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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 90 Issue 031

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Published in 
Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019



INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 12 Jan 90 Volume 90 : Issue 31

Today's Topics:
Atari ads, ad nausem....
formatting with 10 sectors under tos 1.4 (2 msgs)
HP? PaintJet Printer info wanted--address bounced
Planning a TIFF and GIF converter
Stacy salesman in Munich
Unix Windows

Date: 10 JAN 90 10:44:54 CST
From: Z4648252 <Z4648252%SFAUSTIN.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Atari ads, ad nausem....
Message-ID: <900110.10445243.002724@SFA.CP6>

Hello all,

After reading for months letters raking Atari for advertisements, or
the lack thereof, here is a little bit of opinion from East Texas, all
gleaned from reading mail from other nets.
The Amiga net is tough to follow. Several letters will be positive
over the national ads of six weeks ago, and, in a couple of days, those
same individuals will be scolded because they liked the ads. Those
scolding them will claim the ads didn't refer to the technical quality
and attributes of the machine and appealed to no one comparing machines.
Further moaning begins when others say that the ads didn't make that
much of a contribution in moving product. Conclusion on that particual
net was that the money used could have better been used for research, etc.
The Mac nets are also tough... sort of hard to find a Mac hacker
anymore. Apple has finally succeeded in shaping users to fit that box
instead of the other way around. Push a button, listen to it whirr. If
one has the money, then the Mac is a real nice appliance. What few hackers
are left for the Mac all question what System 7.0 *really* is, where Mac
is headed, and why constant advertisement is being done when money should
really be spent on better research to counter the IBM world. Their feelings
are that IBM is slowly becoming friendlier with an iconoclastic interface
shell and that the Mac advantage will soon be mute. National advertisement
campaigns are a waste, they say, aimed at the corporate market. In short,
they ask, "What was Apple talking about when they said: 'The computer for
the rest of us' ".
Atari..... To advertise or not? Advertise what? To buy from whom?
I am not a marketting person but I fail to see how advertising would help
in my area. I guess that there are no more than five STs within 200 miles
of me. My dealer is in Fort Worth, an ST mecca of sorts. He's small, has
two employees: himself and an electronics engineer. Makes a fortune
selling ST hardware and software...sometimes by appointment. He does his
own tv spots. He is very happy with Atari, at least he is making a nice
income. But for my area, how would a national campaign do any good? No
dealer to buy anything from.... it would be nice for me, though. I could
say to a stranger, "Yeah, I have an ST," and no one would say "whatzzat?"
So, I'm content with taking a four hour drive to Fort Worth for my ST
needs. If I had my druthers...... I'd druther drive across the street
like my Mac, IBM, and Amiga friends. But we have to look at our local
situation and go with it.
The advertisement campaign didn't really benefit Amiga, at least to
the level expected (U.S. folks want IBM [why, why, why???]). Mac
advertisements appeal more to the Yuppie (my opinion) and bank rather than
the hacker and home computerist, and that leaves Atari.
Speaking of hacking...I am disturbed that Atari engineers feel that
the home computer hacker, the guy who wants to software/hardware
hack on his machine, no longer exits as a whole. This deeply bothers
me. Did we (Apple, Atari, Commodore) lose this when we abandoned
BASIC as our interface?
Personally, in my own very biased opinion.... and sorry about cluttering
the net....: I'd rather see the ST market penetrate the schools and reps
be hired strictly for education reasons. Music departments, desktop
publishing, robotics. The ST can easily accomodate those areas in the
schools. A push of the ST, with theoretical funding earmarked for
national ads to be used for education instead, would do more in benefitting
the machine, exposing the programmer and developer, and restoring home
computing enthusiam than any national ad.
Somehow, seeing a former speaker of the house pushing a mouse button
on a glaring color tv screen does NOTHING to me in wanting to buy that
If I were a 10th grader, participating in a music lab with MIDI
theory and keyboards, I think that I'd have a problem in going home..I'd
want to stay on the ST. Obviously, examples for the other disciplines
Advertisement? Well, a fine concept. It is the American way, but
examine the other systems and it will be found that advertisement just
isn't as beneficial as one would expect particularly when the money could
be used elsewhere. Sorry about the clutter and the above views are totally
and strictly my own.

