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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 033

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019



INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 12 Jan 90 Volume 90 : Issue 33

Today's Topics:
Any ST monitors for sale?
ARC 6.02-bug (was Re: ARC 6.0)
Hello Atari USA Netters
How to call the bios ...
Looking for PD-Fonts for Calamus DTP
microsoft mouse as a replacement, instructions?
PC emulator outlook
PC Emulators
Printer Problems
Problem with 520ST
Subtitling system
Terminal program
TEX, in reply to
TOS 1.6 and 68030
TOS 1.6 and the 68030

Date: Thu, 11 Jan 90 01:25:50 -0900
From: <FTJLH%ALASKA.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Any ST monitors for sale?

I'm looking for both a b&w (124) and a SC1224 monitor for friends.
Anyone have these critters laying about?


Date: 12 Jan 90 18:32:21 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!sbsvax! (Edgar Roeder)
Subject: ARC 6.02-bug (was Re: ARC 6.0)
Message-ID: <2123@sbsvax.UUCP>

In article <>, (Howard Chu)
> the Unix side was to make it automatically truncate long names to fit into
> 12 characters. So it goes. You could easily add back in the code to allow
> for long names though. Dunno what you'd do with them when you try to extract
> them, but at least it wouldn't choke...

I know it:
You can create unique filenames during extraction (example: longname-1 is
changed to longname.-1, longname-2 into longname.-2 instead of both being
mapped into longname), even if the original names on the unix-machine aren't
unique up to the first 8 chars + 3 chars extension.
For example if i have extracted sources from usenet with unshar on the unix
machine, i normally don't want to rename dozens of files. Instead i am
archiving the whole directory as it is with zoo. At home when i am extracting
those files, zoo tries to create unique TOS-filenames or asks me wether i want
to rename it.
What i also like is that with zoo i can use arbitrary long names on the
parameter line to specify the archive file. Arc simply cuts after the 8th
character. Zoo would try to open the file even if the name does not constitute
a valid file name on TOS. Now you could ask: why do you want this? - Since i
am using '/' instead of '\' as directory delimiter in my shell. Zoo can unpack
'../archive', but arc will only try '../archi' (which fails) and i have to
enter '..\\archive'.
Why does Arc make so much assumptions about the environment in which it will be
run ? This must be code which is commented out in a unix version. Why not just
use the same source anywhere ? Why those artificial restrictions ?

> -- Howard

- Edgar

Mail: Edgar R\"oder E-Mail:
Liesbet-Dill-Stra\ss e 3
D-6602 Dudweiler -o- -o-
W-Germany ~
Phone: 06897/74643 '---'


Date: 12 Jan 90 15:38:42 GMT
From: att!chinet!saj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Stephen Jacobs)
Message-ID: <>

I'd just like to compliment both Allan Pratt and Atari for announcing AND
EXPLAINING what was wrong on this one and promptly supplying the fix (and
explaining what the fix did). Many many attaboys!
Steve J.


Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1990 09:47 EST
From: Greg Csullog <01659%AECLCR.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Hello Atari USA Netters

If any on the technical staff of Atari USA who read and post on the net
(Pratt, Townshend, etc.) get this message, could he/she pass it on to
someone at Atari USA who could answer the following questions?

1. When is the ABC286/30 going to be available in Canada (Atari Canada
cannot give a date an suggested I contact Atari USA)? Is it in stores
in the USA?

2. When will the LYNX hit Canada? What about STACY?

3. When the STE was demonstrated at COMDEX in Vegas, were there codes that
took advantage of the new sound/colour capabilities of the STE? Are
any demo codes available for distributions (two STEs in the local area
look and act just like std 1040STFMs and the users would like to see
something that shows off the features of their equipment)?

When a SAVE DESKTOP is done on the old ST in med res., the system will
boot up in med res. Not so with the STE, it still comes up in low res.
Is this a TOS 1.6 (1.4) bug?


Date: 12 Jan 90 17:49:42 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!sbsvax! (Edgar Roeder)
Subject: How to call the bios ...
Message-ID: <2116@sbsvax.UUCP>

In article <1937@atari.UUCP>, apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes:
> I think it's a reentrancy problem. The OS hooks seem to use external
> storage, meaning they're non-reentrant. Worse, they all use the SAME
> external location, so in a given program, you can't call BIOS from
> BIOS, but you also can't call XBIOS from BIOS!
> [...]
> Hooks like this can be made reentrant by changing how they work:
> [example how to do it by copying the arguments]

There is another solution: use your own stack for saving the return address.
(This is also the method used in the ROM when bios is called.)

move.l stackpointer,a0
move.l (sp)+,-(a0)
move.l a0,stackpointer
trap #$x
move.l stackpointer,a0
move.l (a0)+,-(sp)
move.l a0,stackpointer

You have to initialize the variable stackpointer to point to the upper end of
some memory space reserved for this new stack. Although this does only allow
a limited level of reentrancy (the stack-space divided by the amount needed for
every call), you don't have to copy your arguments around.

