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Scaly-breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata)

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 · 2 years ago
Scaly-breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata)
Order: PASSERIFORMES Family: ESTRILDIDAE Munias Scientific name: Lonchura punctulata English name: Scaly-breasted Munia Characteristic: Size 11 cm. A small brown bird with a distinctive long pointed tail, dark brown chin and throat, with brown scale-like spots on sides of breast and flanks. A young bird is plain brown all over. Distribution: India, China, Myanmar, Taiwan, the Philippines, Sulawesi, the Sundas, Sumatra, Java, Bali and SE Asia. Habitat: Secondary growth, scrub forest, orchards, grass fields and paddy fields. Habit: Stays in pairs or small parties, foraging on the ground, on grass stems or among the undergrowth in open grou...

Siberian Rubythroat (Luscinia calliope)

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 · 2 years ago
Siberian Rubythroat (Luscinia calliope)
Order: PASSERIFORMES Family: TURDIDAE Thrushes Scientific name: Luscinia calliope English name: Siberian Rubythroat Characteristic: Size 16 cm. A small insectivorous brownish bird with a greenish brown back, sullied white bell and a black and white facial pattern. A male bird has a conspicuous orange patch on its chin and throat, bordered on both sides with narrow dark lines; also, a large white band at the base of bill. A female differs in possessing white chin and throat, not so orange as that of a male. Distribution: Northern Asia, migrating southwards to India, China, Hainan, Taiwan, the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Habitat: Dry e...

Dusky Warbler (Phylloscopus fuscatus)

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 · 2 years ago
Dusky Warbler (Phylloscopus fuscatus)
Order: PASSERIFORMES Family: SYLVIIDAE Old World Warblers Scientific name: Phylloscopus fuscatus English name: Dusky Warbler Characteristic: Size 12 cm. Upperside is olive green and underside whitish, with distinct pale, long eyebrow. Ears, sides of neck and flanks are all reddish brown. Distribution: India, China, Hainan, Taiwan and the Andamans. Habitat: Dipterocarp forest, secondary growth, bamboo forest, mostly in the neighbourhood of water bodies. Habit: Appears only seasonally in winter months, seen solitarily, skulking predominantly among low undergrowth for insects, worms and wild fruits. Status: A common seasonal migrant.

Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)

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 · 2 years ago
Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)
Order: PASSERIFORMES Family: PYCNONOTIDAE Bulbuls Scientific name: Pycnonotus jocosus English name: Red-whiskered Bulbul Characteristic: Size 20 cm. Upperpart is brown contrasting to white underpart. Black head is adorned with an erect long crest. White cheek patch is more distinctive than a smaller red patch adjoining it. A broad dark band runs from the bill, passing the lower cheek to the side of neck. Red vent is also highly diagnostic. Immatures lack the red cheek patch and having pinkishred vent. Distribution: India, Southern China, and SE Asia. Habitat: Forest edges and clearings with tall grasses, including nearby orchards and oth...

Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius)

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 · 2 years ago
Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius)
Order: PASSERIFORMES Family: SYLVIIDAE Old World Warblers Scientific name: Orthotomus sutorius English name: Common Tailorbird Characteristic: Size 13 cm. A diminutive bird with its back, shoulders, rump and tail pale yellowish green; upperpart yellowish white; forehead brownish red. In breeding season, a male will possess elongate maiddle pairs of tail feathers, much longer than those of a female. Distribution: Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Southwest China, Hainan, Hong Kong, Soutest Asia. In Thailand, it is found throughout the country. Habitat: Scrub forest, secondary growths, open grounds, open forest, mangro...

Oriental Pied Hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)

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 · 2 years ago
Oriental Pied Hornbill (Anthracoceros albirostris)
Order: CORACIIFORMES Family: BUCEROTIDAE Hornbills Scientific name: Anthracoceros albirostris English name: Oriental Pied Hornbill Characteristic: Size 70 cm. A large black bird with white patches at cheeks, wing tips and tail tip, and on belly. Bill is remarkably large, yellow in colour, with a characteristic casque on the top. A female is smaller than a male. Distribution: India, Southern China, Indo-China and SE Asia. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest and dipterocarp forest. Habit: Keeps primarily to undisturbed, primary forest; wandering in group about isolated crowns of forest trees. Food comprises wild fruits and other small animals. B...

Bay Owl (Phodilus badius)

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 · 2 years ago
Bay Owl (Phodilus badius)
Order: STRIGIFORMES Family: TYTONIDAE Scientific name: Phodilus badius English name: Bay Owl Characteristic: Size 29 cm. A plump-looking brown owl, with brown upperpart and pinkish brown underpart. Both sides are heavily spotted with dark brown and pale pattern that scattering widely over the surfaces. Its heart-shaped facial disc is more pinkish, with a pair of large brown eyes. A pair of its ear-like tufted feathers stand erect above its eyes. Legs and feet are thickly covered with feathers, and the latter forming sharp talons. Distribution: India, China, the Sundas, the Philippines, Myanmer, Malaysia, Thailand, Indo-China, Tonkin and ...

Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo (Carpococcyx renauldi)

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 · 2 years ago
Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo (Carpococcyx renauldi)
Order: CUCULIFORMES Family: CUCULIDAE Cuckoos Scientific name: Carpococcyx renauldi English name: Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo Characteristic: Size 70 cm. A large ground-living bird with greyish back and wings and violet-glossed black head, neck, breast and tail; bill, legs and feet bright red; underpart whitish. A distinctive violet eye patch is usually noticed, at close range. Distribution: Endemic to Thailand and Indo-China, where it thrives on the plain to low hills of 900 m. in elevation. Habitat: Among thick undergrowth in the dry evergreen forest. Habit: Foraging on the forest floor for fallen fruits, seeds, insects and small animal...

Aexandrine Parakeet (Psittacula eupatria)

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 · 2 years ago
Aexandrine Parakeet (Psittacula eupatria)
Order: PSITTACIFORMES Family: PSITTACIDAE PARROTS Scientific name: Psittacula eupatria English name: Aexandrine Parakeet Characteristic: Size 51 cm. A large green parrot with a slender tail; bill bulbous and hooked at tip, red in colour; also with distinctive red shoulder patch. A male bird is readily recognized by having a reddish collar and black moustachial streak. Distribution: India, the Andamans, Myanmer, Laos, Indo-China. In Thailand, it occurs in all parts, except the southern one. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, dipterocarp forest, to secondary growth. Habit: Keeps mainly in small flocks that venturing among the tree canopy and s...

Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)

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Published in 
 · 2 years ago
Order: PASSERIFORMES Family: CORVIDAE Crows, Jays, Magpies Scientific name: Corvus macrorhynchos English name: Large-billed Crow Characteristic: "Size 25 - 28 cm. A small falcon, readly recognized by having a white rump patch; dark grey upperpart which including its wings and tail; underpart contrastingly white. A male has its head to upper back whitish with greyish streaks, while a female has this part reddinsh vrown. Immature has darker grey head and a pale ring around its nech." Distribution: "Myanmear, Thailand and Indo-China." Habitat: "Open spaces in dry dipterocarp forest, dry deciduous forest and secondary growth; from the plain ...

White-rumped Falcon (Polihierax insignis)

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 · 2 years ago
White-rumped Falcon (Polihierax insignis)
Order: FALCONIFORMES Family: FALCONIDAE Falcons Scientific name: Polihierax insignis English name: White-rumped Falcon Characteristic: Size 25 - 28 cm. A small falcon, readily recognized by having a white rump patch; dark grey upperpart which including its wings and tail; underpart contrastingly white. A male has its head to upper back whitish whit greyish streaks, while a female has this part reddish brown. Immature has darker grey head and a pale ring around its neck. Distribution: Myanmear, Thailand and Indo-China. Habitat: Open spaces in dry dipterocarp forest, dry deciduous forest and secondary growth; from the plain up to 700 m. al...

Crested Serpent-Eagle (Spilornis cheela)

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 · 2 years ago
Crested Serpent-Eagle (Spilornis cheela)
Order: CHARADRIIFORMES Family: JACANIDAE Jacanas Scientific name: Spilornis cheela English name: Crested Serpent-Eagle Characteristic: Size 51-71 cm. Upperpart is dark brown and underpart is reddish brown. Numerous round pale spots are seen scattering over its belly and wing bases. A long crest is present, dark brown in colour and barred with pale pattern. Distribution: India, China, Hainan, Taiwan, the Andamans, the Nicobars, the Sundas, palawan, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia. In Thailand, it inhabits all forest types throughout the country. Habitat: Dipterocarp forest, dry evergreen forest and secondary growth. H...

Crested Goshawk (Accipiter trivirgatus)

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Published in 
 · 2 years ago
Order: FALCONIFORMES Family: ACCIPITRIDAE Hawks, Kites, Eagles, Vultures Scientific name: Accipiter trivirgatus English name: Crested Goshawk Characteristic: "Size 30-36 cm. Femala a little larger than the male, has greyish brown back, whereas it is grey in the male; whitish underpart with fine reddish brown arrings. Chin white." Distribution: "Africa, South Asia, Southern China, Hainan, the Nicobars, through SE Asis to Sumatra.In Thailand, widely spread except in the southernmost Provines." Habitat: "Dry evergreen forest, dipterocarp forest and secondary growth" Habit: "Prefers exposed perches. Sometimes seen soaring for a short distanc...

