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Computer Undergroud Digest Vol. 05 Issue 95


Computer underground Digest Sun Dec 19 1995 Volume 5 : Issue 95
ISSN 1004-042X

Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET)
Archivist: Brendan Kehoe
Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth
Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala
Ian Dickinson
Copy Editor: Craig Shergold, XIII

CONTENTS, #5.95 (Dec 19 1995)

Cu-Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are
available at no cost electronically from The
editors may be contacted by voice (815-753-0303), fax (815-753-6302)
or U.S. mail at: Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb, IL

Issues of CuD can also be found in the Usenet
news group; on CompuServe in DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of
LAWSIG, and DL1 of TELECOM; on GEnie in the PF*NPC RT
libraries and in the VIRUS/SECURITY library; from America Online in
the PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters;"
On Delphi in the General Discussion database of the Internet SIG;
on the PC-EXEC BBS at (414) 789-4210; and on: Rune Stone BBS (IIRG
WHQ) (203) 832-8441 NUP:Conspiracy; RIPCO BBS (312) 528-5020
CuD is also available via Fidonet File Request from 1:11/70; unlisted
nodes and points welcome.
EUROPE: from the ComNet in LUXEMBOURG BBS (++352) 466893;
In ITALY: Bits against the Empire BBS: +39-461-980493

AUSTRALIA: ( in /pub/text/CuD.
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COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing
information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of
diverse views. CuD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long
as the source is cited. Authors hold a presumptive copyright, and
they should be contacted for reprint permission. It is assumed that
non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted unless otherwise
specified. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles
relating to computer culture and communication. Articles are
preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts
unless absolutely necessary.

DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent
the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all
responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not
violate copyright protections.


Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1993 16:14:54 CST


((MODERATORS' NOTE: ALAN DUNKIN compiled the following index of
subjects and names featured in CuD from Volume 1 through Volume 4. It
was a time-consuming and rather arduous task, and we're certain that
readers share our enthusiasm and gratitude for his efforts. We've
found the index invaluable in tracking down subject/issues that we
occasionally need.

Alan recently switched his mail address, and he can be contacted
through us for the time being. We'll publish his address in the first
of the year.

Alan is also working on Volume 5. Thank gopod for hard-working
masochists, especially when they share with others. To Alan, a
magnitudinous THANKS!!


This is an index of things, people, handles, events, magazines, places,
events, books, hackers, TV shows, speeches, conventions, search
warrants, phreakers, secret service agents, news prints, and of
cyberspace itself. Anything mentioned in an issue of the Digest, with
significance, is included in the Index. For instance, a paper
regarding "Knight Lightning" will be in the Index, but the fact that
he liked UNIX would not go under the UNIX heading.

Catagories which consist of different names have "identifiers", like
BBS, the word "magazine", "convention", or somesuch to aide in
searches. Books and magazines are surrounded by underscores while
aliases and hacker handles in double quotes. Where acronyms occur I
have tried to offer a pointer to what the acronym refers to (or alias,
if known).

The Cumulative Index is numbered so like so:


A - Volume number
B - Issue number (taken into account that volume
five may exceed 100 issues)
C - Subissue letter (for Alcor issue mainly)
D - File number

I look forward to all comments and suggestions about the Index. In the
future they may reflect how it is presented, with new issues and re-editing
can change it at any time. There will probably be things that I have
missed or have typed in wrongly. I am currently available at ((temporary address until CuD editors
dig out his new one--eds.)).
Also, please cite examples if you can, sometimes I may have problems
in understanding what you are presenting.

