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Computer Undergroud Digest Vol. 06 Issue 01


Computer underground Digest Sun Jan 02 1994 Volume 6 : Issue 01
ISSN 1004-042X

Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET)
Archivist: Brendan Kehoe
Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth
Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala
Ian Dickinson
Copy Editor: Craig Shergold, XIII

CONTENTS, #6.01 (Jan 02 1994)
File 1 --Cu Digest Content Index, Vol 5.01 - 5.95 (1993)

Cu-Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are
available at no cost electronically from The
editors may be contacted by voice (815-753-0303), fax (815-753-6302)
or U.S. mail at: Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb, IL

Issues of CuD can also be found in the Usenet
news group; on CompuServe in DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of
LAWSIG, and DL1 of TELECOM; on GEnie in the PF*NPC RT
libraries and in the VIRUS/SECURITY library; from America Online in
the PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters;"
On Delphi in the General Discussion database of the Internet SIG;
on the PC-EXEC BBS at (414) 789-4210; and on: Rune Stone BBS (IIRG
WHQ) (203) 832-8441 NUP:Conspiracy; RIPCO BBS (312) 528-5020
CuD is also available via Fidonet File Request from 1:11/70; unlisted
nodes and points welcome.
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COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing
information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of
diverse views. CuD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long
as the source is cited. Authors hold a presumptive copyright, and
they should be contacted for reprint permission. It is assumed that
non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted unless otherwise
specified. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles
relating to computer culture and communication. Articles are
preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts
unless absolutely necessary.

DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent
the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all
responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not
violate copyright protections.


Date: Thu, 23 Dec 93 00:18:00 BST
From: grmeyer@GENIE.GEIS.COM
Subject: Cu Digest Content Index, Vol 5.01 - 5.95 (1993)

1994 begins with the Contents of articles from 1993, and for those who
missed it, the cummulative subject/topic/name index for Volumes 1-4
were published in #5.94.

Be sure to send in articles, news, and other information you think
readers would find interesting.

Happy '94---

Gordon and Jim



CONTENTS, #5.01 (Jan 6, 1993)
File 1--Index to CuD volume 4 (1992)


CONTENTS, #5.02 (Jan 10, 1992)
File 1--DoJ Has NOT "Authorized" Keystroke Monitoring
File 2--Re: Dorm Room Raid (CuD #4.67)
File 3--Reports on Ames Raid Available
File 4--Hysteria from Forbes via NPR
File 5--OECD Security Guidelines
File 7--"Any one Who Owns a Scanner is a Hacker, or..."
File 8--FYI: 3rd Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference


CONTENTS, #5.03 (Jan 13, 1992)
File 1--Moderators' Cornered
File 3--Re: COM DAILY ON F.C.C.
File 4--with regards to the DoJ's keystroke logging notice
File 5--Re: White Sands (SIMTEL-20) and copyrighted software
File 6--Re: Dorm Room Raid (CuD #5.02)
File 7--Follow-up to CuD #5.02 File 2 [Re: Dorm Room Raid (CuD #4.67)]
File 8--CFP-3 Scholarships Available
File 9--Canadian Media and BBSes
File 10--United Kingdom Software Seizure Laws
File 11--High Students charged in Computer Burglaries (Reprint)
File 12--Comments on _Hacker_Crackdown_


CONTENTS, #5.04 (Jan 17, 1992)
File 1--Steve Jackson Games case trial postponed
File 3--Newsbytes on EFF Reorganization
File 4--Some Questions & Comments on EFF Reorganization
File 5--Transcript of Secret Service Press Conference in Lubbock


CONTENTS, #5.05 (Jan 20, 1993)
File 1--Balancing Computer Crime Statutes and Freedom
File 2--Encryption issues
File 3--Response to Mark Carter in CuD #5.02 and #5.03
File 4--Released GSA Docs Slam FBI Wiretap Proposal
File 5--Attempted Mindvox Break-in
File 6--Keyboarding Explosive Data for Homemade Bombs


CONTENTS, #5.06 (Jan 24, 1993)
File 1--Introduction to Second SPA & BSA Issue
File 2--Re: Taking a Look at the SPA (CuD 4.63)
File 3--Reaction to SPA statements in CuD 4.63
File 5--A Comment on the SPA (Gray Areas Reprint)
File 6--Nintendo News Release (Re: BSA APL Bust - Oct '92)
File 7--The BSA, APL BBS, and Anti-Piracy Crackdowns


CONTENTS, #5.07 (Jan 26, 1993)
File 1--Mark Carter Clears his Name...
File 2--Reply to St.Catharine's "Porn" stories (RE: CuD 5.02)
File 3--Legal Strategy on 2600 Nov. '92 Mall Harassment
File 4--Re: "Explosive Data for Bombs" (CuD #5.05)
File 5--Response to Prosecutor Citarella's Notes (CuD 5.06)


