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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 171

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 26 Mar 91 Volume 91 : Issue 171

Today's Topics:
1040 problem
Atari.archive index and uploads
Closing Windows
GEM source code
Hybrid Arts Sequencers?
memory upgrade woes on a Mega 1
Metafile --> DVI
Multi GEM
New Version of HacMan II Available
Prospero C/ STE
SM124 Monochrome monitor problem (an another one).
ST Disks & Sparcstation Drives
STE distribution disk wanted.
ST Pad specs
TT & GCR 3.0 ???
TT (vapor) (2 msgs)
Undo key on Uniterm
VanTerm questions

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Date: 26 Mar 91 20:06:43 GMT
edu (david.c.willett)
Subject: 1040 problem

In article <>,
(HARRIS JAY L) writes:
> then locks up with the dread black screen syndrome. Cold booting immediately
> doesn't help. If left alone for 2-3 hours, it will boot and run ok.
> Any suggestions welcomed, or similar symptoms and cures. Sounds like
> someone is getting warm and flaking out, but before I can opener it encore
> and douche it with heat gun and cool spray, I'd appreciate any and all help.
> I do realize that Mr ZRAM sits on the video shifter, and it probably runs
> hotter than it did at 1M, but I can't see how the video shifty could screw up
> a cold boot, but there's lots I can't see, I wear glasses.
> Thanks j harris

This looks like a portion of a submission, so forgive if I missed something.
I had a similar problem with my 1040 ST (1 meg) a couple years ago. I found
out the problem went away when I moved to a house with more dependable
power and I got a better surge protector. Did you know that on the STs the
sound chip is connected to the peripheral processor? I don't recall the
details but I remember being suprised that programs "use" the sound chip
without generating any noise.



Date: 25 Mar 91 14:47:01 GMT
noao!ncar!!!caen!umich!terminator!! (Jeff Weiner)
Subject: Atari.archive index and uploads

Well, the index is almost all done. There's about three directories
to go. At this time, I'd like to ask that all take a look at it,
and see if you can come up with a one liner for any of the files
described as ???. Just mail 'em off to me. Thanks.

I'd also like to thank all of the people who have been sending in uploads
lately. I've been sort of putting them off, in an effort to finish this
index. I'll get to them before the week is up, so please don't fret.

Jeff Weiner
Mail and ask if he'd like a beefy tostada Caretaker||194M and climbin'|| "So like take off eh?"


Date: 26 Mar 91 18:05:52 GMT
Subject: Closing Windows

> every once in an while I had the problem that a window wouldn't
> respond the first time I clicked eg. the closer. I figured it was
> a rare bug burried in GEM.
> So the question is, if there is any way around this problem that one
> has to click twice to close the window ? Do other people have this, too ?

I have the problem when I use VIP PROFESSIONAL; I just keep clicking until
it closes!!

Steve Shawl


Date: 26 Mar 91 11:01:16 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!utrcu1!infnews! (Mark Ramaer)
Subject: GEM source code

In article <>, (Steve Yelvington)
|> [deleted]
|> In the spirit of Sharing More GEM Code, here's a couple of functions.
|> Corrections/suggestions are welcome. The third function apparently
|> has a bug that shows up when I add |M_BUTTON to the arguments to
|> evnt_multi(); if anybody sees what I did wrong please let me know.

|> /* This is where I wait for a timeout or a keystroke.
|> I'd like to wait for a mouse click, but adding
|> MU_BUTTON to the first argument causes evnt_multi
|> to return immediately. ??? */
|> evnt_multi(MU_TIMER|MU_KEYBD,
|> 1, 1, 0,
|> 0,0,0,0,0,
|> 0,0,0,0,0,
|> &junk,
|> loword(delay),hiword(delay),
|> &junk,&junk,
|> &junk,&junk,
|> &junk,
|> &junk);
You are waiting for the left mouse button to be UP, this probably already the
case. Change this into:

int current_button_state;
MB_CLICKS, MB_MASK, current_button_state,

where MB_CLICKS and MB_MASK are defined as:

#define MB_MASK 3 /* both buttons are relevant */
#define NOT 0x100 /* wait until state != current state */
#define MB_CLICKS 1|NOT /* once is enough */

or if you trust that both buttons are up when you call evnt_multi:


It helps, i tried it yesterday. :-)


Date: 26 Mar 91 15:33:52 GMT
From: hpcc05!hpcc01! (Jeff Wright)
Subject: Hybrid Arts Sequencers?