--- Alan Dunkin


90 North BBS 343/11
_2600 Magazine_ 110; 112/5; 215/3;
307/6; 337/6; 433/1;
433/3; 433/4; 433/5;
457/1; 457/2; 457/3;
457/4; 457/5; 457/6;
459/2; 464/1
Abene, Mark 305/3; 306/4; 337/3;
430/1; 430/2; 430/3;
431/1; 432/4; 451/2
"Acid Phreak", see Ladopoulos, Elias
_Activist Times, Inc._ 112/5; 205/3
"Adrian Vole" 212/9
Advanced Network and Services 205/7; 206/5
Adventure Software Ltd. 465/2
Air Force Office of Special Investigations 201/6
AIS, see Automated Information System BBS
Akron Anomaly BBS 462/8
Alcor Life Extension Foundation 104a; 104b; 104c;
104d; 118/2; 125/3;
Aldrich, Jeffery 213/2
Alexander, Kent 454/2; 454/3
Aliases, use of 100/3; 300/2
Amateur Action BBS 409/8; 410/6
America On-Line 344/3
American Telephone & Telegraph Company 117/3; 128/2; 128/3;
200/3; 201/5; 203/2;
311/4; 311/5; 312/2;
322/3; 335/8; 430/6
Ames Research Center 462/3
Andrews, Rich 110; 203/2; 211;
ANS, see Advanced Network and Services
Apple 204/6
_Art of Technology Digest_ 441/2
AT&T, see American Telephone and Telegraph company
Attctc public access UNIX 201/5; 203/2; 421/3
Automated Information System BBS 437/4
_Austin-American Statesman_ 101/3
Barlow, John 121/5; 122/6; 123/4;
Bauer, David 211
Bechtold, Alan 108/4; 118/2
Bell Company Research 200/3; 211; 433/1;
433/3; 433/4; 433/5;
434/3; 434/5; 435/3;
Bellcore, see Bell Company Research
Bell South Telephone Company 100/4; 100/5; 110;
115; 116; 124/4;
125/2; 126/3; 211;
213/3; 215/3; 216;
217/3; 217/7; 317/2;
325; 333/3; 341/3;
407/2; 435/5; 454/3
Ben-Menashe, Ari 404/3; 451/1
Berman, Jerry 428/2
Biliographies - Cu Related 303/4;
336; 340/5
Bibliographies - E-Mail Privacy 344/6
Bibliographies - Codes/Viruses 465/9
BITNET 123/2
BJS, see Bureau of Justice Statistics
Black Ice BBS 216; 317/3
Blanchard, Margaret 305/7
Blankenship, Loyd 106/3; 110; 101/3;
211; 421/3
Blumenthal, David 410/7; 421/7
_Boardwatch_ magazine 331/5
Book Reviews: 332/2; 425/5
COMPUTER ETHICS (Forrester) 201/7, 308/5
CUCKOO'S EGG (Stoll) 106/4, 112/3, 444
CYBERPUNKS (Hafner and Markoff) 332/SI
GRAY AREAS -- 'Zine Review 465/8
GURPS (Jackson) 126/2
INTERTEK MAGAZINE (Newsbytes Reprint) 409/5
PRACTICAL UNIX SECURITY (Garfinkel and Spafford) 330/1,2
SYSLAW (Rose) 467/4,5
UNDERCOVER (Marx) 321/3
Bootleggers 103/5
Boykin, Charles 203/2
Brazil 449/7
British Tymnet North America Inc. 430/2; 430/3; 431/1
Brown, Michael 437/5
Bua, Nicholas 116; 123/4; 124/2
Bulletin Board Systems, General 103/5; 108/4; 115;
202/5; 205/4; 211;
216; 219/3; 219/4;
300/2; 305/8; 307/6;
315/2; 330/3; 334/3;
334/4; 334/5; 334/6;
334/7; 334/8; 340/4;
405/1; 405/2; 415/1;
422/2; 467/4; 467/5;
Bulletin Board Systems, Monitoring of 102/3; 105/4; 118/5;
201/5; 306/5; 342/2
Bulletin Board Systems, Sting operations 111/3; 302; 462/8
Bureau of Justice Statistics 446/9
Canada 313/4; 323/1; 343/11;
423/3; 438/3; 449/8;
451/3; 452/6; 453/3;
453/5; 455/3
Canadian Alliance Against Software Theft 343/11
"Cap't Crunch", see Draper, John
Casolaro, Daniel 330/4; 331/7; 333/5;
404/3; 436/8; 436/9;
CCC, see Chaos Computer Club
Censorship 208/3; 208/4; 209/3;
209/4; 210/5; 212/5;
214/5; 305/6
Cellular phones 323/4; 324/8; 466/2
CERT, see Computer Emergency Response Team
Chaos Computer Club 202/5; 218/4; 305/5;
327/9; 402/4; 422/4
