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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 91 Issue 199

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


Info-Atari16 Digest Mon, 8 Apr 91 Volume 91 : Issue 199

Today's Topics:
Atari for Auction
GCR + 1.44Mb floppies
GEM programming docs (was: Standardized GEM look and feel)
MAC Emulations on ST
Noisetraker for 512K???
Okami shell found!
Rufus (2 msgs)
Rufus English RSC
Spectre GCR Mac->DeskJet Printer Driver Needed
STalker/STeno, MC/VISA yet??
Telecom program help needed
Tex on the ST (2 msgs)
TOS 2.05 bugfix
union demo 2 (2 msgs)
ZEST .. it's beautiful!
Zmodem and Xmodem for VAX
ZModem For The Vax Available

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Date: 8 Apr 91 14:44:45 GMT
!!platypus! (OGRINZ MICHAEL E)
Subject: Atari for Auction

Ok, here's the story: I have an Atari ST that I no longer need, so I
will be auctioning it off here. Bids will be taken from 4/8/91 through the
22nd. The highest bid, of course, will win. If the highest bid is a dollar,
than the system is yours for $1!. I will post updates on the bidding
every few days to keep you all informed as to how things are going. By now,
you're saying, all right already, what's the package. Well, here goes:

Atari 520ST upgraded to 1Meg RAM
Indus double-sided drive
ComputerEyes color digitizer
Color Monitor
Monochrome Monitor
INDUS SCSI hard drive controller (w/software & cable, but no drive)
A double (360K)/Quad (720K) 5 1/4" drive (great for IBM emulation)
A lot of software (mostly games, which I dont feel like listing.)

So let the bidding begin!

|Mike Ogrinz|


Date: 4 Apr 91 16:48:35 GMT
From:!hpltoad!ghiggins! (Graham Higgins)
Subject: GCR + 1.44Mb floppies

Bob Pegram replied to my query:

> Anyone know whether Spectre GCR handles the 1.44Mb floppy ugrade?

++ In any case, Spectre GCR 3.0 doesn't support the high density mode,
++ even if it could read GCR disks in such a system.

It does indeed. Thanks to Bob and all who responded. My internal floppy
is getting a bit flaky and I was wondering whether to replace it with
a 1.44Mb drive. Now I know --- thanks.


Graham Higgins |
Hewlett-Packard Labs |
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford |
Bristol, U.K. | ...!mcvax!ukc!hplb!gjh
Tel: +44 272 799910 x24014 Fax: +44 272 790554
Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.


Date: Mon, 08 Apr 91 15:04
From: "Thomas Koenig"
Subject: GEM programming docs (was: Standardized GEM look and feel)
To: Info-Atari16 Discussion <>

THE programming document for GEM is Tim Oren's "Professional GEM"
article series. It is available from a variety of sources,
including atari.archive (look for progem.arc or progem.LZH).

There is also one excellent German book on GEM programming; send me
mail if you want me to look up the reference.

Thomas Koenig


Date: 8 Apr 91 10:06:29 GMT
From: infonode!ingr!nijmeg!swindon!st_nik! (Nik Simpson x4333)
Subject: MAC Emulations on ST

I have an a Mega ST2 , a 40Mb hard disk and a Mono monitor, I'm
considering adding a MAC emulation to this setup, I would be grateful
if somebody (anybody) could let me know what the current capabilities of
these emulators are, also any known drawbacks vis-a-vis a cheap MAC.
Use the Reply-To address rather than the address in a signature
as this was posted from a friend's account.
| Nik Simpson Mail : |
| Systems Consultant (UNIX). Intergraph UK Ltd. |


Date: Mon, 8 Apr 1991 14:43:00 +0100
From: Karl Anders Oygard <>
Subject: Noisetraker for 512K???
To: Info-Atari16 <>

>The programs on atari.archive; sync.lzh (demo), TCB Tracker (demo)
>and Noisetracker 1.5 all don't run or bomb most heinously. They all
>run fine on my friend's 1Meg TOS 1.4 system.

These trackers use a special technique which speeds up the playback quite a
lot. Unfortunately this technique also requires that two copies of each sample
is kept in the memory at all times, eating up the memory of a 520 rather too

I myself have written a tracker that runs perfectly on 1/2 meg. We've tested it
on a 520ST with TOS 1.2, and it worked straight away. If you want me to I can
upload it to atari-archive.

Karl Anders 0ygard
More & Romsdal Highschool of Engineering, Norway 'I ache, therefore I am.'
Email: Karl A 0ygard <> - Marvin, the paranoid android


Date: 8 Apr 91 11:01:04 GMT
From: mcsun!hp4nl!philapd!ssp18! (J. van Loenen)
Subject: Okami shell found!


