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Audyssey Issue 05

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Computer Games Accessible to the Blind

Edited by Michael feir

Issue 5: March/April, 1997



Welcome to Spring, everyone, and welcome to the fifth issue of

Audyssey. In keeping with the season, this issue will focus on the

creation of games. Thanks to a timely suggestion by one of my

readers on Compuserve, we will start a section for game developers.

We'll also have the latest developments from Pcs.

This magazine is published on a bi-monthly basis, each issue

appearing no earlier than the twentieth of every other month. All

submissions must be sent to me in standard Ascii format either on

a 3.5-inch floppy disk, or via e-mail to my Compuserve address. I

will give my home address and my Compuserve address at the end of

the magazine. There are now several ways of obtaining Audyssey. To

subscribe to the distribution list so that you receive all future

issues, send a subscription request to J.J. Meddaugh. As he is

running several lists, be sure to specifically ask to join the

Audyssey list. His address is:

You can find all issues of Audyssey on the Internet on Paul

Henrichsen's web site at:

All issues are also available in the disability forum on

Compuserve, and also in the gamers forum.

For those of you who have trouble finding some of the software

discussed in this magazine, or if you know someone who doesn't have

access to the Internet, but would be interested in the magazine,

this magazine is now available on disk. PCS has agreed to

distribute Audyssey, as well as selected shareware or freeware

software on disk for ten dollars US per year. To subscribe to

Audyssey on disk, contact them at:

Personal Computer Systems

551 Compton Ave.

Perth Amboy N.J.


Phone (908)-826-1917


Please write articles and letters about games or game-related

topics which interest you. They will likely interest me, and your

fellow readers. They will also make my job as editor a lot more

interesting and true to the meaning of the word. This magazine

should and can be a highly interesting and qualitative look at

accessible computer gaming. To insure

that high quality is maintained, I'll need your written

contributions. I'm not asking for money here, and won't accept any.

This magazine is free in its electronic form, and will always

remain so. PCS needs to charge a subscription cost to cover the

disks and shipping costs that it incurs by making the magazine

available on disk. I'm writing this

magazine as much for my own interest as for everyone else's. Your

articles, reviews, and letters, as well as any games you might care

to send me, are what I'm after. Send any games, articles, letters,

or reviews on a 3.5-inch disk in a self-addressed mailer

so that I can return your disk or disks to you once I have copied

their contents onto my hard drive. Please only send shareware or

freeware games. It is illegal to send commercial games. By sending

me games, you will do several things: first, and most obviously,

you will earn my gratitude. You will also insure that the games

you send me are made available to my readership as a whole. As a

further incentive, I will fill any disks you send me with games

from my collection. No disk will be returned empty. If you want

specific games, or specific types of games, send a message in Ascii

format along. *Never* *ever* send your original disks of *anything*

to *anyone* through the mail. *Always* send *copies!* This

principle may seem like it shouldn't even have to be stated, but

when it comes to just about anything related to computers, there's

always some poor soul who will act before applying common sense.

Disks are *not* indestructible. Things *do* get lost or damaged in

the mail, and disks are not immune to these misfortunes. If you

have a particular game that you need help with, and you are sending

your questions on a disk anyhow, include the game so that I can try

and get past your difficulty. If you can, I recommend that you send

e-mail. I have acquired a copy of the UUencode software, and can

send and/or receive files which are encoded via this means. This


no money will be wasted sending me a game I already have, and

you'll get my reply more quickly. You are responsible for shipping

costs. That means, either use a disk mailer which has your address

on it, and is either free matter for the blind, or is properly

stamped. I can and will gladly spare time to share games and my

knowledge of them, but cannot currently spare money above what I

spend hunting for new games. I encourage all my

readers to give my magazine to whoever they think will appreciate

it. Up-load it onto web pages and bulletin board systems. Copy it

on disk for people, or print it out for sighted people who may find

it of value. The larger our community gets, the more self-

sustaining it will become.



From the Editor


Prerequisites for Sightless Fun

The Latest finds

News from PCS

Contacting Me


From the Editor:

Hello, everyone. You might notice that this issue is particularly

short. There are several reasons for this. First and foremost, I

have received no articles at all for this issue. This shortage of

material, combined with the heaviest load of academic work I've

ever faced within two months, has contributed largely to the

substandard length and quality of this issue. Remember, everyone,

that it is vital that you send me articles, letters, and reviews to

put in this magazine. I simply can't come up with everything

myself, especially during a university term. This magazine is

supposed to be a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and

concerns about accessible games, not simply a vehicle for me to

voice my own thoughts which I'm already quite familiar with. Give

me your thoughts, and I'll be happy to add my own, and organize

everything into a diverse and qualitative magazine. Without your

articles, I cannot continue with Audyssey indefinitely. Also, there

have been no submissions of episode ideas for Adam, the Immortal

Gamer, and ideas are running low. This month, there will be no

episode at all, since I haven't had the time to put one together.

We're now reaching into at least eleven countries, according to

J.J. Meddaugh, our excellent internet expert. That's only counting

the people who actually subscribe directly, and don't just down-

load the magazine off of bbs's and the various sites that it can be

found on. With all of you out there, I find it hard to believe that

none of you have views, concerns, or opinions you'd like to share

with the rest of us. If I continue to receive little or no

material, I'll be forced to turn this magazine into a quarterly one

in order to insure that enough news occurs to build the magazine

out of. I would very much prefer not to do this. There is plenty of

material out there waiting to be discussed and commented on. the

experience which a game can offer depends as much on the outlook of

its players as on the game itself.

Another event which has taken a good deal of my time is the arrival

of a new computer. I am now the proud owner of a Toshiba laptop.

This computer is proving most excellent, but learning to use it

effectively has meant hours of training and reading manuals. I have

Jaws for Windows, which is a very good tool to make Windows

accessible to blind people. if anyone out there knows of a speech-

friendly game which is written for Windows, please let me know

about it. I see no reason why this operating system might not

produce high-quality speech-friendly games.

Because of my constantly having to use both of my computers, and of

a lot of experimentation with various communications packages, I

have misplaced at least two messages that I received. To those who

sent them, you have my sincere apologies. Now that everything is

back onto one computer, no more losses are likely. The idea for

starting a section for game developers grew out of one such

message. Eventually, I hope to turn what develops in this section

into a guide for developers seeking to make their games accessible

for blind players. My input will be from the perspective of a user.

If programmers have suggestions to offer, I would be very grateful

for them. Also, if players have thoughts on what would make games

more accessible, I welcome your submissions as well. Hopefully,

together, we can build a guide which will make a difference and

expand the scope of the game universe currently open to us.

Well, everyone, that's about all I have to say for now outside of

the articles in this issue. Please send in your articles, letters,

and reviews. I have enjoyed making this magazine, and hope to

continue it indefinitely. I can only do that with your help.




From J.J. Meddaugh:

In case you didn't hear, WSBB, the World Series Baseball Game and


System has a web site now.


The page was started by Tom Baccanti who incidentally does not

subscribe to


J.J. Meddaugh


Nice timing, J.J. Great way to celebrate the start of the Baseball

season. I've seen one early version of the World Series Baseball

game, and although I'm not a big fan of the game, I can appreciate

how it was done. I trust that those of you out there who are more

familiar with the intricacies of the game than I am can furnish us

with a review or two about the latest version. As you'll see in the

update from PCS, one of their projects is an update to this program

set complete with sounds.


One of my lost messages was an inquiry into the origins of the

magazine, and why it was started. I'll offer a small response to

this inquiry now, and will ask all of you who are curious about

this to wait until the June/July issue, where I will offer a more

in-depth answer. Back in July of last year, I decided to act on an

idea I had thought about for a number of years. I wanted to start

a forum for the exchange of information and thought regarding games

which were accessible to the blind. Being an avid game player for

at least ten years, I had a lot of knowledge that I wanted to share

and expand on through discussion. I chose the name Audyssey because

of its pun on words, and because it sums up my philosophy about

games rather nicely. Games are journeys of discovery about oneself,

the subject of the game, and one's fellow players. Again, I will

offer a more in-depth answer in an up-coming issue.