Chasin, Scott 322/1; 324/3; 325;
454/2; 454/3
_Chicago Tribune_ 435/9
CitiCorp 101/4; 445/5
Cisler, Steve 424/4
Clinton, Bill 421/6; 443/6; 447/5;
455/2; 459/5; 465/6
Cloak and Dagger 204/6
COCOT, see Customer-Owned Coin-Operated Telephone
Comprehensive Crime Control Act 109/4
CompuServe Information Service 343/12; 402/8
_Computer Addiction_ 344/5
Computer Emergency Response Team 314/4; 333/7; 437/4;
448/3; 465/1; 466/6
_Computer Ethics_ 207/7; 308/5; 328/2;
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984 100/2
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 116
Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference 213/4; 306/2; 344/7;
415/8; 415/9; 418/6;
Computer Misuse Act 205/7; 209/8
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility 105/4; 118/5; 122/6;
201/3; 207/3; 214/3;
304/4; 313/4; 324/7;
334/2; 342/2; 342/3;
411/6; 412/6; 417;
419/2; 427/4; 427/5;
432/2; 434/10; 437/8;
445/4; 449/3; 462/1;
462/2; 466/1
_Computer Security Basics_ 335/3
Computer Sciences Corporation 453/8
Computer underground 100/1; 111/2; 111/4;
113/2; 207/5; 215/7;
300/4; 301; 306/6;
309/1; 314/3; 435/2
Comsec Data Security 322/1; 324/3; 324/4;
Cook, William 106/3; 118/4; 124/2;
125/2; 128/4; 129/6;
320/4; 326/3; 333/3;
341/3; 407/2; 421/3
COPS 219/2; 300/5
"Corrupt", see Lee, John
CPSR, see Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Credit card fraud 109/3; 109/4; 418/8
Cryptography 219/2; 315/1; 327/6;
411/6; 418/6; 429/2;
432/1; 438/9; 449/7;
CSC, see Computer Sciences Corporation
_Cuckoo's Egg, The_ 106/4; 112/3; 306/6;
444/1; 444/2; 444/3;
444/4; 444/5
Cupps, Robert 324/3; 325
Customer-Owned Coin-Operated Telephone 420/1; 422/3
Cyberpunk 129/5; 200/4; 323/1;
324/1; 447/1
_Cyberpunk_ 332/1; 332/2; 333/3;
333/4; 333/5; 335/2;
Cyberview 312/2
Cyberspace 329/4; 330/3; 335/10;
423/3; 446/4; 450/6
Darden, Franklin Jr. 123/4; 124/4; 124/5;
212/3; 213/3; 215/3;
216; 217/3; 319/2
Dark Side BBS 302
Data Encryption Standard 432/1
Dateline NBC 454/2; 454/3
David, Lowell 464/1
Davy Jones Locker BBS 426/7
DEA, see Drug Enforcement Agency
"Dead Lord", see Fancher, Bruce
Defense Conversion Commission 449/2
De La Fe, Alfredo 430/2; 430/3
Delphi information service 465/4
Denning, Dorothy 207/5; 207/6
Department of Justice 204/7; 319/4; 411/4;
436/7; 436/8; 451/1;
DES, see Data Encryption Standard
DiCiccio, Lenny 332/3; 332/5
_Difference Engine_ 335/4
Digital Communications 411/4; 411/5; 412/5;
417; 429/1
Digital Signature Standard 432/1; 438/9
Digital telephony proposal 429/1; 445/4; 449/3
"Doc Holiday", see Chasin, Scott
"Doc Savage", see Majette, Baron
DOJ, see Department of Justice
Donner, Frank 321/4
Douchette, Leslie Lynn 129/6
Download tax 334/3; 334/4; 334/5;
334/6; 334/7; 334/8;
Draper, John 446/6
"Dr. Ripco", see Esquibel, Bruce
Drug Enforcement Agency 213/5; 214/8
DSS, see Digital Signature Standard
E911, see Emergency/Enhanced 911
Earth First! 103/4
Edwards, Don, 118/5
EFF, see Electronic Frontier Foundation
Effective Performance In Candidates project 213/2
Ek, Brian 212/4
Electronic Bill of Rights 122/6
Electronic Communications Privacy Act 102/3; 104c; 104d;
125/3; 304/3; 305/2;
Electronic Frontier Foundation 122/6; 123/4; 124/3;
128/4; 200/2; 207/4;
209/5; 210/3; 210/4;
217/3; 307/4; 307/4;
310/4; 310/5; 315/3;
318; 319/4; 320/6;
343/2; 414/3; 421/3;
428/2; 432/3; 437/7;
443/5; 446/5; 466/4;
Electronic Mail 100/4; 104a; 104b;
104c; 104d; 115
204/7; 211; 214/6;
326/6; 329/5; 333/4;
Elephant public access UNIX 421/3
ELINT/CE 103/2
Emergency/Enhanced 911 100/4; 100/5; 103/6;
107/2; 110; 115;
116; 119; 120;
124/2; 125/2; 211;
216; 217/3; 341/3;
407/2; 451/3
Encryption, see Cryptography
EPIC, see Effective Performance In Candidates project
"Erik Bloodaxe", see Goggans, Chris
Esquibel, Bruce 109/1; 126/4; 127/3;
202/3; 302; 311/1;
314/3; 434/8; 437/2;
Event Horizons BBS 426/5
_Exporting the First Amendment_ 305/7
Fancher, Bruce 451/3
201/3; 204/3; 204/6;
214/3; 306/5; 321/4;
323/2; 344/3; 411/4;
412/5; 416/3; 416/4;
429/2; 439/2; 445/4;
446/5; 449/3; 457/1
Federal Communications Commission 305/6
Federal High-Performance Computing Act 205/7
Federal Whistleblower BBS, The 413/4
Federal Wiretapping Law of 1968 102/3
Ferguson, Thomas 432/5
Fernandez, Julio 430/1; 430/2; 430/3;
431/1; 432/4; 451/2
Ferrell, Michael 300/6
"Ferret" 117/6
Figallo, Cliff 110; 432/3; 443/5
File Transfer Protocol 123/2
Films 307/5
"Flash", see Kong, Albert
Foley, Timothy 125/2; 200/3; 201/5;
203/2; 211; 311/1;
315/3; 322/3; 326/3;
339/2; 341/3; 401/2;
_Forbes_ magazine 466/7
Forrester, Owen 213/3
Forrester, Tom 328/3; 328/4
Fox Television 309/1; 321/6
Freedom of Information Act 105/4; 201/3; 339/3;
342/2; 402/9; 412/6;
415/5; 417
_Freaker's Bureau Incorporated_ 333/6
Freriks, R. David 467/2
FTP, see File Transfer Protocol
_Full Disclosure_ 302
Gallaway, Jim 204/5
GAO, see General Accounting Office
Garbage Dump BBS, The 438/2
GateKeeper Telecommunications Systems, Inc. 323/4
Gateway/WINDO 446/7; 446/8; 447/2
General Accounting Office 103/3; 204/7
"Genesis" 406/1
GEnie 318
Gibson, William 447/1
Gleason, William 216
Goggans, Chris 106/3; 110; 211;
324/3; 325; 421/3
Golden, Barbara 200/3; 211; 315/3;
401/2; 421/4
Goldman, Stuart 307/3; 309/1; 310/2;
314/3; 321/6
Goldstein, Emmanuel 110; 307/6; 337/3;
Gould, Carol 321/5
Grant, Adam 123/4; 124/4; 124/5;
212/3; 213/3; 215/3;
216; 217/3; 319/2;
454/2; 454/3
_Gray Areas_ 465/8
GTE 108/4; 420/1
_GURPS Cyberpunk_ 113/5; 126/2; 127/4;
202/5; 209/5; 320/4
_Hacker Crackdown_ 447/1; 461/1; 461/2;
461/3; 461/4; 461/5
_Hacker Files, The_ 438/6
Hackers 100/4; 103/3; 106/4
112/3; 116; 119;
121/2; 126/2; 201/4;
206/4; 207/5; 207/6;
209/7; 209/8; 210/9;
211; 212/2; 212/9;
213/5; 214/4; 214/8;
215/6; 217/2; 217/6;
217/7; 218/3; 218/5;
303/2; 305/5; 306/6;
311/2; 315/2; 319/4;
320/5; 323/1; 323/3;
326/4; 327/10; 328/3;
328/4; 337/2; 337/3;
337/5; 343/10; 402/4;
411/7; 415/9; 417;
418/1; 418/8; 419/1;
422/4; 433/6; 438/6;
447/3; 453/4; 454/2;
454/3; 466/7
"HackRat" 457/3
Hafner, Katie 332/2; 425/5
Handles, see Aliases
Haugh, John 421/3
Hay, Penny 212/4
Henson, H. Keith 104a; 104b; 104c;
104d; 311/5; 325
HoHoCon convention 440/4; 445/1; 445/2;
456/3; 464/2; 464/4
"Hollywood Hacker", see Goldman, Stuart
Hopson, Ron 313/4; 315/2
HR 1400 324/6
HR 2772 446/7; 446/8
HR 3459 442/5
HR 3515 413/3
HR 5096 435/5
HR 5983 447/2
Huebner, Hans 332/1; 332/2; 332/3;
Illuminati BBS 110; 126/2; 319/4;
Imhoff, James 305/8
Incident tracking and vulnerability reporting database 448/3
_Informatik_ 338/6
_Information Web, The_ 321/5
