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Love, Young Lioness by Nichita Stanescu

original title: Leoaica Tânără, Iubirea

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 · 3 years ago
Leoaica Tânără, Iubirea (Love, Young Lioness) by Nichita Stanescu
Nichita Stanescu is considered to be one of the innovators of poetic language in Romanian literature, along with Tudor Arghezi and Mihai Eminescu, being a representative of the generation of the '60s, and his writings are limited to neomodernist literature, literary current appeared in the second half of the century. The twentieth century that aims to create a literature in a unique way. The poemis Love, Young Lioness included in the volume A vision of feelings, published in 1964. The volume is part of the first stage of Stanescu's creation, a stage of exuberance and youth, with the theme of love. We can distinguish four poetic se...

The Enigma of Otilia by George Calinescu

original title: enigma otiliei

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 · 3 years ago
Enigma Otiliei (The Enigma of Otilia) by George Calinescu
George Calinescu, an important interwar critic and prose writer, illustrates his theoretical and critical conception of the novel, considering Balzac the essential model. The critic rejects the Proustianism present in the novels of his time (Camil Petrescu), opting for the realistic, Balzacian model, to which he still adds some modern elements, especially in terms of characters. They illustrate a canonical humanity, through the typologies in which it falls, giving objectivity to the novel. The characters are defined by a single feature, fixed at the beginning of the novel, and do not evolve, except for Felix. The rest represent the classi...

Ion by Liviu Rebreanu

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 · 3 years ago
Ion by Liviu Rebreanu
The novel is the species of the epic genre, in prose, of great extent, with a complex and complicated action, developed on several narrative planes, which can be parallel and intersected, with a complicated plot. The numerous and highly individualized characters are aggravating in strong conflicts, the narrative structure is wide and outlines a deep and rich image of life. Published in 1920, after going through the anticipatory phases of "laboratory", entitled "Dowry" and "Shame", "Ion" is a realistic novel in which the objective and omniscient narrator realizes a monographic evocation of the Transylvanian village from the beginning of th...

Raspberry Plain by Mircea Nedelciu

original title: Zmeura de cîmpie

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 · 3 years ago
Zmeura de cîmpie (Raspberry Plain) by Mircea Nedelciu
Mircea Nedelciu is considered to be one of the most important representatives of the eighties and postmodernism in Romanian literature. The eighties prose remains the standard of the resurrection of literary discourse, he imposing himself and astonishing himself by the force with which he declines his freedom to get out of the ordinary, out of the ordinary of a turbulent age. The textual engineering, to which the narrator appeals, since the beginning of the novel "Raspberry", published in 1984, visibly marks the discursive organization in four parts and 24 chapters numbered with the letters of the alphabet, from A (the word "Arac") to Z (...

Young Lioness, Love

Leoaică tânără, iubirea

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 · 3 years ago
Leoaică tânără, iubirea
Neomodernism is a literary movement of the 1960s and 1980s, characterized by a revival of poetry after, in the post-World War II period, literature had become an instrument of propaganda. This generation of neomodernist writers cultivates great philosophical themes, capitalizes on and reinterprets myths, preferring ambiguous, metaphorical language, irony, playful spirit and parody. The poem "Young Lioness, Love" is included in the volume "A Vision of Feelings" particularizing the hypertext. This volume is part of the first stage of Stanescu's creation, a stage of exuberance, youth and has as its theme love: the novelty of the approach...

The Story of Harap Alb by Ion Creangă

Povestea lui Harap Alb

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 · 3 years ago
Povestea lui Harap Alb (The Story of Harap Alb) by Ion Creangă
"The Story of Harap Alb" , written by Ion Creangă, is a cult fairy tale, published in the magazine "Convorbiri literare" from 1877. The cult fairy tale is a broad narrative species, with numerous characters carrying symbolic values, with action involving the supernatural / fabulous and subject to stereotypes, which depict the path taken by the hero to mature. The conflict between good and evil always ends with the victory of the forces of good, and the characters present fulfill a series of functions in relation to the hero (antagonist, helpers, donors). Spatial and temporal landmarks are vague, indeterminate. There are compositional...

