Land Of The Free #1
Published in
Land of the free
· 2 years ago
... you are no longer the same man, you will also have to spread the news on IRC and make new friends who will be assholes like you. No more #poppies or #friendship_fr, now you will have to go to the bottom of the IRC, the cyber-Bronx, nuke-city, where only the real hitters manage to find a place in this universe of violence. For that, you will have to go from the asshole hacker stage to that of asshole on IRC which is the pete mitnick, namely the c0wb0y. [**@\/\/\/@**]Copied by Asmodeus[**@\/\/\/@**]09/16/99[**@\/\/\/@**] Anonymous mail by telnet What's the point ? It's up to you, we're having a lot of ...