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Fucked Up College Kids File 233

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Fucked Up College Kids
 · 26 Apr 2019


= F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. =


One thing good about going to college is you get to make a lot of
choices. My fourth year I made a choice to question authority. In
otherwords, I told the Division of Housing I was not going to obey
one of their rules.

Fall 1991--

I had about had it with dorm life especially after getting stuck
with another roommate I had problems getting along with. I wanted
out. I did what I could to exit on-campus housing but was denied--
I signed a one year contract agreement and they didn't intend to
break this contract. After much grief I accepted my fate and for
the Spring semester I transferred to another dorm room within the
same complex. It was my decision to do anything and everything in
my power to make life more comfortable within my 8x6' cell even it
if meant breaking the Division of Housing's rules.


Nature of incident-disciplinary.
Witnessed Incident-yes.
Individuals involved and witnesses listed.

[Unrelated sections deleted and only first names used]

During Fire Safety Inspection for new residents on 1-9-92 at
approximately 5:45pm, I, R.A. Paul, observed that the individual
involved, Daniel, had removed the bed-frame from his bed in house
5-103C of the New Facilities. This was also observed by R.A. Pam,
who was accompanying me on my inspections. I notified him of this
violation (9.24) both verbally and written with an inspection form.
I informed Daniel that he must immediately replace the bed to it's
normal condition to come in compliance with university regulations.
He expressed discontent with the policy (9.24) but agreed to
comply. I told Daniel that I would return in a few days-week to
check. On 1-12-92 I, RA, Paul returned to see if Daniel had put
the bed frame and bed back together. He stated that he hadn't.
Daniel asked me of the consequences for not complying and I stated
it was up to the conduct board and that my function was to report
the happenings. I asked Daniel if he intended to comply and he
said no.

I signed and received a copy of this Memorandum on 1/14/92.


>From the Division of Housing came an "Accused Memorandum" reminding
me of my upcoming Conduct Board Disciplinary Hearing.

You have been referred to the Residence Hall Conduct Board because
of your alleged involvement in a violation(s) of Housing or
University policy, which occurred on 01/09/92 in 38-103C New Fac.
It is alleged that you violated the Code of Student Conduct:

9.5 -- Failure to Comply
9.6 -- Furniture

Your hearing is scheduled for 03/02/92 at 5:45PM, and will be held
in the Weaver Hall Board Room. Enclosed you will find a pamphlet
describing the proceedings, and a map displaying the location of
the Board Room.

It is important that this matter be resolved promptly. As such,
failure to respond to this request could result in cancellation of
your registration and/or a referral to the Director of Student
Judicial Affairs.

[Some stuff deleted]


Waiting in a room before my "hearing" I ran into some people who
committed a serious offense--drinking. I knew one of the guys and
told him what I did--what a joke we both agreed. I'm sure some
worthy hearings take place in the Weaver Room but today the
bullshit was pretty thick.

I was listening to the Rollins Band "The End of Silence" quite a
bit during these trying times. In fact I wanted to read the lyrics
of "Grip" to the conduct board but I doubt they could have
understood or related to something like: "See me-Put yourself in
my place, Be me-Put your eyes in my face, Maybe then you'll see why
this place terrifies me, And why I've got to get myself away, So
hard to deal with the ones who can't feel." I couldn't bring
myself to read Rollins "Grip" but I did read a couple page write-up
before the board.


I spewed out my guts about previous living conditions, roommates,
space restrictions--how my stuff fit better with the bed
disassembled, comfort, how I applied for off campus housing and was
turned down, and about how crummy I felt I was being treated [all
detailed in the appeal below]. I wanted to keep the bed
disassembled and I did everything I could to make them understand.


I plead guilty to the Failure to Comply violation and not guilty to
the furniture violation. After about ten minutes of questions
about rules and why I should be allowed to break the rules I was
asked to step out of the room while the "jury of my peers" made a
decision. When I re-entered the room the decision was made. They
found me GUILTY on both counts. My sentence include a bunch of
bullshit including conduct probation until I graduated. They tried
to explain their decision to me but I couldn't relate to it much
like they couldn't relate to my situation. I left pissed off and
wondered why the hell I fought so hard instead of taking the easy
(and smart) way out--why didn't I comply and just take apart my bed
after fire inspections. What a bunch of shit I kept thinking.


I had the ability to appeal so I did such with the following

Dear Madam or Sir:

On March 2, 1992 I spoke in front of the Residence Hall Conduct
Board about two "violations" I committed on January 9, 1992. They

#9.5 Failure to comply
#9.24 Furniture

Both of these come from the 1991-1992 Rules and Regulations handout
given to students at the beginning of the semester.