After somebody told about the Okami shell, I have seen a lot of
questions where to get it.
Yesterday I found this shell on a local bbs here ("Dutchman").
As it is quite large (200k compressed) I will not post it. As soon as
someone tells me how to MAIL it to atari.archive, I will send it. (I
can not use FTP!)
So if someone is interested, please email.


# Jan van Loenen Internet #
# Philips Information Systems UUCP ....!mcvax!philapd!jvl #


Date: Mon, 08 Apr 91 23:53:13 SST

This is a reply to the message on the Aladin problems.

Hello Ralph,

I am one of the Aladin users.
I think I have the answer to your problems. I had send my reply to your
address at twice but both were bounced.

Could you please tell me your address again. Preferrably one that I can
reach via BITNET. I still not very good at interpriting the e-mail addresses.

My reply is about 2 pages and I don't think that it will be of much interest
to other netters thus I prefer to send it directly to you.

Suthipuntha, School of Architecture, National University of Singapore


Date: 8 Apr 91 09:46:17 GMT
hagbard!sunic!!funic!santra!nntp! (Kalle
Subject: Rufus

In article <>
(Andrew C. Stoffel) writes:

>Really ?? ( I JUST got it and can't read German(?!) ) Does anybody
>have an English version of the .RSC ?? I can guess a lot but not all
>of the meanings of the menu entries.

There is one at in directory pub/atari/comm (or telecomm).
Someone could get it and put it in atari.archive, and also check my

* Kalle Kivimaa * In the beginning the Universe was created. *
* JMT 7A123 * This has made a lot of people very angry and *
* 468 2041 * has widely been regarded as a bad move. *


Date: 8 Apr 91 13:22:44 GMT
From: ccncsu!lamar! (Shoou-yu tang)
Subject: Rufus

AMCGDOS come with the Rufus, when you unarchived the Rufus.tos by run it, it
would generate all the file and in AUTO folder would have AMCGDOS.


Date: 8 Apr 91 16:20:25 GMT
From: ccncsu!lamar! (Shoou-yu tang)
Subject: Rufus English RSC

Well, Just got the English version of RUFUS.RSC from as given
in earlier post by some one in Europe( sorry forgot to write down your name)
And one can find it in under /atari/new/rufuseng.rsc
utill they transfer to approviate directory by the care taker.


Date: 6 Apr 91 11:21:25 GMT
From:!hpltoad!ghiggins! (Graham Higgins)
Subject: Spectre GCR Mac->DeskJet Printer Driver Needed

Try the info-mac directory at sumex-aim.


Graham Higgins |
Hewlett-Packard Labs |
Filton Road, Stoke Gifford |
Bristol, U.K. | ...!mcvax!ukc!hplb!gjh
Tel: +44 272 799910 x24014 Fax: +44 272 790554
Disclaimer: My opinions above are exactly that, mine and opinions.


Date: 8 Apr 91 15:35:14 GMT
noao!asuvax!!!!mahendo!wlbr!lonex.radc! (Jeffrey K. Long)
Subject: STalker/STeno, MC/VISA yet??

Subject almost says it all!! Does anyone know if it is possible to
order these via MC/VISA yet?


Capt Jeff Long Rome Air Development Center Network Design Laboratory (315)330-7751 or (DSN)587-7751


Date: 7 Apr 91 20:35:50 GMT
noao!asuvax!!swrinde!!pacific.mps.ohio-st!linac!midway!msuinfo!kira! (The Michael Schenker
Subject: Telecom program help needed

In article <> (Paul S.
Sears) writes:

-> >Why not try RUFUS, it is in German and is Shareware,
[Stuff deleted...]
-> Can someone d/l it from Genie and post in on atari.archive? I assume
-> that it is PD... I no longer have a Genie account to do this...

Obviously, if it is SHAREWARE, it is NOT PD!!!

Of course, it could still be downloaded. Just PAY FOR IT if you USE

Support your shareware authors. It's really all we've got with an ST.
Of course, PD is nice too!!!

||| David W. Schultz |||
||| uunet[!rutgers!mailrus]!frith!schultzd |||
/ | \ Work Phone: (517)-353-8891 / | \
/ | \ "Just gimme a STacy laptop!" / | \


Date: 8 Apr 91 18:09:26 GMT
u (W. E. Grosso)
Subject: Tex on the ST

Hithere. I'm looking for a ST version of TeX and a dvi previewer.
Do such things exist in the public domain ? If so, where ?

