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Damned Fucking Shit Issue 47

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Damned Fucking Shit! | | Title: Defeating Windows and The
Issue #47 | : Evil Sysops
Editor: Access Denied | . Date: 10/16/94
: By: Dr. Techno
NOTE:This information is common knowledge of the general computing
public and as such is being conveyed to you for educational and legal
purposes only. The author of this document in no way supports illegal
activities, and is in no way responsible for any damage, either physical, or
to private or public property that may result in the misuse of this
By Continuing reading this document, you relinquish all of your rights as
a free citizen of the World and agree that Dr. Techno is your Soveriegn
Prince with all rights to govern you handed down by God.
If you are reading this in an undemocratic area of the world, throw down
your oppressive government and welcome Dr. Techno as your salvation with
open arms.
NOTE FRom DR. H. P. Nominaly. I as a doctor of many psychological
disoders, have hereby scientifically scrutinized Dr. TEchno under the most
extreme circumstances ever wrought upon a man, and have determined that
Dr. TEchno indeed does not suffer from Meglomania, which has been asserted
by his subject many times before. He is indeed crazy, but do not hold that
against him, for he has a wealth of knowledge to convey to minds eager to
bask in the glory of his knowledge.
October 14, 1993
Down Home Labs presents
Topic:Defeating Windows and The Evil Sysops.
Many sysops run very crippled versions of windows on their netowrks.
Nothing may frustrate a hacker more when he/she sits down at a terminal
running windwows and tries to drop to dos only to be foiled by disabled
commands, etc.
This is called customized menu access. For the most part, intelligent
sysops (is there such a thing?) will prevent you from running your own files,
prevent you from exiting windows, and will usually prevent you from modifying
their windwows setup entirely.
Q: How do I get around this Dr. TEchno?
A: Well, it is quite simple.
Most sysops can not make their version of windows totally hack proof. Why?
Most sysops will leave some form of a word processor in windows. THis
is especially true at businesses, and at most schools / universities.
Well, you may ask, what good is a word processing system going to do me.
All that I want to do IS HACK HACK HACK!!!!!. Well, my children, a word
processer will allow you to edit a windows file called PROGMAN.INI.
This awesome ini file contains one nasty section called Restrictions.
Most semi-intelligent sysops love to load up this section with nasties.
All that you have to do is load in this file to the word processor (make
sure you import it and save it in it's native format (ascii) or else you
will create mucho problemos and will more than likely get caught.
Once you have PROGMAN.INI, loaded in, use the following information to your
** NoRun = <0 or 1> A setting of 1 disables the File menu's Run command; it
will appear dimmed.
** NoClose = <0 or 1> A setting of 1 disables the File menu's Exit
Window's option so that user's can't exit Windows from the File menu or
by pressing Alt+F4.
** NoFileMenu= <0 or 1> A setting of 1 removes the File Menu from the
Program Manager entirely, disabling access to any of its functions.
** EditLevel= <0 to 4> Zero, the default value, lets users, make changes to
Program Manager. A setting of 1 prevents users from creating, deleting, or
renaming program groups. A value of 2 sets level 1 restrictions and also
prevents users from creating or deleting individual program icons. A value of
3 sets level 2's restrictions and prevents users from modifying the
command-line parameters of groups or icons in the File/Properties dialog box.
A value of 4 sets level 3's resrictions and prevents users from making cahnges
to any program-item information in the FIle/properties dialog box.
Peace and I'm out
Dr. TEchno
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