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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 158
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INFO-ATARI16 Digest Mon, 5 Feb 90 Volume 90 : Issue 158
Today's Topics:
Floppy drive 1.44 meg woes!
gnuemacs (posting to
Marketing Kibbitz--Not Technical
OK, so they sell the STe in Europe...
Questions about TeX
Resettable RAM Disk
Right Way?????
Turbo C 2.0
Date: 5 Feb 90 11:49:33 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!fbihh! (Morton Swimmer)
Subject: Floppy drive 1.44 meg woes!
Message-ID: <343@fbihh.UUCP>
>What i've done so far:
>1)Moved jumper on teac, setup is now jumpers at D0,and OP.
>2)Took line 19, CLK, off the WD 1772 and the 8hz from the same.
Are you sure it was the line 19? That is the read data line, I
think you want the line 18!
In a German computer magazine, "ST Computer" Jan 1990, there is a full
plan for building such an automatic interface.
Cheers, Ralf (using Morton Swimmer's account)
Date: 5 Feb 90 17:45:37 GMT
From:!!trantor! (polivka al
Subject: gnuemacs (posting to
Message-ID: <>
In article <> (Mark
Maplethorpe) writes:
>Concerning the recent posting of GNUEMACS to
>Please could someone email me parts 1 - 5 as out site didn't receive them.
Could someone please mail _me_ parts 1 - 15 as our site didn't receive them.
Al Polivka arpa:
Mail Stop 102-4858 usenet: uunet!x102a!apolivka
Harris Corporation phone: 407-729-2983
Government Aerospace Systems Div. Bldg: 102 Room: 3433
P.O. Box 94000
Melbourne, FL 32902
Date: 5 Feb 90 15:29:54 GMT
From: dartvax! (Clark L. Breyman)
Subject: Marketing Kibbitz--Not Technical
Message-ID: <19140@dartvax.Dartmouth.EDU>
It struck me that NeXT's practice of including copious software
and especially gnuware with their computer as adding enormous
value to their product: It can function out of the box and one
need not A)get a net connection nor B) try to find a NeXT dealer
with software to have a perfectly functional computer with good
software. When I got my original ST (I traded it in after th ASIC's
died), The inclusion of 1st Word, Neochrome, BASIC and LOGO was
a nice bonus and saved me from dealers more than I had to.
Considering the amount of net traffic devoted to finding
reliable dealers, wouldn't it make sense for Atari to adopt a
similar policy and secure rights to distribute the good Atari
PD and shareware ( FSF software, Sozobon, ARC, ZOO, Gulam, TeX,
Uniterm...) with the computer. It would be a hit to their compiler
set (Alcyon tools), but wouldn't it they make it up in computer
sales? It might also be a convenient way to distribute that
portion of documentation that is publicly available (gemdos.arc on
terminator, progem articles, pexec cookbook...) and a listing of
all registered commerical software for the ST. It would enlighten
the community regarding the true potentials of the machine.
Just an Idea,
Clark Breyman
If this is not the forum for this sort of posting, please flame
me by mail and I will refrain from further such postings.
Date: 5 Feb 90 16:31:29 GMT
From:!asuvax!hrc!force! (Richard E.
Subject: OK, so they sell the STe in Europe...
Message-ID: <4876ef20.14a1f@force.UUCP>
In article <9002020807.AA08400@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, (Jan
Ameij) writes:
> So, Rich Covert is terribly cross that Atari have started selling the STe over
> here first, eh? Well, everything has to be sold somewhere first, and it seems
> fairly logical to release the STe in the area where ST's do best. Why should
> everything be sold in the USA first? The idea that this degrades America to
> status of a Third World Country is a) insulting to LDC's, b) insulting to
> Europe (should we have got it after the USA to confirm our status) and c)
> indicative of the sort of inferiority complex that hardware scrolling won't
> cure.
> Honestly, some people.
> Jan Ameij.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If democracy means Coke, Pepsi, Apple Pie and Apple Corp, I vote Communist.
Jan, the USA market is being relegated to Third World Status by the marketing
of Atari Corp. There is no other explanation for Atari Corp selling new products
in Europe first. As far as the USA market being so much smaller than the
market, that is the fault of Atari Corp. If Atari Corp were to aggresively
the Atari ST/TT computers here in the USA, than the USA market would be bigger
then the Europeon market.
Atari Corp made a committment in 1989 to market new products here in the USA
first. But you can see just how much an Atari promise is worth. Heck, we still
can't get STes, or the Atari PC line. Maybe though Atari Corp is just an
of the overall decline of the entire USA. More and more hi tech is being
in The Far East and Europe and USA is losing ground every day. Just look at high
definition television. The Japanese are leading the USA in that area.
