English Vocabulary: Illness
A cold - headache
- muscolar pain
- runny nose
- sneeze
Flu - fatig
- fever
- headache
- sore throat
- cough
- muscolar pain
- nausea
- chill
- night swears
- stirpsis (inapetenza)
Twisted ankle - foot pain
- sweeling (gonfiore)
- swollen ankle
- rash (irritazione cutanea)
to blow your nose = soffiare il naso
SWALLOW = ingogliare
SWALLEN = gonfio
to be sick = avere la nausea
to have tempeature = to have fever
to hurt = far male --> physical and feeling pain
to aches = far male --> only physical pain
duration --> how long have you had this pain?
medicines taken
where you feel the pain
To be allergic to