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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 156

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Wed, 20 Mar 91 Volume 91 : Issue 156

Today's Topics:
*RELIABLE* write-through hard disk cache wanted...
40 folder problem
CeBIT impressions
DVIPS 5.47 on the ST
Forcing the scan rate to 50Hz [Sure wish they wouldn't!]
games (3 msgs)
IFF converters?
MIDI Software for ATARI ST - Stereo Leslie Effect
Names Database wanted
Read only (Was: SM124 Monochrome monitor problem)
REXX for the Atari-ST?
ST for Sale
This is just a test.
Turning off Zoom ?
Ultrascript, availability and support needed
Uniterm & Kermit (2 msgs)

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Date: 19 Mar 91 16:12:44 GMT
nic!mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!mantis! (mathew)
Subject: *RELIABLE* write-through hard disk cache wanted...

I'm looking for a hard disk cache program for my ST, to speed up things a
little. I'm sure that there are hundreds of such things, so I wondered if
anyone had any recommendations...

I want a write-through cache (I don't trust the things _that_ much :-) which
is reliable. Ideally it should be written 'by the book'; i.e., XBRA-conformant
and so on. If it has lookahead that would be an added bonus.

Replies by mail, please.


"These kinds of remarks are wholly inappropriate and are the mark of a
bigot." -- Theodore A. Kaldis <>


Date: 20 Mar 91 01:10:50 GMT
Subject: 40 folder problem

In article <> (Mike Fields)
> Does anybody know whether the famous '40 folder problem' is fixed in later
> version of TOS ??
> I have a 4Meg STe with a 40M FA.ST Hard drive, with about 100 folders.
> Occasionally
> files get corrupted, different files get into the middle of files..It
> looks very much
> like the problems when, with my 1040, I encountered the 40 folder
> problem.
> I have tried with foldr150.prg but that didn't seem to change anything,
> but it could
> be because the problem has already happened and until I ZERO the
> partition it
> will continue regardless.
> Anybody any ideas ??
> Thanks
> Mike Fields

From what I know , if it was the Folder Problem you will get a Warning
with the New TOS 1.4/1.6.

But there could be a Problem with the ICD Booter, if you have Write
Caching on, Try turning this Off,
This I have seen quoted to otheres by ICD, you don't have any thing to
loose by trying it..
Roger W. Sheppard 85 Donovan Rd, Kapiti New Zealand...


Date: Wed, 20 Mar 91 14:13
From: "Thomas Koenig"
Subject: CeBIT impressions
To: Info-Atari16 Discussion <>

Some more impressions from CeBIT:

One of the Atari people was talking about a multitasking version of
TOS for the TT, which he said was in the planning stage, but he
stressed that it was too early to say wether it would ever come out.

Some people at Atari wonder wether a TOS window under Unix would be a
good idea.

Maxon GmbH, the people who write the "ST COMPUTER" magazine, showed a
program called MultiGEM. If you run it, you can have up to 7 windows
on your desktop. The different windows may belong to different
applications, which may run at the same time, or to the desktop.
Input switching between different applications is done with the
accessory menu, which means that at most 6 different applications may
be active at any time. The active application gets the menu bar.
Just how far actual multitasking goes, I don't know; one guy was
typing something into one window while a grapics demo was running in
a different window. It is also possible to configure Gemini as the
standard desktop. Price is DM 159.- (US$100). Maxon claimed that all
programs which do only output to windows and don't mess with the menu
bar will run without problems; they did not say wether any particular
program would run under MultiGEM. A large monitor may come in handy
:-), TOS 1.2 or higher needed. TOS - programs run in a window. BTW,
somebody said Leonard Tramiel went back to the States with a MultiGEM
disk in his baggage.

Karsten Isakovic, the guy who built OverScan, said the CeBIT
developer's conference was 'very constructive', much better than last

Norman Kowalewski, one of the authors of KAOS and now a member of
Atari's software support team, said that there was very intensive
development going on with TOS. He called for bug reports, as
complete as possible, with sample code. Since more than 60 TOS bugs
have been fixed in KAOS, I think he is a guy who knows what he is
talking about. He also said that KAOS had been necessary to show
what was wrong with TOS and that it could be fixed, but he did not
advocate KAOS as a TOS replacement because of - guess what? -
incompatibilities in AES and GEMDOS.

Also, in his official capacity as an Atari employee, he admitted
Atari mistakes, promising things would be better in the future. As
an example, he cited the fast arrival of the Mega STE and the bug
fixes in TOS 3.05.

