Privateer (PC Game)
Potete Facilitarvi un sacco la vita, E Scusate se Ë Poco.
* Please note: I have recieved word from some people experiencing
† trouble with this program. Just a reminder that
† I am not responsible for any damage caused by this
† program.
† Aparently, the program just plain does not work, and
† people claim the GET statement needs a third paramater.
I have left it here so that programmers that have the game
can experiment with it.
The first step is to memorize the amount of cash you have in one of your
savefiles. After you did this, write the following Qbasic - programm:
open "[filename]" for binary as 1
input "Cash:",cash
while not eof
if z=cash then put#1,a:print "Ready !"
The idea is to overwrite the place in your savefile with a higher number.