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Still Life
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--------------------------- --------------------------------------------
| Still Life |
| Company....: Microids | Genre...: Adventure |
| Released...: April 12th, 2005 | Origin..: Pal - Europe |
| Media Type.: Dvd | Fit on..: 1 Dvd |
| |
| iNFO: |
| ----- |
| Victoria McPherson is a brilliant young FBI agent who's |
| investigating a serial murder case. The body count is now at five |
| and she has no real leads, nothing but a mountain of circumstantial |
| evidence and a boss who's breathing down her neck. |
| |
| In order to take a break from it all, she decides to visit her |
| father in the suburbs. Since it's close to the Christmas holidays, |
| she and her father talk about their family, including Victoria's |
| grandfather, who used to be a private investigator. This discussion |
| leads Victoria to read one of her grandfather's old case files, a |
| file which reveals an uncomfortably high number of similarities |
| between a seventy-five year old case in Europe and the current |
| string of killings in Chicago... |
| |
| Features : |
| - Compelling storyline set in modern Chicago and late 1920's |
| Prague |
| - Beautifully detailed environments |
| - Rich and intriguing characters |
| - Breath-taking cinematics |
| - Opportunity to investigate the crime scenes of gruesome serial |
| homicides and to solve challenging puzzles finely integrated |
| into the storyline |
| |
| Application: |
| ----------- |
| We are currently looking for some more Rioters to join the family. |
| This is a rare chance to join the premier XBox group, you will not |
| regret it ! |
| |
| The Following Talented People are required: |
| |
| - Suppliers : You work for a GAMES or MOVIES or UTILS, Distributor, |
| Magazine, Warehouse, Publisher, press/marketing |
| company, duplicator, courier delivery firm, tv/radio |
| show, language translator company or store. |
| |
| - Suppliers : You can get NEW unreleased GAMES or MOVIES or UTILS, |
| from one of the above Game/Util/Video shop (such as, |
| Baggages, Electronics Boutique, FuncoLand, Media Play, |
| Software Etc. GameStop, Baggages, etc.). |
| |
| - Suppliers : You live in the Usa, Canada, Uk, Europe, Japan, New |
| Zealand or Australia, have a fast upload line (500kb/s |
| minimum) and free week days morning or afternoon. |
| |
| - 𩔶…à : ƒ„◊°‘⁄…œ∫£,÷–π˙(¥Û¬Ω), îÕÂ, éπ˙, –¬º”∆¬, ¬Ì¿¥Œ˜—«ªÚ |
| ¿‡Õ¨µƒ—«÷fiµÿ«¯“‘º∞”µ”––¬µƒroms, games(”Œœ∑), |
| apps(”¶”√ÖÏ Ω), vcd( ”–µπ‚µ˙), dvd( ”–µπ‚µ˙) ”÷ªÚ’fl |
| æ”◊°”⁄¡⁄Ω¸Â∫ ””Œœ∑/Â∫?¡„ €…ëκ¥”ÎŒ“√«¡™¬Á! |
| |
| - ®—¿≥∞” : ßA¶Ì¶b§WƸ,§§∞Í(§j≥∞), ªO∆W, Æı∞Í, ∑s•[©Y, ∞®®”¶Ë®»©Œ√ |
| ˛¶P™∫®»¨w¶a∞œ•H§Œæ÷¶≥∑s™∫roms, games(πC¿∏), |
| apps(¿≥•Œµ{¶°), vcd(µ¯∞T•˙∫–), dvd(µ¯∞T•˙∫–) §S©Œ™Ã©~¶ |
| Ì©ÛæF™Òπqµ¯πC¿∏/πqºvπs∞‚∞”, Ω–ßYªPß⁄≠ápµ∏! |
| |
| Å@Å@Å@Å@Å@Å@èoî≈é–ÅAñ‚âÆÅAÉvÉåÉXâÔé–ÅAîzããâÔé–ÅAñ|ñÛâÔé–ÅA |