The is NO REASON for Atari STs to be so poorly marketed here in the USA.
With a better marketing and distribution system, the USA could easily lead
Europe in sales of Atari products! The Atari has many advantages over Macs
and Amigas. but, here is the USA, marketing is King Kong. Without good
your product is dead. And Atari Corp has never had decent marketing and
here in the USA.
Heck, I just started learning to use PageStream 1.8 this weekend. And PgS 1.8 is
every bit as good as any Mac program, and costs 1/3 the price of some of the Mac
DTPs. So, Sts could be easily sold as DTP systems. I find that there is very
work that I have to do on my Spectre 128 that I can't do on my ST4.
Richard E. Covert, Lead Engineer of Software Tools Group
AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ (602) - 581-4652
TCP/IP: covertr@gtephx
UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr
Date: 5 Feb 90 16:09:29 GMT
From: eru!luth!sunic!draken!vaxkab!hagelin@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU
Subject: Questions about TeX
Message-ID: <>
Questions about TeX for the ST.
I have seen that TeX is sometimes mentioned in this newsgroup. Does TeX really
exist for the Atari ST ? How much memory does it use, do I have to have a
laserprinter, is it fully compatible with TeX on BIG computers, can I transfer
a DVI-file from the Atari to another computer and still wind up with a
beautifully TeX:ed text ? Where can I find TeX and is it public domain ?
I would appriciate an answer to these quesTeXions and anything else that is
worth knowing about this subject...
Thanks in advance
Date: 5 Feb 90 18:10:43 GMT
mailrus!!utgpu!watserv1!watdragon!tiger! (Steven W. Klassen)
Subject: Resettable RAM Disk
Message-ID: <>
In article <> (William Edward JuneJr)
>I thought MWC *ONLY* works with its ram disk?!
>Seemed like I tried the CodeHead one and it didn't work.
>But then that profile file is a killer to edit too, well, to me it is!
I don't believe there is anything magic about the MWC ram disk. I have
not used any other since getting MWC (since I like the ability to take
a 'snapshot' of the ramdisk and its contents and save it as an executable
file) but I believe it will work with any ram disk. (It will also work
without using a ram disk - thinks are just slower.) You shouldn't even
have to tell profile about it unless you want it to be used automatically
for temporary files. In that case, you need to set up the environment
variable TMPDIR to whatever you called your ramdisk. (My ramdisk is
drive 'h:' and contains a single directory 'tmp'. Hence I set the
variable TMPDIR to 'h:\tmp'.)
I use the ram disk all the time with non-MWC stuff (especially when
downloading, uudecoding, and unarcing stuff from USENET. By doing
all the intermediate steps in the ramdisk I help avoid fragmenting
the hard drive.).
Steven W. Klassen +-----------------------------+
Computer Science Major | Support the fur! |
University of Waterloo +-----------------------------+
Date: 5 Feb 90 18:17:10 GMT
From: uokmax! (Geoffrey Edward Fagan)
Subject: Right Way?????
Message-ID: <1990Feb5.181710.17028@uokmax.uucp>
In article <> (Wayne Ngai)
>Can anyone of you people out there tell me the answer to the following
> Ok, you are in a Jungle and it is getting dark. You must find
>your way out of the jungle. In the Jungle lived two tribes, one tribe
>is good and always tells the truth while the other tribe is bad and
>alway tells lies. You are on a dirty path and came upon a Y-intersection.
>Right in front of you is a sign pointing right and reads "This way to
>Safty------->". Behind the sign is a native, You can only ask him
>one question with a yes or no Answer to determine if the native is telling the
> truth or lie and determine which way is the right way out of the jungle.
>Remember you are Allow to ask only one question and it must have a yes
>or no anwer.
>If you have an answer, please tell me by sending it through e-mail!!
>Thank you!
Ok, grab the native. Grab your elephant gun. Place the business end of the
gun against the skull of the native. State "I need to know if this path
leads to safety and I'm gonna take you with me to find out." Finally, ask,
"Do you suggest the left path?"
Geoffrey Fagan (gefagan@uokmax.uucp)
Date: 5 Feb 90 10:45:51 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!laura!exunido! (Ralf Haacke)
Subject: Turbo C 2.0
Message-ID: <1955@laura.UUCP>
the Turbo C Compiler version 2.0 should be available at the end of February
or begin of March (i think March or April !!!)
it costs ca. 500DM (TC2.0 & Source-Level-Debugger & new version of MAS) only
in a packet -- komplett version.
the update from version 1.1 & BUG & MAS up to 2.0 & ... costs ca. 200DM
so long -- Dieter
| Dieter Fiebelko | With a rubber duck, :-) |
| | one's never alone :-? |
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #158