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Current Cities Volume 02 Number 11
Volume 2, no. 11
November 1991
Library Technology Watch Program
University of California, Berkeley
Edited by David F.W. Robison
ISSN: 1060-2356
Teri Rinne, Vivienne Roumani, Lisa Rowlison, Mark Takaro, Roy Tennant
Information Transfer
Basch, Reva. "The User Wish List and System Software for the 90's: How Far
so Far?" Online 15(6) (November 1991):42-47. Basch examines the influence
consumers have had and will continue to have in system software
development as they demand more custom-tailored options in databases.--
Billington, James H. "Library of Congress to Open Collections to Local
Libraries in Electronic Access Plans." American Libraries (September
1991):706-. Billington describes a current pilot project, LC Direct, enabling
remote electronic access to the holdings of the Library of Congress; and the
American Memory project which will eventually deliver electronic copies of
materials of some of LC's unique collections to remote users.--VR
Celko, Joe. "DBMS Report: Retrieve your Information with 'Textbases.'"
Systems Integration 24(9) (September 1991):31. Celko gives a good and
brief explanation of textbase systems and their relevance to document
Cotton, Dirk. "At last! Standards for Broadcast Data." Data Communications
20(10) (August 1991):31-32. Cotton reports on two organizations who are
developing standards "that will integrate broadcast data and interactive
applications on the same network, eliminating the cost of operating
multiple networks."--VR
Hawkins, Donald T. "Imaging--Another New Technology for the Information
World: The Basics." Online 15(6) (November 1991): 103-105. Hawkins
explores the basics of imaging and promises "sequels [that] will look at
retrieval from image-generated databases...."--VR
Tucker, Tracey. "Telephone Response Technologies' InteleFax. A Fax-On-
Demand Application Toolkit." Teleconnect 9(8) (August 1991):145-147. This
article describes how fax-on-demand, integrated voice/fax systems, "have
expedited customer access to information."--VR
Networks and Networking
Goode, Joanne and Maggie Johnson "Putting Out the Flames: The Etiquette and
Law of E-Mail" Online 15(6) (November 1991):61-67. Goode and Johnson
point out that since e-mail is a new and still evolving mode of interpersonal
communication, we may need some pointers on its use beyond the basic
procedures. The authors discuss mail management, style guidelines,
survival skills and the issue of privacy.--DR
Hinnebusch, Mark "Z39.50: A Path for Implementation" Computers in
Libraries 11(8) (September 1991):30-31. Hinnebusch updates us on the
activities taking place to bring about implementation of the Z39.50
standard. This standard will allow full compatibility for search and
retrieval of information across multiple platforms, described as "the most
important standard in library and information retrieval automation since
the MARC format."--DR
Kibirige, M. "Information Communication Highways in the 1990s: An Analysis
of Their Potential Impact on Library Automation" Information Technology
and Libraries 10(3) (September 1991):172-184. This in-depth article
explains how the combined increases in bandwidth of networks (primarily
through the increased use of fiber optic cable and satellite transmission)
and computing power of local systems are bringing immense changes in the
library and information industry.--DR
Quint, Barbara "Flipping for Full-Text" Wilson Library Bulletin 66(1)
(September 1991):82-85. Quint gives us some of the low-down on full-
text--is it really "full"? Why can't I find the San Francisco Chronicle's
Sunday edition? What about optical databases? The author also provides
some sources on locating and evaluating full-text services.--DR
Optical Disc Technology
Ciuffetti, Peter D. "A Plea for CD-ROM Interchangeability" CD-ROM Librarian
6(8) September 1991:27-28. This article analyzes the state of
standardization within the CD-ROM industry and makes a proposal for multi-
vendor cooperation through standards that will enable the industry to
provide the next level of capabilities to researchers.--TR
Brown, Christopher L. and David E. Coleman "Testing and Development of an
Efficient, Remote CD-ROM System" CD-ROM Librarian 6(9) October 1991:13-
18. This case study profiles the CD-ROM-based aquaculture information
service designed to increase access for a regional community that is widely
dispersed throughout the Pacific. The article discusses site selection,
system selection criteria, components, performance, operation, and impact.
One major impact of remote access is reducing the need for expensive
information-gathering practices, such as traveling to more technologically-
advanced places or hiring consultants.--TR
Paul, David, et al. "The Over-The Counter CD-ROM Network Solution" CD-ROM
Librarian 6(9) October 1991:19-23. This is another case study of remote
access to a CD-ROM network. The Southern Maryland Regional Library
Association (SMRLA) set out to provide a wide variety of CD-ROM packages
to meet the needs of its branch libraries. Because of the grant size, they
were unable to implement a "turnkey" or Novell-based system, but utilized
off-the-shelf components to build their networking solution instead.--TR
Current Cites 2(11)(November 1991) ISSN: 1060-2356
Copyright (C) 1991 by the Library, University of
California, Berkeley. All rights reserved.
Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computerized
bulletin board/conference systems, individual scholars, and
libraries. Libraries are authorized to add the journal to their
collections at no cost. This message must appear on copied
material. All commercial use requires permission from the editor,
who may be reached in the following ways: // drobison@ucblibra // (510)642-7600