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Info-Atari16 Digest Vol. 89 Issue 484

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Info Atari16 Digest
 · 26 Apr 2019


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From: Info-Atari16 Digest <Info-Atari16@EDU.STANFORD.SCORE>
Subject: Info-Atari16 Digest V89 #484

Info-Atari16 Digest Tuesday, October 10, 1989 Volume 89 : Issue 484

This weeks Editor: Bill Westfield

Today's Topics:

re:re:deskjet cover
Re: Decoded Net files
Re: Graphics file formats on new amachienes
Floptical drives from Insite Preipereripherraals
HDX Bad sector list
stdprn problem in Sozobon C -- dlibs
Juggler 2
GEM Problem
Announcing BibTeX V0.99 for the Atari-ST!!
Re: Connecting 2 hard drives
Re: TT speed facts
Seeking Mac ROMs
Re: TOS 1.4 availability (?)


Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 14:52 N
From: <HOESEL%HGRRUG52.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: re:re:deskjet cover
To: info-atari16@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU
X-Original-To: info-atari16@SCORE.STANFORD.EDU

Several people got confused by my previous message, so I'll try again.

WARNING: do not close the cover of the deskjet printer while printing
is in progress.
You can ofcourse print with a close cover, but do not close it after you
have opened it. You are likely to damage the head resukting in white
You can check what I mean by turning off the power of the deskjet; remove
the head (to prevend damage); move the now empty head compartment to
the middle of the printer and see the cover touch the compartment if
you close it or open it.
After you are you did the above check, reinstall the head and turn the
power on (to get the head in its rest-position)

hope that this helps.

frans van hoesel



Date: 17 Sep 89 14:39:08 GMT
(P E Smee)
Subject: Re: Decoded Net files

In article <> writes:
>It shouldn't matter what kind of computer does the transferring (VAX, IBM or
>whatever) since the whole point of UUENCODING is to convert a binary file int
>a standard ASCII text file that can be transferred by ANY machine, over ANY

Ahh, but the problem is with transfers which pass thru an IBM machine, since
IBM machines DO NOT SPEAK ASCII. They speak EBCDIC. There is not a unique
one-to-one and reversible mapping between ASCII and EBCDIC. (And, to
further confuse things, there are a number of variants of EBCDIC, frequently
all used in different contexts on the same machine.)

The most frequent problem with transfers which have been passed through
IBM's is for characters which began life as ASCII circumflex (up-arrow,
little hat, whatever you call it -- ASCII 0x94) to come back out of the
IBM as tildes (squiggles -- ASCII 0x126). This is because neither of
these graphics exists in EBCDIC. EBCDIC has a (different) single
graphic representing the (IBM) 'NOT' character -- and both hat and
squiggle tend to get mapped to that on input from an ASCII machine.

The simplest uudecode algorithm (which assumes that the file contains only
chars in the uudecode character set) will give an incorrect 6-bit value
when it decodes the resulting squiggle, as compared with what was in the
original file. (There is an alternative algorithm which will do the
right thing, as will Dumas 'table' method.)

It is generally (but not invariable) true that if you push an ASCII text
file from an ASCII machine through an IBM EBCDIC machine and then back
to an ASCII machine, you will not end up with an identical file. The
two character coding schemes do not match.

Paul Smee | JANET:
Computer Centre | BITNET:
University of Bristol | Internet:
(Phone: +44 272 303132) | UUCP: ...!mcvax!ukc!!exspes


Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 12:51:02 MSZ
From: ONM07%DMSWWU1A.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Operator Julian)
Subject: Re: Graphics file formats on new amachienes

Please forget the xbios functions for screen support. The only useful
functions for this are in the VDI and return ALL information you need.
And there IS a standard file format: the GEM-IMG-format, that knows
even about the pixel size of the source screen!


Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 11:53:17 MSZ
From: ONM07%DMSWWU1A.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Operator Julian)
Subject: Floptical drives from Insite Preipereripherraals

Can somebody tell me adress, email adress or fax number of the above
mentioned company?


Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 11:54:21 MSZ
From: ONM07%DMSWWU1A.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Operator Julian)
Subject: HDX Bad sector list

Is there any documentation about the bad sector list format used by
HDX? What is the meaning of the first 6 bytes? Any help appreciated!


Date: 18 Sep 89 13:04:39 GMT
mailrus!!utgpu!watmath!watdragon!tiger!achowe@tut.cis.oh (anthony howe)
Subject: stdprn problem in Sozobon C -- dlibs

I have been having trouble with Sozobon C libraries -- dlibs. It seems
that if I try and use stdprn to send output to the printer like
expect then it goes to the screen yet if I open a PRN: file and use
this file stream things work fine. Examples to follow.

