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Addendum Issue 033
Addendum Issue# 33 - 22nd April 2002
Author : Steak, i can't think of a slogan
======================= Perception and colors ==============================
Something that has been bugging my brain for a little bit now is sensory
I know that our ignorance tells us that what we see is how the world looks
but it's not, how do we know thats what the world actually looks like?
All we see is OUR interpretation of the world, there are many things that we
can't see. A whole load of things that pass us, go over us, under us,
around us and through us, all these things we never see.
A good example of this is Infra Red light; we can see many colors of light,
green, blue, yellow, red etc. So many different light levels and colors
that we can see, but what if we could see infra red?
What if we met an Extra Terrestrial that considered normal to see everything
in an infra red light. It would see our world as nothing more than colors
that correspond to where the heat is, it would not be able to witness a perfect
day or a yellow sunset, it would just pick up on the heat.
There could also be entire ranges of light that we don't even know about
yet, if we invented something to help us see in those frames of light then
perhaps everything would be basked in beautiful new colors, a rose instead
of just red, would be red and a hundred new other colors
try to Imagine, if you can, a new color that we havent even seen yet.
a new color unlike anything we have ever had the pleasure to witness.
That sunset could be so much more beautiful, throwing out thousands and
thousands of colors that are just outside our field of perception.
It's almost annoying.
Can you imagine a new color? can you? a colour that you have never seen
before, something new and magnificent. You cannot, its impossible, almost
like trying to ask yourself what color was everything before the big bang,
maybe if there even was anything at all.
Then there is the heaps of other things that are way too far out of our
detection range, like radio waves and television signals, but they are
their too. Imagine seeing them, walking along the street, minding your own
business and all of a sudden a huge pink wave comes rushing down the
street about to hit your person. You cower to hide and roll up in a ball
but the huge wave just passes over you and floods somebodys house,
enabling them to watch big brother or some other crap show.
But then there is the best invisible wave, and that is sound, think about
being able to see sound, what would it be like? what colour would it be
like? just think, your sitting there on your sofa in front of your
speakers. You turn the CD player on and all at once this massive huge
colored oval comes straight out at you at the speed of sound. Filling
your ears with music and filling up your room with sound
Have you ever put your finger on your eye and pressed with gentle pressure?
you see stars right, you know, the pink and purple and yellow ones. It feels
kind of bad after a while right? well that is just your eyes interpreting
pressure as a visual sensation. Your eyes are nothing more than sensors that
interpret there data as visual images rather than sound, tastes, feelings,
or smells, So I imagine that if we were to see sound or indeed anything else
that I have talked about in this file then that is what it might be like.
However there really is no way of knowing.
The human spectrum of senses will never change, well at least not in our
life time, it's going to stay the same all he way through our life,
the best we can do is imagine. It's a nice thought through?
All I guess I am really saying is that you have to start seeing your eyes
less as a camera to the outside world and more as a sensory device that
has limits and variables just like any other. Just a interpretation
of the world, not the just the world.
Addendum Issue# 33 - 22nd April 2002
(C) Steak April 2002