A general introduction to the expanding Earth

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 9 hours ago
Bright spots and streaks in this image represent relatively recent impacts.
Global Expansion Tectonics is the only viable alternative to the plate tectonic interpretation of Earth's geology. During the mid 1960's, experimental deep ocean drilling along an East West transect of the North Atlantic basin found that basaltic oceanic crust adjacent to the North American continent and Europe was only about 140 million years old. As the ocean drilling vessel approached the central basins submerged volcanic mountain range, the "mid-ocean-ridge" system, geologists observed that the rocks retrieved from ocean floor drill cores were becoming progressively younger nearer to this vast elongated mountain 'ridge...

The mid-ocean crests & ocean floor formation (& how expansion explains them)

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 12 hours ago
Map of the World
In contemporary renderings, sea floor cartography is particularly improved. The mid-ocean crest system, visible on the ocean floors, creates a pattern systematically centred between the continents, mimicking the neighbouring perimeters. These detailed maps alone are cause to renew the opposition to Wegener's aged drift theory. However, rather than taking a little distance and a fresh look, as does an artisan or craftsperson to better view and understand the whole picture, oceanographers and geophysicists went by submarine, deep-sea drilling, and made expensive models of the drift and subduction theories. In the 1960s they formulated a...

Was the moon expelled from the planet Earth?

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Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 12 hours ago
Was the moon expelled from the planet Earth?
Many impact theories have done the round. As land masses were defined, philosophers became aware of the correlated features of the Old and New World coastlines. From observation of coastal mountain formations and signs of structural upheaval in the Earth's crust emerged intuitive reasoning that these were the result of abnormal events. By the 16 th Century, suggestions were being made that the continents had once been conjoined and were divided catastrophically. Theories about comet interference with the Earth and about Moon expulsion came and went throughout the 16 th , 17 th and 18 th Centuries. The anonymous Dutch author of The Moo...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 days ago
INGREDIENTI - 1confezione di pasta sfoglia surgelata da 450 g, - farina per stendere la pasta, - burro, - 1 kg di pere, - 200 g di panna da montare, - 100 g di zucchero, - 1 uovo PREPARAZIONE Fate scongelare la pasta sfoglia a temperatura ambiente, poi dividetela in due parti, pari a un terzo e due terzi. Stendete la porzione più grossa di pasta, sulla spianatoia infarinata, in una sfoglia grande a sufficienza per foderare una tortiera, uscendo anche di un paio di centimetri dai bordi. Adagiate quindi il disco di pasta nella tortiera imburrata. Sbucciate le pere, tagliatele a metà e liberatele dal torso e dai semi; poi dividetele a fettin...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 days ago
INGREDIENTI - 3 uova - 3 cucchiai di zucchero - 3 cucchiai di marsala - 1 cucchiaio di brandy - 1 bicchiere di panna da montare - 1 bustina di zucchero vanigliato - 500 g di ricotta PREPARAZIONE Sgusciate le uova, separando gli albumi dai tuorli; mettete questi ultimi in una casseruolina di acciaio (o, meglio ancora, nel polsonetto di rame) e unitevi lo zucchero, il marsala e il brandy (gli albumi li utilizzerete per un’altra preparazione). Ponete il recipiente su fuoco dolcissimo, a bagnomaria, e fate cuocere lo zabaione, sbattendo con una frusta, fino a che sarà diventato gonfio e spumoso, triplicando il suo volume; quindi levatelo dal ...


Adelaide's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 days ago
INGREDIENTI - 50 g di uva passa - 2 cucchiai di rum - 4 uova - 150 g di zucchero - 150 g di farina - 4 mele renette - 25 g di burro PREPARAZIONE Metti l'uva passa a macerare in acqua calda per 30 minuti. Dopo, scolala e mettila in una ciotola con il rum per altri 30 minuti. Sguscia le uova separando gli albumi dai tuorli. Monta i tuorli con lo zucchero finché diventano spumosi. Aggiungi la farina poco alla volta. Sbuccia le mele, tagliale a quarti, affettale sottilmente, e uniscile al composto di uova e zucchero insieme all'uva passa. Imburra uno stampo, versa il composto e cuoci in forno a 220°C per 50 minuti. Servi freddo.

Megafauna and the attenuated gravity of the antique system

lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 3 days ago
Copyright Ted Holden It is a fairly easy demonstration that nothing any larger than the largest elephants could live in our world today, and that the largest dinosaurs survived ONLY because the nature of the world and of the solar system was then such that they did not experience gravity as we do at all; they'd be crushed by their own weight, collapse in a heap, and suffocate within minutes were they to.A look at sauropod dinosaurs as we know them today requires that we relegate the brontosaur, once thought to be one of the largest sauropods, to welterweight or at most middleweight status. Fossil finds dating from the 1970's dwarf...


lostcivilizations's profile picture
Lost Civilizations (@lostcivilizations)
Published in 
 · 3 days ago
ULTIMATE CONCLUSIONS From the evidence presented in this web site it should be immediately apparent that the Earth is expanding. One thing is certain from the evidence—the world we know today is destined to be a much different world in the future. Therefore, current conceptions of the planet and its internal and external processes must be reexamined and reevaluated. My firm and unshakeable conclusion is that the Earth is not only increasing in mass, diameter, circumference, total surface area, water volume and atmospheric density, but the rate of increase is accelerating and will continue to accelerate into the future to endangerment of ...
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