Has anybody used the Hybrid Arts "EditTrack II" or newer "EditTrack
Gold" sequencers? I'm thinking of replacing my obsolete sequencer
with something a little newer, and I'm attracted to Hybrid Arts
because I own their EZ-Score software. My needs are fairly basic, I'm
looking for something that has:

o Graphical sequence/track editing
o "Song" editing by measures or sequences
o User-definable quantization
o Import/Export standard MIDI files
o Runs on 1040ST (1M RAM) with color monitor

I'm also considering Dr. T's Tiger Cub software, but it doesn't seem
to have any kind of song editing, and 12 tracks seems a bit limiting.

Please post if you have any comments on the Hybrid Arts packages or
any other suggestions.

--Jeff Wright HP Circuit Technology R&D (HPtelnet/415) 857-5351


Date: 26 Mar 91 09:22:19 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!philapd!idcapd! (W.C. Bulte)
Subject: memory upgrade woes on a Mega 1

There is definitely a Mega ST1. I have one on my desk at home....
_ __________________________________________________________________________
| / o / / _ Wilko Bulte Domain:
|/|/ / / /( (_) uucp : [mcsun,hp4nl]!philapd!wilko
* Philips Information Systems Nederland phone: +31 55-432372 fax: +31 55-432103
"Do, or do not. There is no 'try'" Yoda - The Empire Strikes Back


Date: Tue, 26 Mar 91 20:19
From: "Thomas Koenig"
Subject: Metafile --> DVI
To: Info-Atari16 Discussion <> (Eric A. HOBBS!) wrote:
> While I'm on the subject of conversion programs, is there an ST
> program that will convert from Metafiles to DVI?

There is one German PD program called TeXGRAPH, which is a drawing
program primarily intended for making LaTeX - picture - environments,
either the original ones or with epic.sty. It can also output
drawings as MetaFont - files.

It can import a couple of formats, including HPGL; I'm not sure about
GEM files.

The author made some conditions about distribution; I'll check them
and, if possible, I'll post it or upload it to atari.archive.
Note, however, that the docs are completely in German.

Thomas Koenig


Date: 26 Mar 91 13:16:01 GMT
noao!ncar!!rpi!uupsi!sunic!!hydra!kreeta! (Markku Luoto)
Subject: Multi GEM

Has anybody Really used/tested multi GEM ???
what's it worth ?
how fast ???
and most important: does it work on TT030/8 ???
if does, does it take advantage of the fast TT-ram (so. does it support
over 4megs of memory ???)

wilco !

>>>>>> " I'm completely operational & all my cicuits are functioning <<<<<<
>>>>>>! " : HAl9000 <<<<<<


Date: 26 Mar 91 19:47:35 GMT
(David M. Baggett)
Subject: New Version of HacMan II Available

Since the hacman2.lzh file on apparently got munged
recently, I've uploaded the latest version. It's now an ARC file, to make
those of you who hate LHarc happy. :-)

In any case, this version (1.14) fixes a bug in the previous version
which would crash the game for no obvious reason. (Quite rare, but a
real bummer.) Those of you who are fortunate enough to have
GEnie/Compuserve/etc. accounts, please upload this new version to the
online services. I would greatly appreciate it, since there seem to be
mostly older versions of the program out there and people are still
occasionally reporting problems that I've fixed already.

NOTE: If you're wondering whether the version YOU have is the fixed
one, it's not. This is the first time I've released the corrected
one. Find it in atari/games/hacman2.arc in the next few days.

Dave Baggett

PS> Does anybody actually PLAY the game, or am I doing this for my health?
Just curious.


Date: 26 Mar 91 16:04:48 GMT
ab!! (John Bunch)
Subject: Prospero C/ STE


Thanx for your reply, but I found out what the problem was. It
seems that prospero C wanted the date set. It did not like that fact
that on bootup my date is 00-00-128 00:00:00, so I got a program to
set my date automagically. I have had no problems though using it
with Quick ST 2.10? It works again...

* John Bunch * 610 Morris St. * To be filled with a nifty *
* * Albany,NY * quote at a later date... *
* * 12208 * *


Date: 26 Mar 91 00:21:25 GMT
a! (Andy Cassino)
Subject: SM124 Monochrome monitor problem (an another one).

On the topic of monochrome monitor fading, here's some more information,
received from KREYMER@FNAL.FNAL.GOV:

"I have seen this problem on many monochrome monitors over the last couple
of years. Thank you for the solution to an old, nagging problem !
I have installed the suggested zener diodes on one of my monitors, and
the problem has vanished as advertised. Inspired by this success, I
tried a similar, simpler solution. I have installed a simple 33 kilohm
resistor between B2 and ground. It draws just 2 milliamps, which is enough
to keep the voltage between 68 and 72 volts. The screen is just as stable
as with the zeners, and 33K resistors are a lot easier to find then 72 V
zeners. Any value from 33K to 100K seems to do the job."

