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Conan The Cimmerian Hint Book


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 · 30 Mar 2018
Conan The Cimmerian Hint Book
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Conan the Cimmerian is Virgin Games' action adventure based on the story of Conan, created by Robert E. Howard, made popular over the years by numerous books, comic books and movies. In this first game of the Conan series, Conan swears vengeance will be his after witnessing Thoth Amon destroy his entire village and murder his wife. Before obtaining the information he needs to complete his quest, he must earn the respect of the inhabitants of Hyborea by first completing seemingly impossible tasks.

As the player, you will control all of Conan's actions and decisions. You will start at the main gate in Shadizar, where you are told to find the Red Dog Tavern. Ninook, who has been expecting you, will urge you to find Taurus, the master thief. While Taurus has been ousted from the Thieves' Guild, he may well be your only hope to completing the first task set before you.

The game is divided into seven major episodes. Each episode has one to a few primary goals. In addition, there are six side "minor" quests, which are not necessary to solve the game. However, by completing these side quests, you will earn gold to finance items needed to make solving the game easier. In addition to money, you might find some useful information and objects which you will need to find the vile Thoth Amon and avenge the deaths of Conan's people.

This hint book is divided by episode for easy reference. In Conan, after you complete each episode, you will be taken back to the Red Dog Tavern in Shadizar, where you will be given information regarding the next episode.


Starting Sword
This is the sword that Conan crafted as he was growing up, and the only sword that he has in his possession when he starts the game. In combat, the starting sword does no extra damage against Conan's opponents.

Brass Sword
Available from merchants selling their wares in the city of Shadizar, this sword will give Conan +25% extra damage in combat.

Bronze Sword
Available from merchants selling their wares in the city of Shadizar, this sword will give Conan +35% extra damage in combat.

Lizard Sword
Found in Larsha in Episode Five, this sword is necessary to kill any Lizard men. In combat against all other foes, this sword gives Conan +35% extra damage.

Snake Sword
In the underground lies the snake guarding the Eye of the Serpent. To destroy the snake, you will need this snake sword, also in the underground under lock and key. The snake sword gives +35% extra damage against any other foe in normal combat.

Obsidian Sword
This sword is found in the pyramid in the Jungle Ruins in Episode Two. The most unique feature is its non-metallic construction. It is helpful for getting past the monolith, which catches unsuspecting victims by drawing in all metal items. Against normal foes, this sword yields Conan +35% extra damage in combat.

Steel Sword
Available in some specialty shops in Shadizar, the steel sword nets Conan +50% in combat against his opponents.

King's Sword
Guarded by the mummy of an ancient sorcerous King in his crypt in Episode Two, this sword is one of the strongest and most powerful in all of Hyborea. Successfully in Conan's possession, it will give him +70% extra damage in combat.

Enchanted Sword
Available from only one merchant who does not sell to just anyone, the enchanted sword is of the strongest construction known to the people of this time. Successfully wielded, it will give the possessor +100% extra damage in combat.


Ruby Amulet (The Amulet of the Undead)
Somewhere in the underground, this amulet can either be returned to its rightful owner in exchange for gold, or can be used by Conan to his advantage; It causes all mummies in a confrontation to burst into flames and burn.

"Freeze" Amulet
In Hyborea, powerful wizards have been known to bring some statues to life to attack their enemies. Impervious to normal weapons, such a foe can only be stopped by freezing it back into stone with this amulet.

Emerald Amulet
The wearer of this Amulet has protection against any priests who attempt to use harmful magic against them.


All keys in the game open the lock of the corresponding color. A jade key, for example, opens a jade lock, a silver key opens a silver lock, etc. The keys that are available in the game are as follows: Copper, Jade, Bronze, Green, Brown, Silver, Golden, Brass, Steel, Black, Onyx, Skeleton and Marble.


There are four types of gems in the game that are easily found throughout Hyborea. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and diamonds can be found in residences, and can be bought or sold to merchants in Shadizar. Comparison pricing will help Conan get the most gold for each gem.


