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Addendum Issue 048

Issue# 48 : The thoughts of a non-sleeper
14th May 2002
Author: Steak
Not being able to sleep is weird,
sitting up at 2:37am with nothing to do is at the least to say, boring
SO I thought that I would share the random thoughts that come into my
head with you my readers, if you don't like that sort of thing, or
are offended by random anonymous thoughts then I suggest you go find
a nice webpage about hamsters, ponies, or some other nice fluffy things.
Its just random thoughts here, ramblings if you will nothing really
interesting, just stuff.
All because I can't sleep.
I feel kind of cheated actually, I have been feeling tired for the
few hours before I decided to go to bed, so tired in fact I could
not do my studying properly, so I decided to go to bed, but as soon
as I had no more was I tired, no more was I sleepy, I was just bored
and unable to feel rested, instead I felt hot, annoyed and at a loose
end so I could not sleep, I turned in that bloody washing machine
cycle that I seem to get into so much when I can't sleep and I decided
to vent my anger at my lack of melatonin here on the information super
isn't that a clique (sp?) phrase, so nineties, so dated. Like the words
"web, chat and IRC" just buzzwords, popular for the time that the
internet was fashionable, now all the people that got on the internet
just because it was the cool thing to do are suddenly finding that
it is just a communication device, not a fashion accessory, it is
useless at that, people are realizing the potential wealth and
amzingness that this huge network of computers has to offer, all
us nerds and net veterans are shouting in unison "told you so!"
But I guess thats what happens with everything, it becomes fashionable
for a fleeting moment then just becomes part of life, or fades out into
nothing like most fashions. I can't stand fashion, it really is getting
silly, and I thought it was weird with the space men like jackets
that people used to ware. Now it seems fashionable to dress in
skin-tight shirts and flares (70's anyone?!)
I never really was one for fashion, I didn't really see the point in it
I still don't, and even if I wanted a part in it I didn't have the
money for it, fashionable stuff is always so expensive, just give
me my cargo pants and t-shirt any day, you'll never catch me in a
skintight shirt, no-sir-ee
My fish can't sleep either, I just wrote this in my journal but I
might as well write it again, it's a thought, are fish meant to
sleep, I heard somewhere that they dont, but they must. It is
impertive that they sleep, maybe the just sleep for little bit's
take naps, you know like a cat, cat naps, but fish naps.
Not fish fingers, because fish don't have fingers.
Michael is looking at me, now he has gone off to explorer the rock
he has seen thousands of times a day,
must suck to have a memory no longer than a second or so, oh well
I guess thats why they forget about sleeping...
(C) Steak May 2002