% Andy Cassino %
% Hewlett-Packard - Lake Stevens Instrument Division %


Date: 26 Mar 91 18:08:32 GMT
dgbt! (Phil Blanchfield)
Subject: ST Disks & Sparcstation Drives

> Specifically, I want to read files from a double sided disk onto
> my Sparc and then transfer them to my ST hard disk via modem (I
> only have a single-sided floppy).

SUN-OS V4.1.1 supports reading, writing and formatting 760K DOS/ST
diskettes directly.

To format use:

fdformat -l -d

To use put:

/dev/fd0 /pcfs pcfs rw,noauto 0 0

into /etc/fstab (usually there already)

Then mount with:

mount /pcfs

Then regular UNIX commands (ls cp mv etc.) will work with the floppy.


You have to su root to do the mount /pcfs.

Phil Blanchfield
The Communications Research Centre 3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa Ontario CANADA
Internet: OR


Date: 25 Mar 91 20:05:05 GMT
From: hpcc05!hpldsla! (David Williams)
Subject: STE distribution disk wanted.

I'm not sure if this is an unusual or illegal request - if it is
just ignore it, I DON'T want to start a long discussion about
software copyright.

I bought an STE a few months back, and I didn't receive a floppy
disk with it - or a book. Yes, I bought it from a dealer, but
it was trade-in arrangement, and he wouldn't give me the book,
or the disk. I was in a hurry, and I never figured I would need
either, as I have never used the book or the disk that came with
my original 1040ST. To get to the point..

Now, I am worried I am missing out on something. Can someone
send me an archive of the files supplied with the STE - or point
to to an ftp site that has them? Any useful information from
the manual would also be appreciated.



Date: 25 Mar 91 18:38:20 GMT
ex!egsner!ataritx!atari! (T R Hall)
Subject: ST Pad specs
To: (Ed Krimen) writes:

> (Conan the Barbarian) writes:

>- TOS with additional stylus features including mouse emulation and
>- handwriting recognition.
>I don't know, but for some reason 'TOS with...handwriting recognition'
>doesn't seem to jive, if you know what I mean. :~)

>Thanks for posting the information. May I ask where you found it? I
>just like to know the sources of these things. :~)

You may feel skeptical, but as the designer of the two machines
announced, I can tell you that "TOS ... with handwritting recognition" is
FACT, not conjecture. The HCR code will be in the ROMs (and was, in the Demo
at CeBIT), and tied into the operating system and desktop such that a gesture
in the Menu Bar area will bring up a window (as invisibly to existing
applications as possible) into which Hand-written characters are drawn. As you
write, the characters are converted to ASCII; when you are satisfied, the
characters are sent (via the Keyboard input stream) to the application. This
way, _*existing*_ applications will have HCR capabilitites.

The "hooks" to call the HCR system will be available to software
developers, so they may call it directly, to recognize ASCII characters,
special character sets, or even gestures. This will be part of the standard
documentation. In case you're curious, the software is a neural-net


[ Incidently, "OCR" is "Optical Character Recognition" and "HCR" is
"Handwritten Character Recognition"; the former uses the Bit-Map image; the
latter uses the "pen-stroke" information directly.]


Date: 26 Mar 91 13:13:00 GMT
noao!ncar!!rpi!uupsi!sunic!!hydra!kreeta! (Markku Luoto)
Subject: TT & GCR 3.0 ???

Is there anybody out there with a TT & spectre GCR 3.0 (the newest ??)

- Does it really work ?? How? ... any problems with mac software/peripherals
- what kind of a floppy drive format does 3.0 use...
- how about TT's hard disk (scsi) does it work on TT&dma hard disk ??
- what about my old st1040f with tos 1.1 or 1.2 or something like that ???

- can it (gcr) use the mac type lan in TT ???

is it worth buying ??

t h a n k s !!!

>>>>>> " I'm completely operational & all my cicuits are functioning <<<<<<
>>>>>>! " : HAl9000 <<<<<<


Date: 26 Mar 91 19:57:00 GMT
From: acf5! (Thanasis Mitsolides)
Subject: TT (vapor)

/* / luoto@cs.Helsinki.FI (Markku Luoto) / 4:20 am Mar
16, 1991 */
In article <> (John Lawrence Walsh) writes:
> Does anyone know when the TT will be available in the US, and
> why the H*ll it is taking so long.

