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Addendum Issue 036

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Addendum Issue# 36 - 27th April 2002
Author : Steak, Ive had enough of slogans
======================= A painful matter for me ============================

Are you sitting comfortably? good, then I’ll begin.

Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------
Dear oh dear.
Dear oh dear oh dear.

I am sorry to bring you yet another endless addendum but I must, and
you my beloved readers must know that I will only ever do it with good
reason, and this I fear is such a reason.

It pains me to see something like this it really does such a beautiful
perfect organism, such an intelligent animal such a wonderful faultless
creature spoilt.

All gone

so mixed up in their own lies and dogma, so plagued down in mythology
and folklore that they cannot see the world for what it really is, it
hurts me

Here we have an amazing being capable of so much, capable of so many
beautiful arts, capable of such amazing free thoughts

But yet they continue to bind themselves in self bondage, unable to
entertain any other belief apart from their own, total hypocrisy at it's
best. Why do they do this to themselves? I will never know.

Some times I sit and think how it must be to die knowing that your entire
life has been wasted devoted to a fable put together by some strange minded
miss-informed individuals.

How it does hurt me, how it does.

I feel for these people, they need help they really do. I hope that one
day they can learn to cope with the world and stop having to feel secure
in something to carry on living.

The popularity of a god is shown in the amount of followers and nothing
more. A clever man once said something like that

It is true, if nobody believed in god, then there would be no god, as nobody
would believe in him. Nobody would know.

God is, not there. He never has been.

And they know that, deep down in their somewhere, even if their sub
conscious does not want to admit it they know that this whole Christianity
thing is just a fairy tale clinged on to from childhood that they don't want
to let go.

Just like a adult who celebrates Christmas excessively forever.

These people really are the lowest of the low, keeping their faith is one
thing, practicing it is also all very well and fine, I have no problems
with that, it may hurt me that they choose to waste their life like that
but their is little I can do about it, they have to find out the truth on
their own, I can point them in the right direction but they must walk the

They even make this statement in this very document
"PBS doesn't even allow us commercial breaks to help us regain our sanity!"

If that doesn't prove it nothing will, they regain sanity with adverts?!?

You loose your sanity and free will of thought with adverts, they are their
just to demoralize, emotionally cripple and dishearten you.

It really does hurt; it hurts me that people can think like this.

Enough of me.

I present to you in full a transcript of the 'informative and educational'
article "OBJECTIVE: Creation Education, by Dr. Richard Paley"

A lot more lies along the same lines (such as the 'fact' that dinosaurs
lived only 4000 years ago) can be found at their website
"OBJECTIVE: Christian Ministries" which can be found at"

Lastley, they seem to like suing and slandering people who have different
opinions to them, to this I say. I am simply exercising my right to free
speech, this is not 'anti-Christian propaganda' but my opinions, just like
the rest of this file is yours.

I just feel sorry for you that’s all.

Thank you.


OBJECTIVE: Creation Education
Article by Dr. Richard Paley
Evolutionism Propaganda:
The subject of Evolutionism's use of propaganda to spread its false doctrines
is a broad one that would require many pages to deal with in full. That they
resort to propaganda is just evidence that they have no honest arguments in
favor of their position. The paucity of pro-Evolutionistic arguments has been
widely documented and I won't go into it here.

What I would like to discuss are some prominent and current instances of
Evolutionism propaganda: The PBS's series Evolution, the use of subliminal
Evolutionism, and Evolutionism's place in the computing industry.

PBS's "Evolution":
PBS (supposedly the "Public Broadcasting Company" although one has to wonder
which public they serve with all the anti-Christian junk they put on) is
currently airing a new series called simply Evolution. This series (running
for eight nights, at two hours a night) is nothing but a commercial for
Secular Humanistic pseudo-science.

Thus far, the first episode (called "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" -- at least
they are honest in the title) was a melodramatization of Charles Darwin's
life. Darwin is portrayed as a sympathetic character who is attacked by
ignorant Christians for his "revolutionary thought" which he is shown
likening to "confessing a murder" (again, another slip of honesty). All
those who historically questioned and pointed out flaws in Darwin's ideas
are portrayed as villains: Richard Owen, Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, Captain
Robert Fitzroy of the HMS Beagle -- all are made into unrecognizable cartoons
whose only purpose is to act as foils for the noble Darwin and his crusade
against Christianity. Even God himself is turned into a villain; at one point
in the episode they had the audacity to blame Him for killing Darwin's daughter!

