
AnarchyNewZealand Issue 1

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Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... -----------------------------. | | | 7..irc chat rOOmz...eXult666 | | | | herez sum cool irc chat roomz im normally in. | | | | #warlock #hackerz | | #Warez666 #ans | | #2600 #cracks | | #26oo #webfringe | | #phrozencrew | | #hacking | | #hackers | | #phreak | | #crack these be the `good' irc rooms. | | #anarchy | | #ansi | | | | | `----------------------------------------------------------------------` .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | | | 8..data numberz in auckland, new zealand...eXult666 | | | | herez sum data numberz 4 u all. | | | | 649 306-9000 to 649 306-9999 649 358-4491 | | 649 303-8282 649 634 ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... spañoles. Por cierto he visto la direccion de esta pagina en una revista ( SERA POSIBLE ?? ), pero no la he conocido por eso, si no por lo kolegas de #WarezSPAIN. La direccion es: http://www.arrakis.es/~fer13/ La Web de Gran Hermano : Bueno esto es un poco ato promocionarme, pero como la revista la eskribo yo, pos hago lo ke me sale de las bolas. La Web esta en constante cambio, asi ke no dejeis de entrar kada cierto tiempo, por ke es de lo mejorcito ( CREOO ) ;D http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/9789/ TODO POR ESTE NUMERO: BiGBroTheR THANKZ & NO THANKS THANKZ TO: En este primer numero agradece ...

DnA 4-11: Internet Series Part II

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Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... it in a /list, join it anyway - you may be surprised. To join a channel, just type /join <channel>. Some common hidden channels include #Warez, #phreak, #hack, #666, and #drugs. To create a channel, just /join a channel that doesn't exist. For example, I always create #DnA by typing /join #DnA. After you have created your channel, BE SURE to make yourself an operator by typing /mode <channel> +o <your handle>. That way, no one can /kick you off your own channel! You also might want to set a topic with /topic <channel> <topic>. You may at times want to send a private message to someone, a ...

DnA 3-4: Internet Series Part I

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 · 1 year ago
... chat BBSs that some fools call, except IRC can have literally THOUSANDS of people on all at once. There are many channels available - #hack, #phreak, #Warez, #hotsex, and many others - you're sure to find one you like. The last thing I'm going to talk about is FTP. This is how you download over the Net. You type "ftp <address>", then (usually) you login as anonymous, and then you're in. You can type dir, which will list files (just like in DOS), and you can use cd to change directories. When you finally find the file you want, just type "get <filename>" and it'll be sent right to your machine (sort of). Note that if you& ...

Cszine 24

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Published in 
 · 1 year ago
... ambem e' chamada de Warez no sub-mundo. Eu nao me interesso muito nisso, porem existem muitas pessoas que passam o dia intiero colados nos canais #Warez trocando programas. Na maioria das vezes os programas valem a pena. Tenho que deixar claro que esta materia e' um resumo de varios dados encontrados na internet. "Niguem pode deter o impulso humano de desafiar o proibido... Tanto assim que o lema que orbita no espaco Warez e': Se um homem faz, o outro desfaz. Nao Existe impossivel." CLINTON ASSINA PROJETO CONTRA PIRATARIA Bill Clinton assinou no dia 21/12 um projeto de lei que torna contravencao a pirataria de materiais com termo de ...

The Brasilian Phreakers Journal 1

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 · 1 year ago
... ulheres, senhas, informaçıes, zines, tudo pode mandar para : phreak@hotmail.com Eu acesso : EFnet : #Cellular #phreak UnderNet : #Techno #hack #crack #Warez #phreak BrasNet : #hack #phreak #phreaks #niteroi A ThÎ Brasilian Phreakers Zine(c) tem todos os direitos reservados sobre qualquer texto divulgado pela marca thÎ Brasilian Phreakers Journal© isto inclui esta zine e qualquer texto da autoria de nosso grupo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ThÎ Phreakers technical Journal |----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IIiIiIiIiII ...

Hacking: spoof IRC

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Published in 
 · 2 years ago
... ory port) but I never found one. You can also use a wingate scanner, but it's quite long. To find them, you have to go to channels with Bots (ex: #Warezfrançais). There, you write /Whois to see if the connections use PPP or not. If there is no PPP, the connection is wired. Then make /DNS on the users you found, and Note the Hosts and IP. Then open your IRC package (mIRC, Bitch, ...) and use the host and IP for your connection and your Firewall (Socks 4). Normally it works (but sometimes you have to be persistent...)... However, you have to know that some cable ISPs are protected and that some IRC servers refuse Proxies. It's up to y ...


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Published in 
 · 2 years ago
... création de ce channel était nécessaire. Elle répondait en effet à un besoin réel. Avant juin 1998, les traders de Cd se retrouvaient sur le channel #Warez-France. Mais le trade s’avérait difficile et peu efficace sur ce channel «généraliste-warez » ;-) Les traders finirent par se rapprocher. Parmi ceux-ci on trouvait déjà : batou, Celeborn, |{ashmir, rage132, Oreste et quelques autres. Ainsi, un soir, Batou créa le chan. Moi et les autres le rejoignirent car l’idée d’un espace réservé au trading de Cd était judicieuse. Le lendemain, le channel était rendu permanent avec l’apparition des premiers bots. Batou avait demandé à Rage132 pour obtenir le ...

Ezine Conscience - n° 1

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 · 2 years ago
... ecido como pirataria, ou copia de programas com copyright. Isso é ilegal, mas na Internet acontece muito na EFFnet há canais dedicados a isso, como a #Warez, #warezwarez e outros Lá são colocados bots para passar programas e várias pessoas anunciam troca de softwares pirateados, alguns utilizam o Serv-u para ter um servidor temporario de FTP e facilitar as trocas. A quantidade de pessoas que fica por lá é muito grande se comparada com os canais da Brasnet e Brasirc, e os programas que são trocados lá, valem muito em termo de quantidades de copias e valor de mercado. Mas eles não estão interessados em dinheiro, mas apenas no gostinho de ter alguns m ...

IRC Weekly - Edition #4 (Special Valentines Edition)

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 · 2 years ago
... itch,Is A Layhmer Bitch! (DesAngel) Spirt about Sprint (Zircon) Communiation Decency Act (Devious) Eye Yam A Eye-Are-Sea Warrior (.01b) (Stumble) The #Warez WordSearch: By DesAngel (DesAngel) There are ALIENS using the internet to .. (lynch) RFD2001: Kangaroo Packet Network (Sputnik) Bitches ([iL]) Why do people ask me for porn? (Zircon) fin (Zircon) Virtual Playland Heres something that happend while sz got a little giddy, and i had way too many timbits: <sz> zirc JUMP OVER MY FIREWALL AND COME GET ME SO WE CAN PLAY! * Zircon frags sz's little electronic fence <sz> woo woo * sz sees zircy coming towards his domain <Zircon> ca ...
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