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Activist Times Inc. Issue 155

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Published in 
Activist Times Inc
 · 25 Apr 2019



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Active-east Timor, Inc. Issue 155.
Sunday. November 29, 1988. Durn near
the half moon to boot; tomorrow's
Abbie Hoffman's birthday.

We Begin With a Poem
by Ginger Pence

Out in sea that drowns me
Blue as the core from the sky
I thank myself for knowing how to swim
For my unconquered life

In the ocean's tide of destruction
I have cried aloud for help.
under the busy sea floor I try to swim
My arms are tired but not unusable.

Beyond the sun are the cries of my voice
loomed but not afraid of the tides,
And yet I wonder if I'll live
Forget yourself, and forget your soul.

It matters not how I swim away
Hurry to the green filled land
I am lost of all hope,
I am no longer alive.

- - - -

"when people who are starving to death come up to you, in
the street and ask you for money and you're deciding whether
you're going to give them a quarter of a cent or a half a
--Arlo Guthrie between shows in India this year saying it's
not just corporate greed, or rich fat white americans - it's
"a fundamental lack of understanding of what it means to be
a human being."


...every government is trying to regulate it. But it
will come up again in another way, like weeds growing
up through cracks in cement."
--A. Guthrie on a) marijuana?
b) freedom?
c) internet?
d) all of the above?

-=-=-=-=-=- oy! -=-=-=-=-=-

Hello and welcome to ATI issue 155. I'm prime anarchist
and I can't find my column. If I do, I'll stick it in here.
Otherwise, read on with smiles...

ans: (c) by the way...

Yes, I was protesting war last weekend. You probably figured
that out. Of all the people I saw there, I was happiest
to see Anne Archy, I think. My first time seeing her in two
years. A hug was almost good enough to make up for all the
distance and time. I sure hope our circles cross many
more times in our lives. She's got a really nice speaking voice
and one of the most tonal singing voices I've ever heard out of
a woman. Ever. Any human actually. Birds yes, Moose yeah, sure.
But people? Go Anne; go Anne.
It was wonderful to see Cal Roberts there too. He took
Amtrak down from konetiuk I'll bet. What a great spirit. If you
live where I come from you probably know him because he's that
Stoningtonian whose temporary illness caused almost every single
clergy of each denomination from three or four townships
to drop whatever petty issues kept them centuries apart, and stand
out there keeping his decades-running vigil for him in stodgy old
New London County. They probably jumped in nice warm autos to and
fro - rather than ride SEATs sucky bus system, but that gets us
half way there, eh?
Even my mother, who's Republican treasurer of my hometown (yes I
forgive her it every day. How do I show her, she's where I get MY
unchanging values???) mailed me news-clippings about "that protest
guy." Cal, God Bless You. You've got the Baptists and the Catholics,
the Unitarians and the Congregationals realizing even if they can't
agree on lunch, they sure can get that Praxis cooking.
So call that a prime anarchist column, and move on. "shoot move
communicate, if you will..." I probably ought to name the other
bunches of people I "hung with" who some-ways are bigger honors to
know than Martin Sheen or Amy from the Indigo Girls; but suffice it
to say these two well represent the others. Best durned "be in" I've
been to since the last one! So where and when did it all begin?
Thanks mom, thanks dad, thanks congregational church. Thanks Father
Larry, and I'm not even catholic.
Full circle, 1968-1998. Our movement's even bigger than the
Beatles now.
Prime Exhausted, and Still Landing From Such a Wonderful Weekend -
Here's to many more...

"There's an old Arab saying: 'when the King puts the poet
on his payroll, he cuts off the tongue of the poet.' I
think of that every time I get a job on TV."
--Pete Seeger

"I don't think we have another 2000 years to learn
the Sermon on the Mount."

Oh when the "aint's" go marching in;
Lord exclude me from that NUMBER...

From Barking Essex to Bethlehem, PA: It's Prime Anarchist's
A T I !


Hey! Please check out my Fairuza Balk Page and sign
the guestbook to let me know what you think!!