CONTENTS, #5.08 (Jan 28, 1993)
File 1--Response to "Resistance at Shopping Mall" (CuD 5.07)
File 2--Offworld BBS Raided (StLPD
File 3--Colonel Guilty of Sending Computer Porn
File 4--ISPTS Organizing Information
File 5--New case for EFF, ACLU, and CPSR
File 6--Public Service for Cornell Hackers
File 7--CFP Special Issue on Security [Change in Due Date]
File 8--Talking with the Underground


CONTENTS, #5.09 (Jan 31, 1993)
File 1--Media hype goes both ways (in re: Forbes article)
File 2--Forbes, NPR, and a Response to Jerry Leichter
File 3--Revised Computer Crime Sent
File 4--Balancing Computer Crime Statutes and Freedom


CONTENTS, #5.10 (Feb 3, 1993)
File 1--Steve Jackson Games Trial Summary
File 2--More Background on SJG Trial
File 3--Steve Jackson Games case (Day 1)
File 4--Steve Jackson Games Update 1/28/93 Day 2)
File 5--Houston Chron's View of Abernathy Trial (Reprint)
File 6--the most wonderful thing happened at the trial
File 7--Cell-phone encryption and tapping
File 8--Clever Tactics Against Piracy
File 9--Rusty and Edie's BBS raided by FBI


CONTENTS, #5.11 (Feb 7, 1993)
File 1--Introduction to a Chat with the SPA
File 2--A Chat with the SPA
File 3--How does the SPA Calculate Piracy?


CONTENTS, #5.12 (Feb 10, 1993)
File 1--CPSR Sues Secret Service for 2600 Docs
File 2--Clever Tactics Against Piracy
File 3--SPA has Banner Year
File 4--Mitch Kapor's Forbes Column on S.893
File 5--Re: Pirate Software
File 6--In Re "Legal Strategy on 2600 Nov. '92" (CuD #5.07)
File 7--Common Carrier Review Request
File 8--Some Comments on "Approach Zero" (review)
File 9--For your mailing lists/newsgroups


CONTENTS, #5.13 (Feb 14, 1993)
File 1--Talking with the Underground
File 2--System Surfing at U-Cal/Davis
File 3--Unemployed Programmers Turning their Talents to Evil
File 4--"Hackers" take on the UFOs?


CONTENTS, #5.14 (Feb 17, 1993)
File 1--Re: CuD, #5.11 - SPA's Piracy Estimates
File 2--Cu News: Pirate Amnesty, Toll Fraud Decline, etc
File 3--Re: EFF in Time's Cyberpunk Article
File 4--Behar's Response to Godwin
File 5--Censorship in Cyberspace
File 6--Undercover Rambos?? (NYT Story on "Hakr Trakr")
File 7--Social Engineering (Re: CuD #.13)
File 8--Cybersmut is Good
File 9--Suggestions For a Hi-tech Crime-investigators' Seminar?
File 10--Re: Unemployed Programmers Turning Talents to Evil (#5.13)


CONTENTS, #5.15 (Feb 21 1993)
File 1--MODERATORS' Corner (ah, sundry snippets)
File 2--Re SPA/Piracy (CuD #5.14)
File 3--TIME & Puzzlement
File 4--Technology and Populist Publishing (GEnie Reprint)
File 5--"Time Bomb" Detonated In Pennsylvania
File 6--(fwd) CICnet rural datafication / ubiquitous access


CONTENTS, #5.16 (Feb 24 1993)
File 1--Clinton's Silicon Valley Speech/SGI (transcript)


CONTENTS, #5.17 (Feb 28 1993)
Subject: File 1--Police motivations re. computer crime
Subject: File 2--ACLU Interesting in Rusty & Edie's BBS?
Subject: File 3--Re: File 4--Technology & Populist Publishing (#5.15)
Subject: File 4--A Case for Electronic Publishing
Subject: File 5--Obtaining Back Issues of CuD via FTP
Subject: File 6--New Computer Viruses Run Amok (sort of) (Reprint)
Subject: File 7--Netsys Startup


CONTENTS, #5.18 (Mar 7 1993)
File 1--PKZIP Bankruptcy Rumor is a *HOAX*
File 2--Hackers in the News (Orange County Register Reprint)
File 4--London Times Educational Supplement Article
File 5--FWD: The White House Communication Project


CONTENTS, #5.19 (Mar 10 1993)
File 1--Author responds to Shopping Mall criticism
File 2--Re: Hackers in the News (CuD #5.18)
File 3--Internet Talk Radio (fwd)
File 4--Call for Stories -- Reasons to Build the NII


CONTENTS, #5.20 (Mar 14 1993)
File 1--Steve Jackson Games WINS! (fwd)
File 1--On-Line GEnie Interview with Bruce Sterling


CONTENTS, #5.21 (Mar 21 1993)
File 1--CuD Mirror Update
File 2--New Info in 2600 Case
File 3--Official virus-writing contest
File 4--comments on proposed virus writing contest (Bontchev)
File 5--Comments on proposed virus writing contest (Frisk)
File 6--Response: virus-writing contest
File 7--Comments on the Virus Writing Contest
File 8--Bruce Sterling on GEnie (#5.20)
File 9--Re: The White House Communication Project (#5.18)


CONTENTS, #5.22 (Mar 25 1993)
File 1--Judge Spark's Decision in Steve Jackson Games Suit


CONTENTS, #5.23 (Mar 28 1993)
-- Response to Virus Writing Contest (#5.21)
-- Akron BBS Sting Update
-- Getting information to and from the White House


CONTENTS, #5.24 (Mar 31 1993)
File 1--Special Issue on CFP III (introduction)
File 2--Computer Freedom and Privacy III Conf. (Report 1)
File 3--Computer Freedom and Privacy III Conf. (Report 2)
File 4--Computer Freedom and Privacy III Conf. (Report 4)
File 5--Computer Freedom and Privacy III Conf. (Report 5)
File 6--Computer Freedom and Privacy III Conf. (Report 6)
File 7--Computer Freedom and Privacy III Conf. (Report 7)
File 8--Bridging the Gaps w/Law Enforcement (View 1)
File 9--Bridging the Gaps w/Law Enforcement (View 2)
File 10--Bridging the Gaps w/Law Enforcement (View 3)
File 11--Bridging the Gaps w/Law Enforcement (View 4)
File 12--A Few Final Words about CFP '93


CONTENTS, #5.25 (Apr 4 1993)
File 1--CPSR Wins SSN Privacy Case
File 2--Re: Debating the Virus contest - 1 (#5.23)
File 3--Re: Debating the Virus contest - 2 (#5.23)
File 4--Re: Debating the Virus contest - 3 (#5.23)
File 5--USPS Freedom of Information Act Requests
File 6--Collecting Cu Files (From "LOD")
File 7--CU in the news
File 8--Comments on SJG Decision (GRID News)


CONTENTS, #5.26 (Apr 11 1993)
File 1--Re: Debating the Virus contest - clarification
File 2--"The Logic of the Virtual Commons" (Research Report)
File 3--CUN News: Online Defamation Alleged / Pentagon Piracy


CONTENTS, #5.27 (Apr 14 1993)
File 1--EFF and CPSR testimony against 18 USC 1030 Sent. Revisions
File 2--CPSR Comments on 1030 Guidelines
File 3--EFF Response to Proposed Sentencing Guidelines
File 4--LEGISLATIVE DATA ONLINE -- AB1624 needs support
File 6--Some comments on AB1624 re online legislative access
File 7--AB1624 UPDATE#1--Making Leg. Data available Online


CONTENTS, #5.28 (Apr 18 1993)
File 1--NREN Wrap (or "Joe's Ride at the Houston Chron")
File 2--Clinton Proposes National ID Card
File 3--White House Crypto Statement
File 4--Debate on Gov't Encryption Initiative (from CPSR)
File 5--RU Sirius/Mondo interview (from GEnie)
File 6--Rune Stone BBS (IIRG Home Board) Back On-Line


CONTENTS, #5.29 (Apr 21 1993)
File 1--LTES article and Gender on the Nets (Re: CuD 5.18)
File 2--LTES article and Gender on the Nets--Response to Larry
File 3--LTES Article -- The author Responds


CONTENTS, #5.30 (Apr 25 1993)
File 1--New disclosures in 2600 case
File 2--Press release on "Clipper Chip" encryption initiative
File 4--Sysop jailed in Georgia (article by Lance Rose)
File 5--Phone Fraud in the Telecom Industry


CONTENTS, #5.31 (Apr 28 1993)
File 1--Response to 'Gender on the Nets' (Re CuD #5.29)
File 2--Re: Gender on the Nets (Re CuD 5.29)
File 3--Re: Sexual Bias on the Net (Re Cud 5.29)
File 4--A Female Response to the Gender Question in Cyberspace


CONTENTS, #5.32 (May 2 1993)
File 1--If you missed the Galactic Hacker Party of 1989....
File 2--SPA Needs A Different Direction
File 3--Some thoughts on Clipper and the Constitution (1)
File 4--Some thoughts on Clipper and the Constitution (2)
File 5--Clinton Administration Freedom of Information Policy
File 6--Hacker Accused of Rigging Radio Contests
File 7--"Hacker" Executed in China
File 8--Electronic Privacy Conf w/Oliver North & Chris Goggans


CONTENTS, #5.33 (May 5 1993)
File 1--Intro to CPSR/EFF Electronic "Hate-Crimes" Inquiry Responses
File 2--SEA letter - Hate Crime
File 3--EFF Response to NTIA "Hate Crimes" Inquiry


CONTENTS, #5.34 (May 9 1993)
File 1--Another response to gender issues
File 2-- Response to Wes Morgan
File 3--Cryptography and Mythology
File 4--New NIST/NSA Revelations
File 5--About the Clipper Proposal
File 6--Dvorak criticizes the SPA
File 7--New 'Zine (ORA.COM) by O'Reilly & Associates


CONTENTS, #5.35 (May 12 1993)
File 1--My Thoughts/questions on the "Clipper" chip.
File 2--Response to Jerry Leichter on Clipper Chip
File 3--Response to Rich Mackinnon on Clipper
File 4--Another Letter of Concern to "Hate Speech" Inquiry
File 5--FBI Raids Telco Manager's Home (TELECOM DIGEST SPECIAL)
File 6--DEF CON I Update


CONTENTS, #5.36 (May 16 1993)
File 1--Yet Another "LOD" Pretender!
File 2--Building Bridges of Understanding in LE & Comp. Community
File 3--Crypto-Schemes/Mobile Digital Services in Australia
File 4--More on Free Speech & Cyberspace
File 5--Gene Spafford's Farewell
File 6--UPDATE #3-AB1624 Online Access to Legislation / ACT BY 5/13


CONTENTS, #5.37 (May 19 1993)
File 1--CPSR Brief in 2600 FOIA Case
File 2--Response to Russell Brand (Re CuD 5.36)
File 3--"Clipper" Chip Redux
File 4--UPDATE #4-AB1624: Legislative Info Online
File 5--AB1624-Legislation Online - Making SURE it's "right"
File 6--CU In The News--Singapore Piracy / Ethics Conf.


CONTENTS, #5.38 (May 22 1993)
File 1--Here We Go Again - 2600 Magazine Threatened With Lawsuit
File 2--Obtaining Whitehouse E-Publications
File 3--UK Computer Misuse case
File 4--CPSR Position Openings
File 5--A little feedback on Bridges of Understanding


CONTENTS, #5.39 (May 30 1993)
File 1--The LOD Files - A CuD Critique
File 2--Histories of BBSes (excerpts from the LOD files)
File 3--LOD Project Summary and Contact Information
File 4--An Interview with the LOD


CONTENTS, #5.40 (June 02 1993)
File 1--Bridges of Understanding
File 2--MTV News, Nets, Feedback from Users
File 3--CPSR NIST Crypto Statement
File 4--AB 1624/Online Info Bill PASSES MAJOR HURDLE!
File 5--UPDATE #8-AB1624--Press Freedom for Paper Pubs Only?


CONTENTS, #5.41 (June 06 1993)
File 1-- LODCOM@ Mail Bounces Fixed --
File 2-- CuD (and other stuff) for Non-Internet readers
File 3-- A New public CU BBS in Southern Italy
File 4-- Sending E-Mail to Clinton and Gore
File 5-- Electronic fingerprinting of welfare recipients in CA
File 6-- Email "Etiquette"
File 7-- Microstate: Old Empires and New (New Repub. Reprint)


CONTENTS, #5.42 (June 10 1993)
File 1--UPDATE #11-AB1624: Passed the Assembly, More to Do!
File 2--Rusty and Edies's: More Information
File 3--Timeline for a Network History
File 4--Re: Fingerprinting Welfare Recipients in CA
File 5--Call for Papers for Feminist Theory & Technoculture


CONTENTS, #5.43 (June 13 1993)
File 1--Hacker testimony to House subcommittee largely unheard
File 2--CPSR Clipper Testimony (6-9-93) in House Subcommittee


CONTENTS, #5.44 (June 16 1993)
File 1--Interview with a Virus Writer (Gray Area Excerpt)


CONTENTS, #5.45 (June 20 1993)
File 2--Re: 2600 testimony to Markey's subcommittee
File 3--Newsgroup Moderator Survey -- Respondents Requested
File 4--CUnews - SPA sues software rental; Sega/ratings; Censorship
File 5--Newsletter on work in computer industry
File 6--Course on "Politics and Technology"
File 7--GPO WINDO text here!
File 8--Re-AB1624: dumbing-down leg displays w/o dumbing-down data
File 9--6/17 AB1624: dumbed-down displays - ADDENDA


CONTENTS, #5.46 (June 23 1993)
File 1--Re: File 6--Course on "Politics and Technology"
File 2--A public experiment in how private our lives really are
File 3--AB1624/Calif Legislature Computer Access -- Full Text
File 4--Summercon Synopsis & Playful Precis
File 5-- Defense Contractor Attacks Full Disclosure (Reprint) (#1)
File 6--The "Offending" Full Disclosure Story (#2)
File 7--The Harris Letter Threatening Litigation against FD (#3)
File 8--The Full Disclosure Atty's Response to Harris (#4)


CONTENTS, #5.47 (June 27 1993)
File 1--Squelching the Rumor of the CuD ftp Sites
File 2--Another Stupid Rumor Bites the Dust
File 3--UPDATE #14-AB1624: bill-text as amended (*improved)*
File 4--Re: Full Disclosure TRIGGERFISH Hassle (CuD 5.46)
File 5--Response to Interview with a Virus Writer (CuD 5.44)
File 6--Virus Hits White House


CONTENTS, #5.48 (June 30 1993)
File 1--Time to Review Law Enforcement Forfeiture Practices
File 2--Reform of Civil Asset Forfeiture Act (HR 2417)


CONTENTS, #5.49 (July 4 1993)
File 1--*GEnie* Roundtable transcript of VIRUS/SECURITY
File 2--CPSR Workplace Privacy Test
File 4--CuDs on BBSes: "Other Side of Infinity"


CONTENTS, #5.50 (July 7 1993)
File 1--New information on Public Key Patents
File 2--Galactic Hacker Party, '93
File 3--On-Line Congressional Hearing
File 4--Hacker Listens to Secretary's Aides
File 5--Virtually no Reality in "Virtual Reality"
File 6--Donation Distinctions (By E-Zine Editors/Moderators)CONTENTS, #5.51
CONTENTS, #5.51 (July 11 1993)
File 1--Introduction to the AIS BBS Controversy
File 2--Response to RISKS' Anonymous Post attacking AIS BBS
File 3--Response to Anonymous: AIS BBS
File 4--A User's View of AIS BBS
File 5--Fear and Loathing: On the Virus Code Trail at AIS
File 6--Media, Anti-virus personnel, Ethics, and AIS


CONTENTS, #5.52 (July 14 1993)
File 1--Subjective opinion (Paul Ferguson Responds to #5.51)
File 2--Update on 2600 Case
File 3--BBSes Carrying CuDs
File 4--Re: CRYPT Newsletter


CONTENTS, #5.53 (July 18 1993)
File 1--CPSR Urges Revision of Secrecy System
File 2--CPSR/Berkeley Meeting on access to govt info
File 3--CU in da Newz
File 4--More CuD Sources for Non-Interneters --GEnie
File 5--Hyde For Wiretaps
File 6--Reply to Ferguson
File 7--Re: Cu Digest, #5.51 --The AIS BBS Incident
File 8--Viruses (Reply to Paul Ferguson)
File 9--Another Reply to Paul Ferguson (RE CuD 5.52)


CONTENTS, #5.54 (July 21 1993)
File 1--B. Sterling and W. Gibson Comments on Cyberspace & Educ.
File 2--An open letter to Frank Tirado (from Paul Ferguson)
File 3--Response to The AIS BBS Incident
File 4--AIS BBS "debate"


CONTENTS, #5.55 (July 21 1993)
File 1--"What is CPSR and how can we Join?"
File 2--Incident Response Workshop info
File 3--"Science & Tech Through Science Fiction" Conference
File 4--New hearing set for E-Fingerprinting in SF


CONTENTS, #5.56 (July 28 1993)
File 1--Akron Anomaly BBS UpDate (Seizure Warrant)
File 2--Call for Paper: Computer Network Use and Abuse Conference
File 3--Credit Reports and National
File 5--Community Network Survey Results Available


CONTENTS, #5.57 ( Aug 1 1993)
File 1--Re: Hacker sentencing
File 2--Criminal Records Subject to Abuse
File 3--UPDATE: Ideas-Exchange listserv/ Legis Data Programmers
File 4--Observations from a "non-cyberhead"
File 5--Response to "Observations from a 'non-cyberhead'"
File 6--Rep. Markey's Letter in re AIS BBS
File 7--Response to Rep. Markey's Letter


CONTENTS, #5.58 ( Aug 4 1993)
File 1--An Apology to Joel Garreau
File 2--The Complexity of Issues in the AIS BBS Affair
File 3--Virus distribution


CONTENTS, #5.59 (Aug 8 1993)
File 1-- Unfair Newspaper Article on BBS Network & Replies
File 2-- NIRVANAnet BBSes and the Media (CuD Commentary)


CONTENTS, #5.60 (Aug 11 1993)
File 1--CuD #5.59 Glitch & Some Belated Thanks from CuD to "helpers"
File 2--Computers, Freedom & Privacy, '94 -- Conference INFO
File 3--Congressional Fellowships for PhD/s-telecommunications
File 4--$50,000 Fine for "Software Theft" (Canadian News)
File 5--SKIPJACK Review (Encryption Background and Assessment)


CONTENTS, #5.61 (Aug 15 1993)
File 1--ERRATA in CuD #5.60
File 2--EFF Job Opening for ONLINE ACTIVIST
File 3--NSA Seeks Delay in Clipper
File 4--CPSR and the Nat'l Info Infrastructure
File 5--Call for Papers IFIP SEC'94 Caribbean
File 7--Illinois BBS Sysop Busted for "porn-to-minors"
File 8--In response to E-fingerprinting in Calif
File 9--Re--NIRVANAnet (A View from Brazil)
File 10--Public Domain Internet Information for Teachers <fwd>
File 11--Gory details about texsun (breakin) (fwd)


CONTENTS, #5.62 (Aug 17 1993)
File 1--CU News ("Software felons," "Valuing Info," et. al.)
File 2--CuNews ("Technofogies" and more)
File 3--Another BBS Seizure in Hartford
File 4--Call for Clipper Comments


CONTENTS, #5.63 (Aug 19 1993)
File 1--Frequency of CuDs and Mail Service
File 2--Akron BBS Update 6/30/93 - Seeking Equip't Return
File 3--SAVE SIMTEL-20!!!
File 4--UPDATE #23-AB1624: Clarification of Bill's Obstructors
File 5--Digital Library Use (DLU) Project Information
File 6--CPSR's 1993 Annual Meeting


CONTENTS, #5.64 (Aug 22 1993)
File 1--Has the EFF SOLD OUT?!?
File 2--EICAR '93 conference / members' meeting
File 3--Re SKIPJACK Review (CuD 5.60)
File 4--CuNews ("Smart Kards," Comp Snooping at IRS/FBI, & more)
File 5--CuNews -- ("Hackers need not Apply" & more)
File 6--Table of Contents for Volume #1 (of P/H Msg Bases)
File 7--Graduate Paper Competition for CFP-'94
File 1--Report on Summer Hack-Tic Conference in the Netherlands
File 2--Another View of the Hack-tic '93 Conference
File 3--Computer Culture and Media Images
File 4--Media Images of Cu Digest - CuD Response to SunWorld
File 5--CORRECTION on Graduate Paper Competition for CFP-'94


CONTENTS, #5.65 (August 24 1993)
File 7--Graduate Paper Competition for CFP-'94
File 1--Report on Summer Hack-Tic Conference in the Netherlands
File 2--Another View of the Hack-tic '93 Conference
File 3--Computer Culture and Media Images
File 4--Media Images of Cu Digest - CuD Response to SunWorld
File 5--CORRECTION on Graduate Paper Competition for CFP-'94


CONTENTS, #5.66 (Aug 26 1993)
File 2--Computerization & Controversy (Biblio Resource)
File 3--40Hex is now a print magazine
File 4--"In a Different Format" (Review of gender/comp thesis)
File 5--"Smoking Dope on IRC--Play/Performance in Cyberspace"
File 6--Classifying Grad Theses & Dissertations as "private?"
File 7-- O'Reilly Internet Information Service
File 8--"The Internet Letter"--Internet's First Commercial Digest


CONTENTS, #5.67 (Aug 29 1993)
File 1--Having Problems Reading CuD with your Software?
File 2--FERPA Redux--more on disses/theses as "private records"
File 3--Cops plead no contest to selling data
File 4--Article on Patient Privacy
File 5--CuNews - Whitehouse Mail; SPA's "Cities of Pirates"
File 6--Technology Conversion Conference
File 7--"Dirty Dan" Teaches "anti-hacking" to 3rd Graders
File 8--Calif Assem. Bill #1624 - Latest Full Text


CONTENTS, #5.68 (Sep 1 1993)


CONTENTS, #5.69 (Sep 5 1993)
File 1--The Ware House BBS Case Reconsidered
File 2--Additional Facts in The Ware House (Hartford) BBS Case
File 3--Plea for money forwarded from the IIRG
File 4--Calif AB 1624 *IMMEDIATE* ACTION NEEDED or 1624 will die!
File 5--Model Letter in Support of Cal E-Access Law (AB 1624)


CONTENTS, #5.70 (Sep 8 1993)
File 1--World Wide Web Newsletter Information
File 2--Big time hacker from the small town
File 3--Re: A Class Like None Other [revised]
File 4--Imaginary Government Reply to Jim Warren's Model Letter
File 6--Other BBSes Carrying CuD
File 7--Phrack now only available on the CuD shadow archives
File 9--Canadian Document Database
File 10--UK Privacy International Conference


CONTENTS, #5.71 (Sep 12 1993)
File 1--Law enforcement in the Elansky case
File 2--The Elansky Case and the (edited) Anarchy Files Reprinted
File 3--More Non-Net Sources for CuDs, Phrack, etc


CONTENTS, #5.72 (Sep 16 1993)
File 1--Still more on the Elansky/Hartford BBS Case
File 2--Thoughts on the Elansky Case - A Response
File 3--Attitude TV show about hackers in Australia
File 4--CuNews
File 5--CPSR Annual Meeting