Thomas Koenig


Date: Wed, 20 Mar 91 11:45:01 MET
Subject: DVIPS 5.47 on the ST
To: Info Atari16 Digest <>

I have seen a renewed interest on TeX since the generation of a lot
of TeX programs after the 2.9 to release upgrade and the
availability of the GCC in the ST world.

I use a DVI to PostScript driver in the MS-DOS and Unix world
(The DVIPS program by Thomas Rockiki) and I have tried to port
the 5.47 (maybe the last :-) ) version of it to the ST. I must
say that the presence of GCC has permitted to do that absolutely
without pain, with only very small modifications of the Unix makefile.

I think that this dvi driver is the best of the world, in particular
if you have a PS printer with a relatively large amount of VM (my
printer has 4 MB but 2.5 are quite adequate). I have not sent the
port to atari.archive (I will ask Rockiki for permission if people
ask this) but if some ST-netter is interested I can send him my
files for testing. The installation of DVIPS is not completely
easy, but if you get the .tar.Z sources by anonymous ftp at (directory pub) you will find a very good manual
in PostScript ( which permits a gentle introduction to
DVIPS use.

People interested may e-mail me at the addresses in the signature
(the IPIFIDPT address is preferred) .....

Bruno BARSELLA - Astronomy and Astrophysics Section
Department of Physics - University of PISA
Piazza Torricelli, 2 --- 56100 PISA ITALY


Date: 20 Mar 91 05:26:58 GMT
From: haven!! (David M. Baggett)
Subject: Forcing the scan rate to 50Hz [Sure wish they wouldn't!]

>European TVs work at 50 Hz. We make up for the fewer frames per second by
>having more vertical resolution and properly-encoded colours.

The only real reason game writers alter the scan rate is so the game
play timing won't change. Games run 16.3% faster on U.S. ST's because
the scan rate is 60Hz here. This means Joust, e.g., is more difficult
in the U.S. than it is in the UK, something I always make clear when
comparing high scores with my British competitors. :-)

An example of a problem caused by the scan rate difference is the
treasure room in Guantlet II. U.S. players will notice that the timer
only counts down to about 4 or so, then the level ends. This is
because the countdown code stupidly relies on the scan rate being only
50 frames per second (it counts a second by waiting for 50 vblanks to
elapse). On U.S. machines 50 vblanks occur in 5/6ths of a second, so
the timer counts down too quickly, and you only get 16.6 seconds in
the treasure room instead of the normal 20. (Or is it 25?)

To avoid the timing problems, some European programmers force U.S.
machines into 50Hz mode. (This is accomplished by twiddling a bit in
one of the video hardware registers.) Unfortunately, many early ST
monitors (those made by GoldStar, I think) just can't handle the
switch, and the monitor goes completely off sync. (We're talking
"instant headache mode".) It's a shame too, because the GoldStars had
better picture quality to my eyes. Many European games and demos are
completely unuseable on my machine -- I can only assume that European
folks just don't know their stuff doesn't work on a substantial portion
of U.S. machines. Thank God Speedball II doesn't change the scan rate...

(Hmm, this sounded a bit technical. Followups to

Dave Baggett


Date: 20 Mar 91 05:18:05 GMT
From: ubc-cs!alberta!aunro!ersys! (Greg
Subject: games
To: writes:

> Hey out there, can anyone tell me if there is a ST version of the follow
> g 8bit games: Castle Wolfenstein I and/or II, and M.U.L.E.????
> Aloha,
> MW

If you're looking for a ST version of M.U.L.E. from Electronic Arts, you
are SOL. A person in New York State is in the process of making a clone
of it (called M.O.L.E.), but I don't know how far he is.

As far as CW I or II go, you know as much as I do in that regards. You
must have had either a Commodore 64 or an Apple II at one time in your
life to have experiences with those 2 games.

Greg Granger

= INet: ersys! =
= Fnet: Greg Granger (Node 532) Dark Knight (Node 595)=
= Post: 5906-188 Street Edmonton, AB Canada T6M-2A9 =
= Tele: +1 403 481-0803 OR +1 403 481-5110 =

P. S. Dave L., if you have your UseNet feed up and running on your Sun
yet, and you are reading this msg., please let us know about your
progress on M.O.L.E.

Greg Granger ersys!
Edmonton Remote Systems: Serving Northern Alberta since 1982


Date: 20 Mar 91 14:48:46 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!ai-lab!!j (John Bunch)
Subject: games

CW was also available for the 8-bit.. I had it... I think I had II,
I know nothing about it being availabe for the ST. Sorry...