I reviewed your comments about The Celestine Prophecy and,
based upon those comments, I believe you would also appreciate
An Encounter With A Prophet by C. A. Lewis.
Check it out: The exact address is:

kokopeli: Our Legal Counsel advised that we will accept your
However, I need a signed letter from you requesting that you
be allowed to resign, and that the status of your termination
be changed from involuntary to voluntary. Since your
employment is terminated during your probationary period,
according to policy you will not be reimbursed for unused
vacation leave, nor will you be reimbursed for incurred
education expenses while employed by Northrop Grumman.
1. As stated in the Benefits Summary "Any employee who
terminates voluntarily or is terminated by Northrop Grumman
prior to completion of his/her 90-working day probationary
period will lose any vacation time accrued and will not be
paid for any vacation time accrued."
2. As stated in the Data System and Services Division Procedure
DV H603 "Education Reimbursement Plan", Reimbursement Eligibility
Requirements "Northrop Grumman employees applying for reimbursement
of education costs must meet the following eligibility requirements:
satisfactorily complete the 90 working-day probation period..."
Your Probationary Period was extended for 60 days on June 26,
1998 according to a memo I have in your Personnel File.
Please mail your request for resignation to:
Robert A. Layton
Logicon, Inc. - A Norhtrop Grumman Company
2411 Dulles Corner Park - Suite 800
Herndon, VA 20171
If you have questions concerning the above,
call me at 703-713-4477.
[er, um... Bob, only one problem. I don't
work for you. hmmm. in that case, take
this job and...]

A number of my critics, frothing at the mouth, remind me:
"This is a free country. We have a free how can
you write the things you do?"
Well, they are right this is a free country (relatively
speaking). And with that freedom comes a corresponding
responsibility. I have a responsibility as a "journalist"
to speak the truth (as best I can tell it) about these
Thank you and keep up the good fight.

A T I : Lacking Bravado For Almost Eleven Years =)

(((((questions comments and concerns:

"If ever anyone put his money where his mouth was, it was
Harry; half of what he earned his last five years he donated
directly to hunger organizations."
Tom Chapin about his songwriter brother.

"It takes a micro-brewery to buy a poet."
-Lisa Martinovic

-=-=-=-=-=- OP-ED -=-=-=-=-=-
Ad in paper: $7 per hour plus travel expenses handling
autistic children.
Must have 1 year of college and a lot of patience.
All well and good, but a couple years ago weren't you
paying about 50K for that job??? Career? Benefits??
Attention all corporations "handling autistic people:"
E-mail me and show me what you used to pay and what you
dole out now. Surprise me! I really want to know.
Oh, and I speak for most average americans responding
to an ad thusly.
Don't even THINK of requiring a resume for a 5, 6 or 7 "per"
job. I'll fill out an application, thank you very much. For me
to boot up old WP and convert my resume to Word and print it on
thesis paper, you'd better be offering me Congressperson's wages
or you're just not getting me or ANY of my peers.
The nerve of some people...

...Your business is important to us.
That's why we're finally willing to
Hire a bunch more 8/hr human beings
To answer the phone physically so
You don't have to hear a message like
This which so conflicts our professed

MILITARY BASE. News From the School Of The Americas Protests.
(SEMINOLE, Georgia) - "You're a liar," --Archbishop Romero
recognizing someone in a Salvadoran Army General.
This happened last Sunday. It is the truth as I saw it.
Half our procession was on busses to the park for what we
believed was to be our arrest. The other half, we had marched
past "the line" where we were detained 2 hours awaiting the
maxed-out busses. We were about 500 yards ahead of the people
in wheelchairs who also wished to cross the line and risk
arrest. We watched a left-tenant colonel verbally assault the
humans in wheelchairs telling them they could not cross a new
line he'd invented and that if they joined us over THAT line
there'd be a worse penalty for them. They were afraid to move.
We decided thru consensus that his saying they couldn't
join us, did not cover us joining them. We stretched our line
wide until the last four people, including me, stood right
next to the people with wheelchairs. Somewhere between 15 and
thirty of them.
Two were crying, and they all agreed verbally they were
quite relieved that we re-included them; for they felt isolated,
in danger, and scared.
The left-tenant returned. He began telling them that the
busses had already taken the first wave of "criminals" to a
park two miles away, that this second wave (us) would
not be processed and we'd be taken by bus right off the base
where the gate is, so we can wait for our "buddies."
He told the people in wheelchairs they could save him the
time, money and gas if they would just wheel themselves back
off the base to where the other 5 to 7 thousand were singing,
drumming and cheering us all on.
I sensed a very dangerous lie had been paid out and the
people were about to get hurt. It's a burden giving a shit,
but I pressed forward with a skill that if I can say without
bragging, I acquired in greater volume than this "colonel."
"Sir!" I shouted from next to the people in wheelchairs.
"Were the people on the first busses processed or NOT??"
"Son!" he shouted as if I was some dumb GI under his
"Are you in a wheelchair?" he barked turning toward me with
the look of venom in his eyes.
"No sir!" I parried his thrust as fast as I could. I suddenly
realized I'd broken him and he was about to single me out for
abuse. From my basic training skills and times where I'd lived
through going beyond broken, I realized that if I said anything
to his screams besides a barrage of "yes sir's" and "no sir's"
he was going to spend 15 entire minutes hollaring at me while
he built up his "plan b," in his pea-sized mollasses-in-january
brain. My life was possibly in danger and hinged on my attention
to that detail. My silence may have been just as dangerous,
if not more.
So I replied "yes sir; no sir," very rapidly to his launch of
5 or 6 verbal assaults including something about my ass, and
suggesting I get it away from the wheelchairs.
"You do what you have to," he screamed angrily at the people
in the wheelchairs, wheeled around and left walking tall with
the self-assuredness of a pompous fool who deserves absolutely
no one's respect outside of his small part of the United States
[nice of him to quote Martin Sheen at the end there.
Emulation is the best form...]
We all continued on rather than get tricked by the left
tenant's attempt at damage reduction. We were bussed
to the park where we too were processed and the people in
wheelchairs were escorted off-base by other military people
who treated them nicely I'm told.
This good cop/bad cop junk is rapidly getting old.