Below I discuss the course of events that led to my facing the
Residence Hall Conduct Board. I am appealing their decision on
March 2, 1992. My situation is as follows:

In the Fall of 1991 I became a resident of the New Residence
Facility. During the time I was moving in my possessions, I
inquired about reconstructing a loft in the New Facility that I had
used the previous semester at Beaty Towers. To my dismay I found
that lofts were not permitted in the New Facility. It was actually
put to me like this, "if you want to build a loft you can transfer
to another dorm." The response to my polite question was rather
rude however the message was clear. The New Facility does not
allow loft building because it is new and building a loft would
cause undue wear and tear on the walls. This seems like a good
reason but it was my first clue that the New Facility was more
concerned with appearance than the comfort of its residence. Where
as Beaty Towers does allow building lofts and the condition of the
walls is quite good, especially since the lofts are not allowed to
be anchored to the wall-a design constraint I took into account
when building the loft at Beaty.

Having accepted the unusual policy of forbidding lofts, I found
myself short of adequate space. I then disassembled the bed frame-
a trivial task that had never before merited questions. My
roommate also did the same. Our reasons for doing this were:

1) Easier to get to sleep on
2) Better for the back
3) Less "springy" noise
4) More space
5) There is a convenient storage room
6) There is no wear-and-tear on the disassembled bed
7) These beds were made to be disassembled without tools.

The Resident Assistant, having seen the disassembled bed various
times, never complained.

Throughout the semester other problems arose. First and foremost,
noise caused by one of my roommates as well as noise generated by
the showers, parking, and field caused difficulties in studying and
sleeping. Other problems consisted of excessive bugs, humming
lights, and echoing of sound in rooms. It was a depressing
situation. I spent many hours frustrated by my "New Facility"
environment. This may seem silly, but it is really hard to
concentrate on work when there are all these things constantly
bothering me. I tried to block them out but there was no escape.
So, I did the only think I could--I petitioned to be released from
my Housing contract.

My roommate joined me on this decision. We both figured we would
be released--if not for the above reasons, then at least because
there was a waiting list to enter the New Facility. Adding to my
depression was the denial of release. We tried to appeal, however,
our response arrived only a week before the rent deadline and the
person we had to appeal through was on vacation until after the
deadline. We asked if we could appeal to someone else for release
but were told no.

My R.A. said that since we could not be released from housing an
effort would be made to lessen our difficulties. His exact words
were something like, "We'll make every effort to accommodate you
here." That sounded good and things started looking better.
However, as I found out the words held no value.

To get away from the field noise and other complications in that
room I moved to another house--in which I later was placed with a
smoking roommate. Before moving, I reassembled the bed I had
disassembled earlier in the semester. At the time my room options
were limited, but I found an opening where I now reside. Seeing
that there were no problems in the previous room I disassembled the
bed in my new room also. Unfortunately, my new R.A. viewed this as
a violation. He asked me to re-assemble it. He didn't ask why I
disassembled it or give me a chance to explain. He was of the
opinion that, "These are the rules and this is what you have to
do." His lack of compassion upset me and so I refused to re-
assemble it.

After a long delay my hearing came up. During the hearing I
discussed my reasons for disassembling the bed in front of the
board--basically what I have written above. When I completed with
the "why" part the board asked various questions. Questions such
as "Why do you think we have rules, why do you think you are
different, what if everybody modified the rules like you have done,
and what if an `unskilled' person disassembled the bed and it was
rickety?" My complaint is that the board never saw things from my
point of view. They dwelled on their view that "rules are rules"
and they are not meant to be broken. However, there was not any
discussion on my comfort. It seemed as though they don't really
care about how I felt. They didn't really listen to my reasons for
disassembling the bed. It is my wish that things can be seen from
my point of view and belief that rules are governing principals
that fail to correctly apply in all situations. In this case it
would be nice to think that my happiness and comfort would prevail
over the rules written to preserve the furniture. Actually, having
the bed disassembled for a full semester causes less stress on it
than daily wear-and-tear and these beds were made to be
disassembled--a process that could not possibly weaken the beds.

I have never had any desire to break rules for the sake of breaking
them. My unblemished school conduct record since kindergarten is
evidence of this. Also, I have never been arrested or gotten a
speeding ticket. On that note I feel the punishment is rather
sever considering that I'm only standing up for what I believe is
right. Please reconsider the decision.


The following letter arrived a few weeks after my hearing. It was
dated March 19, 1992.

After appearing before the Residence Hall Conduct Board for a
hearing of your alleged violation of Student Conduct Code, and
appealing with the Assistant Dean for Judicial Affairs, you were
found to have been responsible for failure to comply and violating
furniture policy on January 12, 1992. As a result, you have been
found responsible for violating Section(s) V.A. 9.5 and 9.24. You
are hereby placed on conduct probation through Fall Semester, 1992.
You must also have a one-on-one discussion with Norb at [phone #]
regarding rules and regulations and authority problems with
selective choice of rules by April 15, 1992. Also, you must submit
a 1-page reaction paper on what you have learned, which is due to
Diane by April 30, 1992.