There are several different maps in the game. Each map must be used to the city in which it refers, on the correct level. This means that a map of Shadizar can only be examined in Shadizar. Following is a list of maps which are available in the game:

Conan The Cimmerian Hint Book
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Flint & Steel
Found in the shops of many merchants in Shadizar, or in hidden places, it will start a fire, providing there is material on the ground that will burn.

Available from merchants, or from some residences, it will allow Conan to climb out of holes, should he fall into any pits without exits.

A necessary item if Conan is to traverse the underground of the cities.

Gem of Light
Found in a few secluded areas in Shadizar, this gem works exactly the same way a torch does, except that the flame never dies while you are in the underground. It can be used only one time but will remain lit until you exit the underground.

Staff of Power
The Staff of Power is a very powerful weapon. In a battle, it will cause all opponents to perish immediately. Because of it's powerful nature, it can be be used only three times.

Gem of Sight
Like a map, the Gem of Sight will show the surrounding area with Conan (or whomever is using it) in the center.

Horn of Valhalla
Found in obscure locations in Larsha or Zamboula. When used, it summons the aid of a mystic warrior who will assist Conan in his current battle.


White Lotus
Restores Conan's stamina level.

Black Lotus
Will seriously harm Conan if swallowed.

Purple Lotus
Temporarily adds 10% to Conan's current defense percentage.

Red Lotus
Temporarily adds 10% to Conan's current combat percentage.


Gold is very important to Conan. It is needed to buy all items he will need to complete his quests. The best, if not the noblest, ways to make money are to either complete side quests in exchange for gold, or steal from residences and pawn any valuable items Conan might find in exchange for gold. If Conan is caught stealing, however, he will not only lose three months time in the local slammer, he will also lose all gold he is currently carrying. Be sure to stash extra gold in a safe place such as a temple.


The only spell available in the city of Shadizar is a teleport scroll. It can be found in residences inside Shadizar. It can be used twice, and will transport Conan to a location nearby. When used, a small map will appear. Click on the location on the map where you would like Conan to be, and he will be put there. This item is very useful for travelling to places which have no entrances on foot, or are heavily guarded.

Combat Strategy

Each opponent that Conan must face will require a different type of swing to defeat. While other swings will do minimal damage, Conan will surely have a difficult time claiming victory if he does not use the more effective fighting style.

Following is a list of opponents and the swing required:

Conan The Cimmerian Hint Book
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There are some opponents that Conan cannot bring down with a sword. These foes will require thought and planning if Conan is going to triumph.

General Questions

I keep wandering aimlessly around! Is there more to the game?
Of course there is. Look around you, and talk to everyone you see. Perhaps they know of Thoth Amon and can help you finish your quest.

How do I see how Conan is doing?
By clicking on the face icon, or by typing "S", you will see Conan's statistics: current and maximum hit points, his defense ability, any extra damage that the sword Conan currently has in use gives him, etc. You will also see his ability in the the three types of swings: Thrust, Chop and Swing. An asterisk next to a swing type indicates the swing that Conan is currently using. Also shown is Conan's stealth ability.

How do I pick up items?
Any item in the Scene Level that can be picked up and that you'd like to add to Conan's inventory can be picked up by clicking on the object with the mouse. If you are using a joystick, you can move the cursor to the object and press the button. Not every in a scene can be picked up.

How do I check a character's inventory?
Clicking on the pouch icon or hitting "I" will show what Conan is currently carrying.

I keep having to start all over from the beginning each time my party dies!
SAVE YOUR GAME. Every time you pass an episode, or right before a battle that you are unsure of, you will want to save your game, just in case. In this game, you can save one game at a time. What this means is that if you save a game, it overwrites any previously saved game.

How do I drop items?
Clicking on the fist menu or on Conan will bring a menu on the Scene Level which will allow Conan to drop the items in his possession. Click on the DROP button, and then click on the item you wish to drop. Press the ALL button to drop all of the the items in Conan's inventory. Beware, of the lurking thieves who will make off with valuable dropped items!