CONTENTS, #5.73 (Sep 19 1993)
File 1--U.S. Gov't Begins Attack on Moby Crypto
File 2--Phil Zimmermann's Comments on the Moby Crypto Incident
File 3--Crypto Witchhunt?
File 4--PRESS RELEASE--Clinton Appoints Sci/Tech Czars (satire)
File 5--Libertarian Responsibility of The Cyberpunk Movement (Reprint)
File 6--CuNews
File 7--Summary of Boys in front of Computers (Thesis)
File 8--UPDATE #30-AB1624: Gov Has Until Oct.10th
File 9--NETSYS.COM - Public Access availability


CONTENTS, #5.74 (Sep 22 1993)
File 1--Phil Zimmerman Comments on Encryption Flap
File 2--NEW State Dept FLASH on Moby Clipper (Grady Ward)
File 3--"Secret Science"
File 4--Comment on Elansky BBS/Conn. Law
File 5--Fingerprinting Welfare Recipients
File 6--Gov't Computer Databases & Right to Privacy (Thesis Abst)
File 7--Revised WH E-mail FAQ


CONTENTS, #5.75 (Sep 26 1993)
File 2--Elansky/Hartford BBS Update, 25 Sept '93
File 3--Raising the Issue of Copyright on the Nets
File 4--Ethics of reposting
File 5--Number of CuD Articles
File 6--CuD Posting Policies and Processes (A Response)
File 7--September 29 BBLISA meeting]
File 8--The State of Security of Cyberspace (SRI Research Summary)


CONTENTS, #5.76 (Sep 29 1993)
File 1--Bruce Sterling on ABC/Australia's Attitude (excerpts)
File 2--the Cyberspatial Copyright
File 3--Forum for Research on Virtual Culture
File 4--Computer-Mediated Comm Volume -- Call for Papers
File 5--Question EFF yielding of crypto authority to NIST
File 6--PGP/Zimmermann News Clippings Needed!
File 7--EFF's Comments to NIST on Encryption/Escrow
File 8--Three Cheers for Legal Action; Re: Mody Crypto
File 9--PumpCon II


CONTENTS, #5.77 (Oct 3 1993)
File 1--Grady Ward DOES NOT Encourage Illegality
File 2--Response to Jerry Leichter in re Moby Crypto
File 4--Summary of BBLISA meeting (CuD 5.75)
File 5--E-Jrnl of Virtual Culture--Gender Issue Call For Papers
File 6--B. Sterling's Keynote address at EFF/EFF-Austin Crypt Conf
File 7--Summary of EFF/EFF-Austin Cryptography Conference


CONTENTS, #5.78 (Oct 6 1993)
File 1--The Elansky Case (A Response to CuD's Editors)
File 2--CuD and the Elansky Case (Response to L. Detweiler)
File 3--CA state Legislative Info Bill
File 4--U. Minn. Campus Police Investigate Software Theft Ring
File 5--Computers & Writing Call for Proposals


CONTENTS, #5.79 (Oct 10 1993)
File 1--FOIA Releases 10-4-93
File 2--CPSR Key Escrow Comments
File 3--Sea Joins the Encryption Game
File 4--Re: ITAR and export regulations
File 5--Sexual harassment via computers (newspaper article).
File 6--The Net and Netizens (Paper)
File 7--E-mail Announcements From O'Reilly & Associates
File 8--A Few More CuD-Carrying BBSes
File 9--Survey: what harassment _is_ there on the Net?


CONTENTS, #5.80 (Oct 13 1993)
File 1--CALIF AB1624 signed into law - PUBLIC INFO ACCESS!
File 2--Thanks to The folks who made AB1624 possible
File 3--Response to Cohen in re ITAR & Export Regs
File 4--Space computer hacker gets bond.
File 5--all machines moving 10/15-10/18
File 6--IGC Wins Public Interest Aw
File 7--Response to PGP Encryption Flap (RE:CuD 574)
File 8--Elansky/Hartford bbs Hearings - Case Continues


CONTENTS, #5.81 (Oct 17 1993)
File 1--Another BBS/Bombing Connection (Ill.)
File 2--BBS "Porn" Bust in Oklahoma - Another LE Misstep?
File 3--A Few Biblio Items (Paulsen, Encryption, & P. Zimmerman)
File 4--Fourth Annual HOHOCON
File 5--"Hacker" Documentary Proposed
File 6--CuNews
File 7--Student Pugwash Conference
File 8--Response to CuD 5.80 - Itar article


CONTENTS, #5.82 (Oct 20 1993)
File 1--Fair Info Practices with Comp. Supported Coop Work
File 2--LA Times does cyphertech; odds & ends
File 3--IGC Wins Social Responsibility Award
File 4--Full Description of Proposed "Hacker" Documentary"