Ingraham, Don 337/1; 337/2; 337/3;
338/3; 338/4
"Inhuman" 457/3
Inslaw, Inc. 319/4; 330/4; 331/7;
333/5; 404/3; 436/7;
436/8; 436/9; 445/5;
451/1; 452/2
Interactive Systems Corporation 209/2
Internal Revenue Service 437/6
International Information Retrieval Guild 214/4
Internet Society 418/2
Internet worm 107/2; 123/4; 202/5;
_Intertek_ magazine 409/5
IRS, see Internal Revenue Service
Izenberg, Bob 421/3
Johnson, Al 457/1; 457/5; 457/6;
457/7; 459/2; 464/1
Jolnet public access UNIX 110; 115; 211;
Kapor, Mitch 113/4; 121/5; 122/6;
123/4; 204/6; 318
Kehoe, Brendan 438/7; 438/8
Kenadek, Richard 426/7
Kennedy, Bill 421/3
Kent, Dora 104a; 325
Kermit 211
Keystroke monitoring 465/1; 466/6
Killer, see Attctc
Kluepfel, Henry 211; 315/3; 421/3;
421/4; 422/1; 434/5
"Knight Lightning", see Neidorf, Craig
Kong, Albert 306/4
Krol, Ed 439/4; 462/5
Kroupa, Patrick 451/3
Kuykendall, Bill 110
Ladopoulos, Elias 305/3; 306/4; 430/1;
430/2; 430/3; 431/1;
432/4; 451/2
Landsat 419/4
Lauffenburger, Michael 406/3
Laws, California 117/5; 204/4; 406/5;
408/4; 418/4
Laws, Finland 335/6
Laws, General 215/5; 330/3
Laws, United Kingdom 102/2; 128/4; 205/7
Lawsuits 125/4; 204/7; 304/4
Lee, John 430/1; 430/2; 430/3;
431/1; 432/4; 451/2
Leemah Datacom Security Corporation 205/7; 300/2; 303/2
Legion of Doom 100/2; 100/4; 100/5;
101/3; 101/4; 102/1;
106/3; 110; 113/3;
115; 116; 117/3;
117/4; 119; 123/4;
124/4; 126/2; 128/3;
129/6; 202/5; 211;
216; 310/4; 312/3;
317/4; 322/1; 324/3;
325; 341/3; 407/2;
421/4; 451/3; 452/6;
Lehrer, Mark 462/8
Levy, Steven 204/6
Lewis, John 203/2
"Lex Luthor" 452/6
"Lithium Bandit" 457/3
_LIttle Black Book of Computer Viruses_ 455/1
LoD, see Legion of Doom
"Lord Digital", see Kroupa, Patrick
Luce, Doug 457/3
Ludwig, Mark 455/1
Luke, Ed 206/3
Majette, Baron 311/3; 326/5
"Malefactor", see Shulman, Kenyon
Markoff, John 332/2; 332/5
Marrou, Andre 315/2
MARS BBS 206/3; 208/4
Marx, Gary 321/3
Masters of Destruction, see Masters of Disasters
Masters of Disasters 200/5; 430/1; 430/2;
430/3; 431/1; 431/2
432/4; 433/7; 433/8;
"Maverick", see Maverick, Scott
Maverick, Scott 451/3; 452/6; 453/3
McCarthy, Timothy 311/4
McDonnell, Patrick 100/5
McMenamin, Brigid 466/7
_Media Information Australia_ 429/5
Meeks, Brock 457/1; 457/6; 457/7
Meyer, Gordon 339/3
Michigan Bell Telephone 219/4; 305/8
Michigan Telecommunications Act 307/6
Microbec 438/3
_Microtimes_ 306/2
Mindvox public access UNIX 441/1
Minitele 214/6
Mitnick, Kevin 300/6; 303/4; 332/1;
332/2; 332/3; 332/5;
MoD, see Masters of Disasters
Modem User's Association of America 108/4; 118/2; 128/4
_Mondo 2000_ 314/6
Morris, Robert 107/2; 108/3; 123/4;
129/5; 129/6; 202/5;
216; 217/3; 317/5;
319/2; 332/1; 332/2;
332/3; 332/5; 344/4
MUAA, see Modem User's Association of America
"Multiplexer" 418/9
NASA, see National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 103/3; 329/5; 333/3;
343/9; 343/13; 414/9;
National Computer Security Conference 207/5; 207/6
National Institute of Standards and Technology 118/2; 325; 429/2;
432/1; 438/9
National Research and Education Network 329/2; 331/6; 433/10;
434/10; 448/2
National Science Foundation 206/3; 208/4; 209/4;
National Security Agency 201/6; 429/2; 432/1;
433/8; 438/9
National Security Associates, Inc. 319/4
"Necron 99", see Grant, Adam
