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Current Notes Basic Guidelines
Basic Guidelines for Current Notes authors :
Please try to remember that you are writing for audiences that
may be completely unfamiliar with the product or topic being
discussed. Write for the lowest common denominator (novice), but add
enough information to satisfy those that are more informed.
Break up your writing into paragraphs of a reasonable length.
Add subject headings periodically so as to give a sense of
organization and to keep the article from appearing to be a long
discourse. Screen captures (preferably ST high resolution) or .IMG
files are nice, photographs are also acceptable.
Give your article a title and list your name the way you would
like it to appear in Current Notes. Submit a short biography that I
can print at the end of the article to let readers know who you are.
If a product is mentioned, be sure to have the name of the
company (after the first product mention) and the name of the product
itself correctly identified. I like to see a list at the end of the
article of each product mentioned, but that is not necessary.
All articles should be submitted to me in either 1st Word Plus,
Word Writer or ASCII format. Do not put spaces between paragraphs,
but do put spaces between subject headings. Use a TAB to indent
paragraphs. The article will be proofread for any spelling or basic
grammar errors but major changes will not be made without contacting
I prefer that articles be sent to me via email. I have accounts
on GEnie and Delphi. Archive your submission with ZIP, LZH, or ARC
before sending it to me. If you have any questions on how to do this,
contact me and I will help you out.
Notes for Reviewers
Try to identify good and bad points clearly. There is no such
thing as a perfect program, so constructively suggest areas for
improvement. Important things to mention in your review : quality of
owner's manual, hard drive installation, copy protection, disk space
required, RAM required, resolutions that the program will work with,
printer/GDOS support, TOS conflicts, bugs or conflicts with
accessories or AUTO folder programs, etc. If you do find a problem,
be certain of its cause before identifying it as a bug. Do not
hesitate to contact the developer if you have any questions regarding
their product. If you do contact the developer, be sure to identify
yourself as a reviewer for Current Notes.
Arrangements will be made beforehand, but generally you will be
allowed to keep a product after you have reviewed it. If you will not
be able to complete the review in a timely manner (30 days or so),
please return it to me so that I can send it to someone else.
How to Reach Me
Current Notes reserves the right to print, edit or refuse any
submission forwarded to us. We will try to include your article in
the first issue with available space. Remember, it could be as many
as four months before you will see your review in print.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions :
Paul Lefebvre
78 Winter Street
Portland, ME 04102
(207) 828-1225
Internet :
Thanks for writing for Current Notes!