
>I hope this reaches more than just me this time...
Sure did...

Your graphics board sounds quite good, even for twice the price, but
what H.Chu and I were talking about was some sort of graphip coprocessor
like the old 8-Bit ANTIC. ANTIC provided control over the vertical
arrangement of the screen (where to get the memory from and to display
in what resolution). I figured that a coprocessor that also tried to
control the horizontal arrangement (as great as that would be) would be
much to costly in terms of bus speed. Otherwise you'd need to
restrict the number of windows displayable pretty severely.

As to the guy, who responded saying that hardware cursors were bullshit
in the nineties. We 'discussed' this offline and I just want to state
a) I am not convinced that hardware cursors are useless
b) questioning my CS knowledge was maybe a bit hasty

Anyway. I have seen a couple of adds now in various journals about note
book computers. I thought that the Atari notebook was doing handwriting
recognition, or am I wrong on that ? Most of the other notebooks don't
seem to be able to do that.

Email: XBR1DE7B@DDATHD21.BITNET (only this address)


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 12:42 N
Subject: How to set environment and have shel_find use it (problem solved!)

Ton van Overbeek send me the assembler source of the original environ.prg.
After some minor changes it assembled with Borland's MAS. This time
it runs flawlessly on the TT. The problem with the original environ.prg
is probably caused by the assembler used (No. I do't know what problem
or which assembler, it just bombed).

The approach used in environ.s is another one as the one that was discussed
here earlier. Environ.s uses the exec_os vector ($4fe) to change the
environment for the AES before it is started. This works better than changes
in the environment pointer in the basepage of the parent processes.

If there is interest in it I will post the new binary.

The advantages of environ.prg are:

- You can set the environment for things like TeX and SEDT, without
bothering which shell you will use.
- You can change the environment string for PATH to include e.g c:\bin
this will be used by shel_find and by rsrc_load. Thus you can have all
resources in the same place, without having to cd there before the
program starts.

Chris Evelo

Dept. of Occup. & Chris Evelo
and Toxicology.
University of Limburg Tel: 31-43-888635
P.O. Box 616 Fax: 31-43-436080
6200 MD Maastricht
The Netherlands


Date: 17 Apr 91 05:28:15 GMT
From: unisoft!bdt! (David Beckemeyer)
Subject: ICD AdSpeed

Do many people have the ICD AdSpeed?

I recently put one in a Mega ST-4 with a Moniterm board and
it seemed to work pretty well. I left the machine on overnight
and it had crashed by morning. It seems that it crashed within
a few hours. The problem seems to be heat related, because the
system seems to get flakey after it's been on for a while.

Has anybody else experienced similar problems?
David Beckemeyer (david@bdt.COM) | "Don't call me Stupid!"
Beckemeyer Development Tools | "No. That would be an insult
P.O. Box 21575, Oakland, CA 94620 | to all the stupid people!"

UUCP: {uunet,ucbvax}!unisoft!bdt!david | - A fish called Wanda


Date: 23 Apr 91 02:37:40 GMT
(Terry Reeves)
Subject: Monitors!

In article <>, (Luis
Outumuro) says:
>than the Moniterm. The ISAC has a resolution of 1024 x 768 in both color and
>monochrome modes; with a palette of 4096 in color mode, and 2 colors in
>"DuoChrome" mode (DuoChrome allow you to choose which two color you prefer in
>the monochrome mode).

Is that 4096 colors on the screen at one time, or is 4096 the numbers of colors
that one gets to choose a subset of, like 16 out of 512. Also, how much does
this baby cost? I might consider getting one some day, and a rough price would
tell me how long I have to wait. Thanks.


Disclaimer: The above are my opinions. They are not necessarily the opinions
of SLAC, Stanford University, the DOE, or the U.S. government.


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 04:54:33 CDT
From: fisher@sifvs9.SINet.SLB.COM (Craig Fisher - Schlumberger Technologies)
Subject: Next release of Mupfel

> From: (Julian F. Reschke)
> Subject: Okami Shell - NOT with VI, NO ARGV/xARG support!

> All these things will be possible in the next Mupfel version (which will
> have a 99% bourne shell compatible script language, main difference to
> sh: it will be able to cope with 8-bit characters).

The one thing I DO prefer about Gulam compared to Mupfel, is the filename
completion (and following on from this - directory caching).

Otherwise I find Mupfel a much nicer to use shell.

Anyone else out there suffering from file-completion-withdrawal-symptoms?

Should it go into the next Mupfel? (*I* would use it...)



Date: 22 Apr 91 23:12:18 GMT
From: noao!asuvax!!!! (Laird
Subject: Other FTL games?

In article <7197@ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM> ricks@ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM (Rick
Silverstein) writes:
>Does FTL produce any other games similar to the quality of Dungeon Master
>and Chaos Strikes Back?
>Rick Silverstein

Oids is (IMHO) even more finely crafted than Dungeon Master and it's
sequel. It's simply amazing how much feeling they got out of so few

- Laird Popkin (


Date: 23 Apr 91 00:49:00 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!wuarchive!udel!have!! (David M. Baggett)
Subject: Other FTL games?

In article <7197@ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM> ricks@ncrcae.Columbia.NCR.COM (Rick
Silverstein) writes:
>Does FTL produce any other games similar to the quality of Dungeon Master
>and Chaos Strikes Back?

How about * Sundog *, one of my favorites.

Dave Baggett

(Wow, more letters in the signature than in the message. Now everyone will
start calling for again...)


Date: 23 Apr 91 14:44 +0200
Subject: Upload to atari.archive (TeXdraw 1.79)

Hi, I've just uploaded the latest release of my program TeXdraw
(object-orientated draw-program for TeX) to
Docs are still in German yet, but there is an English version of
the program.

Hope you enjoy
Jens Pirnay, Institut fuer Physik III, Uni Regensburg, Germany
email: OR hru003.djukfa11.bitnet


Date: 22 Apr 91 23:14:14 GMT
From: ccncsu!! (Shoou-yu tang)
Subject: Whattahe Demo

This might have been answered before but did not catched by me.
Is Whattahe Demo require ST with Color, or there is a patch or a version that
will run on STE?


Date: 23 Apr 91 03:20:42 GMT
noao!asuvax!!wuarchive!usc!jarthur!petunia!!ekrimen@ar (Ed Krimen)
Subject: Whattahe Demo

In article <14427@ccncsu.ColoState.EDU> (Shoou-yu
tang) writes:
> This might have been answered before but did not catched by me.
> Is Whattahe Demo require ST with Color, or there is a patch or a version that
> will run on STE?

Someone posted this a while ago.


Here is a simple patch to enable 'whattahech' to run on the STe:

After you have extracted the MSA file on a disk you start your fave
disk editor and write the following in the bootsector :

Address Value
206(dec) 2e 3c 00 00 3a bc
510(dec) d2 52

that it...
(some of the demos with overscan work, and some don't (they flicker a bit) )


Then, if I wanted to change the values back, I added:

The original settings are

E0 8B EA 8B B7 47

I'm fairly certain that the version at atari.archive has this
modification already performed. It also works on the ST, BTW.

Ed Krimen ...............................................
||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico
/ | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0


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