Aquatic Turtles
Small note: before buying an aquatic turtle, we are obliged to ask ourselves whether we will be able to meet the needs of these cute animals, as would be done by buying another animal like a dog or a cat!
The needs of a turtle:
The first thing to know before buying an aquatic turtle (and also the most important!) is that the turtle can reach a considerable size. An aquatic turtle is able in three or four years to reach the considerable size of 30 cm in diameter.
Another very important thing to know is the age. Aquatic turtles can easily reach and surpass the thirty years of life, so when you buy an aquatic turtle, remember that it will probably stay with you for a good part of your life and will definitely become a "member" of your family!
Too many turtles have been shamefully abandoned by their owners because they occupied too much space or because they made too dirty the water in the basin.
Their abandonment almost certainly determines the death of the animal!
Another recommendation:
If a seller guarantees you that the aquatic turtle that is selling you will remain small do not believe it. There are no dwarf aquatic turtles!