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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 227

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 23 Apr 91 Volume 91 : Issue 227

Today's Topics:
``Standard'' colors for desktop computers
Atari Color Monitors
Atari for Auction: Update (3 msgs)
Datawock - Nothing to do with Atari!
ICD AdSpeed
Looking for Disk Catalog PRG
Monitors! (2 msgs)
New TOS versions
Pari (2 msgs)
Posting Z*Net International 3rd request!
Spectre GCR / ST Disks
ST GEM-based Word Processors
TEAC 2.88MB SCSI floppy
tos dump
Where is Auto-boot?

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Date: 23 Apr 91 23:07:15 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!swrinde!!maverick!!mrcnext! (charles bridgeland)
Subject: ``Standard'' colors for desktop computers
To: (mathew) writes:
>> Admittedly, this light tan and black (or all-black) color scheme tends to
>> be non-distracting and soothing to the eye, but has anyone else besides me
>> ever been tempted to get a can of "Hot Purple" spray paint (and maybe a
>> day-glo orange racing stripe kit) and liven up their disk shoebox or CPU?

>Jeff "The GOD of Arcade Games" Minter has a resprayed Atari ST. It's black
>with starfields and rainbows and geometric shapes in neon colours and similar
>bizarre decorations.
always been tempted to take green paint and a thin brush and paint vines.
either that or make a nice wooden cabinet quality case
chuck bridgeland---anarchoRepublican
"one thing about a police state, you can always find the police" l. neil smith hire me so I can quit this pit.


Date: 23 Apr 91 20:34:52 GMT
Subject: Atari Color Monitors
To: (Ryk E Spoor):
> certain models of the color monitor, including the one I have, display
> colors much more darkly than they should. As an example, there are parts

Mine did this too...

Inside there are many different adjustment screws in different places.
Many are evasive, even to find! One in particular is a brightness adj.,
which is different than the one you can get at externally.

I adjusted my monitor a few months ago, and ended up making it a little
TOO bright, but I haven't cared enough to fix it...

I used an insulated non-metalic 16" screwdriver, wearing a lead bodysuit,
and stood a mile away as I made the adjustments... plus I closed my eyes!

If you screw up the monitor or yourself, don't blame me.


Date: 22 Apr 91 12:46:03 GMT
From:!hpltoad!ghiggins! (Graham Higgins)
Subject: Atari for Auction: Update

++ I, an American, sold my PC-Ditto II to someone in Singapore - via this
++ wonderful INTERNATIONAL news forum. He was the highest bidder, the shipping
++ was only slightly higher than it would have been within the US, and the sale
++ went flawlessly.

Interesting, how did the purchaser manage to get money to you? I understood
that it's remarkably expensive in the USA to receive non-US-Dollar money from
abroad. Could I have sent you a cheque drawn on a British bank?

++ > It's not too much to ask is it ... ?

++ Yes.

No, not if the vendor is prepared to accept either Visa or international money
orders --- or if the software/hardware is supported in the destination country.


Graham Higgins |
Hewlett-Packard Labs |
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford |
Bristol, U.K. | ...!mcvax!ukc!hplb!gjh
Tel: +44 272 799910 x24014 Fax: +44 272 790554
Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.


Date: 23 Apr 91 23:11:31 GMT
is01!!! (Bill Silvert)
Subject: Atari for Auction: Update

In article <> (Graham
Higgins) writes:
>Interesting, how did the purchaser manage to get money to you? I understood
>that it's remarkably expensive in the USA to receive non-US-Dollar money from
>abroad. Could I have sent you a cheque drawn on a British bank?

Come on, this is not a problem in most cases. I frequently buy items
from the US, and I suspect that the Canadian situation is not unique.
We can buy money orders in US dollars from the Post Office or from most
banks, and I can write cheques in US dollars on my regular bank account
by simply writing US$ all over the cheque (this latter feature may not
be as common).

I don't think that there is any problem coming up with paper in US funds
that a bank will accept, but S&L's are another matter. I tried to give
my brother in the US $200 during a recent visit, and his S&L wouldn't
even accept AmEx traveller's cheques in US dollars sold by a Canadian
bank. So I went down the street and got the money on my bank card.
But real banks (the kind that stay sovent for weeks on end) have never
been a problem.

