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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 178

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019



INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 9 Feb 90 Volume 90 : Issue 178

Today's Topics:
ATW info and status
Diablo 1620 Control COdes
INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #164
INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #172 (2 msgs)
INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #175
Ken@Atari + Turbo C = ???
LDW POWER problem
More about TC 2.0
Phantom Typist
Software/mouse problems
ST S/ware Rental Places
Wordperfect problems

Date: Fri, 9 Feb 90 08:09:01 EST
Subject: ATW info and status
Message-ID: <>

I requested information about the ATW from the Atari Canada head office
here in Toronto, and they were kind enough to mail me a 4-page spec
sheet. If I see enough interest, I can condense this info and post it
in a note, but I'd already read most of it myself in various magazines.

The most interesting bit is at the end, where it says stuff about an
initial 50 development systems around the world (for software developers
to produce the bare developers environment), followed by a limited
pre-production release of "several hundred" systems during June 1989.
While the pre-production release wasm
not to be restricted, (the spec sheet is from March/April '89),
companies producing commercial applications were to be given preference.
It adds that full scale production "is expected to start during July 1989",
and that the ATW is expected to retail (sans monitor) for less than
$10,000 (Canadian Dollars, March '89).

Now for the "live scoop": I have seen and used one in a commercial
environment!! At SEVERAL Toronto-area tourist attractions, there are
booths run by KODAK where you can have your picture taken (digitized), and
then printed (in full colour!) on a T-shirt, or post card, or whatever.
The interesting part is that they do all the digital bit-twiddling you
want (eg: putting your face on George Bush's body in a White House press
photo, etc...), and the machine they use for this is an ATW!!!

Needless to say, I stayed at the stupid booth at Ontario Place (a local
tourist trap) for HOURS, drooling openly. The graphics can't even be
described. Workstation users will know what I mean, others can't even
imagine. A $15-20,000 ATW setup, working with the KODAK color
digitizing cameras and photo-quality colour printers, is a media
magician's fantasy.

I may even get a summer job at the rotten place, just to get my hot
little hands on that magnificent piece of hardware. Tales of a
silicon junkie... But I loooooove that machine.

Daniel Rochman, 1st Year Chem Eng, soon to be 2nd Year Comp Sci...
University of Toronto (Canada), Engineering Computing Facility (until May, at least)

Disclaimer: I own a Mega 2. I'm not connected to Atari Corp. otherwise.


Date: Fri, 09 Feb 90 11:06
From: "O. Steinmeier"
Subject: Backup-software
Message-ID: <"90-02-09-11:06:10.92*UK14"@DKAUNI2.BITNET>


In <17829@laurel.athertn.Atherton.COM> <alex | alex@Atherton.COM>
(Alex Leavens) writes:

(stuff deleted)

> ?Unless you have good backups, you are scr*wed.
> ?Unless you have an easy way to make them, you
> ?won't have good backups.
> ?Get a good backup system, _now_.

Ok, but which program do you suggest? The system-disk you get
when you buy an ATARI harddisk in Germany contains a program
from 'Application Systems Heidelberg' (HDU V1.05), but I'm not
very happy about it. It terminates the backup-process if it detects
a write-error on the current backup-disk - and you can start again.
The same problem occurs, if you try to restore a backup and one of the
disks has a read-error. But if you need a compression program,
saves you only 10 or 20%, you could use it ... (I would
suggest ARC or Zoo for this purpose).
So, if you know a reliable, fast, cheap (PD or shareware preferred)
harddisk backup program, would you send me a message?

Thanks in advance,

Oliver Steinmeier (uk14@dkauni2.BITNET)
Waldhornstr. 4-8
D-7500 Karlsruhe 1


Date: 8 Feb 90 21:59:02 GMT
From: att!cbnewsk!ronw@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (ronald.g.wolenty)
Subject: Diablo 1620 Control COdes
Message-ID: <1993@cbnewsk.ATT.COM>

I need the control codes for a Diablo 1620 printer. Can anyone

Ron Wolenty
AT&T Consumer Products


Date: 9 Feb 90 14:11:31 GMT
From: deimos!uafhp!uafhcx! (David Ewing)
Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #164
Message-ID: <>

In article <9002090803.AA05501@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, XPBR@VM.CC.PURDUE.EDU (Matt
Atkinson) writes:
> The mouse that came with my 1040st isn't working at a 100% and would
> like to get another one. I wasn't really impressed with it too begin
> with, so is there any other mouse that is compatable with an 1040st that
> someone could recommend.