Should I take what I find in the residences?
Without gold to buy items, Conan stands very little chance of completing the quests set before him. One of the best sources of income is fencing stolen goods. Remember, Conan is not famous for being a "nice" guy!

I'm out of gold! How do I get more?
You can obtain gold one of two ways: Either steal from the residences in the city, or finish side quests in exchange for gold. You might also try selling back items you no longer need. (Remember kids, don't try this at home. This is make believe.)


Episode One
Conan has vowed to avenge the deaths of his wife and fellow townfolk. First, he must gain the respect of the people of Hyborea. Starting at the main gate in the city of Shadizar, Conan must locate the tavern shown on the paper map included in the Conan game box. Here he must seek help in locating Taurus, the master theif.

On his way to the Red Dog Tavern, he should speak to everyone he meets to familiarize himself with the city. South of the Red Dog Tavern, is the home of Master Quan Yo, a trainer in the "Riddle of the Steel", or sword fighting. There, Conan can learn the Thrust and Overhead Chop types of swings. Once trained, he should find the Red Dog Tavern and speak to Ninook, who will give him a map to Taurus.

Before Conan searches for Taurus, he should buy some torches. Torches can be bought from several different merchants in the Merchant's Quarter. In the underground, torches will be required for Conan to see his way around.

Conan will find the Inn of the Veils, located on the map which Ninook gave him. Inside, Conan will meet a man who will not openly discuss Taurus, unless Conan gives him some gold to aid his "memory".

Finding Taurus, Conan will seek the Eye of the Serpent in an underground tomb guarded by a snake, that is even larger than Conan himself. The only weapon Conan can use against this snake is the Snake Sword, which is hidden somewhere in the catacombs underground.

Before he can obtain the sword, he must first find the jade key to gain entry to the shrine. Contrary to his already exhibited highly moralistic character, Conan must kill a Priest of Set to obtain the Jade key. Once you've gotten the key, you can grab the sword, and kill the snake. Once the snake is defeated, you will have free access to the fabled Eye of the Serpent, and you will have completed Episode one.

Episode One Questions & Answers
How can I kill a guard?
Guards are very difficult to kill, and require an Overhead Chop, which Conan is not yet trained in when you start the game. Before attempting to kill a guard, train with Master Quan Yo and gain some experience with your sword. Should you be in combat with a guard, you can ignobly leave by clicking on the left margin of the screen, thus exiting back to the City Level.

Where is Master Quan Yo?
South of the Red Dog Tavern, Master Quan Yo resides on the south side of a building with an open courtyard. Find your way there carefully, for it is guarded on both sides of the door.

How come I can't get into the Inner City?
The Inner City is heavily guarded and cannot be entered through normal means. Any attempts through the main gates will result in Conan's death.

Why do I keep getting thrown in jail?
Whenever you steal, you run the risk of being caught. If caught, the guards will put you in jail and take your money. However, the only way to get good at something, is to keep practicing! To conserve money, use the gold you start with before you attempt to steal from a residence.

What should I buy from the merchants?
Torches, rope, and perhaps a stronger sword if you have the funds available. Be sure and compare prices! Not all merchants charge the same amount, and most can be haggled down in price.

How much can I haggle?
It varies from item to item. It will take some practice before you discover if you're paying the lowest possible price.

How do I find the Red Dog Tavern?
Use the map that was included in your Conan box. The Red Dog Tavern is marked in the upper left quadrant of the map. Head toward the north-west side of the city, near the Thieves' Guild if you are still having problems locating it.

Where is Taurus?
By following the map to the Inn of the Veils, you will get information of Taurus' whereabouts. Be sure you have enough money to bribe the man at the Inn of the Veils, for he has a faulty memory that only a bribe will help him with. Twenty Gold Bezants should be enough to get the information from him.

Where do the underground entrances lead throughout the city?
There is only one underground in Shadizar, lest you be confused by which entrance you use to get there. Different entrances will bring you to different parts of the catacombs, which do not necessarily have connecting routes to other sections. You may wish to map these areas, as they all look very similar.