- Edgar

Mail: Edgar R\"oder E-Mail:
Liesbet-Dill-Stra\ss e 3
D-6602 Dudweiler -o- -o-
W-Germany ~
Phone: 06897/74643 '---'


Date: 12 Jan 90 15:12:12 GMT
(Richard E. Covert)
Subject: lharc/arc/zoo/compress
Message-ID: <47fdf52f.14a1f@force.UUCP>

In article <21723@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>, (Bob Slaughter)
> In article <21701@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>
> (Chris Roth) writes:
> >What we have here is a lot of different archive methods being used.
> >It would be nice if we could use one standard, and I would vote for
> >Zoo.
> I would _really love to see a super-smart program that can use any of
> these formats, and allow you to unarchive _anything_. Then the choice
> of archive format would become less of a problem in the present and
> the future.
> --
> * Bob Slaughter * This space for rent *

Actually, a SuperSmart Do It All Archiver isn't needed. A friend of mine named
Gerry Szekely of Detroit Michigan wrote a ShareWare program called "ARCIT SHELL"
which handles ARC, LHARC, ZOO, ZIP all transparently from the same dialogue box.
You select a button for the desired ARCing format and then ARCIT SHELL uses
other buttons to build a command line to the desired program. I use it all the

And then there is the FAMOUS Charles Johnson's ARC SHELL program which is great
for ARC and LHARC files.

And there is a new LZH dearchiver called UNLZH12 which is super fast for
extracting files.

So, as long as there are excellent Shells (GEM-based shells I mean) I don't
see why we need a overly complex do it all archiver. I would rather see a
sharp programmer spend time on improving the existing LZH program. That would
be of more immediate benefit to more users than a do it all program.

Another point is that a DO IT ALL program would freeze the archivers into a
static state. I don't think that the ARC and LZH and ZOO and ZIP updates would
as easily incorporated into a DO IT ALL than just a shell. A shell can normally
use the newer archiver without change, witness the fact that ARC SHELL 2.0
fine with ARC 6.02, but w/o the new features of ARC 6.02. Then Charles Johnson
updated ARC SHELL to ARC SHELL 2.1b and now it works fine with ARC 6.02. Pretty
simple and quick.

So, for all of the above reasons I don't see a burning need for a DO IT ALL
With the two fine shells mentioned above we can work with any archiver with ease

Richard E. Covert, Lead Engineer of Software Tools Group
AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ (602) - 581-4652
TCP/IP: covertr@gtephx
UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr


Date: 12 Jan 90 16:51:43 GMT
From: mcsun!unido! (Chris Schmidt)
Subject: Looking for PD-Fonts for Calamus DTP
Message-ID: <1140@unido.UUCP>

Hi folks,

I'm looking for a source of PD Fonts for the Calamus DTP.
Is there an archive-site I can mail to or even ftp ???


EUnet-Support-Infoserver + EUnet-Support-News
Universitaet Dortmund, IRB, Postfach 500 500, D-4600 Dortmund 50 (Chris Schmidt)
Tel. : +49 231 755 2444


Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 22:54:46 PLT
From: Bruce Heimbigner <HEIMBIG%WSUVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: microsoft mouse as a replacement, instructions?

Once upon time someone posted instructions for convertering a
Microsoft (serial) mouse for use with ST. Does anyone have these?
If so please re-post or email to me directly.

Also the previous article didn't mention the Logitech mouse, it should
work too, right?

Bruce Heimbigner
Email: Snail mail:
HEIMBIG@WSUVM1.bitnet N.W. 324 True Street
OR Pullman WA 99163-3347 (USA)
(IBM=International Business Marketing corp, they don't make machines
they market products) ***Hey, that stuff up there is just my opinion***


Date: 12 Jan 90 18:46:11 GMT
From: uc!nic.MR.NET!ns! (John Logajan)
Subject: OOPS - BAD PATCH FOR TOS 1.4/1.6
Message-ID: <>

In article <1947@atari.UUCP> apratt@atari.UUCP (Allan Pratt) writes:
>I posted a patch for TOS 1.4 and 1.6 to this newsgroup, but it doesn't

Yes, I got the patch and it didn't work. Many (all?) programs would
bomb with "bombs" when you tried to terminate them.

