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Fucked Up College Kids File 565

= F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. =
Just Words
Communicating with others is key to being able to succeed in this plane
that we currently reside in, there are many ways in which we
communicate with each other. Talking either through words written or
spoken, musical or artistic expression, motions or actions, and
probably some other ways, as well.
Have you ever head someone say (usually in reference to either a
degrading comment, criticism, or on-line conversations) "It's just
words. Words can't hurt you.". How about the expression: "Actions
speak louder then words."?
It is probably safe to say that we have all heard the above quotes, at
least a few times if not several hundred times. Either from parents,
elders, peers, or younger people.
People are generally born with five senses. These senses allow us to
evaluate our surroundings and lead themselves to us being able to
communicate. Hearing, which allows us to hear those things around us
either words, music, animals, etc., Taste which is primarily on our
tongue which is essential for talking. Sight, allowing us to see
everything about us. Touch lending itself to us being able to feel
things against our bodies, which ties into motions and actions. Smell
which enables us to be able to gather tiny fragments of those things
about us.
Notice that talking or speech, the ability to partake in conversation
using our voices, is not one of these senses. Taste is a part of it
just because they are linked are through the tongue.
Is speaking essential to living? It is essential in the idea that one
needs to be able to communicate with other living life forms. However,
there are other ways to do that, such as signing (sign language) or now
with how advanced the whole 'information highway' has become, one can
communicate greatly just through typing. (Sense needed: Touch)
There are people (and other mammals) that are born without all of the
senses. Sometimes through age, surgery, or another alternative method
that sense comes to light, and becomes an ability. Other times the
mammal learns to deal with not having it and live their life
Sometimes people abuse their senses, which very rarely forces them to
lose them or at least have them lessen. Such as smokers (or people
that use a LOT of salt) will lessen their sense of taste and/or of
smell. Just from the biological process the body goes through. (The
salt-alcoholics do not alter their sense of smell, just the smokers.)
Though there are other ways of abusing the senses. This is not about
the abuses of senses and those effects that arise on the body. If you
want that, go look them up in a biology book. What this is about
though is "just words".
All of us that are reading this file, are only reading "just words",
just like we always have whenever we have read anything else. Other
files, books, magazines, etc. Words may not hold a lot of meaning at
times, however they should. Because when words do not hold a lot of
meaning, what is the point of speaking/writing/reading them? There is
not one. What is the alternative then? Not speaking words, when they
are empty, holding no meaning. Not writing when there is nothing to
"Just talking is pointless." It is only pointless when there is
nothing worth anything being said. Otherwise it's a way of learning.
Learning either a person, place, or thing. A way to escape or enjoy,
through reading, gaining a new viewpoint, or entertainment. Which
could range from books and articles to descriptions and movies. The
only movies that do not have words spoken are silent films, and even
those have some words that pop up. Words are essential to
communication in some way.
Even when two people are not talking, possibly they are sharing an
intimate moment, their thought processes are moving in words, because
words and visions are how we were taught and made to think. People
give actions, things, people, places, and everything else a word or a
name to go by. That makes them, them. "A rose by any other name,
smells just as sweet." The alteration to names though is not what I
am wanting to convey to you.
"I find no reason to talk." That is all fine and dandy, though how are
you going to get to know anyone or anything more if you do not talk
with them in some way, shape, or form?
Words may just be words, but we as individuals and as a collective
place importance upon them - or should. The ability to be able to
use words correctly, accurately and to get our points and views across
and the ability to comprehend others' are key to being able to make
a successful life.
If it was not for any words, where would you be?
Next time you go to say, type, or read something - is it really only:
"Just Words"?
- Kamira
November 10th, 1998
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