
Fascination Issue 105 expanded

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 10 months ago
... ely setups up the viewers camera, and uses the CSS perspective property to tell the browser where the viewer will be looking at the element from. The #perspective-container is used to change our perspective by applying 3D transforms to it. Finally, the stage contains the actual set pieces that will be visible on screen. <div id="world-container"> <div id="perspective-container"> <div id="stage"> </div> </div> </div> #world-container { perspective: 700px; overflow: hidden; } #perspective-container { +transform-style: preserve-3d; +transform-origin: center center; +perspective-origin: center center; +transform: t ...


StefaniaLandArch's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 year ago
hashtag for coaching career #Coaching #LifeCoaching #CareerCoaching #ExecutiveCoaching #LeadershipCoaching #BusinessCoaching #CoachingSuccess #personalDevelopment #CoachingJourney #CoachTraining #CoachingSkills #CoachingTools #CoachingCommunity #CoachingTips #CoachingClients #CoachingConversation #ProfessionalCoaching #CoachingForSuccess #CoachingMindset #CoachingCertification hashtag per ricerca lavoro in italiano #Lavoro #OfferteLavoro #CercaLavoro #Occupazione #OpportunitàLavorative #JobSearch #RicercaLavoro #TrovaLavoro #Assunzioni #LavoroItalia #Opportunità #Impiego #Carriera #Candidature #LavoroNelMondo #ColloquioDiLavoro #Curriculu ...

Il #cv perfetto per te!

AniphaeS's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 year ago
Il #cv perfetto per te!
... #cvefficace in base al mio #obiettivo … professionale! Sì perché il cv non dovrebbe essere un contenitore di informazioni MA un potente strumento di #personalbranding capace di supportarci nella nostra ricerca di un cambiamento lavorativo che sia da dipendente o da #freelance ☺️ Ecco perché per me è quel cv che ti racconta rispettando la tua storia…formativa, professionale…ma anche personale se pensiamo agli stop, alle scelte, alle criticità ?¬タヘ♀️ …capace di mostrare i tuoi punti di forza, i successi e i riconoscimenti ricevuti…interessi, passioni, esperienze di vita… ✅ È ordinato, su colonne o box così da aiutarmi a visualizzare meglio le info ...

Poor Richard 10

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... good place to continue your research into online newsletters and places to register them. http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/news/lists.html#per Know of any more places to register an email publication? Let me know and I'll mention it in the next newsletter. Does adding your newsletter to these lists help? Yes, to some degree. I did notice a flurry of new subscriptions after spending a couple of hours registering, in particular after my announcement message went out on the NEW-LIST@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU list. I can't say I'm continually flooded with new subscriptions from these sources, but every little helps. Of course there a ...

Security Wari Projects Numero 1

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 years ago
... ot.com Lista : http://www.elistas.net/lista/swp IRC : Servidores -> /server irc.eu.dal.net /server irc.dal.net Canal -> #peruhackers ============================================================================= Contenidos : File Titulo Tema Autor ---- --------------------------------------- -------------------- ------ 00 Contenidos Tabla de contenidos SWP 01 Editorial Editorial ReYDeS 02 Netbios Netbios xyz4a3 03 Filtros Filtros Dany17 04 Phreaking 1.2 Phreaking Sud Master 05 Instalando un Eggdrop (GNU/Linux) IRC Robots sicario 06 Comandos, BotNet, File Server Y Scripts de un Eggdrop. IRC Robots sicario 07 Implem ...

E-zine 002 by Ac!d Kl4n [electronic magazine]

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 years ago
E-zine 002 by Ac!d Kl4n [electronic magazine]
... es siguiendo el patron rwx y cada uno de estos grupos de 3 bits se representa mediante un número octal. ############################ ##OCTAL##BINARIO##perMISOS## ############################ ## ## ## ## ## 0 ## 000 ## --- ## ## 1 ## 001 ## --x ## ## 2 ## 010 ## -w- ## ## 3 ## 011 ## -wx ## ## 4 ## 100 ## r-- ## ## 5 ## 101 ## r-x ## ## 6 ## 110 ## rw- ## ## 7 ## 111 ## rwx ## ## ## ## ## ############################ LOS BITS SUID Y SGID Los bits SUID y SGID, con codigo octal 4000 y 2000, respectivamente, se aplican principalemente a archivos ejecutables. Estos bits permiten que el usuario que ejecute el programa pueda accesar a archvos que de otr ...

7A69 Issue 11

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 3 years ago
... a cosa podeis escribir a mi mail: overdrive@ono.com Tambien podeis contactar conmigo en el irc en el servidor hispano, en los canales #programaci¢n y #perl. -=(EOF)=- -=( 7A69 E-zine 11 )=--=( art5 )=--=( ICMP )=--=( Ripe )=- ICMP (Internet Control Messages Protocol) 0. Indice --------- 1. Introduccion 2. Tipos de ICMP's 2.1. Destino inalcanzable 2.2. Acallamiento de origen 2.3. Redireccionamiento 2.4. Echo y EchoReply 2.5. Tiempo agotado 2.6. Problema en los parametros 2.7. Marca de tiempo 2.8. Solicitud de informacion 2.9. Obtencion de mask address 2.10. Resumen de todos los tipos aqui 3. Utilidades de ICMP 3.1. Informacion de errores 3.2. ¿Est ...
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