A Lost Letter by Ion Luca Caragiale

O scrisoare pierdută

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 · 3 years ago
O scrisoare pierdută (A Lost Letter) by Ion Luca Caragiale
"A Lost Letter", written by Ion Luca Caragiale, is the playwright's masterpiece, bringing together all the essential features of this literary species: it presents schematic characters, inferior from a moral point of view, arouses amusement through various forms of comedy, has a happy ending. The dramatic character of the work is highlighted by the alternation of dialogue and dramatic monologue, as well as by the presence of stage indications (captions) that set the framework of the action and highlight some of the specific features of the characters. For the generation of comic aspects and for the insertion of irony, comedy subscribe...

Moromeții by Marin Preda

original title: Moromeții

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 · 3 years ago
Moromeții by Marin Preda
Marin Preda is one of the four great post-war Romanian writers, being also one of the greatest authors of novels in Romanian literature. "Moromeții" is one of the most famous masterpieces of the novelist, being the very first novel, but he has the honor of concluding the series of great Romanian works with his novel, "The most beloved of earthlings". The novel is a monograph of the Romanian village. The novel is a species of the epic genre that is divided into chapters and possibly into several parts and volumes, there is a complex action, several characters, the main way of exposition being the narrative, complemented by dialogue and des...

Enigma otiliei

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 · 3 years ago
Enigma otiliei
Published in 1938, in the interwar era, it is a realistic novel that involves both a vision and a modern structure by: fixing an urban environment within spatial landmarks, ambiguity of characters, interest in deviant psychic processes, reflection of the same character in the vision of others, sense critic of the narrator. The subject of the novel, transposed in the urban environment at the beginning of the twentieth century, is built on the realistic principle of mimesis and plausibility, starting from real facts (articles in the press about the death of the Popescus, whose death, Simion , the brother, invaded the house in search of mone...


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Published in 
 · 3 years ago
A species of the epic genre in prose, of great extent, with many characters, illustrating several narrative plans and well-determined conflicts, in which the traditional elements dominate. It dominates the traditional elements, as well as the capture of existential events (wedding, baptism, funeral), but also of rituals, myths (the myth of Isis and Osiris). The author-narrator-character relationship is one of subordination, the perspective being objective and authorial along the entire narrative thread. The dominant narrative technique is the descriptive pause, complemented by parallelism, introspection and involuntary memory. The charact...

Iona by Marin Sorescu

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 · 3 years ago
Iona by Marin Sorescu
Published in 1968, in the magazine "Luceafărul", "Iona" was subtitled by Marin Sorescu "tragedy in four paintings" and belongs, together with "Paracliserul" and "Matca", to the dramatic trilogy suggestively entitled "The thirst of the salt mountain". As a literary species, the play "Iona" by Marin Sorescu is a dramatic parable , a meditation on the condition of modern man, but also a monologue that cultivates allegory or metaphor. The work uses the technique of dialogued monologue , which highlights many ideas about human existence and destiny, by expressing their own reflections, opinions or concepts . Although it starts from a biblical ...


original title: Cuvinte potrivite (testament)

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Published in 
 · 3 years ago
The volume "Suitable Words" , published in 1927, opens with the poem "Testament" , which represents a "poetic burn", defining the artistic belief of the poet in terms of the aesthetics of the ugly, as a fundamental dimension of Tudor Arghezi's creation, circumscribing thus a hypertext with multiple meanings for our lyrics. For Tudor Arghezi, the programmatic affirmation of the “aesthetics of the ugly” is intrinsically realized through an obvious intertextuality with “Les fleurs du mal”, the volume of lyrics by Charles Baudelaire. The poem "Testament" synthesizes the essence of Arghez's aesthetic thinking. The fundamental idea of ​...

Hanu Ancuţei by Mihail Sadoveanu

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 · 3 years ago
Hanu Ancuţei by Mihail Sadoveanu
Published in 1928, the volume Hanu Ancuţei represents for Mihail Sadoveanu's creation "the masterpiece at the crossroads"; this makes the transition to the stage of the great Sadovian books, but it is also a synthesis of the elements encountered in previous stories. The story Fountain between the Poplars is part of the volume Hanu Ancuţei by Mihail Sadoveanu. The technique of frame storytelling involves duplicating the narrative instance . There is a narrator of the frame narrative able to faithfully transpose , over time, each narrative heard. The other narrators, characters in the frame-narrative and, in turn, listeners, have in the...

