ldt067: Choose Idle
Published in
Long Dark Tunnel
· 5 years ago
... idle :< ÚÄÄÄÄÄ---Ä--ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄ---Ä--ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- -- - | netspread (amnesiac@ (unknown) ³ ircname : Enjoy the silence | channels : @#coldplay @#!tunnel ³ server : irc.lightning.net (We Come 1) : idle : 19 hours 16 mins 44 secs (signon: Thu Nov 1 17:04:51 2001) <xod> idler :< <xod> he was an idle idler <xod> he left his computer on all day <xod> idling in a channel <xod> where no one ever talks <xod> i'd talk, if you'd talk, but you're idle, so i don't. <xod> i sit and i wait, judging from your idle time, i'll be waiting for a while. <xod> thats all we ever do, idl ...