Prerequisites for Sightless Fun

By Michael Feir

When games are made commercially, the objective is naturally to

satisfy the desires of as many people as possible. Most of these

people are visually oriented for the most part. They like

everything shown to them in eye-catching ways. This explains why

the Windows operating system was made. People found it bothersome

and alienating to remember Dos commands. They found it much easier

to simply point a cursor at a pictorial representation of what they

wanted to do. Conversely, blind people find graphics to be a

nuisance, if not downright troublesome. Since most games are made

to please sighted people, most of them are largely inaccessible to

blind people without sighted assistance.

To make games accessible to blind people, their needs must either

come first, or be dealt with by means of a special interface. This

is because graphics cannot be interpreted by speech packages or by

Braille displays. Sometimes, enough textual information is

available to make a game which contains graphics playable without

them, but this is rare. Even when a game could be played without

seeing the graphics in it, chances are that the text of the game is

written in a manner which cannot be understood by access devices.

To illustrate this, let us examine a game which was not designed to

be accessible at all to blind people. The game Begin2 has been

discussed before in this magazine. It is a simulator of combat

between two fleets of starships from the Star Trek universe. If

played in its ordinary way, it provides its players with a

graphical representation of the action taking place. Symbols show

the positions of ships, the directions of torpedoes, the strengths

of various shields, and a lot more. Speech synthesizers cannot read

the information which is sent to the screen because it is written

directly. In effect, the characters are drawn, like graphical

symbols, onto the screen. if one runs the game and adds the word

"text" on the command line, one can play the game in an entirely

different interface. The text mode of Begin is completely

accessible to the blind. There are still limited graphics, but

these are of a kind which do not interfere much with the text, and

don't screw up speech output. Less information is available for

players using this interface. There is no way of telling which

direction torpedoes are travelling. When ships are being boarded

while the game is in graphics mode, the number of surviving crew

and the number of boarding invaders are both shown. This

information is not provided while in text mode. The game is still

playable without this information, but blind players are clearly at

a decisive disadvantage.

The game of Nethack was also not designed for blind people. the

only reason it is accessible at all is because it is possible to

change the symbols which represent elements of the game into text

characters. Also, the text which the game writes to the screen is

written using the bios method instead of drawn directly to the

screen. The game is not dependant on graphics, although they are

available for sighted players who might wish to see them. It should

also be noted that Nethack is not time-based, but turn-based.

As PCS has demonstrated with its Bowling and Shoot games, it is

possible to have a time-based game which is compatible with

speech. In the two games mentioned, textual information is never

presented during time-critical moments in the game. One does not

need to absorb a lot of information and make a decision based on a

lot of variables in seconds. this aspect should be more fully

explored. It is quite conceivable that trivia or word-games, and

possibly even adventure games could have time-based elements. It is

only necessary for designers to bare in mind that accessing

information on a screen can be time-consuming for players.

the last issue that I will discuss in this article is that of menu

interfaces. During the past five years, a few games have surfaced

which would have been much more speech-friendly without menu

interfaces which depended on a highlighting system to choose

options. Many speech synthesizers cannot cope with systems such as

this, and will not inform the player which option he or she is

selecting. the option to use letters or numbers to select options

can go a long way to making a game accessible. PCS provides for

this in its games, and also designs their arrow-interface menus so

that they are speech-friendly. I have never had a problem using

their menus.

Hopefully, I have managed to raise some of the larger issues in

developing accessible games. In the months to come, I hope to

receive input from all of you on ways to make games more

accessible. I also hope that you who are developers out there will

share your experiences with those who might be considering making

accessible games.


The Latest Finds:


Perdition's Flames

this piece of interactive fiction is freeware. It is written using

the Tads system by the creator of that system, and makes good use

of the power of the development system. Basically, you have died,

and find yourself on a boat which eventually arrives in Hell. this

hell is nothing like it is depicted in various religious

literature. It has found itself in a position where it must compete

for your soul with Heaven in a free and open system. Accordingly,

it has been modernized and made a lot less unpleasant. You must

become a member of an adventurers' club by collecting certain

treasures and accomplishing certain tasks. All in all, the game is

fairly easy to play in terms of its ability to understand ordinary

sentences. You won't have to think of obscure ways of phrasing your

commands or anything like that. The puzzles are logical, if not

instantly solvable. The atmosphere is very well done. the level of

humour is exactly right, enough to keep the game amusing without

ruining it entirely. Perdition's flames can be found at:

It is located in the tads section of the if-archive. The solution

is also available on the same site.