CONTENTS, #5.83 (Oct 24 1993)
File 1--CuD is taking TWO WEEKS OFF (Returning 7 November)
File 2--Elansky Accepts Plea Agreement (Hartford BBS update)
File 3--A Foreign Embassy Information Infrastructure
File 4--DES Broken?
File 5--Computers & Sustainable Society
File 6--Students Suspended For Electronic Documents
File 7--NOMA (Nat'l Online Media Association) BBS Org. Formed
File 8--A Reporter meets "cyberpunks" (news item)
File 9--"Cyber Comics" (Monterey Cty Coast Weekly Summary)
File 10--Belated response to F. Cohen (CuD 5.80)


CONTENTS, #5.84 (Nov 7 1993)
File 1--Computers, Freedom, and Privacy '94 Conference
File 2--CFP '94 Scholarship Announcements
File 3--Korea 94: Call for Papers
File 4--CPSR NII Paper
File 5--DES: Broken!
File 6--NAFTA mandates software patents (fwd)
File 7--Phiber Optik Sentenced to One Year in Prison


CONTENTS, #5.85 (Nov 10 1993)
File 1--Electronic 'Zine List


CONTENTS, #5.86 (Nov 14 1993)
File 1--Details on Phiber Optik Sentencing (Newsbytes Reprint)
File 2--Sentencing in Elansky Case set for Nov. 19
File 3--BCS Community Technology Publication Available
File 4--NII Call for Action
File 5--On-Line Access to Gov't Info in Texas
File 6--CPSR NII Call for Action
File 7--DOS 6.2 BUG!!!


CONTENTS, #5.87 (Nov 17 1993)
File 1--Mike Godwin's Letter to Judge Stanton (in re phiber optik)
File 2--Another Comment on Phiber sentencing
File 3--CuD Commentary on Phiber Optik Sentencing
File 4--CPSR Crypto Resolution
File 5--Operation "Root Canal"
File 6--ANNOUNCEMENT/Cyberculture Documenatary (fwd)
File 7--Internet Encyclopedia (Interpedia) group project/mailing list
File 8--Dos Bug (Re CuD 5.86)
File 9--Students Suspended For Electronic Documents
File 10--U.S. Law and the Constitution
File 11--DES Key Search Paper Available


CONTENTS, #5.88 (Nov 21 1993)
File 1--Michael Elansky ("Ionizer") Sentenced / Saga ends
File 2--Electronic Bill Of Rights and Responsibilities
File 3--Student sues to regain Internet access
File 4--Toll Fraud on French PBXs--Phreaking
File 5--Brendan Kehoe
File 6--Advertise your skills!


CONTENTS, #5.89 (Nov 28 1993)
File 1--Cyberspace and Social Struggle
File 2--Computers and the Poor: A Brand New Poverty
File 3--A Psychopunk's Manifesto
File 4--ANNOUNCEMENT: Markey Bill debuts in House
File 5--Response to Steshenko case (in re CuD 5.88)
File 6--What's a "CuD?"
File 7--CuD has Moved to a New LISTSERV at UIUC


CONTENTS, #5.90 (Dec 1 1993)
File 1--Conference in Russia
File 2--HR 3627 - Export Controls on Cryptography Software
File 3--Psuedospoofed again
File 4--re: Student sues to regain Internet access (CuD 5.88)
File 5--Re: Cu Digeset, #5.89
File 6--Commentary on Cyber-issues in Elansky/Ionizer Sentence


CONTENTS, #5.91 (Dec 5 1993)
File 1--Anarchy Gone Awry
File 2--PC Security books reprints material from AIS (Review)
File 3--Apple Computers bitten by Conservatives
File 4--GAO Report on Computers and Privacy
File 5--New Docs Reveal NSA Role in FBI Digital Tele Proposal
File 7--DIAC-94 Call for Participation


CONTENTS, #5.92 (Dec 8 1993)
File 1--Senator Simon Introduces Privacy Bill
File 2--Cantwell & Markey bills, GAO report, etc. online at EFF
File 3--ANNOUNCEMENT: DPSWG Crypto-Policy Statement to White House
File 4--A Superhighway Through the Wasteland?
File 5--Health Privacy Radio Program
File 6--Apple "Accepts" Texas Bigotry


CONTENTS, #5.93 (Dec 12 1993)
File 1--Internet Resources -- U.S. Federal Gov't Information


CONTENTS, #5.94 (Dec 15 1994)
File 1--EFF Policy on Cryptography and Privacy / 8 Dec '93
File 2--CPSR Clipper Letter to Clinton
File 3--EFF Statement on Markey Infrastructure Bill
File 4--Child Porn Bust in North Carolina
File 5--Complaints prompt Patent Office hearings on SOFTWARE PATENTS
File 6--Edited ASIS '94 Mid Year Meeting Announcement


CONTENTS, #5.95 (Dec 19 1995)

============== END CONTENTS, VOL 5 ===================


End of Computer Underground Digest #6.01

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