The underground is dark!
We weren't kidding about the torches. If you are already underground, go back the way you came and buy a few torches.

Where's the Snake Sword?
If you head west, then south, then west again from the ladder after leaving Taurus' home, you will find a door locked with a jade lock. Behind this door is the Snake Sword.

Where do I find the Jade Key?
Heading west, then north, then east, then up, you will find an underground entrance to the towering Temple of Set. Head west from there until you find a room with a gargoyle statue in it. In the room to the left of the statue is the priest who has the Jade Key you need.

How do I kill the priest?
Using the thrusting swing with the sword, you should be able to overcome the priest.

Where is the Eye of the Serpent?
After you get the Snake sword, go back to the temple where the priest was, only this time head east when you come to a room where you must make a choice between east or west. Click on the gargoyle statue, and enter the room beneath it.

I'm not even hurting the snake!
Be certain that you are using the thrusting swing, and that you have put to use the Snake Sword by clicking on the USE button and then clicking on the Snake Sword.

Episode Two
Now that Conan has completed Episode One, he will find himself back at the Red Dog Tavern in Shadizar. Vicarus the Sage is waiting for him, telling him of a crypt north of the city of Shadizar where a great king was mummified and buried. As in the practice of those days, the king was buried with some of his greatest treasures. Many men have attempted before Conan to retrieve these items, but all of the grave robbers have disappeared, never to surface again.

Conan must find his way to the crypt, retrieve the King's Sword and Crown, and return to Shadizar. In his way stands the mummified king himself, who will not part with his possessions without a fight. Even retrieving the items is not enough, as the timeworn lock has locked Conan inside the crypt, where he will surely perish unless he can find a way out!

Episode Two Questions & Answers
How do I get to the Crypt?
Leave the city of Shadizar by exiting through the south or west gate. You will be on a large map with an icon of a skeleton north of the city of Shadizar. Click on the fist icon, and then click on the skeleton icon. Conan will move automatically into the crypt.

I'm locked in the Crypt! How do I get out?
The ancient lock requires a steel key to exit the crypt itself. The mummy in the right room happens to have one in his inventory, but you'll have to defeat him before he'll give it to you willingly.

How do I attack the mummy?
The mummy rests peacefully as long as its possessions are left unmolested. Should you take any of his treasures, however, he will defend them to your death.

How do I kill the mummy?
The mummy cannot be brought down with bare steel. There are no bones to break, or blood to shed, so a mummy fears little. In fact, the only adversity a mummy might face is an open flame.

How do I start a fire to burn the mummy?
Two objects are hidden in the statues erected into the walls: rope and flint & steel. Using the flint & steel, you should be able to start a fire.

Where do I find things to burn to help start the fire?
In the first room, there is some dry broken decaying wood which should burn rather nicely.

How do I get the steel key from the mummy?
Conan is a brave and mighty warrior! Surely he doesn't mind getting a few hairs singed while he retrieves the key from the mummy! While you're getting the steel key, you should also get the King's Crown, as it is a very valuable asset to have.

There is a staff in the crypt - should I take it?
Yes, yes, yes! You never know when a staff might come in handy, and it might just save your life.

Episode Three
Conan has now successfully completed Episodes One and Two! Upon his return to the Red Dog Tavern, he speaks to Jalek, who tells him of a tragedy that has occurred: Belit has been captured by a wicked Enchantress working for Thoth Amon in the Jungle Ruins, and all attempts to free her have been in vain. Jalek is understandably concerned, as Belit was en route to help the Kushite forces, who were battling Thoth Amon. Without her leadership, Thoth Amon could win, amassing even more power over the land.

Belit is being held captive by the Enchantress, protected by a large monolith which snares unsuspecting victims with its power, and holds them until the witch kills them at her leisure. Conan must find a way past the powerful monolith and destroy the Enchantress to rescue her! Beware her power. She's more than just a pretty face, and isn't at all what she appears to be.