This does not send output to the printer as expected. Instead it
goes to the screen.
#include <stdio.h>

fprintf( stdprn, "foobar\n" );

This does send output to the printer.
#include <stdio.h>

register FILE* prn;
prn = fopen( "PRN:", "wb" );
fprintf( prn, "foobar\n" );

I have looked at the code MAIN.C and the _iob table and nothing seems
odd. I've quick glanced over the code for FOPEN.C and OPEN.C, also
also printf code right down to WRITE.C. I can't figure what the problem
or differences are?

Could Dale Schumacker or someone who may have tried to use stdprn tell
me what either I'm doing wrong or if there is library fix I missed.

- Ant | "Life is not fair. Anyone who tells
_ -|-|_ _ | you different is trying to sell you
(_\ |\| | | | (_) |\| \/ | something." - The Princess Bride
___/ | disclaimer...


Date: 18 Sep 89 03:33:43 GMT
From: att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!Mark.Johnson@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Mark Johnson)
Subject: Fortran

Prospero Fortran is very slick with lots of excellent docs and all the
bindings books. They are ANSI standardized and allow GEM interfaced
with Fortran programs. Look into it!

Mark Johnson - via FidoNet node 1:147/10
UUCP: ...!att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!Mark.Johnson
INTERNET: Mark.Johnson@metnet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 18 Sep 89 03:42:16 GMT
From: att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!Mark.Johnson@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Mark Johnson)
Subject: Juggler 2

And Revolver are the two swithers of choice by most people. Juggler got
a bad name at first but version 2 works even without programmers
following proper GEM programming practices (the problem with the first
was not itself but how many programmers for the ST are sloppy while
using GEM).

Mark Johnson - via FidoNet node 1:147/10
UUCP: ...!att!occrsh!uokmax!metnet!Mark.Johnson
INTERNET: Mark.Johnson@metnet.FIDONET.ORG


Date: 18 Sep 89 15:19:50 GMT
From: rochester!kodak! (Bruce Nelson)
Subject: GEM Problem

I have been experiencing a problem w/ my 1040, wherein once in a while (and
getting more frequently), when the desktop (or a program) goes to open a
window, GEM freezes, i.e. the busy bee is on the screen (and still moves
via the mouse), but the window creation stops, with a reboot being the only
way out.

The motherboard was replaced last year (the previous one had the same
symptoms - but it was replaced for other reasons), and I reseated all the
OS chips, glue, and mmu, with no improvement.

Do any of you netlanders have any ideas? Many thanks.

Bruce Nelson


Date: 18 Sep 89 15:54:49 GMT
(Jeffrey K. Long)
Subject: Announcing BibTeX V0.99 for the Atari-ST!!

I just finished porting V0.99c of Bibtex over for the atari-st.
I was able to use the PC-DOS code written for the Turbo-C compiler on the
PC's over to the ST using Prospero-C!

If you have to ask yourself, "what it Bibtex?" this anouncement will
probably have little meaning for you.

BUT, if you are already running LaTeX and maybe the nice new .dvi previewer
that was just posted to and you wanted a "complete"
LaTeX system, here is the last piece of the puzzle.
BibTeX lets you maintain a separate library of Bibliography references and
then integrate that bibliography into you LaTeX document.

I can now do "almost" everything for my master's thesis at home on my ST
that I can do here at AFIT on our SUN systems!! (I say "almost" because
I still can't do Fig files at home).

Someday, probably after my thesis is submitted, I hope to write a complete
article on using the LaTeX environment on the ST. Who knows, I may even
submit it to the ST mags for publication. I think it is time that all
those who are so excited about "DTP" on the ST find out what true typeset
quality document preparation looks like! Sure, DTP programs have their
place (ie, newsletters, flyers, etc), but lets face facts: for Professional
quality typesetting of articles (particularly those with mathematical
equations in them) LaTeX is still the academic standard!

With my LaTeX system driving my HP-DeskJet printer and previewing using the
excellent previewer just posted to the, I can
produce 300dpi quality papers that I doubt even Calamus can come close to!

I have submitted bibtex to and will upload it to the
terminator archive soon. The .dvi driver for the deskjet is available from
terminator in the directory /atari/new as will bibtex very soon! Couple
these with the stuff available in /atari/tex from terminator, and you too
can be whipping out high quality mathematical/engineering papers!

