dRaG0n CrAcKinG Lesson's journal picture

dRaG0n CrAcKinG Lesson

Administrator: eZine
Created 28 Jun 2024
7 Articles

dRaG0n´s CrAcKinG Lesson is a collection of 7 cracking ezines released in 1999

dRaG0n´s CrAcKinG Lesson 7

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Tools you need Softice V.3.X W32dasm V8.X Editor+ V3.0 Light Hiew 5.xx Introduction hi aaaaggggaaaiin ;) ... Long time didnt write a tut´ , its time to CRACK again ... In thiz tutorial , i will show you , how easy it is to programm a [KeyGen] for Editor+ V3.0 .. ... YeAh ... KeYgens R cool , huh ;) ... let´S rOCK ! Cracking Editor+ V3.0 Light with Softice I will do thiz in Steps , so its better to Understand :-) .. like in the other Lessons ... Step 1 Run Editor+ V3.0 (What a fuckin´ bad Nag , hehe) and go to "?/Registration" Step 2 Enter "DrAg0n" as name , and "77777" as dummy Code , enter S-iCE ... Now we´ll set the most common Bre...

dRaG0n´s CrAcKinG Lesson 6

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Tools you need Softice V.3.X W32dasm V8.X MP3toExE v1.01 Hiew 5.xx Introduction bAck , doooods ;) ... jUst AnotHa lesSOn .. hOpe yA enJoy it .. hehe ! k .. lEt´s daNcE =) Cracking MP3 to EXE with Softice I will do thiz in Steps , so its better to Understand :-) .. like in the other Lessons ... Step 1 Run MP3 to EXE and go to "Register/Enter the RegistrationCode" Step 2 Enter "DrAg0n" as name , "[FFO]" serial , and "77777" as dummy regnum. . .. enter S-iCE ... Now we´ll set the most common Breakpoints . "Bpx GetDlgItemTextA" "Bpx GetWindowTextA" Now leave S-iCE . Step 3 Press "Ok" , nOthing comes up .. hmm .. lets try hmemcpy , go bac...

dRaG0n´s CrAcKinG Lesson 5

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Tools you need Softice V.3.X W32dasm V8.X Submit Wolf Pro Hiew 5.xx Introduction HeY ya ;) ... Welcome to mY cRAckInG lesSon 5 :-) Ok .. No much to Talk about thiz target , its protection is a Name / Serial , but a little bit difficult =) k , LetS gO foR it ! Cracking Submit Wolf Pro with Softice I will do thiz in Steps , so its better to Understand :-) .. like in the other Lessons ... Step 1 Run Submit Wolf Pro and go to "About/Register" Step 2 Enter "dRag0n FFO98" as name and "777777" as dummy serial .. enter S-iCE ... Now we´ll set the most common Breakpoints . "Bpx GetDlgItemTextA" "Bpx GetWindowTextA" Now leave S-iCE . Step ...

dRaG0n´s CrAcKinG Lesson 4

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Tools you need Softice V.3.X W32dasm V8.X Chkfiles V1.5a Hiew 5.xx Introduction Hi , welcome back to Leson 4 ;) In thiz lesson we´ll crack Chkfiles V1.5a . A simple Name/Serial Protection :) k .. lets go ! Cracking Chkfiles V1.5a with Softice I will do thiz in Steps , so its better to Understand :-) .. like in the other Lessons ... Step 1 Run Chkfiles and hit Register .... Step 2 Enter "dRag0n FFO98" as name and "777777" as dummy serial .. enter S-iCE ... Now we´ll set the most common Breakpoints . "Bpx GetDlgItemTextA" "Bpx GetWindowTextA" Now leave S-iCE . Step 3 Press "Ok" button and let S-iCE break ... We´ll break duo .. "break d...

dRaG0n´s CrAcKinG Lesson 3

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Tools you need Softice V.3.X W32dasm V8.X Winamp V2.X Hiew 5.xx Introduction Hey ya ... Welcome to Lesson 3 =) ... Our target is Winamp V2.0 ... i think very much ppl are using it , cause it´s a very great program ... I hope u will enjoy thiz Lesson ... so Lets ´rOck.. :-) Cracking Winamp V2.0 with Softice I will do thiz in Steps , so its better to Understand :-) .. like in the other Lessons ... Step 1 Run Winamp , go to "Winamp..." / "Shareware" / "Enter licence info" .... Step 2 Enter "dRag0n FFO98" as name and "777777" as dummy serial .. enter S-iCE ... Now we´ll set the most common Breakpoints . "Bpx GetDlgItemTextA" "Bpx Get...

dRaG0n´s CrAcKinG Lesson 2

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Tools you need Softice V.3.X W32dasm V8.X Arj Shell V1.2 Hiew 5.xx Introduction Hi again , welcome to cracking Lesson 2 ! Now we will crack our first programm in 2 diffrent ways ... with Softice, to get the real Serial... W32dasm , to patch it so it takes any Serial ... With Softice , you can get the real serials , finding the compare to our inputted serial and the right serial .. other approach is W32dasm , there you can find the protection cheme and patch it so it takes any serial we enter ... The first way with Softice is much better cause a real serial is always better, it activates all registred functions for example ... With the se...

dRaG0n´s CrAcKinG Lesson 1

eZine's profile picture
eZine lover (@eZine)
Published in 
 · 28 Jun 2024
Tools you need Softice V.3.X W32dasm V8.X Hiew VX.X Lets start Hi ! Welcome to my cracking lesson 1 ;) ... in this Lesson i will show you how to use Softice & W32dasm =) I think, we will start with Softice ! Softice V3.X Ok , first install Softice V3.x :) ... Once installed , you have to make some changes with the winice.dat in your Softice dir. ! Find the " INIT="X" " Section ... there you can change , what you will see when you will run winice , like Registers , Hex-Display , colors etc ... Here is what you can replace for the INIT="X" section , really coool :) INIT="lines 60;color f a 4f 1f e;wd 22;wc 22;wr;code on;x;" Here ´s wha...
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