Neidorf, Craig 100/4; 100/5; 103/6
110; 114/3; 115;
116; 118/4; 121/5;
122/6; 123/1; 124/2;
124/3; 124/5; 126/3;
128/1; 128/4; 129/6;
200/3; 202/5; 211;
213/3; 217/3; 218/2;
302; 309/2; 314/3;
337/1; 337/2; 337/3;
338/3; 338/4; 340/2;
341/3; 401/2; 407/2;
421/3; 421/4; 421/5;
Nemeth, Gary 315/2
Newlin, Reed 211
_Network Information Access_ 306/2
_Neuromancer_ 447/1
New York Telephone company 427/7; 431/1
NIA, see Network Information Access
Norman, Neal 323/4
"NotSoHumble Babe" 406/1
_Now it can be Told_ 337/1; 337/2; 337/3;
337/5; 338/3; 338/4
NREN, see Nation Research and Education Network
NSA, see National Security Agency
NSF, see National Science Foundation
NuPrometheus League 204/3; 204/6; 205/5
Ochoa, Enedina 437/6
Operation Sun Devil 109/3; 109/4; 109/5;
110; 113/2; 114/2;
114/5; 117/2; 126/4;
202/2; 202/5; 204/3;
204/6; 206/3; 218/2;
302; 310/4; 310/5;
311/3; 312/3; 314/3;
319/4; 320/4; 325;
334/2; 412/6; 419/2;
421/3; 437/2;
Orange County Transportation Authority 454/4
Oregon Public Utility Commission 405/1; 405/2; 406/4;
OSI, see Air Force Office of Special Investigations
"Outlaw", see Fernandez, Julio
Pacific Bell telephone company 436/5; 436/6; 437/1;
Packet BBSs 305/6
Paperwork Reduction Act 404/4; 404/5; 404/6
Pedophilia 415/7
"Pengo", see Huebner, Hans
Pentagon City Mall 457/1; 457/2; 457/3;
457/4; 457/5; 457/6;
457/7; 464/1; 465/10;
_Phantasy_ 214/4
Phantom Access BBS 451/3
"Phiber Optik", see Abene, Mark
Phoenix Project BBS, The 110; 118/4; 211;
317/5; 407/2; 421/3;
422/1; 434/5
_Phrack Inc._ Newsletter 100/4; 100/5; 110;
112/5; 114/4; 115;
116; 119; 120;
123/3; 125/2; 127/3;
128/4; 202/5; 211;
212/1; 309/2; 326/3;
341/3; 407/2; 421/3
Physician Computer Network Inc. 418/3
Pilgrim, Mark 421/7
Pinz, Ronald 455/4
Pioneer awards 414/3; 466/4
Piracy, see software piracy
Playboy Enterprises 426/5
Pluchino, David 453/3
Point, The 110
Pornography 344/3; 401/4; 409/8;
Poulsen, Kevin 320/2
Povich, Murray 314/5
PRA, see Paperwork Reduction Act
_Practical UNIX Security_ 330/1; 330/2; 333/9;
Privacy Protection Act of 1980 401/2
Prodigy 208/3; 209/4; 212/4;
214/6; 303/2; 313/4;
316/2; 316/3; 316/4;
316/5; 316/6; 319/2;
320/7; 343/12
Project Hermes 118/2
PROMIS 436/8; 451/1
_Protectors of Privilege_ 321/4
PumpCon convention 455/4; 460/1
"Quintin" 454/2; 454/3
Raphaelson, Ira 100/5
Rheingold, Howard 423/7
Riconosciuto, Michael 404/3
Riggs, Robert 100/4; 100/5; 103/6;
115; 116; 123/4;
124/4; 124/5; 125/2;
128/4; 211; 212/3;
213/3; 215/3; 216;
217/3; 317/3; 319/2;
341/3; 407/2; 421/4
Ripco BBS 109/1; 111/4; 126/4;
127/3; 202/3; 302;
314/3; 437/2; 437/3;
Rivera, Geraldo 337/1; 337/2; 337/3;
338/3; 338/4
"Robert Johnson", see Riggs, Robert
Roberts, Glen 302
Rose, Leonard 112/4; 113/3; 126/1;
128/2; 128/3; 200/3;
202/5; 203/2; 209/2;
210/2; 214/2; 215/2;
310/3; 310/4; 310/5;
311/2; 311/4; 312/2;
313/2; 313/3; 314/2;
314/3; 319/2; 321/7;
322/3; 326/3; 339/2;
339/4; 340/5; 413/2;
421/3; 421/4; 434/6;
Rosenfeld, Morton 430/2; 430/3
Ross Perot for President BBS 420/3
Rothman, Herb 212/4
Rpp386 computer system 421/3
S.266 327/6
S.516 340/6
S.893 447/4; 450/2; 450/3;
S.1543 210/4
S.1929 402/9
S.1940 402/9; 415/5
S.2112 413/3
S.2476 201/2
S.2813 427/6; 446/7; 446/8
Salzman, Peter 129/6
SB.1447 408/4