Episode Three Questions & Answers
Where is Belit held captive?
There is a large black monolith on the east side of the city. She is shackled near to it. Be wary, however, of the Enchantress who is holding Belit against her will!

I keep getting trapped by the monolith!
The monolith's power centers around metallic objects. Before attempting to save Belit, you need to drop all of your metallic items so that you are not drawn into the power of the monolith.

Where can I drop my possessions safely?
There are a few different places you can choose, but your possessions are not always safe from molestation. Travel to the highest point of the pyramid and you will find a safe place to store your items temporarily.

How do I get up the side of the pyramid?
There are vines running down the pyramid. You will need to climb the pyramid on the right side of it to safely traverse to the top.

What is the Obsidian Sword for?
Obsidian is black glass that has volcanic origin. Because of its non-metallic nature, it is ideal for killing the beast which holds Belit captive.

Should I take the copper key?
Because time is of the essence, you may not wish to search for treasure now, but a key to treasure in the future is better than no key at all!

Episode Four
After a brief respite from his quest, Conan returns to the Red Dog Tavern to find another maiden needing his aid. Juma, a kushite warrior tells of Princess Zosara of Turan, who was to be married to Kujala, the Great Khan of the Kuigar nomads. Thoth Amon's agents kidnapped her as a bargaining chip to force the King of Turan and Kujala into withdrawing their forces from attacks on Thoth's territories. Unless she is rescued soon, they will have no choice but to retreat.

She was taken to Zamboula, which has no entrances directly into the city. Even if Conan could manage to get inside the city, there is still the matter of finding the princess and defeating her captor, a very powerful agent of Thoth Amon who has the ability to appear as mere vapor no more substantial than the air we breathe.

Episode Four Questions & Answers
Should I go get the princess, or work on getting the treasures left behind in the Jungle Ruins?
Time is of the utmost importance, and it is imperative that you save the princess before Thoth Amon pressures her father into with-drawing his troops. The treasure isn't going anywhere, and it can always be found at a later date.

I found a dying man en route to Zamboula! How can I help him?
Unfortunately, by the time you reach the dying man, it is much too late to save him. Listen to what he has to say, lest the same thing should happen to you!

Does the man have anything I might want?
The man was a thief, but now that he is dying, cosmic justice has willed that he become a victim of theft himself. The only object left in his possession is a piece of paper.

Should I take the piece of paper?
The piece of paper might have something important on it! Once you have it, EXAMINE it to read its contents. While it may sound confusing, it could save your life.

How do I get into Zamboula?
Zamboula has no direct entrances. EXAMINE the piece of paper you received from the dying man. It instructs you to find the odd heads. Look closely at the wall of the city and you will see two or four heads in each wall segment. Keep looking down the side of it until you see a section with three heads. Here is a secret entrance. Simply walk towards the wall at this location.

How do I get over the open crevices?
The open crevices are intentional to keep you from your goal. You must either find an alternate route to get to the same location or tunnel deeper into the underground passages.

I am having problems locating the magician!
You should map the tunnels so that you do not wander for hours. To reach the lair of the magician, you must go down two levels from the underground and then find your way back up to the first level of the catacombs to get around the open crevice that protects the entrance.

How do I free the princess?
The princess is held captive by a magician who has the ability to turn invisible. The bonds she is shackled by are magical and can only be removed by the demise of the magician who created them.

How do I kill the invisible magician?
Wait until the magician is about halfway across the room from you. Then USE your staff. This will place the staff in a hole in the ground which opens a trap door and will cause the magician to fall to his death.

Episode Five
The final day of confrontation with Thoth Amon approaches soon. Thoth Amon's agents are at this moment searching for Thoth Amon's Ring of Power, stolen by thieves years previously. To triumph over Thoth Amon, it is imperative that Conan find the ring before he does.

To find the ring, Conan must visit Morhan, the sage, who is rumored to be the greatest scholar of the land. Morhan will tell Conan to search Larsha for a map to the ring. Once Conan has the map, he must find a way inside the Inner City where the Ring is hidden in the palace. Inside the palace, Conan must fight off the guards, locate the ring, and return it to Akado.