No I don't know, but I've got one...they came out in europe 1.9.90

I have heard that the Amiga
> 3000 is a *much* better, and faster system then the TT.

Well, if you HEARD so then how come you don't buy one at instant ?

I am
> beginning to get the feeling that Atari is verging on bankruptcy.
WOW, then my TT would be a real collectors item ?!?!? $$$$$

They have never offered support for any of their products, what
> makes people want to spend $3000 for a system like this?
That's true ! not even in finland.... but that's probably why
it seems that the most dedicated usergroups, with GNOLEGEABLE
users have formed around st/TT -here (ST-club with it's PD-
librarys, monthly diskmagazine, developers meetings etc...)
I think the st/TT being not the "safest" choice, it has dropped
out many teenager kids who mostly play games (and used to use c64
and use amiga now) and PC/MAC type of users.... ST/TT is more
distinctive type of thing... this flaming about amiga/st/TT being
better or not is like arquing between cars: wether SAABs(st/tt)
are better or worst than VOLVOs(amiga) but they both are better
than LADAs(russian car and (PC/at/386/486) and are in totally dif-
ferend price group than mercedes(mac) ???? I just happen to like
saabs... and there's a certain destinction between most saab drivers,
which aren't always that good. (here they say "SAABism is a desease!")
;-) but usually the ones who never drove one ;-) ;-)

> Also, what do people think of what Dave Small said about the TT?
> "you can't set the monitor on top of the CPU....etc."?

again... this takes a little brains and coordination, but with that
the monitor sits nicely on top of the central unit (why would you like
to open covers and sit it on top of the cpu... for keeping it warm ??)
-> I imagine that would be a little hard...but then..... ;-) ;-)

I have a feelin the person also wonders about the "pen holder" in front
of the machine... and what to do with it...?

From the
> Genie developers sig, it seems that the TT has the same chip
> seating problem as the ST (try dropping a $3000 machine).

What's that problem, while I'm not aware of...?
> Another unsatisfied customer
(not quite, you gotta buy something first ?)
(Potential customer, maybe ?)

have lafs & merry weather
Verbier got three days of snow !

>>>>>> " I'm completely operational & all my cicuits are functioning <<<<<<
>>>>>>! " : HAl9000 <<<<<<
/* ---------- */
Internet: (
UUCP : ...!uunet!cmcl2!cs!mitsolid


Date: 26 Mar 91 20:19:41 GMT
From: acf5! (Thanasis Mitsolides)
Subject: TT (vapor)

luoto@cs.Helsinki.FI (Markku Luoto) writes:
> distinctive type of thing... this flaming about amiga/st/TT being
> better or not is like arquing between cars: wether SAABs(st/tt)
> are better or worst than VOLVOs(amiga) but they both are better
> than LADAs(russian car and (PC/at/386/486) and are in totally dif-
> ferend price group than mercedes(mac) ???? I just happen to like

What an objective comparison!
Do LADAs run twice as fast as VOLVOS?
Do LADAs provide twice the resolution and 16 times the colors of VOLVOS?
Do LADAs go to may places at once while VOLVOs only to one (Multitusking).
Do LADAs use technology that VOLVOS will use 3 years later at best?
Do LADAs go to more places that VOLVOs can (software)?

Did you say no?
Well then maybe my 486 is the VOLVO and your TT is the LADA.
Funny thing is we both payed about the same. :-)
Jeez... Your LADA Dealers must be really good!


Internet: (
UUCP : ...!uunet!cmcl2!cs!mitsolid


Date: 26 Mar 91 15:31:33 GMT
mich!vela! ( EVENSONG)
Subject: Undo key on Uniterm

I was using a new terminal program today, and I noticed that the Undo key
sent some kind of character to the DecServer over the phone that allowed me
to run multiple sessions. Now, on Uniterm the Undo key is bound to the
escape sequence. I have tried to see if the macros would take a undo, but
it does not seem to work. Anyone have any ideas how I can get to this
character? I have tried just about every control combination.


---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- |
Bitnet: swood@Oakland |
UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!


Date: 26 Mar 91 15:28:40 GMT
noao!ncar!!swrinde!!caen!umich!vela! ( EVENSONG)
Subject: VanTerm questions

Is there any settings in VanTerm to set up for vt100 style emulation? I
was having a real hard time getting it to work for logging in. Also, where
do I get the shadow package?


---- Insert favorite .signature here ---- |
Bitnet: swood@Oakland |
UUCP: ...!uunet!umich!


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