William Silvert, Habitat Ecology Division, Bedford Inst. of Oceanography
P. O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, CANADA B2Y 4A2. Tel. (902)426-1577


Date: 24 Apr 91 00:06:20 GMT
noao!asuvax!ukma!widener!iggy.GW.Vitalink.COM!lll-winken!taco!!bcasper@a (BRIAN CASPER)
Subject: Atari for Auction: Update

> Interesting, how did the purchaser manage to get money to you? I understood
> that it's remarkably expensive in the USA to receive non-US-Dollar money from
> abroad. Could I have sent you a cheque drawn on a British bank?

As it turned out, he sent me a check drawn on an international bank
which I sent off to
the World Trade Center in New York to cash. It did cost him an extra
$10 to cash, but
he wanted the Ditto II bad enough that it became worth it.

> ++ > It's not too much to ask is it ... ?
> ++ Yes.
> No, not if the vendor is prepared to accept either Visa or
international money
> orders --- or if the software/hardware is supported in the destination

I was referring to the origional posters plea to keep these 'For Sale' posts

Brian Casper
NCSU - Project EOS
(witty .sig pending)


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 91 23:35:35 WET DST
From: Mr I C Mccall <>
Subject: Datawock - Nothing to do with Atari!

Here's a poem I found on one of the BBS's recently. I think it's great,
and worth posting even if it's not strictly about Atari.


'Twas global and the megabytes
Did gyre and gymbal on the disk
All mimsy were the prompts and codes
And the software was brisk

Beware the microchip my son
The bits, the bytes and bauds and such
Beware the CRT and shun
The qwerty keyboards clutch

He took his self-pace book in hand
Long time the menu key he sought
Then wrestled he with the toaster drive
And sat a while in thought

Then as he sought that glitchy bug
The microchip with gates aflame
Came whiffling through its I/O plug
And processed as it came

Asynch, Bisynch, all protocols
His binary went snicker snack
He felt it crash, and with a dash
He came galumphing back

And didst thou tame the microchip
Come interface my beamish boy
O frabjous day, Caloo! Callay!
O database, O Joy

'Twas global and the megabytes
Did gyre and gimbal on the disk
All mimsy were the prompts and codes
And the software was brisk

Good, isn't it?

Ian McCall (


Date: 23 Apr 91 13:05:35 GMT
From: mcrware! (Ric Yeates)
Subject: ICD AdSpeed

In article <10688@bdt.COM> david@bdt.COM (David Beckemeyer) writes:
>Do many people have the ICD AdSpeed?

For those of you with score cards, add 1. I've had mine for a number of

>I recently put one in a Mega ST-4 with a Moniterm board and
>it seemed to work pretty well. I left the machine on overnight
>and it had crashed by morning. It seems that it crashed within
>a few hours. The problem seems to be heat related, because the
>system seems to get flakey after it's been on for a while.
>Has anybody else experienced similar problems?

Mine was added to an old 520ST (w/2.5M). I can't speak for the installation
into a Mega, but in a 520 there doesn't seem to be a heat problem. I run my
ST for about 8 hours a day (as a terminal).


Ric Yeates Microware Systems Corp.
I found these opinions on the floor, so I don't think they belong
to Microware."
1. Grease Generously
2. Wax Philosophically


Date: 23 Apr 91 18:03:15 GMT
From:!oz! (Technoid)
Subject: Looking for Disk Catalog PRG


I have a large number of floppies sitting around here and don't
really want to label them over. I would rather use some sort of disk catalog
system which could pull the directory of a disk into a text editor at which
point I could put comments beside each file. I could then print it and keep
all the filenames in a notebook. Anyone ever seen anything of this sort? I'm
tempted to write one from lack of success in searching, but I basically
program in Turbo Pascal on IBM's and have no prg lang for the ST so I thought
I make a final call for this type of software.


\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Stephan R. Cleaves


Date: 23 Apr 91 18:27:49 GMT
From:!! (Mark Choi)
Subject: Monitors!

The ISAC has 16 onscreen colours out of 4096, and it costs around $750.


P.S. Supposedly LEXICOR has a 24 bit board coming out soon for the ST,
that should be very cheap. Aroung the same as the ISAC. Wait and see, I
say. (since it is not out yet, that is all one can do)


Date: 23 Apr 91 21:20:20 GMT
du (Luis Outumuro)
Subject: Monitors!

