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I Dont Care if You Read This 004
"no, i'm sorry. that is incorrect."
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| ( Oo ) i don't care if you read this ( oO ) | #4 |
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the really really cool random issue!
yeah, i'm zipping up the issues now and putting them out on the open
i decided that it just wasn't the same not being able to see my files on
people's file bases... so here they are... enjoy.
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| ( Oo ) i miss atomic cafe |
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ode to the atomic cafe
i used to run a successful board called the atomic caf
it made calling all the other boards quite pass
when the owner decided to take it down i said "hey!"
man oh man, do i miss that ever loving atomic caf
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| ( oO ) a brief history lesson |
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THO --. BLaH how dto and idciyrt came to be
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gasp | MiLK cDc
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idciyrt `-- mat - - std ---- h0e ------------.
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red |
i'll explain the illustration.
-- mogel and bf -- -- jamesy --
hoe was born of cdc milk was born of blah
red was born of hoe mat was born of tho and milk
red died mat died
hoe died alt-251 was born and died
dto rose from the ashes of hoe std rose, then merged with hoe
-- pip --
tho was born of boredom
tho died
pip and jamesy joined to make mat
pip left because he was getting frustrated with mat
gasp was born aftî pip went bye bye
gasp died when pip moved to california
idciyrt was born of boredom
so what can we learn from this?
mogel, bf, and jamesy started t-file groups because they wanted to imitate
their idols.
pip starts t-file groups because he's bored quite a bit of the time
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| ( oO ) words... uhhh... words... |
`-- |..| ---------------------------'
sodium diacetate
it's in what i ate
potassium benzonate
makes my stomach gyrate
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| ( oo ) play with it again, sam |
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that wraps it up for this issue of idciyrt... i don't feel like writing any
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| ( Oo ) info on idciyrt #4 |
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this little ditty was written by pip the angry youth
that's it.