Young Lioness, Love

original title: Leoaică tânără, iubirea

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Published in 
 · 3 years ago
Young Lioness, Love
Neomodernism is a literary movement of the 1960s and 1980s, characterized by a revival of poetry after, in the post-World War II period, literature had become an instrument of propaganda. This generation of neomodernist writers cultivates great philosophical themes, capitalizes on and reinterprets myths, preferring ambiguous, metaphorical language, irony, playful spirit and parody. The poem "Young Lioness, Love" is included in the volume "A Vision of Feelings" customizing the hypertext. This volume is part of the first stage of Stanescu's creation, a stage of exuberance, youth and has as its theme love. The text falls into neomoderni...

A lost letter by Ion Luca Caragiale

original title: O scrisoare pierdută

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 · 3 years ago
A lost letter by Ion Luca Caragiale
"A Lost Letter", written by I. L. Caragiale, is the playwright's masterpiece, bringing together all the essential features of this literary species: it presents schematic characters, inferior from a moral point of view, arouses amusement through various forms of comedy, has a happy ending. The dramatic character of the work is highlighted by the alternation of dialogue and dramatic monologue, as well as by the presence of stage indications (captions) that set the framework of the action and highlight some of the specific features of the characters. For the generation of comic aspects and for the insertion of irony, comedy subscribes t...

The last night of love, the first night of war by Camil Petrescu

original title: Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de războiu

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 · 3 years ago
The last night of love, the first night of war by Camil Petrescu
Camil Petrescu is the writer who profoundly transformed the Romanian novel, in the sense of overcoming traditionalism and its synchronization with the issues, turmoil, sensitivity of the modern era. In terms of style, like Liviu Rebreanu, Camil Petrescu declares himself a follower of the anti-calophilic style. "The last night of love, the first night of war", by Camil Petrescu, published in 1930, is a modern novel, psychological, subjective, which has as characteristics: the uniqueness of the narrative perspective, the present and subjective time, the relationship between chronological time and psychological time, affective memory (involu...

Evening Star

original title: Luceafăr

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 · 3 years ago
Evening Star
Romanticism is a literary movement that appeared in England in the early nineteenth century, from where it spread first in France and Germany, then throughout Europe. This movement appears as a reaction to the strictness of classical rules, being the first form of modernism in universal culture. In Romanian literature we can talk about romanticism with the appearance of Pasoptists, their manifesto being in fact the Introduction to Literary Dacia, signed by Mihail Kogălniceanu, later through the lyrical work of Mihai Eminescu, which intellectualizes and refines the theme and vision of Pasoptists. Luceafărul is an epic poem that presents th...

Riga Crypto and Lapp Enigel, by Ion Barbu

original title: Riga Crypto şi lapona Enigel, de Ion Barbu

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 · 3 years ago
Riga Crypto and Lapp Enigel, by Ion Barbu
The cult ballad Riga Crypto and the Lapp Enigel , written by Ion Barbu , first appeared in "Revista română" , no. 1/1924, and then in the volume "Second Game" , from 1930. By bending the text to an epic in verse, the ballad would propose to the reader components of traditionalism, but passed through the rational filter of a poet with a vocation for the exact sciences, is circumscribed modernism, building an allegorical parable on the theme of impossible love. The hypertext of the discourse reveals to the reader a poem of the confrontation of two principles: obscurity and solarity; Riga Crypto and Lapp Enigel has a harmonious, coherent...

The Lucky Mill by Ioan Slavici

original title: Moara cu noroc

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 · 3 years ago
The Lucky Mill by Ioan Slavici
The short story (a word derived from the Italian novella) is one of the epic species in prose, in which events are narrated on a single epic thread, generated by a strong conflict, in the center of which is a complex character. The short story "Moara cu noroc" by Ioan Slavici, published in the volume "Novele din popor" in 1881, is a realistic prose of psychological analysis because it has a rigorous construction, with a single narrative thread. The theme supports the psychological character of the short story: the harmful and dehumanizing effects of the desire to learn, against the background of the Transylvanian society at the end of th...

Lead by George Bacovia

original title: plumb

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 · 3 years ago
Lead by George Bacovia
The poem "Lead" by George Bacovia was published in 1916 in the volume with the same title, in the middle of the First World War, justifying its predominant theme, death. Bacovian lyricism, from the perspective of hypertext, is proposed to the reader, in this volume, as a decadent projection of the human being. The text has the character of a defining poetic art for symbolism, inscribing itself in the lyrical universe specific to the author through the use of synesthesia and lyrical motives approached at the level of discourse, but not only. The author, G. Bacovia, is the communicative court outside the work that directly expresses his fee...
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