Interspersed with the costume drama were talking heads explaining to us
why Evolutionism is the One True Way. These included some doctors and
biologists -- one of whom openly expressed the religious nature of his
belief in Evolutionism -- whose names I can't remember as they were unnotable
persons in the scientific community. Daniel Dennet, a philosopher who wrote a
polemic also called Darwin's Dangerous Idea, was on hand to tell us in no
uncertain terms that Darwin's ideas excluded the need for God. Needless to
say Stephen Jay Gould made an appearance, although he did thankfully refrain
from talking about baseball this time.

The episode also included "real life examples" of Evolutionism to try and
convince us that it is a real science. One of these was -- and I am not
making this up -- a primatologist who taught some chimpanzees to "count".
Supposedly this proves that we are a monkey's uncle. Another example used
was AIDS. They argued that AIDS is constantly evolving and if it weren't
for Darwin we wouldn't understand why and thus would be helpless in treating
the disease (they conveniently neglect to point out that Darwinistic
propaganda equating us with animals might have helped to spread the disease
in the first place). This is a common false argument made by Evolutionists;
the random variations of AIDS is not the same as the transmutation of species
that Darwin wrote about and that is the basis of Secular Humanism. All those
little changes aside, AIDS is still AIDS. Show us AIDS evolving into a cat
-- which is essentially the Evolutionistic position of common ancestry for
all lifeforms -- and then you'll have something worth noting.

Remember, this was all in only the first episode! We still have seven more
to go -- or fourteen more hours of this (PBS doesn't even allow us commercial
breaks to help us regain our sanity!). One can only imagine what other
nonsense will be presented in the rest of this propaganda tour de force.
But you can be certain that I for one won't be sporting a PBS tote bag
any time soon.

Subliminal Propaganda:
Chained to Evolutionism: Pokemon's pro-Darwinism propaganda is inescapable
Besides the direct assault on reason and faith that the PBS series
represents, Evolutionism propagandists often times try to sneak their false
doctrine into popular culture via oblique references whose constant
reiteration is designed to inculcate acceptance of their unacceptable
message. As noted German Evolutionist Joseph Goebbels was fond of saying,
if you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it. Ardent
Atheistic Darwinist Richard Dawkins even wrote a book1 about how to spread
ideology as a type of "biological weapon" using jingles and pop-culture.

Some of the most popular vehicles for this subliminal propaganda are
children's television shows, books, and toys. By getting their ideas
into the minds of the young, they hope to be able to do the most damage
to traditional values and belief. Shows like Pokemon, which features
animals "evolving" into new forms, and movies like Jurassic Park provide
a continuous cultural fog of Evolutionism that is impossible for innocent
children to escape from.

Apple Macintosh:
Hypnotically encased iMacs trick unsuspecting computer users into accepting
Darwinism However, these propagandists aren't just targeting the young.
Take for example Apple Computers, makers of the popular Macintosh line
of computers. The real operating system hiding under the newest version
of the Macintosh operating system (MacOS X) is called... Darwin! That's
right, new Macs are based on Darwinism! While they currently don't
advertise this fact to consumers, it is well known among the computer
elite, who are mostly Atheists and Pagans. Furthermore, the Darwin OS
is released under an "Open Source" license, which is just another name
for Communism. They try to hide all of this under a facade of shiny,
"lickable" buttons, but the truth has finally come out: Apple Computers
promote Godless Darwinism and Communism.

But is this really such a shock? Lets look for a moment at Apple Computers.
Founded by long haired hippies, this company has consistently supported
60's counter-cultural "values". But there are even darker undertones to
this company than most are aware of. Consider the name of the company
and its logo: an apple with a bite taken out of it. This is clearly a
reference to the Fall, when Adam and Eve were tempted with an apple2
by the serpent. It is now Apple Computers offering us temptation,
thereby aligning themselves with the forces of darkness3.

This company is well known for its cult-like following. It isn't much of
a stretch to say that it is a cult. Consider co-founder and leader Steve
Jobs' constant exhortation through advertising (i.e. mind control) that
its followers should "think different". We have to ask ourselves: "think
different than whom or what?" The disturbing answer is that they want us
to think different than our Christian upbringing, to reject all the values
that we have been taught and to heed not the message of the Lord Jesus

Given the now obvious anti-Christian and cultish nature of Apple Computers,
is it any wonder that they have decided to base their newest operating
system on Darwinism? This just reaffirms the position that Darwinism is
an inherently anti-Christian philosophy spread through propaganda and
subliminal trickery, not a science as its brainwashed followers would
have us believe.

Addendum Issue# 36 - 27th April 2002
(C) Steak April 2002

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