- John Logajan @ Network Systems; 7600 Boone Ave; Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
-,, 612-424-4888, Fax 424-2853


Date: Fri, 12 Jan 90 11:34:42 -0900
Subject: PC emulator outlook

Here's some recent info and a question.

First, Avant-Garde's answering machine claims that they are now shipping.
I still haven't seen one. I hope the first person to get one will report
on the net.

We had some money allocated to buy PC-Ditto II for an office 1040 ST. We
waited until the end of December, when the money was due to expire, and
were faced with either letting the funds expire or purchase another
emulator. It looked to me like the only other game in town was PC-Speed
from Michtron, so I ordered one from E. Arthur Brown. He says he doesn't
recommend them for 1040s because it is hard to fit them in the required
space, but I ordered it anyway for lack of anything else to do.

So, the question for PC-Speed owners: is it worth the trouble of fitting
it in? If it is a well-behaved emulator (as PC DITTO I is for the most part)
I will make the effort to cram it in whatever space is available. Otherwise,
I'll see about exchanging it for Supercharger, which EAB says is an external
DMA port plug-in emulator due out in 60-90 days.

Any information would be appreciated. Thanks,
Don Rice

ps: in response to an earlier question of "why bother with pc emulators,"
one reason is to save space. If you simply don't have enough room to set
up another computer, an emulator is a very nice solution...


Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 14:10:08 EDT
Subject: PC Emulators

In article <> ( ) writes:
>For little more than $400, you can get a complete XT with a monitor.
>So why spend money of [PC] emulators, anyway?

In reply Phil Woodall writes:
>There was recently a query concerning hardware PC emulators on the net, I
>would like to help out a little by offering a reply.
>First it was pointed out (and rightly so) that you could pick up a cheap PC
>for $400, however this in itself is a very inefficient solution as:
> i) Who wants more computers than they need, taking up room.
>[stuff deleted]

I would like to add my two-cents' worth to this discussion. I have used PC-
Ditto extensively since it was first introduced, and am anxiously awaiting
the arrival of PC-Ditto II to my door. (Anyone know the current status of
the product?)

In places where I work (and have worked), PC's are of course dominant. The
convenience of being able to bring any extra work home is unbeatable. This
necessitates that I have PC compatibility at home. However, though clones
are cheap, in the little trailer that I live in their is barely room for ONE
computer system, much less two or three (if I also wanted a Mac). Therefore,
an emulator that turns my present computer into one (or two!) other computers
is indispensible.

So IMHO emulators are most useful for people who do not have a great deal of
room to spare for multiple computer systems.

Timothy Roeder

Internet: -- Bitnet: roedert@arizvm1.bitnet
"Over the years I have begun to think that it is very unhealthy to think. What
do you think?"


Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 14:10:21 EDT
Subject: Printer Problems

In article <900109.20154976.014763@CU.CP6> FRAJKOR/ATARISTUFF, etc. writes:

>[stuff deleted]
> One day, my 1040ST started printing nothing but garbage
>when hooked up to EITHER of my two printers, Canon PW1156
>and HP DEskjet. Through EITHER of two buffers.
>[stuff deleted]
> I took it to the dealers. It printed fine. Must be the
>software. [stuff deleted] It printed fine. <etc.>
> Is it possible that the level of AC current in my home is
>at fault, and one bit in one chip somewhere is so weak it does not

I don't think that this is too likely, though I suppose it is possible.

> Is it possible that electrical interference somewhere in
>my home can do this?

This, I think, is the more likely culprit. I remember reading an article in
BYTE magazine some years ago where Jerry Pournelle was having similar problems.
After going through serious contortions (much the same as you have) he decided
to try shielding his parallel printer cable(s). After he had taken such steps
to minimize electrical interference, the problems that he had simply vanished
as mysteriously as they had begun.

> There is nothing in my manuals about how to deal with demonic

If THIS is the problem, as I can suggest is that you get your system blessed
by a Priest! ;-)

I hope this info will be of some use to you.

Timothy Roeder

Internet: -- Bitnet: roedert@arizvm1.bitnet
"Gorge, guzzle, and wench, for tomorrow we get gutted!"