Hi Terry,
Correct, the ISAC will display 16 colors from a palette of
4096. The ISAC board costs the same as the Moniterm board; $800 MSRP, but
actual street pricing is around $600 to $650. It has been available for
quite a while now. I believe Jay Craswell (designer/programmer of the ISAC)
recently updated the drivers with a new version. The Calamus Series, DynaCADD,
PageStream and several other applications have specific support for the ISAC.
So does CodeHead's HotWire and MaxiFile (awesome piece of coding!) 3.0's, and
thier shareware utilities. Bye...................



Luis Mark Outumuro III | "Well... you're damned if you do,
Computer Office Products 818/813-1051 | and you're damned if you don't!"

Infoline 818/813-1053 | - Bart Simpson, 1990...


Date: 24 Apr 91 00:21:01 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: New TOS versions

As I sit here testing things on my MEGA STE I discover two things:

a) PINHEAD won't work on TOS 2.05
b) SYSMON won't work on TOS 2.05

Does any body know if there are (or will be) new versions out soon that
supports TOS 1.6, TOS 2.05 and TOS 3.05 ?

Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________
Osterud / / /___ / The norwegian ST
__________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association


Date: 23 Apr 91 18:40:14 GMT
news!! (dennis pixton)
Subject: Pari

Has the number theory package Pari been ported to the ST?

Dennis Pixton
Department of Mathematical Sciences, SUNY-Binghamton, dpixton@bingvaxa.bitnet


Date: 24 Apr 91 02:11:29 GMT
From:!!!usc!!!jato!vsn (Van Snyder)
Subject: Pari

In article <> (dennis pixton) writes:
>Has the number theory package Pari been ported to the ST?
>Dennis Pixton
>Department of Mathematical Sciences, SUNY-Binghamton
>, dpixton@bingvaxa.bitnet

I don't know anything about Pari, but the COMPLETE symbolic mathematics
program MAPLE, which includes substantial number theory support, HAS been
ported. $395 I think. Inquire at or


Date: 23 Apr 91 21:30:54 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!utgpu!watserv1!watmath!l (L.J.Dickey)
Subject: Posting Z*Net International 3rd request!

In article <> (Jon
Clarke) writes:
> This is the third and final request for those wishing Z*Net International
>to this news group Votes will close Monday the 22nd
>of April 1991.
> We require a majority vote for the posting. Please send email to
> or reply direct to this newsgroup.

In my opinion, to post these ZNet issues to the net is an abuse of the
net. Regardless of the outcome of your informal poll, such postings
should not be done. These articles are available to anyone who wants
them to be mailed to them, and they are available at a well known
archive site, eiter by e-mail order or by anonymous ftp.

Jon_Clark, please cease and decist.

Prof L.J. Dickey, Faculty of Mathematics, U of Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1
UUCP: ljdickey@watmath.UUCP ..!uunet!watmath!ljdickey


Date: 23 Apr 91 21:03:03 GMT
From:!!!usc!jarthur!petunia!!ekrimen@a (Ed Krimen)
Subject: SHOWMEM4

Has anyone been able to get this to work on an STe? I thought this version
is supposed to be compatible with everything, including the TT. When I run the
program, I get an 'incompatible ROM version' error.

Ed Krimen ...............................................
||| Video Production Major, California State University, Chico
/ | \ SysOp, Fuji BBS: 916-894-1261 FIDONET: 1:119/4.0


Date: 19 Apr 91 22:04:37 GMT
noao!asuvax!!sun-barr!ccut!wnoc-tyo-news!toumon!wucc!ytsuji@arizon (Y.Tsuji)
Subject: Spectre GCR / ST Disks

You are right in saying that without additional hardware ATARI ST
cannot emulate a MAC. So, without a GCR controller board, one can
import MAC files either via 1.44MB disks or via serial line.
mc68010 is slightly better than mc68000 in that it can restart a
bus error cycle( access to non-existent address -- usually an I/O
address --, a bus error, subroutine call to an emulator, restart).
But if the I/O address or ROM address overlaps, mc68010 is not the
right chip and moreover MAC is now an mc68030 machine, which cannot
be emulated by machines lacking an MMU. Therefore, if I were you,
I should be waiting till ATARI TT with a MAC-II emulator on its VME board
will become affordable for poor people. The mc68030 is ideal for emulation
because it can cope with the address overlap (all the additional
hardware can have convenient addresses).

