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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 247
INFO-ATARI16 Digest Thu, 22 Feb 90 Volume 90 : Issue 247
Today's Topics:
Make My STE Sweat
STE DMA sound
Why IBM disks didn't work for me (and what I did to fix it)
Date: 22 Feb 90 23:03:24 GMT
sm! (Shannon Bell)
Subject: Make My STE Sweat
Message-ID: <6284@hydra.gatech.EDU>
I don't want to be a pain or anything, but I'd like to mention
that the thread with the subject "Make my ste sweat" is getting
crossposted to for some reason, and request that
the newsgroup field of the header be corrected in future.
Shannon Bell
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 21:23 GMT
From: Vision Newspapers <>
Subject: STE DMA sound
OK, here is the documentation for STE DMA sound output. More documentation
when I've typed it in. Screen blanker postings when I've got a copy of uuencode
... please be patient
----------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
Information from "Atari STE Developer Information Addendum"
STE DMA Sound registers
Register Access Description
FF8900 R/W 00 - sound disabled (reset state)
01 - sound enabled, disable at end of frame
11 - sound enabled, repeat forever
FF8902 R/W Frame base address (high)
FF8904 R/W Frame base address (middle)
FF8906 R/W Frame base address (low)
FF8908 RO Frame address counter (high)
FF890A RO Frame address counter (middle)
FF890C RO Frame address counter (low)
FF890E R/W Frame end address (high)
FF8910 R/W Frame end address (middle)
FF8912 R/W Frame end address (low)
FF8920 R/W Sound mode control:
xxxx xxxx m000 00rr
Where for m:
0 Stereo mode
1 Monophonic mode
Where for rr:
00 6258 Hz sample rate (reset state)
01 12517 Hz sample rate
10 25033 Hz sample rate
11 50066 Hz sample rate
FF8922 R/W MICROWIRE data register
FF8924 R/W MICROWIRE mask register
Volume/controller commands (device address is always 10)
011 DDD DDD Set master volume
000 000 -80 dB
010 100 -40 dB
101 XXX 0 dB
101 xDD DDD Set left channel volume
00 000 -40 dB
01 010 -20 dB
10 1xx 0 dB
100 xDD DDD Set right channel volume
00 000 -40 dB
01 010 -20 dB
10 1xx 0 dB
010 xxD DDD Set treble
0 000 -12 dB
0 110 0 dB
1 100 +12 dB
001 xxD DDD Set bass
0 000 -12 dB
0 110 0 dB
1 100 +12 dB
000 xxx xDD Set mix
00 -12 dB
01 Mix GI sound output (ST sound chip)
10 Do not mix GI sound output
11 Reserved
Sampled sound data is stored in memory as a series of bytes, which
represent a speaker displacement from -128 to +127. Zero represents the
neutral or middle speaker position. Playback is programmable at one of
four rates : 50kHz, 25kHz, 12.5kHz or 6.25kHz.
During the horizontal blanking phase, samples are fetched from memory by
the DMA sound chip, and fed into a Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC).
The output of the DAC is then filtered by a four-pole low pass filter to
a frequency equal to around 40% of the sample frequency. The signal then
passes through a two pole 16kHz low-pass filter, and fed into the
National Semiconductor Volume/Tone controller (LMC1992). The final
output is available from the RCA jacks on the back of the STE, which can
be fed into an amplifier and hence to speakers, headphones etc.
Both stereo and mono sample replay is provided, but both stereo channels
are mixed along with the ST's sound chip output for monitor speaker
output. Sound chip output can also be sent to the stereo output jacks as
In stereo playback mode, the same data is regarded as words, with the
high byte of the word being the sample for the left channel, and the low
byte the right channel sample. In mono mode, each byte is output to both
left and right stereo channels, but data is still fetched one word at a
time. This means that mono sample data must always be an even number of
Samples are grouped together in frames. Each frame can be played once,
or repeated automatically forever (until stopped). Two registers are
loaded with the frame start and end address - the end address is
actually the first byte beyond the end of the sample. Thus a 512 byte
sample with a frame start address of 101024 would have a frame end
address of 101536. Table One gives the location and description of each
DMA sound register.
Actually playing a sample is really quite straightforward. Simply
assemble the data in memory, load the start and end addresses, set
stereo or mono mode and the playback frequency. Finally, write a one to
the sound control register, and the sample will play once.
Producing continuous sound and linking frames together are the next
steps, and hardware support is provided for these processes. The DMA
sound chip produces a 'DMA sound active' signal which is connected to
the external input of MFP Timer A. This signal is a one when samples are
being played, and zero otherwise. At the end of a repeated frame, this
line goes from one to zero, and then back to one again. Thus setting
Timer A into event countdown mode allows you to generate an interrupt
when a frame has been played a set number of times.
Frame repetition is seamless - there is no time delay between the end of
a sample, and the start of it's replay, because the frame start and end
registers are double buffered. Writing to these registers actually
places the data into a holding area, and the contents of the holding
area actually go into the true registers when the chip is idle (at the
end of the frame, if one is currently being played).