Date: 12 Jan 90 17:53:57 GMT
From: psuvm! (Michael S Barthelemy)
Subject: Problem with 520ST
Message-ID: <90012.125357MXB126@PSUVM.BITNET>

I'm buying a 520ST only there is one problem, when the power is turned on the
power indicator flicks on and then goes out. I was wondering if anyone has
ever seen this problem before. The problem has been limited down to the
computer itself the power supply, monitor, and disk drives are fine. Also when
it flicks on the drive light and the monitor also flick for a fraction of a

Mike Barthelemy


Date: 12 Jan 90 21:24:11 GMT
From:! (KiYun Roe)
Subject: Subtitling system
Message-ID: <>

My sister is interested in purchasing an inexpensive system (< $2000)
for adding subtitles to video. I really don't know much about her
work, but the system should have fairly good quality, and it should be
expandable so she can go into other areas of video. We have ruled out
a Mac II based system as simply being too expensive. I have heard that
many people are using Amigas for this kind of work, but I'd like to
hear about Atari-based systems, too. If you have some experience in
this area, I would appreciate comments about hardware and software. If
you are actually using such a system, I would really like to hear what
you have to say.

To avoid the usual Amiga vs. Atari flame wars, please send all
responses directly to me.

I do have one question that perhaps anybody can answer: what exactly
are the systems available for Amiga and Atari ST? I have heard about
Amiga 500, 2000, 2500, and Atari 1024ST, MegaST, Stacy, TT, etc. Can
somebody from each camp just list what systems are available right now
and their basic capabilities? Again, please send to me directly, and
if I get a summary which is particularly comprehensive, I'll post it.

Thank you.

KiYun Roe
Department of Computer Science
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400 (516) 632-7675


Date: 12 Jan 90 15:25:42 GMT
(Richard E. Covert)
Subject: Terminal program
Message-ID: <47fe0144.14a1f@force.UUCP>

In article <>, (Andrew
Pollard) writes:
> I would like to have Zmodem.
> Is it possible for someone to post it to the binaries or sources group,
> as I can not ftp from reading, U.K.
> Andrew Pollard.

About a month ago I found a new version of ZMODEM named ZMDM163
that attempts to fix the infamous Zmodem upload to Forem ST
boards. Anyway, it does allow full speed uploads with the US Robotics
HST 14400 modem (I have seen 1600 cps files uploads to a Forem ST
board). But, the authors of this latest version did not leave their
name of a way to connect them. Neither did they release the source
code to their version 1.63. All I know is that they are called
"The ST Enthusiats" (sp??).

There are two bugs in version 1.63 that I would like to correct. The first
is that 1.63 fails to correctly start the upload transfer when you are
uploading a file to a Forem ST board which has the older TOS 1.0/1.2 ROMS.
1.63 works fine when uploading to a Forem ST board running TOS 1.4 (haven't
seen any boards with an STe running TOS 1.6 yet :-) ). So, I need the source
code to fix this.

Also, I would like to add other file extenders to the BINARY transfer mode,
such as ZOO and ZIP. I keep losing ZOO files from my UNIX account when I use

So, if anyone know who the "ST Enthusiats" are or if you have the source code
to the ZMDM163 version please send me email!!


Richard E. Covert, Lead Engineer of Software Tools Group
AG Communications Systems, Phoenix AZ (602) - 581-4652
TCP/IP: covertr@gtephx
UUCP: ?ncar!noao!asuvax | uunet!zardoz!hrc | att?!gtephx!covertr


Date: 90-01-12 10:00 MEZ
From: Thomas Neser <so01%dmarum8.bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: TEX, in reply to

Hello netters,
The TEX my friend has are 7 Disks and im sitting in front of a damned
slow Siemens BS2000 here, so via net i can't send it. There are now
three ways.
a) Someone knows there it is on the net
b) Someone has is it in a town near you
c) I sent it to you, if you think postage from europe to us goes well
and sent me your adress.
Thomas Neser <so01@dmarum8.bitnet>


Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 12:41:20 MEZ
Subject: TOS 1.6 and 68030
Message-ID: <9001101141.AA20210@freya.dmswwu-ether>

TOS 1.6 definitively checks for the presence of an 68030 and
adjusts the usage of the stack frames in the trap dispatchers
accordingly. It SHOULD really work on a 68020 or 68030!!!
Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Tel.: 0251/861241


Date: 12 Jan 90 21:58:00 GMT
From: acf5! (Thanasis Mitsolides)
Subject: TOS 1.6 and the 68030
Message-ID: <370011@acf5.NYU.EDU>

/* / kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher) / 7:21 pm Jan
11, 1990 */
>W hat third parties can do with the machines shipped by Atari, and what
> _Atari_ can support on its machines are two vastly different categories
o> f things.

Thank God!! :-)



End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #33

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