I do wish a SUN emulator for TT to appear soon.


Date: 23 Apr 91 16:26:32 GMT
From: bcstec!evtprp0b! (Michael R Tucker)
Subject: ST GEM-based Word Processors

I have a question about ST word processors. I would
like to know what is considered the easiest *GEM* word
processor to use. I am thinking that it has to have easy
mouse-based point-and-click cursor location, cut, paste,
delete, and move operations. I don't need a document
processor or a desktop publisher, just something easy to
learn and use. Send me e-mail and I will summarize for
anyone else who wants to know.

Michael Tucker Boeing Computer Services
(206) 342-6168 M/S 04-EU P.O.Box 24346
uunet!bcstec!evtprp0b!mrt7455 Seattle, Washington
Michael Tucker Boeing Computer Services
(206) 342-6168 M/S 03-87 P.O.Box 24346
uunet!bcstec!evtprp0b!mrt7455 Seattle, Washington


Date: 23 Apr 91 20:18:25 GMT
ux! (Jack W. Wine)
Subject: TEAC 2.88MB SCSI floppy

There is discussion in comp.sys.nsc32k about using a SCSI floppy with their
systems and they are considering a group purchase. I was wondering if this
newsgroup is interested with using a 2.88 MB SCSI floppy with their Atari ST

This information was obtained from TEAC America [(213) 726-0303]: there was a
new standard implemented late last year (
disk density indicator hole would specify to a 2.88MB drive whether the insert-
ed disk was of 2.88/1.44/720 formats. This new standard resulted in a new
model 2.88MB drive. TEAC's model number for the drive implementing the change
in optical sensor and firmware is FD-235JS-501-U. This differentiates it from
the old standard drive which has model number FD-235JS-401-U.

There is a programming manual for the drive and it is part number FC1-01 Soft-
ware. Contact Ken Rivera at TEAC (extension 654) to order the manual.

The 2.88MB drive has these specs: 2 heads, 80 cylinders, 36 sector/track, 300
rpm rotation, 135 tracks/inch, 90 KB/s formatted transfer rate (four times
faster than 720K drives). The drive is downward compatible with 1.44MB/720KB

The suggested list price for the TEAC 2.88MB SCSI floppy is $285 and for their
1.44MB SCSI floppy, $230.

Two distributors for the TEAC drive are in California:

Western Micro (619) 453-8430
J.D. Hannam (714) 632-3458


Some benefits for Atari ST/TT owners would be four times storage and speed,
without modifying your floppy controller. It would also be fun to inexpensive-
ly experiment with SCSI.

The drawbacks are that a special driver has to be written for the drive and
a SCSI adaptor is required.

This info is posted to gauge how many people would be interested in either the
2.88 or 1.44MB SCSI floppy. If emailing a reply to me, please specify these
a) prefer 2.88MB or 1.44MB SCSI floppy
b) max. price you would pay for either drive
c) willing to write a driver to interface it with the Atari ST/TT
d) willing to handle a group purchase [others may pay a handling fee]
person should be in the Southern California area.
e) any comments [this is bad idea, other preferred brands, etc.]

I'll post a summary in about 7-10 days.



Date: 24 Apr 91 00:56:28 GMT
nosc!crash!! (Chuck Schul)
Subject: tos dump

how can one get tos on a disk i got 1.2 and i wanna run 1.4 to see if i
should upgrade my machine.if i can get tos 1.4 on disk then i can see if i
wanna upgrade.i know it is possible since i read about tos 2.0 pirate file
being around the east coast(the usuall place for pirate files i guess?)but
you guys fill me with knowledge.!
ProLine: chuckie@pro-odyssey
UUCP: crash!pro-odyssey!chuckie
ARPA: crash!pro-odyssey!


Date: 24 Apr 91 01:36:20 GMT
From:! (Glenn Deardorff - GDP)
Subject: Where is Auto-boot?

I've heard mention of the "auto-boot" program (used to autoboot programs
upon bootup, naturally). I couldn't find it in the Atari archives. Can
some kind soul tell me where I might find it, or, that it IS, in fact,
in the Atari archives. Thankyou


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