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Dreamcast G2 bus pinout
The original article, written by jj1odm, is available at

[G2 bus 50pin]
1 : +5V
2 : +5V
3 : +5V
4 : +5V
5 : /MODEMCS * modem enable {output} (modem / lan adaptor [HIT-0300] area enable)
6 : /IRQA * interrupt request A {input} (used modem unit / lan adapter [HIT-0300])
7 : ???
8 : ???
9 : ???
10 : GND
11 : GND
12 : GND
13 : /IRQB * interrupt request B {input} (used BBA [HIT-0400])
14 : /LBE /WR * lower byte enable {output} (direction / lower byte enable / write enable (when active /MODEMCS))
15 : ???
16 : /UBE /RD * upper byte enable {output} (upper byte enable / read enable (when active /MODEMCS))
17 : +3.3V
18 : +3.3V
19 : +3.3V
20 : /BTB * bus termination B {input} (access time control / burst transfer)
21 : /AEN * address enable {output} (address enable / bus cycle start)
22 : /BTA * bus termination A {input} (access time control / burst transfer)
23 : GND
24 : GND
25 : AD15 *
. . * AD[15:0] {output/input} (address / data multiplexed 16bit bus)
. . * 25pin to 40pin (AD[15:8] 8 bit address bus / AD[7:0] 8 bit data bus (when active /MODEMCS))
40 : AD0 *
41 : GND * (guard GND of system clock)
42 : GND * (guard GND of system clock)
43 : CLK * system clock {output} (25MHz)
44 : GND
45 : GND
46 : /RESET * system reset {output}
47 : GND
48 : GND
49 : ???
50 : ???
thank's bITmASTER and Dan Potter