
3D13 Issue 04

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 3 years ago
3D13 Issue 04
... est bon, maintenant vous etes un presq'Elite, il ne reste plus qu'a finir votre formation en trainant sur IRC, surtout sur undernet : #warez, #mp3z_and_more, ... regardez sur quels serveurs sont les autres hackers pour aller les rejoindre. Ensuite, inspirez vous de la culture hackers en lisant TOUS les phracks, TOUS les 2600 et TOUS les cDc. Connaitre un max d'OS... Maintenant vous pouvez rigoler en lisant les zines comme celui ci sur madchat.org . Pour terminer, mon hacker handbook vous sera toujours tres utile. !!! 31337 !!! NOW !!! 12 Prevention cambriolage ( ZOY ) Il existe 2 methodes de vols tres populaires en ce moment. Alors po ...

How to download files from IRC

mIRC's profile picture
Published in 
 · 4 years ago
... om the list of names, and connect to it. 5. Next go back to packetnews.com or ircspy.com and write down or copy the channel name. It'll look like #mp3 #movie #warez 6. Go back to Mirc, at the bottom where you can type something in, type: /join #{name of channe}, i.e., /join #warez now your in an IRC channel. On the right side is a list of users in the room, usually there will be lots and lots of people in the room. Maybe a couple of IRC BOTS, hard to tell. If you are going to start talking, you better be aware of IRC etiquette. A good way to get the boot from a room is to start talking stupid and not following the rules of the room. 7 ...

Commodore Hacking Issue 10

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago
... M4T54#65O<F)U9B!E<74@)#0P,# @.V5O<BU"549&15(-8G5F9F5R(&5Q=2 D M83,@.W!215-534%"3%F@5$A%H%1!4$6@5T].)U2@0D6@4E5.3DE.1PUX,2!E M<74@)&9B(#mp3TE.5%.@1D]2H$1205=)3D>@0:!,24Y%#7DQ(&5Q=2 D9F,@ M.W1(15-%H%I%4D^@4$%'1:!!1$1215-315,->#(@97%U("1F9" [1$].)U2@ M0T].1DQ)0U2@5TE42*!B87-I8PUY,B!E<74@)&9E#6]L9'@@97%U("1F9 UC M:'5N:R!E<74@)&9E#61X(&5Q=2 D-C<@.W1(25.@25.@4TA!4D5$H%=)5$B@ M=#&@0D5,3U<-9'D@97%U("0V. UT96UP,2!E<74@)&9B(#MO1J!#3U524T4L MH$-/54Q$H$-/3D9,24-4H%=)5$B@6#$-=&5M<#(@97%U("1F8R [=$5-4$]2 M05)9H%9!4DE!0DQ%4PUZ=&5M<"!E<74@)# R(#MU4T5$H$9/4J!"549&15*@ M4U=!4"Z@H&1/3B=4H%1/54-(+@U ...

Commodore Hacking Issue 08

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 years ago
... S('-T97!I;GD@.VE&H$19+*!71:!.145$H%1/H%1!2T6@0DE'H%-415!3 MH$E.H%D-#7-T97!I;G@@;&1Y('DQ(#MXH$E3H$%,4D5!1%F@4T54H%1/H%@Q M#2!L9&$@8FET<"QX(#mp3$]4H%1(1:!&25)35*!03TE.5 T@;W)A("AB=69F M97(I+'D-('-T82 H8G5F9F5R*2QY#2 ^/CX@8VEN:70L9'@@.VE.251)04Q) M6D6@5$A%H$-/54Y415(-(&-P>2!Y,@T@8F-S('AD96-Y(#MD3Z!71:!35$50 MH$9/4E=!4D13H$]2H$)!0TM705)$4Z!)3J!Y/PT->&EN8WD@/CX^('AS=&5P M+&EN>0T@<G1S#0UX9&5C>2 ^/CX@>'-T97 L9&5Y#2!R=',-#7-T97!I;GD@ M;&1Y('DQ(#MW14Q,+*!!H$Q)5%1,1:!215!%5$E424].H$Y%5D52H$A54E2@ M04Y93TY%#2!L9&$@8FET<"QX#2!O<F$@*&)U9F9E<BDL>0T@<W1A("AB=69F M97(I+'D-(#X^/B!C:6YI="QD>0T@8W!Y('DR#2! ...
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