Larry Rymal: |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>


Date: 7 Jan 90 00:52:30 GMT
From:!pitt!cuphub! (Dan
Karbowsky;AtariEliteOfPghPa bbs412-384-5609)
Subject: CO-Processors---MOTOROLA ARE NICE PEOPLE!
Message-ID: <>

In article <9001030805.AA24416@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>,
so01@dmarum8.BITNET (Thomas Neser) writes:
> Hello netters,
> does anyone know something about the use of coprocessors with PC-emu-
> lators? a) The co-processors in use with the atari 68000er

I was VERY INTERESTED in attempting to tack a mc68881 co-processor onto
my 1040.....I talked to ATARI-US and ATARI-UK: They couldn't tell me
ANYTHING and ATARI-US denied the '881s existance.

In a UK catalog, however ( Silica House ), I do see the co-pro listed as an
ATARI-manufactured item! Although this is most certainly NOT the case--unless
someone isn't telling me something.

* IMPORTANT INFO ... CUT HERE !!! ******************

I DID call Motorola in Illinois and explain my problem to them.
The end result was that in one week, they sent me:

"Motorola SEMICONDUCTOR Application Note : AN974 ;
'MC68881 Floating-Point Coprocessor as a
Peripheral in an M68000 System' "

[ the important part is the "AN974" ] :-)

Call them [sorry, don't have the number on hand]
via directory assistance...

Semiconductor Products, Inc.
Suite 700
2300 North Barrington Road, Hoffman Estates

They were VERY responsive; The "Applications note" is a 41-page
COULD EVER WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE CHIP-- Charts, diagrams, pinouts,
etc... are given. My biggest problem is that I wish I had enough
time to get used to 68000 machine code ?this VAX drives me nuts?.
The source code has about 15 pages!!!

This should keep someone busy for a while.

[----------lots deleted----------]

> Thanks in advance
> Thomas Neser
------------------Your welcome, retroactive,
| Dan Karbowsky kar7481@pitt!cuphub / S U P P O R T T H E S T ! ! ! |
| 102 Lee Drive ___________________/Call the ATARI ELITE of PITTSBURGH'S |
| Belle Vernon, PA / BBS (Forem-ST,fnet node 19) at (412) 384-5609 at 300 |
| 15012 U.S.A. / thru 19.2k baud 24 hrs./day 7-days/week Mention this |
| / message at logon. |


Date: 10 Jan 90 16:11:31 GMT
From: (Mike Matthews)
Subject: formatting with 10 sectors under tos 1.4
Message-ID: <>

In article <> (Sam Alan
EZUST) writes:
>For some strange reason I format disks with twisted 10-sector per track
>format and they work for a short time but then stop working.
[stuff deleted]
>S. Alan Ezust
>McGill University Department of Computer Science - Montreal, Quebec, Canada

I use 82 track/10 sectors-per-track disks with TOS 1.4 all the time, formatted
with DC Formatter 3.2 (I paid the shareware due; it should be identical for this
purpose to the latest PD version). No problems. Well, an occasional disk does
fail, but they do that.

Could be a whacky drive... (I know, something you really didn't want to hear)
Or you have some really bad disks.


Date: 10 Jan 90 15:03:53 GMT
From:!!utgpu!watserv1!econadm5@tut.cis.ohio-stat (BENTLEY BH - ECONOMICS)
Subject: formatting with 10 sectors under tos 1.4
Message-ID: <>

One of the oldest but best programs for formatting is Hypercopy.
It not only copies many programs fast but has excellent formatting
qualities. Dcformat is also good. Acopy is also good. There are
many others.


Date: 7 Jan 90 01:00:40 GMT
From:!pitt!cuphub! (Dan
Karbowsky;AtariEliteOfPghPa bbs412-384-5609)
Subject: HP? PaintJet Printer info wanted--address bounced
Message-ID: <>

RE: HP-Paintjet
This reply BOUNCED so I am posting it here in hope that the Original Author
will reply to me via E-mail.
The message was:
From arpa!!cuphub!kar7481 Fri Jan 5 14:42:50 EST 1990
Received: by (5.54/1.14)
id AA02549; Fri, 5 Jan 90 14:42:50 EST
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 90 14:42:50 EST
From: cuphub!
Message-Id: <>
X-Vms-News: cuphub

> I've been using Pagestream 1.8 with the HP Paintjet printer for a few
> days now. This combination has opened up a completely new dimension in
> ST computing for me: high-resolution color desktop publishing.
> Pagestream can import all resolutions of Degas and Neochrome files, and
> print them with their color palettes intact. It can even import IFF format
> files containing Amiga ILBM/HAM pictures with hundreds of colors, and they
> come out in their full spectral glory at 90 dpi. At this resolution the
> Paintjet offers up to 330 colors using a 2 x 2 dot dithering scheme per pixel.
> Summary: for the ST, this is one heck of an impressive color DTP system.
> P.S. If you would like to see good-quality color printouts of any of your
> ST files (Degas, Neo or IFF format), send me email (

Could you please tell me SPECIFICALLY what hardware/software you're using
and especially where you got the driver for the PAINTJET!!!???