| Å@Å@Å@Å@Å@Å@GOEÅASofmapǻǫ)Ç≈ì≠ǢǃǢÇÈï˚Ç‹ÇΩÇÕǪÇÃä÷åWé“ |
| Å@Å@Å@Å@Å@Å@Ç´ÇÈï˚ |
| |
| - Crackers : You are able to reverse engineer complex console |
| software protection schemes (not copy them from |
| web sites) . |
| |
| - Crackers : You are able to crack the latest pc protection schemes |
| such as Securom or Tages or Starforce or Safedisk |
| (not using other people tools). |
| |
| - Coders : You are able to write custom tools (c/c++/asm) to aid |
| in helping our crackers . |
| |
| - Coders : You can code Trainer Menus, Intros, Trainers, Pal/Ntsc |
| Selectors for Consoles or Pc. |
| |
| - People able to supply us with the latest Sdk, Libs, Development |
| sofware and/or hardware for consoles. |
| |
| Then send us an e-mail at: |
| |
| |
| |
| We will contact you back ASAP ! |
| |
| Greetings: |
| --------- |
| |
| 1001 Crew, 2000 ad, ABC crackings, Abnormal, Absolute, Accumulators, |
| Ace Crackings Inc, Ace, Ackerlight, Active, Agile, Alcatraz, Angels, |
| Alpha Flight, Amiga Industries, Anthrox, Australian Crackers United, |
| Accession, Bamiga Sector One, Beastie Boys, Bencor Bros, Balance, |
| Beyond Force, Bitstoppers, Boys Without Brains, Black Monks, |
| Byterapers, CIA, Censor, Choroid, Chromance, Classic, Commando, |
| Frontier, Company, Computerbrains Cracking Service, Cosmos, Crionics,|
| CrazyTyper, Crusaders, Crystal, DOC, Danish Gold, DefJam, Dexion, |
| DigiTech, Dominators, Dual Crew - Shining, Dueco Enterprises, |
| Eagles soft, F4CG, FairLight, Finnish Gold, Fusion, Freestyle, |
| Flash Production, Gamebusters 1541, Genesis, German Cracking |
| Service, High Quality Crackings, Horizon, Hotline, Ikari, Ibb, |
| Illusion, Jedi 2001, Judges, Jungle, Justice, Kefrens, Legend, |
| Light, Light Circle, Llamasoft, MAD, Mad Monks, Madonna Cracking |
| Group, Maniacs Of Noise, Mark II, Masters Design Group, Megastyle, |
| Melon, Ministry, Movers, Nato, Nemesis, Network, NorthStar, Northern |
| Lights, Nukebusters, Oracle, Paranoimia, Paniaro, Panoramic Designs, |
| Papillons, Paradox, Phenomena, Plutonium Crackers, Powerslaves, |
| Powerplant Legend, Prestige, ProSonix, Prophets AG, Pure-Byte, |
| Quadlite, Quartex, Quoram, Radwar, Razor 1911, Rebels, Reflex, |
| Red Sector Inc, Relax, SAE, SCA, SCG, SLL, Science 451, Scoopex, |
| Setrox, Silents, Skid Row, Slipstream, Softkiller crew, Spreadpoint, |
| Strike Force, Subway, Supplex, Swedish Cracking Crew, Syntax 2001, |
| TRSI, Tarkus Team, The Band, The Connection, The Force, The Goonies, |
| The Movers, The Shaolin Monastery, The Supply Team, Transcom, TKK, |
| The Twilight Inc, The Great Swappers, The Wanderer Group, Threat, |
| Top Swap, Triad, Triangle, Trilogy, Tristar, Triumph, Twilight, |
| Unit A, Upfront, Vibrants, Vision Factory, Vision, Vortex 42, |
| World of Wonders, X-men, XAKK. |
| |
| And to the ones we may have forgot ! |
| |
You liked that game? Buy the original as we did then!