"Scarecrow" 117/6
SCAT, see Special Computereized Attack Team
Schwartz, John 106/3
Scott, Jon 454/2; 454/3
"Scorpion", see Stira, Paul
Search and seizure 331/4
Search warrant 104a; 200/3; 211;
Secret Service, see United States Sercret Service
Security 210/9; 218/5; 219/2;
300/5; 304/4; 319/4;
330/1; 330/2; 333/7;
335/3; 437/4; 442/6;
448/3; 453/7; 453/8
Sexism 300/3; 300/4; 301;
Shadur, Milton 129/6
Shergold, Craig 423/2
Shif, Zohar 453/3
Shotton, Margaret 344/5
Shulman, Kenyon 324/3; 325; 327/5
Sigman, Randy 455/4
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 106/5
Simplex locks 337/6
SJG, see Steve Jackson Games
Sklar, Robert Matthew 107/2
SMTP, see Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Social Engineering 210/9; 314/4; 431/1;
SNEAKERS (movie review) 446/6
454/2; 454/3
Software patents 416/1
Software piracy 103/5; 105/3; 111/3;
435/7; 436/10; 436/11;
436/12; 436/13; 442/7;
443/2; 443/3; 446/1;
446/3; 447/4; 449/4;
450/2; 450/3; 450/4;
460/6; 460/7; 463/1;
463/2; 463/3; 467/2
Software Publishers Association 103/5; 105/3; 109/6;
117/6; 308/6; 315/2;
406/2; 426/7; 435/7;
436/12; 436/13; 442/7;
443/2; 443/3; 460/7;
463/1; 463/2; 463/3;
Software Rental 206/5
South Africa 313/4
Southwestern Bell Company 200/3; 213/5; 219/4;
303/2; 307/6; 308/2;
405/2; 430/2; 430/3;
Soviet Union 201/6
SPA, see Software Publishers Association
Space Physics Analysis Network 103/3; 107/3
SPAN, see Space Physics Analysis Network
Spafford, Eugene 100/2
Special Computerized Attack Team 323/2
Sprint 108/4
Sterling, Bruce 101/3; 415/8; 461/1;
Steve Jackson Games 100/2; 101/3; 106/3;
110; 113/5; 122/6;
123/4; 126/2; 127/4;
202/5; 209/5; 211;
213/1; 312/3; 314/3;
315/3; 318; 319/4;
320/4; 415/4; 421/3
Stira, Paul 305/3; 306/4; 430/1;
430/2; 430/3; 431/1;
432/4; 451/2
Stoll, Clifford 106/4; 107/3; 112/3;
306/6; 332/3; 337/3;
444/1; 444/2; 444/3;
444/4; 444/5
Stone, Robert 324/8
Stratton, Bob 457/2
Summercon convention 302; 460/1
Swinyard, William Jr. 423/6
_SysLaw_ 449/5; 467/4; 467/5;
Taito Software, Inc. 107/5
_TAP_ 112/5; 126/5; 303/2
"Taran King", see Tishler, Randy
Taxpayer Assets Project 442/5
Technophiliacs 459/7; 459/8
_Tel Line, The_ 106/2
_TELECOM Digest_ 342/3; 410/2
"Terminus", see Rose, Leonard
Texas Public Utilities Commission 307/6; 308/2
Texas Tech University 467/2
Thackeray, Gail 202/5; 219/5; 306/2;
311/3; 323/4; 326/5
"The Dictator" 302; 305/4
"The Grim Reaper" 406/1
"The Leftist", see Darden, Franklin Jr.
"The Mentor", see Blankenship, Loyd
"The Prophet", see Riggs, Robert
"The Ur-vile", see Grant, Adam
Thomas, Bob 409/8; 410/6
Thrifty-Tel 319/3; 323/3
Ticer, Scott 454/2; 454/3
Title 18 USC 1343 118/3; 118/4; 121/2;
Title 18 USC 2314 123/4
Tisher, Randy 211
Toxic Shock 207/8;208/2
Trashing 216; 454/2
Tripwire integrity-monitor 455/5
Trojan horse programs 113/3; 203/2
TRW Information Services 107/2; 430/2; 430/3;
431/1; 437/2; 437/3
Townson, Patrick 100/2; 342/3
_Undercover: Police Surveillance in America_ 321/3
United Software Alliance 406/1
United States Long Distance 420/1
United States Secret Service 100/2; 106/3; 109/3;
109/4; 109/5; 110;
111/4; 112/4; 113/3;
113/5; 114/2; 117/4;
117/6; 118/5; 119;
123/4; 124/2; 125/2;
126/2; 126/4; 127/3;
129/6; 200/3; 201/5;
202/5; 203/2; 204/3;
204/6; 206/2; 206/3;

