Mission Force: Cyberstorm
This will require that you do a little editing to the CSTORM.INI file that is in the game directory.
You must type in one of the following codes on a BLANK line in order to enable the code.
You must spell to correctly, and don't worry about capitilization.
Once you have typed in all of the codes that you are going to use during the game, simply save the file and run the game.
Cheats that work in the MAIN COMBAT SCREEN and for your ENTIRE FLEET, just type them in.
hello world : this will let you adjust the range of the fog of war.
hollywood hercs: this will heal, repair, adds full ammo, and powers up all units.
death to all who oppose us: this will kill all enemy units.
be very afraid: this will kill a group of enemies
now this might sting a bit: Kills on enemy
fly like an eagle: adds extra energy stores to all units
Cheats that work in the MAIN COMBAT SCREEN for only the SELECTED UNIT
let me help you: enables a programable autopilot
i'll be back: adds ammo to the unit
run like the wind: full charges your units batteries
don't just stand there: unit will fire on its own when enemy unit is within rang
i am whole again: heals the pilot of selected unit
look into my eyes: allows you to edit pilot data
i'm feeling much better: repairs mech in battle
i cheat therefore i am: heals pilot, repairs mech, adds ammo, and powers up the batteries.
Cheats that work in the HERC BASE SCREEN
heal me: heals all bioderms and repairs all mechs
brownnoser: gives next rank
i'll buy that for a credit: adds one credit
for a few credits more: adds 1000 credits
credits from heaven: adds 10000 credits
i need more wheat: adds 100000 credits
i changed my mind: allows you to change dificulty level
god emperor of m138: get in charge over the whole universe!
boto bombs anyone?: adds BGM's to the game
herc me some more: allows you to purchase any mech
he who dies with the most toys: allows you to purchase any technology
i don't like those: allows you to select a new mission