* John Bunch * 610 Morris St. * To be filled with a nifty *
* * Albany,NY * quote at a later date... *
* * 12208 * *


Date: 20 Mar 91 15:06:15 GMT
u!quiche! (Acme Instant Dehydrated Boulder Kit)
Subject: games

In article <uwD4y1w164w@ersys.uucp> ersys! (Greg
Granger) writes:
> writes:

>> Hey out there, can anyone tell me if there is a ST version of the
>> g 8bit games: Castle Wolfenstein I and/or II, and M.U.L.E.????

>As far as CW I or II go, you know as much as I do in that regards. You
>must have had either a Commodore 64 or an Apple II at one time in your
>life to have experiences with those 2 games.

speaking of games by Silas Warner, it seems lots of us have roots back in
the 8 bit days, has anyone seen a good game which is like ROBOTWAR which
came out by the same company/author who wrote Castle Wolfenstein and MULE?

|S. Alan Ezust : McGill University School of Computer Science |
| : Montreal, Quebec, Canada |


Date: 20 Mar 91 04:09:48 GMT
e!! (Warwick Allison)
Subject: IFF converters?

In <> (Michael) writes:

>Is there a good iff converter that someone could recommend?
>I would like one that converts to Spectrum 512 format.
>If anyone has a PD or shareware one could they upload it to

There is a GIF to SPECTRUM converter on atari.archive, so just find a IFF to
GIF! You'll probably have such tools at your University.
/ * <-- Computer Science Department,
\_.--._/ University of Queensland,


Date: 19 Mar 91 16:18:53 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!usc!snorkelwacker.m!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!mantis!mathew@ar (mathew)
Subject: lynx
To: (Johnny Schweigl/2113674) writes:
> From article <>, by (Chuck Schu
> > anyone know much on the atari lynx and how it is doing worldwide?
> Hmm. Nice thing, color, sound, could have been a success. If not Nintendo
> had thrown it's GameBoy into the market [...]
> [...] and up to now some 20 Games available, far more than for the lynx,
> new ones coming continuosly.

There are quite a few Lynx games out now. I was pleasantly surprised. I'm
almost tempted to blow some money on one... Maybe this summer...

> Lynx lost the battle, at least here in Austria. Must become smaller and
> cheaper and be there before Nintendo builds a color GameBoy.

It *has* become smaller and cheaper. The latest model of the Lynx is about
2/3 of the length, and 20% cheaper. They're also no longer forcing you to
get California Games along with the thing; I'd much rather have Gauntlet III.

I wouldn't buy a GameBoy for the same reason I won't buy a Mac.
Manufacturer's too obnoxious. I can put up with stupid companies like Atari
[ducks :-) ] but deliberately monopolistic companies? No way.

"These kinds of remarks are wholly inappropriate and are the mark of a
bigot." -- Theodore A. Kaldis <>


Date: 20 Mar 91 14:29:23 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!caen!!!!vela! ( EVENSONG)
Subject: MIDI Software for ATARI ST - Stereo Leslie Effect

I had some trouble with my elm filters, so I have not been receiving any mail
for a couple of days. I would appreciate if anyone that replied to the
original postings is still interested, that they reply again now that I am once
again receiving mail. Sorry for the bandwidth....

>Article 15606 of
>Path: vela!swood
>From: ( EVENSONG)
>Subject: MIDI Software for ATARI ST - Stereo Leslie Effect
>Message-ID: <>
>Date: 17 Mar 91 23:04:05 GMT
>Followup-To: poster
>Organization: Oakland University, Rochester MI.
>Lines: 31
>Xref: vela

Software for ATARI ST MIDI

Master Tracks Pro (one week old - not what I needed)
original box, etc. (bought for $289)
UltraMIDI total control workstation (MidiMouse Music)
Never used - controlled midi prompting from your synth
(cost $249)
MichTron SuperConductor Sequencer ($49)

Sell as Package for $300 or $175 for either of the first two, and the first
reply will get the supercharger program thrown in. Would rather sell as
a set though

Stereo Leslie style effects generator
Foot button style switch. Mono input, stereo output

I bought it used and have not even tried to hook it up. I ended up
running mono anyway, and thus have not had a need for it. I paid $35
dollars for it on the network, and would like to get $25 for it.
mono input, and stereo output. Power plug included, or run on batteries.


---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- |
Bitnet: swood@Oakland |
UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!


Date: 20 Mar 91 13:04:50 GMT
!know!! (Keith Bedford)
Subject: Names Database wanted

Does anyone know of a database (or ASCII file) of Christian Names
I can download (for naming a child, not Junk mail!) for processing
on an ST? A program to manipulate it would be nice but I could write

Please email me -
Thanks in advance,


Date: 19 Mar 91 16:21:51 GMT
nic!mcsun!ukc!slxsys!ibmpcug!mantis! (mathew)
Subject: Read only (Was: SM124 Monochrome monitor problem)
To: (John Janssen) writes:
> I was in the same position for some years.
> I could read many newsgroups, but was not allowed to post.
> Even email outside the company was not allowed.
> This was for security reasons of the research center I was then.