Episode Five Questions & Answers
Where is Morhan the Sage?
Head southeast from the Red Dog Tavern. A large building by itself with a door in the center is the location you seek.

How do I kill the lizardmen in Larsha?
Like the snake that guarded the Eye of the Serpent, the Lizardmen require a special sword to defeat. This special sword is the only sword strong enough to get through their tough skin.

Where is the Lizard Sword?
The Lizard sword is in the city of Larsha where, naturally, the Lizardmen are. You will need to move cautiously, but quickly, to its location carefully avoiding the Lizard men. If one of the dreaded large reptiles should spot you, exit the Scene Level by clicking on the left most margin. However, doing so will not cause the Lizardmen to stop pursuing you, so you will need to run quickly.

How do I find the Lizard Sword?
Buy a map of Larsha from a Chartmaker in Shadizar. The location of the Lizard Sword is marked on this map.

Where is the Marble key?
There is a Marble key next to the map which leads to Thoth Amon's Ring of Power.

Should I get the Marble key?
The marble key might lead to something else you need! Never drop a key unless you have already used it and no longer need it!

I got the map, now where?
Go back to the city of Shadizar and EXAMINE the map to see where Thoth Amon's ring has been hidden. The map will show the location of the building where the ring is hidden along with Conan's current location, if he is in the general area.

How do I get past the guards in the Inner City?
The guards will attack you upon sight, so you must find an alternate route past the guards. The only way into the city is to follow the wall. To get on the top of the wall, use either a teleport spell, or climb the ladder on the northern wall.

Where is the ring in the palace?
You must search for the ring. Check every room, every doorway, and even things that don't look like they could be hiding anything. The ring is inside a hidden room, so do not leave any stone unturned.

Episode Six
Conan has managed to find Thoth Amon's ring of power in the Governor's Palace and has returned it to Akado. Akado finds to his great dismay that the inscriptions on the ring, which tell of its power and how to harness it, are beyond his understanding.

To complete this quest, you must retrieve the Scrolls of Skelos, hidden somewhere in the Scriptorium of Larsha. Not only are the Scrolls hidden away, they are guarded by a demon made solely of iron, indestructible and unstoppable with the aid of Thoth Amon's magic. Legend has it neither man nor beast can triumph over this demon. Conan must somehow outwit the Iron Demon and retrieve the Scrolls of Skelos. Then, he must return them to Akado to unleash the power of Thoth Amon's ring.

Episode Six Questions & Answers
I go to Larsha and the Iron Demon kills me!
The Iron Demon cannot be killed with steel alone. You must find a way to destroy or trap him before he kills you.

I still can't kill the iron demon!
Do you expect all the answers handed to you on a silver platter? Think back to something that might attract metal!

I led the Iron Demon to the monolith, but I got ensnared and I died too!
The Iron Demon can be caught at a greater distance from the monolith than you considering he is made entirely of metal. And the monolith has tremendous magnetism. Do not run straight for the monolith when you enter the Jungle Ruins. Run close enough that you are not trapped, and wait for magic against magic to work in your favor.

Okay, I trapped the Iron Demon! Now where's the Scroll of Skelos?
Go back to Larsha and locate the Scriptorium. You will need to have your Lizard Sword ready to defend yourself against the Lizardmen. Once you find the Scroll of Skelos, you have completed this Episode.

Where is the Scriptoruim?
North of the northern city wall. You must find a way past this wall.

I can't get past the wall!
Try climbing ladders and travelling on top of the wall until you come to another ladder you can use to get down.

Episode Seven
The final battle is now about to take place. It will not be an easy one, although Conan is protected by the Ring of Power and Akado's magic, he must still defeat the numerous subjects foolishly willing to die for the vile Thoth Amon. Enter the palace of Tarantia and unleash Conan's will for vengeance to it's fullest potential. Only then will Conan possess the inner strength to defeat the murderer of his wife and friends.