During this time period you are deemed not in good standing with
the University of Florida and may not hold an appointed or elected
office in a registered student organization. You may not represent
the University of Florida on any athletic team other than through
intramurals [I was an intramural softball team captain/manager at
the time]. A record of this incident will be maintained in the
Office for Student Judicial Affairs according to University Rule
6C1-4.26 F.A.C. Please understand that should you be found
responsible of a violation of the Student Conduct Code while in a
probationary status at the university, the Code of Conduct requires
that you be subject to suspension or expulsion.

As you were notified in your hearing, any appeal of this sanction
must be made in writing to the Dean for Student Services within
five working days of the hearing. Failure to do so with forfeit
your right of appeal.

You may contact my office a the completion of this probationary
time period if you wish to have written verification that your
probation had ended. I hope there is no recurrence of this or any
other offense in the future and that the remainder of your state at
this university is successful.


The appeal reduced my probation status from "Graduation" (which was
Spring (May) 1993) to Fall (December) 1992. Regardless, I felt my
sentence was too harsh. I didn't express sorrow for what I had
done so I think the conduct board gave me the maximum sentence they


Earlier this semester I disassembled the bed in my "New Facility"
dorm room. One thing led to another and thus I have this reaction
paper to write about what I have "learned."

Okay, the "sentence" was conveyed as probation (9 months), a one-
on-one discussion, this paper and a 12 dollar "fine" or maintenance
fee for someone to reassemble the bed. From the one-one-one
discussion earlier this month with Norb I discovered that Housing
does have reasons for creating the rules they do. In my case I was
informed that the rule is such because of a liability or safety
reason. Of course the complex is "new" so to keep it as such the
rule applied double. In order for housing to stay out of a lawsuit
and keep people from lackadaisically dissembling and discarding
furniture in an inappropriate location these rules were instated.
There are people who would do such, however I would have to single
myself out as someone who does "give a shit" and thus would be more
respectful. Thinking I contradict myself between that statement
and my disassembling of the furniture is a contradiction in itself.
Unfortunately some people or person abused their privilege or
something went awry and thus the "no disassembling" rule was

It almost seems like a joke--the sentence that was "handed" down.
It is almost real; the university life is a mock "real life" system
right on down to the "court" hearing I had. There are many choices
I could have made when the RA presented me with the dilemma between
what I wanted and the "iron hand" of housing. I choose to stand up
for my rights, the reason for pleading not guilty to the charge
although it was obvious I was guilty. It is funny, because I
believe (and there is no doubt now) that had I plead guilty and
gave in to the powers that be that I would not have had such a
"heavy" sentence. Not being familiar with the system didn't help
either. And to think this could have all been avoided by taking
the easy way out and complying. I felt that my voice would be
heard and some understanding would be made of my situation thus the
reason for standing up for what I believed in. When I relocated
between breaks housing later relocated a smoker into the apartment
I was located, but did I ever tell housing where to!
Perhaps it is a bit of ignorance and inexperience that lead me to
into this "unfortunate circumstance." Hopefully I can walk away
from all this with a little more knowledge about "real life"
realizing that sympathy will not be found in the tight corners of a
rule bound institution.

As I look back I do see some promise with the system I
unfortunately battled and lost. I am actually glad there was a
one-on-one discussion so that someone would "hear" me unlike how I
felt during the hearing/appeal. For a justice system to work there
needs to be reform and education and not just jail
time/probation/community service. If someone has a problem it
needs to be faced and dealt with and not just given a sentence and
told to "Serve your time." So, at least some concern is shown to
try and help an individual who has a problem here. I have learned
that there are easy ways out and in many cases they should probably
be take. The RHCB doesn't take shit thus I should have been more
prepared and perhaps gave in a little when faced with them. It's
life, real or almost real and everything tells me experience helps.
Be simple and smart or pay your dues. I've paid, hopefully I will
be smart enough and not have to pay any more. Life is an ongoing
process of learning and many situations will have an unexpected
twist, amusing or not.


In my talk with Norb I almost broke down. My voice trembled a
little and I had problems (again) expressing myself. He kept
saying I had rationalize. I was frustrated, angry, and nervous.
My eyes watered a little and there was period of time where my
throat locked so I couldn't even talk for about a minute. The
situation felt hopeless. I did do some talking and once I realized
what I said didn't make a difference I accepted defeat. Norb was
just another higher up in the unflinching system of bureaucracy--
this took awhile to sink in. After about twenty more times of
"rationalize" from Norb I was allowed to leave. I left feeling a
sense of failure.

On 4/6/92 a maintenance man came to my room and reassembled my bed
for $12. It was the final part of my "sentence" although I still
had to serve out eight months of probation. On the plus side I did
have my bed like I wanted it for additional three months so the war
was lost but a battle was won.

Choose wisely,


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