I used to have Email access but not posting privileges. For the benefit of
others in the same position, it's possible to post to Usenet by mailing your
article to a suitable backbone site.

For example, you can post to by mailing your article to

"These kinds of remarks are wholly inappropriate and are the mark of a
bigot." -- Theodore A. Kaldis <>


Date: Wed, 20 Mar 91 17:20:32 MEZ
Subject: REXX for the Atari-ST?
To: Atari Discussion List <>

Hello Atari-User

Few moths ago i have asked a question about REXX for the ATARI-ST.
I'm looking for a REXX-Interpreter for the Atari.
All i got was an info, saying that there *was* a discussion about
such a programm called something like "REXX-ST" in the Fidonet.
I haven't found something about REXX in the Fidonet (perhaps my
mailbox doesn't store the massages long enough). Is there someone
who can help me?

Thanks, Wolfgang Ley.


Date: 20 Mar 91 05:08:28 GMT
noao!ncar!!!!!!c! (Michael Weston)
Subject: ST for Sale

520 ST System for sale:

Floppy Drive
Color Monitor
Panasonic KX-P1080i Printer
box of tractor-feed paper
WordPerfect 4.1 (Orig. Disks, Manual, minus Thesaurus Disk)
Miscellaneous Software (70 disks, commercial and PD)
Modem (Auto Answer, Non-Auto Dial)
Flash 1.52 (Communications Program)

Any reasonable offer for all or part of the package will be considered.

If interested, send mail or call Michael at (503) 344-9392.


Date: 20 Mar 91 08:28:20 GMT
From:! (Herbert Sauro)
Subject: This is just a test.

This is jsut a test


Date: 20 Mar 91 11:34:15 GMT
e!! (Warwick Allison)
Subject: Turning off Zoom ?

I remember seing a program a while back that turned off those time consuming
`Zoom' lines when programs are run and windows are opened. Does anyone know
of such a program? I looked around on the archive, but found nothing.

/ * <-- Computer Science Department,
\_.--._/ University of Queensland,


Date: Wed, 20 Mar 91 17:58 N
Subject: Ultrascript, availability and support needed

Comment: Mail not returnable through this path, use the list address

Author: AEOLUS::NOTES3C "meyerpm Peter"
Topic 403.0
Time: 20-MAR-1991 17:45 ZRH

Could anybody send me some information about ULTRASCRIPT
(eg. newest Version, * producer's FAX-number * etc) ?

Please reply via E-mail:


Date: 20 Mar 91 11:43:15 GMT
1!watdragon!watyew! (Brian A. Dorion)
Subject: Uniterm & Kermit

In article <> (Ty Zucker) writes:
>Help! I'm having big problems trying to get Uniterm to download
>files with kermit. Can someone send me a detailed message on what to
I'd be interested in any advice people have as well. I download some-
thing to my ST, and when I try to unarc it, the arc usually comes up
with a comment like "This uses 13 bits I can only handle 12." Can anyone
tell me why the files I try to downloaded after ftp'ing keep getting
smashed? The text files are ok, its just the binaries that are getting

Brian Dorion
Kitchener, Ontario


Date: 20 Mar 91 15:51:12 GMT
noao!ncar!!usc!!magnus.acs.ohio-stat!!bgsuvax! (Jim Bernatowicz)
Subject: Uniterm & Kermit

From article <>, by (Brian A. Dorion):

>>Help! I'm having big problems trying to get Uniterm to download
>>files with kermit. Can someone send me a detailed message on what to
> I'd be interested in any advice people have as well. I download some-
> thing to my ST, and when I try to unarc it, the arc usually comes up
> with a comment like "This uses 13 bits I can only handle 12." Can anyone
> tell me why the files I try to downloaded after ftp'ing keep getting
> smashed? The text files are ok, its just the binaries that are getting
> creamed.

I suspect you did not tell the remote kermit server to send in Binary
mode. Both the local and remote systems MUST be set to binary mode because
the default is text. (LF's are converted to LF/CR or the other way around.)


Enter the above command for both the remote and local kermit. If you
are using Kermit to Xfer files from a Vax, you may wish to look for
sx,sb,sz (Send Xmodem, Batch (Ymodem), Zmodem, respectively.) Also,
rx,rb,rz are the receive counterparts. Once I found these, I found
Kermit to be too annoying and slow to deal with.


End of Info-Atari16 Digest

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