Thus, if you wanted to play two consecutive frames, you would write the
start and end addresses, and set the control register to three. The
first frame will start playing, and you can immediately write the start
and end addresses of the next frame, without waiting for the first frame
to finish. There will still be an interrupt from Timer A at the end of
the first frame, and you could use that to load the address of a further
frame, and so on.
One further thing to note is that the 'DMA sound active' signal is also
exclusive-ORed with the 'monochrome monitor detect' signal, and fed into
the GPIP I7 input of the MFP. This was provided to enable interrupt
driven sound without using the last free timer of the MFP. It is a
little more difficult to use, since you will get a different signal edge
depending on whether a mono or colour monitor is attached, as well as an
interrupt at the end of every frame.
Monochrome monitors ground the 'mono detect' line, resulting in a zero
when the bit is read from the MFP. Colour monitors don't ground the line
(it is left floating), and the bit reads one. When DMA sound is active,
this situation is inverted (because of the XOR with the 'DMA sound
active line'). TOS actually looks at this bit during vertical blank
time, to see if the monitor has been changed, but TOS on any machine
with the DMA sound chip has been appropriately modified to avoid
Finally, the 'DMA sound active' line goes from active to idle (one to
zero) after the last sample has been fetched. There is a four-word FIFO
(First In, First Out) buffer inside the chip, so it will be eight sample
times (in stereo mode) before the sound actually finishes. If you do not
reload the frame registers in this time, then the join between samples
will not be seamless.
The volume and tone controller of the STE is connected via a MICROWIRE
bus interface. The idea behind this is that further devices can be added
to the bus in the future. The MICROWIRE bus is a simple three wire
serial connection, with a protocol to allow multiple devices to be
controlled individually.
In the general case, the data stream consists of N address bits,
followed by zero or more don't care bits, and then M bits of data. The
actual hardware interface in the STE consists of two 16 bit read/write
registers, one for the data to be shifted out, and a mask indicating
which bits are valid.
A one in any bit of the mask indicates that the corresponding bit in the
data register is valid. Data transmission starts as soon as the data
register has been written to, so the mask register must be loaded first.
Sending takes approximately sixteen micro-seconds, and if the data
register is read during this time, a 'snap-shot' of the data being
shifted out will be obtained. This means that if you wait for either
register to return to its original state, you can be sure that sending
has been completed.
The volume/tone controller is addressed by a two bit address field of
%10 (binary) and a nine bit data field. Table One details the commands
that can be sent to the device, and the addresses of the MICROWIRE
registers in the STEs memory map. Actually sending these commands is
easier than it looks. Simply set the mask register to $07FF, and place
the data in the lower nine bits with %10 in the upper two bits.
For example, setting the mask to $07FF and the data register to $04C4
will set the master volume to $14. That's all there is to it!
Mathew Lodge
* c/o Dept. Computer Science * "Baldrick, fetch me a turkey _so *
* University of York * big_, you'd have thought its mother *
* Heslington * had been rodgered by an Omnibus" *
* York, UK * *
* YO1 5DD * JANET : *
Date: 22 Feb 90 22:09:58 GMT
From:!!samsung!!jarv!!!!boy (Mickey Boyd)
Subject: Why IBM disks didn't work for me (and what I did to fix it)
Message-ID: <>
Well folks, my wierd problem with the 1.4mb disk drives on IBM comp. has
ended. I think this might be rather significant, because I only figured
it out by accident.
Scenario: Any time I stuck an IBM formatted disk in my ST, and wrote to it
in any way, it would no longer work in the IBM's. (Seems kinda
obvious to me now).
Problem: The &**(@$&* Key virus!!!! It is everywhere (I hear that it was
originally distributed on the Midi Maze game disks, but that is not
confirmed). The damn virus, although benign in it's independent
state (ie without a key disk to activate it), was on ALL of my
disks, most notably my Utilities disk. I never noticed it because
it doesn't do anything on ST's, but it seems that it scrags some
info in the boot sector that IBM compatables need to recognize the
disk. Thus, PSFORM (a PD formatter that produces PS/2 compatable
disks) would not work for me, because the virus would be written
to the disk right after it was formatted. Also, whenever I used a
disk formatted on the IBM, one write from my ST would destroy the
disk (as far as the IBM was concerned).
Solution: Get VKILLER from terminator, or someplace, and wipe this one out!!
Be careful not to use it on a self-booting disk (and also never
use a self-booting disk with your HD on!). It took me about two
hours to do, and now I periodically check to make sure is hasn't
croped up again. Also, check every disk in your collection. I
found the Key virus on some PD disks that I purchased through the
mail (and never un-write-protected them). Even originals, unless
they are self-booting, should be checked.
Note: I highly recommend the afore mentions utility, PSFORM. I got it
from comp.binaries (I think), and it does all it is supposed to
do. As soon as I get a hard drive, it will be on the Neodesk
Query: What is the newest version of VKILLER?
Mickey Boyd | "Nobody can be exactly like me.
FSU Computer Science | Even I have trouble doing it."
mail: | - Tallulah Bankhead
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 23:56:57 N
Message-ID: <900222235657.202007ad@SIC.Epfl.CH>
End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #247