
Fascination Issue 173

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 11 months ago
... se YOU, the audience, rule the show! What questions have you always wanted answered? Now is your chance! Comment on any social media platform and tag #askCirque. What are you waiting for? Join the hosts Fabienne Daigle and Carla Sifoni (CDS Content and Social Media advisors)... they are ready to answer! o) EPISODE 10 {May.21} (Season Finale!) 1) Mei Mei Bouchard – Amaluna Artist 2) Loukas Jones – VOLTA artist 3) Michel Laprise – Art Director 4) Mary Siegal – CRYSTAL Artist 5) Erin Cervantes - Corteo Artist 6) Rick Tjia – Talent Scout 7) Aaron Jelske - KOOZA Artist 8) Trey Forsyth – Cirque du Soleil at Sea Artist 9) Aleksei Goloborodko – LUZIA Ar ...

Fascination Issue 172

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 11 months ago
... se YOU, the audience, rule the show! What questions have you always wanted answered? Now is your chance! Comment on any social media platform and tag #askCirque. What are you waiting for? Join the hosts Fabienne Daigle and Carla Sifoni (CDS Content and Social Media advisors)... they are ready to answer! o) EPISODE 8 {Apr.09} 1.Marie-Andrée Foisy - Senior Producer, Manager Content Creation and Production 2.Amelie Ouellette-Robitaille - Senior Manager Public Relations & Social Media Touring Shows 3.Shaun Gregory – Corteo Artist 4.Odka Bayambadorj – KOOZA Artist 5.Ugo Laffolay – LUZIA Artist 6.Yves Sheriff – Talent Scout 7.Alexander Grol – OVO Arti ...

Fascination Issue 171

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 11 months ago
... se YOU, the audience, rule the show! What questions have you always wanted answered? Now is your chance! Comment on any social media platform and tag #askCirque. What are you waiting for? Join the hosts Fabienne Daigle and Carla Sifoni (CDS Content and Social Media advisors)... they are ready to answer! o) EPISODE 6 {Mar.05} 1. Carla Sifoni & Fabienne Daigle - Global Social Media team members 2. Abou Traore – LUZIA Artist 3. Sabrina Aganier – Sep7imo Dia Artist 4. Samuel Roy – Cirque du Soleil Talent Scout 5. Vitor Silva Dos Santos – KA Artist 6. Zack Del Campo – LOVE Artist 7. Eleni Uranis – Cirque du Solel Makeup Artist 8. Philippe Belanger – ...

Fascination Issue 170

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 11 months ago
... se YOU, the audience, rule the show! What questions have you always wanted answered? Now is your chance! Comment on any social media platform and tag #askCirque. What are you waiting for? Join the hosts Fabienne Daigle and Carla Sifoni (CDS Content and Social Media advisors)... they are ready to answer! o) EPISODE 4 {Feb.12} 1. Esi Acquai-Harrison – TOTEM artist 2. Yves Sherrif – Cirque du Soleil Talent Scout 3. Daxter Curtis – The Beatles LOVE artist 4. Elena Suarez – VOLTA artist 5. Xavier Brossard-Ménard – Cirque du Soleil Talent Scout 6. Eric Fool Koller – LUZIA artist 7. Adria Rodriguez – JOYA artist 8. Alix Croop – Amaluna artist 9. Carlos ...

Fascination Issue 169

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 11 months ago
... se YOU, the audience, rule the show! What questions have you always wanted answered? Now is your chance! Comment on any social media platform and tag #askCirque. What are you waiting for? Join the hosts Fabienne Daigle and Carla Sifoni (CDS Content and Social Media advisors)... they are ready to answer! o) EPISODE 1 {Jan.22} In the first episode, Daniele Lamarre, Cirque du Soleil's CEO and President fields the first question from Massimo Cantarelli (via YouTube): "You have amazing performances in your shows, how will you interpret the show of the future? And how will your company evolve?" Mr. Lamarre's response: "First and foremost, Cirque du So ...