Episode Seven Questions & Answers
What items should I take with me to Thoth Amon's Palace?
All the foes you've encountered so far will be in Thoth Amon's palace. Therefore, some good items to take are: The King mummy's Crown, some White Lotus to help Conan's strength, an Enchanted or Gold Sword to fight ordinary foes, a Snake Sword to kill any wild snakes, a Lizard Sword to destroy lizardmen, the Horn of Valhalla (if you have it), the Staff of Power (if you have it), the Freeze Amulet, the Ruby Amulet, the Emerald Amulet, flint and steel, and rope to be sure you have a way of exiting from pits.

There are keys on the ground, but my pack is full!
You're going to have to make several decisions throughout Thoth Amon's Palace about what to keep and what to leave behind. Take one key at a time and discard it after you use it.

How do I defeat the Giant Snake without a Snake Sword?
The Snake Sword was made specifically to kill reptillian enemies. However, any sword will do damage against the snake. Before going into battle with the Giant Snake, make sure you have a White Lotus to restore your stamina.

What about the Lizard man? I don't have the Lizard Sword!
Same idea as before: give yourself a small boost and stay persistent. Not using the Lizard Sword means it will take you longer to defeat your foe.

There are mummies here!
You have a choice with mummies: You can burn them using either some flint & steel, or the Ruby Amulet.

How do I defeat the Iron Demons?
Just like the demon guarding the Scrolls of Skelos, these demons are completely indestructible. You have no magnetic monolith to aid you now, so your best bet is to avoid the Iron Demons. Should you encounter any, run for your life, for that is exactly what you're fighting for.

The Elite Guard keeps killing me!
You need a very strong and powerful sword, such as the King's Sword or Enchanted sword. If you find you still cannot defeat this foe, use the magic of the Staff of Power or the Horn of Valhalla.

How do I defeat the Priest of Set?
Conan's only hope of survival is the Emerald Amulet, Staff of Power or Horn of Valhalla to kill the Priest.

How do I get past the living statue?
Use the Freeze Amulet to return the statue to its stationary form.

What good is the throne?
Search the throne to find an alternate path.

How I do kill Thoth Amon?
You cannot kill Thoth Amon. The only way to hurt him, is to hurt that which keeps him alive: his heart. You must find his heart in another room and destroy it.

How do I break Thoth Amon's heart?
Tell him you had a great time and you'll talk to him soon and then never call. That'll work. Otherwise, use a sword to break the protective glass jar which houses his heart. Once you have done this, Thoth Amon's evil presence will be removed from the land of Hyborea once and for all, and you will have earned your right to be King of Aquilonia, as well as fulfilled your internal quest to avenge the deaths of your wife and townfolk.

Minor Quests

The Gem of Sight
Conan is given the task of locating the Gem of Sight.
A wealthy merchant bought the Gem from some members of the Thieves' Guild who stole it from Crom's Temple. Legend has it that this merchant lives in a secluded place in the Merchant's Quarter. If you return the gem to Crom's Temple, you will be rewarded greatly.

How do I find which room the merchant lives in?
Head west along the southern wall of the city of Shadizar. You must pass several entrances until you find a large building with a door in its center. Go just past this. Now you must use a teleport spell to gain entrance to the roof. Inside the room on the roof is a street tough who will defend his master's valuable gem to his death.

I have the gem, what should I do with it?
Taking the gem to a jeweler will only get you one-third of the amount of gold Crom's Temple will give you. On the other hand, the gem is used like a mapping device centered around its owner, so you may wish to keep it for yourself. Try using it, then decide.

The Amulet of the Undead
A tavern owner in the city of Shadizar will tell Conan of the Amulet of the Undead. It can be used to destroy undead foes, which Conan would find rather useful. Although the owner gripes that only a fool would attempt to find the Amulet, he is willing to give a map to Conan to aid his journey.

Where is the Amulet of the Undead?
Under Shadizar, lies a labyrinth of tunnels and catacombs. Close to the green arrow is a door which houses the Amulet.