Thank you,

Bill Grosso


Date: 9 Apr 91 02:00:37 GMT
u!!fauern!!!stabl@arizon (Robert Stabl)
Subject: Tex on the ST

>>>>> On 8 Apr 91 18:09:26 GMT "Bill" == (W. E.
Grosso) wrote:
Bill> Hithere. I'm looking for a ST version of TeX and a dvi previewer.
Bill> Do such things exist in the public domain ? If so, where ?

Look at (/pub/atari/tex-3.1). There you will find
an implementation of TeX-3.1 for the ST and showdvi, a previewer for
DVI files on various ST screens.

Robert Stabl.

>>>>>>>> Robert Stabl <<<<<<<>>>>> <<<<<
> Dept. of Computer Science <>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>> University of Passau <<<>>>>>>>>> Phone: +(49)851/509-711 <<<<<<<<
>>> D-8390 Passau, Germany <<>>>>>>>>>> Fax: +(49)851/509-497 <<<<<<<<<


Date: 8 Apr 91 15:41:45 GMT
From: IFI.UIO.NO! (LarsErikOsterud)
Subject: TOS 2.05 bugfix

While testing out my new MEGA STE i discovered a nasty bug in one
of the Xbios routines (I can't understand why no beta-tester has).

The XBIOS 5 call setscreen(logadr,physadr,resolution)
is used to set screen adresses and change screen resolution.

However, calling setscreen with -1 as resolution doesn't change
the current resolution. On monochrome many programs still call
the setscreen function with 2 (monochrome) as resolution and
this works OK on older ST's, BUT on the MEGA STE's TOS 2.05
strange things happend :-(

The routine does NOT wait for vertical blank as it i supposed to
but resets the video in the middle of the screen, causing the
picture to wrap around the left edge of the screen in 50% of
the cases. This does not look good (you get the edge of the
grapic screen in the middle of the monitor screen :-)

To get around this problem I have made a VERY small program that
hooks on to the XBIOS 5 if in monochrome, and always sets the
resolution parameter to -1 (no change). Then things work OK !!

I would like an offical comment from Atari Corp on this bug !!!!
How i the world could this pass through the beta-testing ????
In only one day I found 10 programs that goes mad because of it.

begin 644 tos205fx.arc
M&@A43U,R,#5&6"Y04D< W (@6$W98%/0 ,8#0 @#1 VL ) 0 &,#z
MBQ I01P:P3*0 ((+ !J8@> $#0,H J8L1"#S[]_ !2 <<#@34@ !LP8~&$2y
M)807.OY9<U+G!P\ !)PXH?*( 1 LX0$'+&21 D>@#P\ D@@5,NCZ "P$#5x
MA%"L3%_\!! !]483B/P@TF T A\ ' -'* @Q%J"#N+RW%!$ 0@05)Y, 2'#w
M!8P:(!PF$0P"<9LW;MZ,02/G39LR(,RDP=- @5\0O4 P"2-G3HLB<M*L 2%Kv
:#ITR<NJ0~1L$3FHV(&+DR!%C8 $]!@ &@! u

Lars-Erik / ABK-BBS +47 2132659 / ____ ______ ________________________
Osterud / / /___ / The norwegian ST
__________/ ______________________/ ____/ / Klubben, user association


Date: 8 Apr 91 08:20:35 GMT
From: mcsun!ukc!edcastle!hwcs! (Neil Forsyth)
Subject: union demo 2

In article <> writes:
>As for the demoes being useless, I for one and amazed by many of them. Very
>few folks leave my house without a glazed look in the eye and a new
>appreciation for computer graphics. I LOVE to show them to PC types.

Like magic, It's easy to be impressed when you don't know how it's done.

If they read a scrolling message for long enough, it's not surprising your
friends have a glazed look in their eye. :-)
When the PC types show me Pakemaker 4 and a good reliable Microsoft Write
I get a glazed look in my eye.

>They sell Atari machines (and Amiga machines).

To people who then wonder why only demos ever managed to do those effects.

>The only thing that scares me is: What the hell are we going to do when the
>little buggers hit the job market . . . . :-)

Nothing. Few of them have a clue about application writing and the only high
level language they ever use is BASIC. (OK :-)

! DISCLAIMER:Unless otherwise stated, the above comments are entirely my own !
! !
! Neil Forsyth JANET: !
! Dept. of Computer Science ARPA: !
! Heriot-Watt University UUCP: ..!ukc!!neil !
! Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "That was never 5 demos!" !


Date: 7 Apr 91 16:09:51 GMT
noao!asuvax!ukma!rex!wuarchive!!samsung!!s!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!kullmar!pkmab!hexagon!danie (Daniel Deimert)
Subject: union demo 2

In article <> writes:
)These demos are great, but.. is anyone involved in creating the demos
)also involved in creating anything useful..?