StefaniaLandArch's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... hashtag per ricerca lavoro in italiano #Lavoro #OfferteLavoro #CercaLavoro #Occupazione #OpportunitàLavorative #JobSearch #RicercaLavoro #TrovaLavoro #assunzioni #LavoroItalia #Opportunità #Impiego #Carriera #Candidature #LavoroNelMondo #ColloquioDiLavoro #CurriculumVitae #RisorseUmane #SitiLavoro #AnnunciLavoro hashtag per carriera internazionale in italiano #CarrieraInternazionale #LavoroEstero #OpportunitàGlobali #CareerAbroad #Espatrio #LavorareAllEstero #OpportunitàInternazionali #CarrieraGlobale #LavoroAllEstero #JobAbroad #OpportunitàLavoroInternazionali #CarrieraMondiale #LavorareNelMondo #Internazionale #OpportunitàLavorativeGlobali #Ca ...

7 Como ser un SuperHacker del IRC

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... suprema que te brinda tu supermegaarchi e hiper poderoso script, le encuentras significado a todos los nombres de los canales. A ver como esta eso... #assembler 12 Tema de Hoy: La Short Term Scheduler Ohhh, que diablos es eso!!... assembler... ummm... debe ser una marca de botas, de esas como las catter no se que mas, si eso debe ser... y dice short term scheduler... debe ser alguna agenda interactiva ultra pequeña, si si. Debe ser. #linux 80 Pasale y comentemos sobre el nuevo Kernel!!! Ummm, esto si que esta raro... Linux linux... mmm... me suena, si si, ahhh ya se!, es un desinfectante!! siii, y hablan de un nuevo kernel... mmm... ahhh debe se ...

LM_&_1.PH2 Vmb.. the return...

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... . the return... Bien mostraremos I/O desvestiremos un poco las vmb.... Estos, voice mail, son a veces confundidos con nuestros queridos pbx. Peque#as aclaraciones antes de empezar : 1 Vmb = Voice mail box. 2 Pbx = Private Branch Exchange. Los buzon de un vmb se comportan como un contestador telefonico complejo (bah! no, pero..) El dia de hoy le tocara a nuestro amigo 3316xxx.(Nota: xxx no refiere a ningun indole de film adulto, solamente si te intereza encontralo sino buscate otro). En realidad lo importante no es Este Vmb sino el Funcionamiento. Bien esta vmb tiene escondido el pass gral.. le vermos ahora : ATDT 33160xx <- El benefactor ...

7A69 Issue 15 - Un loader y un crack

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Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... e§a parte de mi tiempo libre en programar. Aun asi sigo siendo un habitual del canal #crackers del irc-hispano, ademas de serlo de otros canales como #asm, #win32asm o #ensamblador. Justo ayer, 4 de febrero, habia acabado mis examenes parciales y tenia al fin un poco de tiempo libre, y tambien justo ayer entro en el canal #crackers alguien que se consideraba un ex-cracker y que pedia ayuda con la victima objetivo de este tuto, el acehide. Como no tenia nada mejor que hacer y el individuo en cuestion aseguraba que era cosa de ni§os ( lo que no entiendo si era tan sencillo era porque no lo hacia el) me puse manos a la obra. Hay que tener en cuenta ...

7A69 Issue 15 - Layers en Windows

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... o */ /* */ /* Marconi */ /* inocraM@yahoo.com */ /* http://mmwin32asm.es.fm */ /* */ /* Canal #asm del irc-hispano: http://kickme.to/canalasm */ /* */ /* Domingo, 9 de Marzo del 2003 */ /* */ /* Saludos y gracias a FiddLE por su colaboracion */ /* */ /************************************************************************/ Hur hur!! 1.- Ventanas irregulares. Introduccion Ya hace tiempo escribi un peque§o articulo sobre como hacer ventanas de formas irregulares. Windows y su sistema de regiones permite entre otras cosas indicar ...
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