This MAY change my mind.....(from LJ-II to PJ)...


| Dan Karbowsky kar7481@pitt!cuphub / S U P P O R T T H E S T ! ! ! |
| 102 Lee Drive ___________________/Call the ATARI ELITE of PITTSBURGH'S |
| Belle Vernon, PA / BBS (Forem-ST,fnet node 19) at (412) 384-5609 at 300 |
| 15012 U.S.A. / thru 19.2k baud 24 hrs./day 7-days/week Mention this |
| / message at logon. |


Date: 10 Jan 90 15:21:15 GMT
(Christopher Roth)
Subject: lharc/arc/zoo/compress
Message-ID: <21701@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>

What we have here is a lot of different archive methods being used.
It would be nice if we could use one standard, and I would vote for

* Christoper Roth * "Machines have no
* InterNet : * Conscience..."
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Post No Bills-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


Date: Wed, 10 Jan 90 11:16 EST
From: STJLHI33%wooster.bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Panarthea

I am also having problems getting binaries from panarthea. Indexes work just
fine, though.

Real World: Jason Steiner
CIS: 76605,3336
"I was on a table, waiting for some shock treatment, when a sudden power surge
zapped me with 2 thousand volts. Then I floated down a tunnel to a shining man
in white and when I could finally make out his face it was _you_
"So what's the problem?"
-- Jung and the Restless by Steve Taylor from i PREDiCT 1990


Date: 10 Jan 90 16:34:07 GMT
From: brunix! (Rob Demillo)
Subject: Planning a TIFF and GIF converter
Message-ID: <24948@brunix.UUCP>

OK, the initial responses to my request for a TIFF and GIF image
file format converters seem to indicate that there really aren't
any that are any good. (Is this true?)

This leaves me no recourse but to write my own, since I need
them. I will write the software as a companion piece to PICSWITCH.
Is there anything else people wna tme to include? (Hell, as long
as I'm doing it, I might as well be all-encompassing and
anal retentive about it. :-) )

- Rob DeMillo | Internet:
Planetary Science Group | Reality: 401-273-0804 (home)
"I say you *are* the Messiah, Lord! And I ought to know, I've followed a few!"


Date: 90-01-10 17:00 MEZ
From: Thomas Neser <so01%dmarum8.bitnet@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Software

Hello netters,
can somebody tell me about preffered software for instance games,
wordprocessors, spredsheets, statistics, graphics and so on, equal if
it's CPM, DOS, TOS or MAC?
Okay enough of that. Greetings
Thomas Neser <so01@dmarum8.bitnet>


Date: 10 Jan 90 11:19:00 GMT
From: mcsun!sunic!tut!ra!! (Matti Inkinen HKJ)
Subject: Stacy salesman in Munich
Message-ID: <>

Few questions to Germany

1. Is Atari Stacy allready for sale in Germany.
2. Does anyone know a Atari salesman in Munich who sells Stacys (Atari).

Please inform me if you know

Matti Inkinen
Vaasa, Finland

* Matti Inkinen e-mail *
* University of Vaasa *
* Finland voice 358-(9)61-248302 *


Date: 10 Jan 90 08:53:45 GMT
From: mcsun!unido!gmdzi! (Jelske Kloppenburg)
Subject: Unix Windows
Message-ID: <1859@gmdzi.UUCP>

news@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU (USENET Master) writes:

>Can anybody out there tell me if UW (unix windows) works with tos 1.4?

Yes, I can. I'm writing this using UW having ROM TOS 1.4.
I called it just the first time - I hav not yet opened a second window.

I'll try it after finishing this message. If that does'nt work, i'll send
a second message.
UUCP: kloppen@gmdzi
In reallife: Jelske Kloppenburg


Date: 10 Jan 90 15:58:07 GMT
From:!!uflorida!!cr (Christopher Roth)
Subject: Viruses
Message-ID: <21702@uflorida.cis.ufl.EDU>

Hi all,

Hi there. I'm an ST user who has had his share of viruses. I must
say, I am glad for things like Virus Killer 2.2. To get back to the
point though, I have heard of things called antibodies, that sit in
your boot sector and do something like flash the screen . The idea
being that if a virus hits and writes over the antibody, you will
notice the screen not flashing. Is there currently a program to
install something like this out? What would be nice is a formatter
that has this as an option. What would be nicer is if the makers of
DCFORMAT would add this as an option...

* Christoper Roth * "Machines have no
* InterNet : * Conscience..."
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Post No Bills-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


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