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Damned Fucking Shit Issue 40

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Damned Fucking Shit
 · 25 Apr 2019


(ASCii By AD!)

Damned Fucking Shit
Editor: Access Denied

Issue #40
Title: 101 Uses For a Shi-Tsu
Date: 9/15/94
By: Ares

/ O \ uSeS FoR a SHi-TSu

1-Play football with it.

2-Put in a jar in case of a nuclear fallout.

3-Use it as a koosh ball.

4-Shove a pole up its ass and dust your celing with it.

5-Take the pole out and dust your keyboard with it.

6-Soak it in drayno and flush it down the toilet to clean out the pipes.

7-Paint it blue and give it to small children telling them it's hairy smurf.

8-Throw it at a fan to redecorate your walls.

9-See how long it lasts as a fan belt.

10-Feed it nitro glycerine and teach it to jump up and down.

11-Feed it nitro glycerine and give it to a jumpy person.

12-Put it in a microwave wrapped in tin foil.

13-Staple its head to a Treasure Troll body and market it.

14-Mount its head on your wall and say, "well, I was AIMING for the deer..."

15-Watch a cat kick its ass.

16-Feed it LSD and see if it jumps out a window.

17-Name it killer.

18-Name it Foofie and teach it to nibble at the toes of intruders.

19-Shove a phone line in its ass and call someone.

20-Feed it C-4 and teach it to nibble on electrical cords.

21-Give it to your mother for her birthday and say it's a German loofa sponge.

22-Give it to your father and say it's a hairpiece.

23-Wash your car with it.

24-Test your new flame thrower on it.

25-Sue it for sexual harrasment.

26-Tell it it's your hero, and it's everything you wish you could be.

27-Shove a bottle rocket up its ass and see how far it flies.

28-Get it drunk and make it drive home.

29-Put it in a porn movie with a doberman. (youch!)

30-Put a bunch of 'em in a line and call it a speed bump.

31-Give it to Dahmer and see what happens.

32-They make attractive door stops...

33-Use it for a target on a dart board.

34-Hold it under water to see how long it can hold its breath.

35-Teach it to bite heads off of pigeons and name it Ozzy.

36-Throw a tennis ball into a hydraulic press and watch it go in after it.

37-Practice your drive with it.

38-Force Spam, Jello, and Vaseline down its throat.

39-They make good cannon shot...

40-Crucify it.

41-Shove a top up its ass, spin it around and say its a midget Tazmanian Devil.

42-Cut it up and slip some into your mom's potpourri pot.

43-Scrub your toilet with it.

44-Throw it at your radio to change the channel.

45-Use it as a paintbrush.

46-Kill a bunch of them, put them on your floor and say it's shag carpet.

47-Laugh at it.

48-Nail it to your door on Halloween so the children will go away.

49-Wrap it around your wrist and say you put hair tonic on your watch.

50-Hold it under a magnifying glass on a sunny day.

51-Record its barking as new age music.

52-Replace your grandparent's "Depends" with it.

53-Replace your own "Depends" with it.

54-Dip it in paint and throw it at people saying it's a new game.

55-Contact Satan with it.

56-Put it in a tape drive and see how many DFS magazines will fit on it.

57-Skin it and make an attractive toaster cover.

58-Put it in your Nintendo and game with it.

59-Plug its ears into a wall socket.

60-Stuff it into your VCR and press PLAY.

61-Stuff it into your tape/CD player and press PLAY.

62-Tie it to the ground and drop big concrete slabs on it.

63-Get three of them and juggle.

64-Nail it's head over Vic's on a Megadeth poster.

65-Smoke a cigarette with it.

66-Smoke tea with it.

67-Smoke IT.

68-Dress it up in skimpy leather and see if it'll pass for Lita Ford.

69-Give it a bunch of plastic surgery and see if it'll pass for Micheal Jackson

70-Teach it how to blow a dog whistle and drive itself insane.

71-Bolt wheels to it and go skateboarding.

72-Get it pissed so you can laugh at it when it growls.

73-Strap it to your feet and go skiing, yelling shit as you fly down the hill.

74-Throw it off a tall building and see if it hits a cop.

75-Throw it at a wall of spikes.

76-Dress it up and call it... "Spuds McKenzie... The Yuppie Generation"

77-Feed it dynamite and teach it to play with matches.

78-Grind it up and sell it in a health food store.

79-Dress it up and don't take it out.

80-Teach it to press down on a gas pedal and put it in someone's running car.

81-Put it in a freezer so it dosen't spoil.

82-Make fuzzy earmufs out of it.

83-Shave it bald and say it's a big newt.

84-Accidently leave it in your locker over the summer.

85-Replace your mom's powder ball with it.

86-Stuff it in your armpit to absorb sweat.

87-Leave your life savings to it.

88-Blame your H/P/A/V/C doings on it.

89-Eat it alive and barf all over everyone.

90-Feed it to a REAL dog.

91-Polish your shoes with it.

92-Feed it to a venus fly trap.

93-Make gourmet beef jerky out of it.

94-Cover it with maggots and throw it at a huge flock of birds.

95-Name it as the mascot for a midget yuppie baseball team.

96-Name it Tatoo and teach it to say "de plane, boss... de plane!!!"

97-Use it as a hockey puck.

98-Put it in the middle of the ocean and see how far it swims before it drowns.

99-Teach it to be a sheepdog and watch it get trampled.

100-Write a "101 uses" text file about it.


list created by *-=ArEs=-* for DFS, inc.

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