Please, no "my DTP program can beat your DTP program" flame wars!!!
If you haven't seen a LaTeX document printed on a Laser-printer or a
DeskJet, you can't appreciate the power of LaTeX! NO, IT ISN'T VERY USER
FRIENDLY AND IT ISN'T WYSIWYG!! But the power and advantage of LaTeX lies
in other areas. LaTeX isn't a replacement for DTP, it is simply a better
way to go for the specific application of Professional quality document
preparation with mathematical typesetting capablilty that is unsurpassed!

| Jeff Long (ARPA net) |
| |
| humble (and getting humbler by the day) graduate student; |
| The Air Force Institute of Technology (what a great way of life??) |


Date: 18 Sep 89 14:52:47 GMT
From: dptg!lzaz! (HC Johnson)
Subject: Re: Connecting 2 hard drives

In article <>, (Mike Whitbeck)
> I have 2 ST's one has a megafile30 the other has an ICD 30M
> drive (seagate with SCSI ). I would like to do a one time
> transfer of LOTS of programs/data between the two.
> The manual for the megafile30 says I have to open the case to
> change its drive #'s and that would void the warranty. The ICD
> did not come with a manual. The ICD has both a DMA out and SCSI
> out ports (daisy chain).
> I'm thinking that I should plug the ICD
> in to the ST's DMA as drives C-D-E ; open the megafile and
> change the dip switches (but to what I don't know)
> to make it F-G-H and plug it into the DMA port on the ICD.
> So waddya think? Anyone know?
I do this all the time using a BMS200 and an SH204

1. yes change the megafile to device address 1.
-- in spite of the words, this cannot void your warantee, or they wouldn't
have put the switches inside.
2. with the ICD first, you are hoping that their DMA OUT will work properly.
-- BMS200 does, some others dont.
3. re megafile: you may not know which end of the three switches is bit 0:
as in bits: 2 1 0

if you change bit 0 to a 1, you get address 1.
if you change bit 2 to a 1, you get address 4.

as long as the ICD DMA out works, you will get both drives if you
address it as 1. If 4, you wont (the driver stops after finding
no controller). Guess about bit 1, try it. If it fails, set it
back, and try the other end.
4. good luck

Howard C. Johnson
ATT Bell Labs


Date: 18 Sep 89 15:34:26 GMT
From: asuvax!hrc!force! (Richard E. Covert)
Subject: Re: TT speed facts

In article <1696@atari.UUCP>, kbad@atari.UUCP (Ken Badertscher) writes:
> I sincerely hope you will choose the TT as your "next machine". I know
> that if you used one, you would want to keep it!
> Regards,
> Richard Miller
> V.P. of Research and Development
> Atari Corp.
> --
> ||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad)
> ||| Atari R&D System Software Engine
> / | \ #include <disclaimer>

Yes, Ken and Richard, the TT seems Great!!

And I have a Great local ATari Delaer (Computer Works of Glendale AZ).

So, *WHEN* will I be able to *buy* a TT.

Ken, or Richard, or whoever: I saw an article in the Sunday edition
of the Phoenix newspaper about a small VCR sized PC portable made by a startup
company up in Silly Valley. I believe that it was called 'Poquet'. It sells for
about $995. Do you know anything about it?? Hows it it compete with the Atari

Also, I hear that the Ninetendo (ugh gag gasp) Gameboy is already out.
How is the Atari Lynz (or whatever it is called today!!) coming??

Well, keep up the good work.. have fun.

richard(sts 4ever) covert


Date: Mon, 18 Sep 89 18:04 EDT
From: "Roger Marks, NIST, Boulder, CO. 303-497-3037" <MARKS@ENH.NIST.GOV>
Subject: Seeking Mac ROMs
X-VMS-To: @[marks.mail]infoatari

Does someobdy know a source for Mac Plus ROMs? The place that advertised on
the net awhile back refuses to answer either email or US mail. I bought an
issue of Consumer Shopper and slogged through a zillion pages without coming
up with anything. Any other ideas? Thanks,



Date: 18 Sep 89 00:56:00 GMT

PICSW7 will read in a mac picture and
transcribe it to something atari-format.


Date: 18 Sep 89 18:40:34 GMT
From: hp-pcd!hplsla! (Andy Cassino)
Subject: Re: TOS 1.4 availability (?)

I finally visited my dealer and they put me on a waiting list (it looked
quite long). They said they have been getting the new ROMs sporadically and
have no idea when they'll get to me. They charge $90, installed, for the
new ROMs.

They also claim there is no Mega installation problem, and no problem using
ICD driver software v2.3 with TOS 1.4. (In fact, there was fellow that
walked up and said he had the new ROMs and v2.3 of the ICD driver software..
no problem. He had just brought in version 3.1 (?) to try on the dealer's
machine with TOS 1.4). Hmmm... I thought someone here thought there was
an incompatibility?

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed herein are those solely
of the author, who has no pecuniary interest in the companies mentioned.

Copyright (c) 1989 by Andrew Cassino. All rights reserved.

% Andy Cassino %
% uucp: hplabs!hplsla!andyc domain: %
% Hewlett-Packard Lake Stevens Instrument Division %
% 8600 Soper Hill Road Everett, WA 98205-1298 %
% (206) 335-2211 %


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