Actually, many of them are (even if they were not at the time they
made the demo): A few examples could be The Exceptions, The Carebears,
and S.Y.N.C. (I believe TEX and TCB are working at Thalion GmbH.,
Germany. SYNC have written Audio Sculpture--we all know what that is,
don't we?)
Of course, there are even more people NOT working yet, since the vast
majority of these demos are written by youths less than 20 years old.

The simple truth about the scrolltexts is that everybody knows
everybody else in these circles, and the scrolltext is a good way to
boost your ego. For example, your friends in school might be impressed
if you in the scrolltext claim that you're trading pirated software with
13 famous cracker groups all over the world. I know, since I've got to
deal with a lot of people like this in the store, even if most of them
have Amigas. And you should see the ads for different groups' HQ BBSs
at Fidonet here in Sweden. "Always the Latest Warez", they claim.

Piracy on the ST is getting better here in Sweden I think (less of it,
that is ;-). On the Amiga things are getting worse, though. As an
example: When we recived the new game "ELVIRA" from Accolade noone would
buy it. Everyone had been playing it for months, they said. Compare
this with the Nintendo market: Whenever a new game is released, we have
*already sold* all the cartridges we expect to get, even before we get
them! Games won't be a success for a home computer until the CD-ROMs
are real cheap.

Hope I didn't tire you,

Daniel Deimert, or ...!sunic!kullmar!pkmab!hexagon!daniel


Date: 8 Apr 91 15:56:41 GMT
noao!asuvax!ukma!wuarchive!!!!ogicse!milton!alexd@ (Alex Danilchik)
Subject: ZEST .. it's beautiful!

Ah! So nice!
More.. more.. please... how about an entirely new desktop
"ZeSTop"... love it...

Demo is in atari-archives newitems.



Date: 7 Apr 91 20:28:21 GMT
!linac!att!!!!! (Bob Bright)
Subject: Zmodem and Xmodem for VAX

In article <iT2yZ1w164w@bluemoon.uucp> archbold@bluemoon.uucp (Archie Jaszcz)
> (Clarence T. Chang) writes:
>> Hi. A couple of months ago, someone here posted a message saying that
>> he has access to zmodem and xmodem programs on the VAX. Would that person
>> kindly reply to me via email, please. I am fed up with transmission by
>> Kermit and would like a faster transfer, preferrably by zmodem. Thanks.
> WOW! You're not the only one who's looking for such a program for
>VAX... Whoever has these programs could kindly mail me too, or simply
>post a message to the net and perhaps u/l these programs to atari.archive
>(even though they're not for atari computers)...

The VAXVMS directory on SIMTEL contains the following two


These appear to be the latest versions of Chuck Forsberg's rz/sz for
VMS (I presume they include rx/sx and rb/sb as well). The .TLB file
seems to be some sort of VMS library file. The .README says:

To extract files from rzsz.tlb, issue the following DCL commands:

$ @EXTRACT_TLB rzsz/exit

I'm not sure if this will give you working copies of rz and sz, or
source which you'll have to compile yourself. Probably the latter;
detailed instructions are likely included. Anyway, fetch the file
from the archives and give it a try.

(The ftp address for the SIMTEL archives is;
login as "anonymous" and give your full account name as password. If
you're not familiar with the archive, it's probably a good idea to
read some of the help files in the top directory. I think there's a
help file specifically pertaining to ftp'ing from a VMS machine; read
it carefully before proceeding, or you'll almost certainly end up
fetching the file in a format you can't use. To get to the vms
directory you need to type `cd pd1:<misc.vaxvms>'.)

Hope this helps, BBB
Bob Bright <>
Dept. of Philosophy
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Man R3T 2N2 (204) 474-9105


Date: 8 Apr 91 00:33:22 GMT
From: ncrcom!ncrlnk!udcps3! (James Van Leeuwen)
Subject: ZModem For The Vax Available

Well, for all of you that asked for it, ZModem for the Vax will soon be
available from atari.archive. It was uploaded as SZ.EXE and RZ.EXE and they
are both the executable code. You need to set up a logical symbol like
this (for both files) and put it in your LOGIN.COM file:

whatever directory you put it in

I would have just told you where to get it, but I can't remember. Oh, well.

"We didn't start the fire, / ___/_ Jim Van Leeuwen
it was always burning / / / \ The University of Dayton - Dayton, OH
since the world's been /___/__/ / Bitnet: VANLEEJF@DAYTON GEnie: JVAN
turning..." --Billy Joel /______/ Internet:


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