I highly recommend the Practical Solutions cordless mouse, that is if you
have the 100 bucks that it costs. It's resolution is twice that of the atari
mouse, and it moves so much smoother. The buttons on it are more responsive
too. The only problem I've had with it is with the batteries -- I use the
mouse so much that I've run them down in 3 weeks, they should however last
about 3 months from normal use.

============================================================================== David Ewing, University of Arkansas "DON'T PANIC!!!" Computer Science Engineering


Date: Fri, 09 Feb 90 19:19:52 SST
Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #172

RE; Hard Disk

Hi Dave,
I ask you here because your answer will surely benefit other netter too.
Getting tired of the faan noise from the MEGAFILE 60. Yes I have tried putting
10K Ohm 5 Watt resister to reduced the current and lower the noise down for
quite some time until I lock-up the MicroScience. Now the fan is back to full
blaze with the SEAGATE 277-1 rattering instead of Dead MicroScience.

I just obtain a 100MB CONNER SCSI 3.5" and only 1"Thk HD, an ICD host adapter.
I planned to install it inside the MEGA casing by bolted the Drive and the
card to the under side of the RF Shield. I saw a picture of Third Coast Interna
l drive for MEGA the drive is fixed upside down. Will these shorten the life of
the Hard Disk. I could fabricate 4 L shape brackets if necessary to turn it
right side up but won't look as neat. Another question is I still not quite
clear how to format HD to make it recognize by Macintosh after tapping SCSI out
to DB-25 for MAC. You did mentioned that the HD has to be format with Supra


Date: Fri, 09 Feb 90 19:44:55 SST
Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #172

RE: Hard disk
Hi Dave,
Sorry, my quick finger accidentally press the PF5 key before I finish and check
the typing error. Here is the continuation:

You did mentioned in your beige color Newsletter as we as in the Spectre GCR
manual that in order to make the hard disk readable by Maiintosh. It has to be
formatted with suitable HD formatter and you suggested using Supra HD formatter
Do you mean the Supra Formatter for Macintosh or Supra HD formatter for Atari?

I have the Supra Formatter for Atari and Unimax Storarere for Macinto, Can I
use any of these program? Thanks, Suthipa.
School of Architecture
National University of Singapore.


Date: Fri, 09 Feb 90 18:59:18 SST
Subject: INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 #175

RE: Epson Emulator for SLM804

One Germam MIDI program called "Master Score" includes this Epson emulator with
the Program disk since early 1989. I have tried to use it to print documents
from other programs such as 1st Word Plus, Word Writer II without success.

We got the complete version with few fonts since June 1989 (6 or 7 months back)
It work fine. I can print graphics in the 1st Word plus document now. There is
no graphic in Diablo Eemulator. As we do not have the FCC req here, we always
get the new Atari sooner than many countries. The 1040STe has been availabled
since January 1990 at the same price as the older 1040STFM. I got my 1st Atari
520ST since May 1985 which I beleived that that was log before it was available
in England.

BTW I would love to have an Epson emulator software for the HP LaserJet IIP.
I can't print Degas Pics unless I ported it to TimesWork DTP or Page Stream.
Would any expert with very kind soul care enough to write up one?
Suthipuntha, School of Architecture,
National University of Singapore


Date: 9 Feb 90 13:22:12 GMT
From: mcsun!sunic!! (Ralph Haglund)
Subject: Ken@Atari + Turbo C = ???
Message-ID: <>

One could look at it the other way. Ken has discovered he prefers the
TurboC for Atari - just like me ;-) So - why not make it an official
Atari product???

| Want to talk to me? Try: |
| My name? In official Sweden it is: 4.901.185.654 (secret) |
| Anywhere else: Ralph Haglund |
| Disclaimer: If it works, it's out of date. |


Date: 9 Feb 90 00:30:00 GMT
From:!!samsung!!jarv!utgpu!utzoo!mnetor!tmsoft!masnet!canremote!david.schreiber@ (DAVID SCHREIBER)
Subject: LDW POWER problem
Message-ID: <90020820283012@masnet.uucp>

This is a very common little problem with LDW/Lotus. As you go to
print, be sure to use the ALIGN command, telling the printer to assume
that it is starting at the top of the page. Everything will go fine
after that.
* Via ProDoor 3.1R


Date: 9 Feb 90 10:37:22 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!quando! (nixdorf-rds-dbs)
Subject: More about TC 2.0
Message-ID: <1357@quando.UUCP>

More about Turbo-C 2.0

The newest information from Borland Germany (9.2.1990)

The NEW (after 1.1) features of the Turbo-C-Compiler/Linker are:
- the compiler supports the Turbo-Debugger (Source-Level-Debugger)
- the linker support identifier longer than 8 characters
- new books: a manual-part and a reference-part
- and other "small" changes ...