The Door is locked!
Of course the door is locked! What kind of protection against thieves would an unlocked door be? Go back up to Shadizar, buy a brass key from a locksmith and try again.

What will the Amulet do for me?
Once safely in Conan's possession, the Amulet will destroy all undead creatures in a confrontation, keeping Conan safe from harm.

The Wizard's Gold
If Conan bribes the owner in the Dead Crow Inn, he will be told that two years ago a great and powerful wizard named Anor died, leaving his treasure behind. It was rumored to be hidden someplace accessible only by magical means. Legend has it the treasure is worth twenty-five hundred Gold Bezants.

Without a map to the treasure, how will I find it?
The treasure is very well hidden in the underground, and only a brave and persistent man will be able to successfully locate it.

I'm looking for it, but not finding it!
Remember, the innkeeper said it could only be accessed using magic! Look for a room that has no obvious entrances.

How do I get to the location?
You will need to use a teleport spell to get there and back. So be sure you have two uses available before you use one.

The door is locked! I need a golden key!
Conan should always keep a few keys on him! Go back to Shadizar and buy a golden key.

Emerald Amulet
The wearer of this Amulet has protection against any priests who attempt to use harmful magic against them. Working almost like a mirror, it reflects magic back unto the attacker. You are told of this magical item by a Priest at Ishtar's temple in Shadizar. The Amulet is rumored to be hidden at the top of the Temple of Set.

Where is Ishtar's Temple?
Just south of the Bazaar in the Merchant's Quarter you will find a temple door. This is Ishtar's Temple.

How do I get to the top of the Temple of Set?
The only way to the top of the Temple is to go inside and climb, or teleport. Since you are a rogue and not welcome in the Temple, the wisest choice is to use a teleport spell to reach the very top. Go inside the building and retrieve the Emerald Amulet, and then teleport down. Be certain you have at least two uses of the teleport spell to get there and return.

Should I return the Emerald Amulet or keep it?
Returning the Amulet to its rightful owners will yield Conan a great reward. On the other hand, all the money in Hyborea cannot protect Conan the way the Amulet can. Try it out, you can always return it later.

The Staff of Power
The holiest relic of the Temple of Adonis, the Staff of Power was stolen! Because it is underground, no one has yet been able to retrieve it. In the hands of Thoth Amon, it is a very dangerous weapon, as it will kill all opponents within a specfic radius.

How do I get the Staff of Power?
Get to the underground using one of the secret tunnels inside residences.

Where should I go underground?
To get as close as possible to the location of the Staff of Power, enter through a secret tunnel in a residence near the cursed Temple of Set.

Should I keep the Staff of Power?
The Staff would definitely be helpful against foes that could potentially defeat Conan. However, as Conan is not a skilled magic user, his ability to use the Staff of Power is limited to one time - at which time, it will destroy the Staff of Power completely.

The Thieves' Guild's Gold
Bribing owners of various inns in Shadizar will net the following story: The Thieves' Guild hides all their stolen treasures underground in a locked chamber that is guarded. Attempts at gaining entrance to the Thieves' Guild have all been in vain, and it is rumored only a fool would even try.

How do I get underground?
A good entrance to use to the underground is the residence just east of the Temple of Set.

What should I bring with me?
Torches are a definite must. A few teleport spells wouldn't be a bad choice, either. Since the door of the chamber is locked, you'd best visit a locksmith and pick up a few keys.

Where should I look in the underground?
In the north-west of the underground, you will find several doors in a row.

How do I know which door?
Unfortunately, Conan was not granted telepathic powers. Look for a locked door, however, and not an open one.

The door needs a golden key! I didn't bring one with me!
What kind of thief are you? You'll need to go back up to the City Level of Shadizar and find a merchant who will sell you a golden key.

I can't find a merchant to sell me a golden key!
While his reputation does not include having the best prices in town, there is a broker in the southwest most building. Of course, first you'll have to get past the guards...

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