Frobozz Magic Support

This is another excellent game written with the Tads system. It

takes place in Infocom's Enchanter universe. You play the role of

a magic support clerk assigned to solve the various problems people

get into while using magic. You are joined by an animated burin [a

kind of magical equivalent to a pencil], in your quest to set

things right. The game is quite humorous, and comes complete with

a built-in walkthrough and hints. Novice players might find the

game a bit frustrating, but certainly not impossible. Descriptions

are quite good, although the game doesn't really lend itself to

developing a rich atmosphere since each task you must perform takes

you into different regions of the Enchanter world. The game can be

found in the same place that Perdition's flames can be found, at

the site.


News from PCS

Sent by Phillip Vlasak



Did you ever wonder what the difference was between the nation's

armories were in World War Two, and if you had to be supplied and

fight with one of the great powers. Which would it be?

Command a World War Two tank, and fight your way to victory. this

game allows you to battle enemy tanks from the great desert

campaigns fought in the north African theater. In this game you

will move your tank into battle, choose to fire smoke to obscure a

more powerful tank, or blast away with armor piercing rounds. The

game will worn you of trouble, such as being in range of your

enemy's main gun, running low on ammo, or if enemy forces are

moving beyond your visibility. you can be in a tank of four

nations. German and Italians are the Axis powers, and the Americans

and British are the Allied powers. this game enables a blind person

to use their ear and hand skills to aim at an enemy tank and fire

a cannon. it has over 60 multi media sounds.


Feel the sweat run down your back wile you try to control your

super charged computer down the straight away towards the next

critical turn. Will you make it or will it be curtains?

you can race your car against opponents on five different tracks.

two races are two lap qualifiers. One is an oval and the other is

a figure eight. three long races are two ten lappers of the oval

and figure eight, and a road race course twelve and one half miles

long. The up and down arrow keys are used to control your speed.

the right and left arrow keys will allow you to turn right or left.

The space bar is the break, and will slow you up quickly. you use

your hear and hand skills to successfully navigate a turn. You can

use the function keys as a dash board to find out how fast you are

going, what lap you are on, your race clock, how far you have

travelled in the race, and gives the time difference between you


your nearest opponent. You are being challenged by 25 of the

world's best drivers and if you beat the record score, your name is

saved. Now you have the tools. Go out there and make them smell

your exhaust and let them hear your tires squeal.


Hear the ball come off the bat, and the crowd roar when your teem

rallies from behind. Even the organist gets into the game.

In collaboration with Harry Hollingsworth, PCS has added real

sounds to his World Series Baseball Game. it comes with 160 teams,

including the 1996 pennant winning Yankees and Braves and the 1996

all star teams. you will feel even more like you are really at the

baseball game. The sounds include ball meeting bat, ball hitting

glove, vendors in stands, and music, including Star Spangled

Banner, Oh Canada, Take Me Out to the Ball Game, and charge music.

For those who already own Version 11 of World Series Baseball,

the Special Edition Update is only $10.


a magazine on Computer Games Accessible to the Blind.

It is a bi-monthly released on Compuserve that we will make

available on 3.5 inch IBM format disk for ten dollars per year.

Each issue will contain the full text of the electronic edition

plus share ware or free ware games to fill out the disk.

Demos of our games are available from PCS for fifty cents each,

plus two dollars shipping per order.

Contact PCS in any format at:

Personal Computer Systems

551 Compton ave.

Perth Amboy NJ 08861

Phone (908) 826-1917.



Contacting Me

I can be reached in two ways. The easiest is through Compuserve. My

e-mail address is as follows:

alternatively, you may correspond with me on 3.5-inch disks,

provided you be sure to send them in returnable disk-mailers. I

don't have the money to pay for postage. My mailing address is:

5787 Montevideo Road

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Postal code: L5N 2L5

I have recently acquired a copy of UUencode and UUdecode for dos,

so you may send files to me via this means.

* Internet in a Macro V2.60 Alpha

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