The features of the Turbo-Debugger are:
- Debugger with GEM surface
- you can debug GEM-applications without any restrictions
- debugging at C-source-level or assembler-level
- showing data and data structures in C-Syntax
- more than 7 windows
- refresh background windows
- supports MC680x0 and MC68881/MC68882
- debug functions:
. single step (step)
. single step with procedures as one step (next)
. breakpoints with expression, by changing variables, using memory allocation
and depend on pass-counts
. watch-variables, show every time
. animate-function: step tracing
. memory manipulation

new release (18) for MAS, but no update now!

TC2.0 will be finished end of February or begin of March.
At the latest 22. March (CeBit). 1990 i think, but i havn't ask !

The update costs:
TC1.0 -> TC2.0 : 111.72 108.--
TC1.0 -> TC2.0 & TD & MAS : 313.50 285.--
TC1.0 & BUG & MAS -> TC2.0 & TD & MAS : 214.32 198.--

TC1.0 -> TC2.0 : 88.92 88.--
TC1.0 -> TC2.0 & TD & MAS : 290.70 265.--
TC1.0 & BUG & MAS -> TC2.0 & TD & MAS : 191.52 178.--

TC2.0 : 248.52 228.--
TC2.0 & TD & MAS : 458.28 412.--

so long --- Dieter

| Dieter Fiebelkorn | With a rubber duck :-) |
| | one's never alone :-? |


Date: Thu, 08 Feb 90 14:31:52 GMT
From: Chris Ridd <>
Subject: Phantom Typist
Message-ID: <9002081431.aa03813@mopsy.Cs.Bham.AC.UK>

Yep - this one strikes me too! I've never ever seen this problem mentioned
in the ST mags or anything - is it common?

I sometimes get some kind of infinitely repeated keys, but normally only
during bootup. I do boot however, with a small clock setter (SUPCLKRD - the
Supra one) which sets the IKBD's version of the time/date (the new version
does, at least).

I'm pretty careful about touching the mouse - I don't think it matters if
the mouse is moved, or not - it seems to happen 'randomly'. Also, sometimes
the whole machine crashes after doing all the \AUTO\*.PRGs, with 3 bombs.
Again, 'randomly'. Maybe it has something to do with the IKBD's time! :-)

System: 1040STFM, Mono, TOS 1.0, AUTO contents in order: SUPCLKRD, FOLDR180,
DCACHE, LGSELECT, G+PLUS. I've also had it with a bare bones AUTO: SUPCLKRD.
Other progs to look at/change the IKBD during bootup seem to die too, so Supra
isn't the culprit!

Personally I suspect a bug in the IKBD's ROM. Any 6301 hackers out there?


* Snail mail address:
* Chris Ridd, "Wave after wave, each mightier than the last
* School of Computer Science, 'Til last, a ninth one, gathering half the deep
* Birmingham University, And full of voices, slowly rose and plunged
* UK Roaring, and all the wave was in a flame"


Date: 9 Feb 90 00:34:00 GMT
Subject: Software/mouse problems
Message-ID: <90020820283028@masnet.uucp>

I heard a rumour that the Word Perfect disks for the ST in August 1989
contained a virus. I know I have had some problems with WP, while a
friend describes his as "rock solid." He tells me that a later version
of VKILLER (I believe 2.2) is necessary to identify and remove this
* Via ProDoor 3.1R


Date: 9 Feb 90 00:43:00 GMT
Subject: ST S/ware Rental Places
Message-ID: <90020820283039@masnet.uucp>

I have had the oppostie experience with ST user groups over the past
3-4 years here in Toronto. At monthly meetings there is absolutely NO
open piracy, no open discussion. There are public denunciations, etc.
This is not to say that there is no problem, of course, but we have not
had anything like what you describe.

David Schreiber, Secretary, Toronto Atari Federation (membership 450)
* Via ProDoor 3.1R


Date: 9 Feb 90 16:10:48 GMT
From:!mcgill-vision!quiche!calvin! (Sam
Subject: Wordperfect problems
Message-ID: <>

I have a rather odd problem with this new version of WP I just got
through the mail yesterday.

If I run it directly from floppy, it works fine, but if I boot from
hard disk and run it, the F5-List files doesn't work very well. It
displays ONLY folders, but no files, so I can't see what is on my disk.

And I tried disabling all mem-res programs, and I also tried running
the floppy version instead of the one installed on my HD, [after
booting the HD] to see if I what I installed on the HD is bad or if
it is universal, and I get the same problem.

Anyone else experience this? Is there a fix for it?

S. Alan Ezust |
McGill University School of Computer Science | Montreal, Quebec, Canada
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, all | Disclaimer: I am not
of your problems begin to look like nails." | responsible for anything!!


End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #178

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