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Damned Fucking Shit Issue 44

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Damned Fucking Shit
 · 25 Apr 2019


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Damned Fucking Shit! | | Title: Dr. Techno's Poetry #1
Issue #44 | : Date: 10/13/94
Editor: Access Denied | . By: Dr. Techno
Dr. Techno's Poetry #1

Come with me and travel into an unconventional mind set. A journey throught
the neurons of a man who is now entered into a reality controled by thoughts,
not by the physical world.

deep perplexities
locked beyond the door of imagination
trying to escape
the mind shattering truths

they control the future
thery are the ancients
locked in imagination

I am looking at this monitor
The complexity of life
the wondrous imagination

chained to a cell
music emanates
people watching

waiting for the hero to pass
all gasp in exultation
waiting for Christ

people sit at their table
they wait
for a saviour
that might not exist

but life does
it control us?
we control it.

it feeds from us

flying like elephants
running like birds
hoopping like flowers

everything is nothing
nothingness in everything
that exists

what exists?
nothing does
but, so does everything

thoughts give us a reason
for the season
maybe not

powerful imagination
fuels the engines
of reality

the masses are ruled by asses
by computers
by themselves

create what should not be created
relate what should not be related

in a state of belation
I flee from the Graces

I see troubled faces
on the backs of turtles

I am a frog
I am a tree
nature is us

lets let ourselves be
watch in horror
as the day unfoldss

just one day closer
to a place we call home

while others roam
on the foam and highways

buffalo and indians
in the distance
imaginations at the camp fire

the priestess is on the altar
wearing the proper attire

war rages on
in the northern front of our porch
in the kitchen there is peace

for the rooms of our lives
may contain us

we can fly and inspect
the sacred ground

a penny drops but doesn't make a sound
we travel in time but we stil
get older

I run into Hercules as he throws a boulder
above the rim
of the deep green sea

sits a girl
dressed in black

she weares a cross
her face in shite

we don't know what happened
but we feel her plight

we see her gaze
thgough the mist ridden haze

a powerful sea monster rises
and approaches the maiden

she awakes in a castle
and gazes out a window

she spins her thoughts into
a beautiful mural

500 years later they spring to life
as those in strife
struggle with life

I fell the hunger
my thirst corrupts
the otherwise innocent

what has happened now
has happened in the past

what of the future?
right now, it doesn't exist

all that is reality is the past
the present is uncertain
the future unknown

how can we know of
the forbidden fruit

an old man walks quietly down the street
he taps his cane
he looks down at his feet

an old woman rocks in her chair
she remembers the days that are no longer there

as I look at them they seem to materialize
maybe it's us in 50 years
or a previous incarnation

of molecules within our imagination

a girl and her family leave for a trip
they have lots of fun
as they frolic in the sun

but don't look
at it, it's not for us

that which has never meant to be beheld
by mortals

to realize it is dangerous
to behold in a world of possesion
by demons and objects

is it material?
the feeling I feel
growing within me

growing on trees
flying on angels
being stung by bees

I enter a cavern in search of the truth
looking for reasons were there is no proof

Once and awhile I'll enter a room
The room will contain me
but let my thoughts escape

the physical universe need
not be a limit

for we are capable of the incapable

in the room in the cave
the masses we rave

jumping in glee
reality we flee

to counter violence
you call for peace

to overcome insanity
you call for reality

does the opposite hold true?
is anything real

maybe just a dream

to counter peace
we preach violence

are we trying to escape sanity
by trying insanity

dreams come true

the truth is ending
the dreams have all been born

reality changing
as time is stopping...

written by Dr. Techno sometime in the spring of '94
I would like to know what you think about this. If you have some free time
send me some email at

I would also like to read exchange/poetry with you. If you have anything
please send it to me.

DjDt (Dr. Techno)

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