Shikra (Accipiter badius)

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 · 2 years ago
Shikra (Accipiter badius)
Order: FALCONIFORMES Family: ACCIPITRIDAE Hawks, Kites, Eagles, Vultures Scientific name: Accipiter badius English name: Shikra Characteristic: Size 30-36 cm. Femala a little larger than the male, has greyish brown back, whereas it is grey in the male; whitish underpart with fine reddish brown barrings. Chin white. Distribution: Africa, South Asia, Southern China, Hainan, the Nicobars, through SE Asia to Sumatra. In Thailand, widely spread except in the southernmost provines. Habitat: Dry evergreen forest, dipterocarp forest and secondary growth. Habit: Prefers exposed perches. Sometimes seen soaring for a short distances, before plungin...

Besra (Accipiter virgatus)

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Published in 
 · 2 years ago
Order: FALCONIFORMES Family: ACCIPITRIDAE Hawks, Kites, Eagles, Vultures Scientific name: Accipiter virgatus English name: Besra Characteristic: "Sizw 31 - 35 cm. Abird of prey with long pointed wingsand relatively long tail. Male has grey head and nape; mantle and upperback reddish brown with black spots; flight feathers black; tail feathers grey with a black band near its tip; underpart reddish brown, closely streaked with black. Female has reddish brown head to back; some streakings present on its head and nape; tail reddish brown with a large black band and many smaller ones throughout its length." Distribution: "Africa, Eurasia, Ind...

Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)

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 · 2 years ago
Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Order: FALCONIFORMES Family: FALCONIDAE Falcons Scientific name: Falco tinnunculus English name: Eurasian Kestrel Characteristic: Size 31-35 cm. A bird of prey with long pointed wings and relatively long tail. Male has grey head and nape; mantle and upperback reddish brown with black spots; flight feathers black; tail feathers grey with a black band near its tip; underpart reddish brown, closely streaked with black. Female has reddish brown head to back; some streakings present on its head and nape; tail reddish brown with a large black band and many smaller ones throughout its length. Distribution: Africa, Eurasia, India, Andamans, Chia...

Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus caeruleus)

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Published in 
 · 2 years ago
Order: FALCONIFORMES Family: ACCIPITRIDAE Hawks, Kites, Eagles, Vultures Scientific name: Elanus caeruleus English name: Black-shouldered Kite Characteristic: "Size 33 cm. A medium-sized black-and-white hawk with distinctive long black erectile crest; black neck contrasting strongly with white breast band; belly white banded with brown; tail wholly black. In overhead flight, it can be recognized by its wide rounded wings, black under tail coverts. Both sexeds are alike in appearance." Distribution: "Southern India, eastern Himalayas, to southern china, Southeast Asia and Hainan." Habitat: "Open graund, dry dipterocarp forest, dry evergre...

Black Baza (Aviceda leuphotes)

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 · 2 years ago
Black Baza (Aviceda leuphotes)
Order: FALCONIFORMES Family: ACCIPITRIDAE Hawks, Kites, Eagles, Vultures Scientific name: Aviceda leuphotes English name: Black Baza Characteristic: Size 33 cm. A medium-sized black-and-white hawk with distinctive long black erectile crest; black neck contrasting strongly with white breast band; belly white banded with brown; tail wholly black. In overhead flight, it can be recognized by its wide rounded wings, black wing coverts and wing tips, and black under tail coverts. Both sexes are alike in appearance. Distribution: Southern India, eastern Himalayas, to Southern China, Southeast Asia and Hainan. Habitat: Open ground, dry dipteroca...

White-vented Needletail (Hirundapus cochinchinensis)

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Published in 
 · 2 years ago
Order: APODIFORMES Family: APODIDAE Swifts Scientific name: Hirundapus cochinchinensis English name: White-vented Needletail Characteristic: "Size 23 cm. It is swift-like in appearnce, except that the body plumage is much gaudier; a long crest is quite distinctive; upperpart bluish grey with darker grey sings; breast much paler bluish grey; lower belly and under tail coverts white; wings so long as sicke-shaped that they will extend crossing each other at rest; tail long and deeply forked, and each fork very pointed; these tail feathers, at rest, will extend further backward beyond the wing tips. A male has reddish brown cheek patches." ...

Crested Treeswift (Hemiprocne coronata)

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Published in 
 · 2 years ago
Crested Treeswift (Hemiprocne coronata)
Order: APODIFORMES Family: HEMIPROCNIDAE Treeswifts Scientific name: Hemiprocne coronata English name: Crested Treeswift Characteristic: Size 23 cm. It is swift-like in appearnce, except that the body plumage is much gaudier; a long crest is quite distinctive; upperpart bluish grey with darker grey wings; breast much paler bluish grey; lower belly and under tail coverts white; wings so long as sicke-shaped that they will extend crossing each other at rest; tail long and deeply forked, and each fork very pointed; these tail feathers, at rest, will extend further backward beyond the wing tips. A male has reddish brown cheek patches. Distri...
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