(((((questions comments and concerns:

Wail Activist Times... Full of Bravura, Full Of Grace...

PAWN (Prime Anarchist World News) GREEN DAY PACKAGERS Defensive
Rear End Reginald "Denny's" Wite will autograph his newly
released book, "Black, Gay and Female People Suck," from 5:30
to 5:45 pm Monday at Revolutionary Christian Right bookstore.
Drawing on experiences both on and off the field, Wite uses
his book to illustrate you really *can* win someone to Christ
by beating them to a submissive pulp.

<INLINE> -=-World News Photo-=-
VICE PRINCIPAL AL GOORE, right, wears a tibetan-skin-skirt,
posing for papparazzi Wednesday with Thai-dye Primal Minister
Chuan Leekpipe at an OPEC retreat, held about 30 miles south
of Foxwoods Casino in Malaysia.


compiled by the Republicrat.
"Truman hadn't de-segregated the armed forces yet."
[who said that, is he right???]

"The revulsion against war not too long hence will be an almost
insupportable obstacle for us to overcome. For that reason I
am convinced that we must begin now to set the machinery in
motion for a permanent war economy."
General Electric. 1944. [I leave him nameless - faceless,
like so many 12 million others...]

"When I take bread and give it to the poor they call me a saint.
But when I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist."
Helder Camera. Brasil.

"The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils
of militarism and the evils of racism."
--The Martin Luther King Jr. Quote you
ALL keep refusing to reprint...

|HACKER Poetry Wanted \
|If you're a hacker, call \
|yourself a hacker, or know\
|one - send ATI a poem. Any\
|topic, any style. Poems will\
|be published in the order \
|they are received. \
|Send poetry to \
| \

USA - Making the world safe for Paper Products.
Hey WalMart. Buy THIS grocery store...

very short poem by Marco Frucht

US Economy.
US Environ.
US Elders.
US Elite.
How Much Longer.

= ATI RESEARCH Project of the Week. =
= Find out what Splenda (tm) is made up of besides =
= calorie-free sugar. Some kind of new sweetener. =
= It might even be good. =
= RC Cola is using it instead of the dreaded aspertame. =
= 1954 Royal Crown was the first in their field =
= marketing soft drinks in cans. =
= By 1958 they were first to introduce the 16-oz =
= returnable bottle. =
= 1964 - first to use aluminum cans. (ah, what a great =
= time to be born...) =

a short poem by Steve Holst
We must compose poetry quickly!
Because it decomposes so fast.

As usual, we end with poetry.
This one doesn't have a title yet...

I'm not seeing there's an Arrow for me.
Everybody started honking honkingly at me.
Now it's all green, green. And I'm going too slowly
For everyone else I guess.
Go 'round. Have your correction
Somewhere else.

send all contributions, shouts, greets to

get back-issues at

go to our ftp site at

keeps getting active and then dying.
Somebody help please.

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