How to burn a CDI image using Padus Diskjuggler
Place a Blank CD into your CD Burner Drive. Start Diskjuggler, click file and choose new from the options.
Select the option Bund CD and DVD images
Click the source image buttom at the top left.
Choose a .cdi or .iso file from your computer, then click open.
Make sure that you have your CD Burner drive selected in the destination box.
Diskjuggler has quite a few options, dont play with them. The only options that i use sometimes are Mode 1 burning for games that wont burn with regular settings. And overburn if the image is to large to fit on the CD.
On the right side of your screen you can choose the amount of copies you would like to burn, if you would like to run a test and then burn, and you can select the speed in which you would like to burn your image.I use 8 speed or lower to avoid buffer underun.
Click start to burn your iso or cdi image.