Juno Hacker Text v1.0
Ia. What Juno Is
Ib. How Juno Works
Ic. How To Read Someone's Mail
Id. How To Send Files Through Someone's Mail Without Them Knowing It
Ie. Changing The Last User
Ia. What Juno Is
Juno is a a free e-mail program for the Windows platform (availible at www.Juno.com). You don't need to have an internet connection to access Juno (once you've got the software.) It has area codes in just about everywhere in the United States. It dials up to a local area phone number, then downloads and sends your mail. (They make their money from little advertisements throughout the program.)
Ib. How Juno Works
1.Directory Structure:
Juno is defaultly installed into your C:\Program Files\Juno. The users are within that directory (each user has his own directory) and are easy to spot because the are the USER000* directories. Example: C:\Program Files\Juno\USER0001 would be one user. C:\Program Files\Juno\USER0002 would be another. To find out which user is in which directory, each USER folder has a Juno.ini file in it. Open it.
In there you will find something like:
The "User" is the name you are trying to find out (so you know who's mail you're reading.) The Password is NOT what Juno uses to decrypt, then check the password. I have tried deleting it, changing it and everything else, and I was still able to log in with my normal password. As of the time this file was written, I do not know how the password structure works. (but that's ok.. we wont need it) ;-]
2.Address Books
The address books are (of course) email addresses saved by the user so he doesn't have to remember them. They are in the USER's folder with the name "addrbook.nv". open it with Edit (DOS's way of editing things.. type: "edit filename" to edit a file in DOS) and see how it works. Note: if you try to edit it with Notepad, it will save it as a .txt even if you change it to "all files". You can add, delete, or edit addresses.. If you want to mess them up so that they get all returned mail, make it something that they wont notice.
to B0BSMITH@WHATEVER.COM (notice the "O" changed to "0")
Here is what several of the files are:
-Inbox FOLD0000.FRM
-Outbox FOLD0001.FRM
-Deleted FOLD0002.FRM
-Sent FOLD0003.FRM
-Draft FOLD0004.FRM
-AutoSave FOLD0005.FRM
Ic. How To Read Someone's Mail
Just open thier fold0000.frm file in Edit. They are all stored in the same file.
Id. How To Send Files Through Someone's Mail Without Them Knowing It
Juno's Outbox is stored in the fold0001.frm file (as shown above). Open that in DOS with Edit and put the following text.
< ---From here--- >
this_is_ the_email_message.
From: Whoever
To: person@domain.com
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 11:15:18 -0600
Subject: this_is_the_subject_line...
X-Status: Unsent
X-Juno-Att: 0
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
< ---To Here--- >
Then in Edit press "alt" (to get the menu).
Select "File" then "Save".
IMPORTANT: The next time the person starts up Juno, he will be prompted: "Just get mail" or "Get AND Send mail". There really isn't much to worry about if the person isn't a heavy thinker. But if they look around a little bit, they'll find your message. But I've never had anyone notice so far. ;-]
Ie. Changing The Last User
When the last person who used juno exits, Juno automatically saves that person to disk so that next time Juno is started up again, the last user to access it is the one appearing on the drop-down box. This is no big deal, but if you want to say to someone "I wasn't the last one on", here is your "proof". Open the C:\Program Files\Juno\Lib\Juno.ini file. Scroll down until you see this:
Last user=USER_NAME
Session ended=TRUE
Recovery failed=
Now, just change the user name to one that exists on the computer you are using. If you try to change it to a user name that doesn't exist on your computer, it wont work.