207/6; 209/5; 211;
216; 302; 305/3;
309/1; 310/1; 313/4;
315/3; 319/4; 320/4;
323/2; 325; 326/3;
339/2; 339/3; 342/2;
342/3; 342/4; 407/2;
412/6; 415/4; 419/2;
421/3; 421/4; 457/1;
457/3; 457/5; 457/6;
464/2; 465/10; 467/2
United States vs. Craig Neidorf 124/2; 124/3; 125/2;
341/3; 407/2
Usenet 409/6; 409/7; 410/1;
410/2; 410/3; 414/4;
User Bill of Rights 404/2
USLD, see United States Long Distance
USSR, Soviet Union
USSS, see United States Secret Service
US West Communications 405/1; 405/2; 406/4;
Vajk, Bill 302
Variety and Spice BBS 219/4; 305/8
Virtual reality 423/7
Virus, Christmas 206/5; 207/2
Virus, eastern 201/6; 217/7; 303/4
Virus, general 218/3; 305/5; 409/9;
437/4; 447/4; 449/1;
452/3; 452/5; 453/1;
453/2; 455/1; 456/1;
459/3; 459/4; 465/7
Virus, MBDFA 410/7
Virus, Michelangelo 409/9; 449/1
Virus, military 129/6; 331/8; 343/8
Virus, western 212/9; 219/7; 322/2;
329/7; 410/7; 465/5
Voice mail 212/9
Ward, Grady 204/6
Well, The 110
White House Conference Library and Information Services 329/2
_Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog, The_ 439/4; 462/5; 462/6;
_Windows_ magazine 456/5
"Wing" 325
Wittman, Richard 343/9; 343/13; 414/9
Woodward, Byron 455/4
Wozniak, Steve 122/6; 123/4
Wraith of the Black Manta 107/5
WWIV bulletin board software 129/2
Xiox 453/7
X-PRESS Informations Services, Ltd. 424/4; 425/1
"Zeke", see Shif, Zohar
_Zen and the Art of the Internet_ 438/7; 438/8; 439/5
Zenner, Sheldon 121/5; 123/4; 124/2;
125/2; 202/5; 207/7;
215/2; 407/2
"Zod" 129/6; 200/5; 203/4

END Index


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