A-KO: losses
Published in
Fan Fiction
· 1 year ago
... in a typical Xena: Warrior Princess episode has really missed the point, possibly of both. *Please* don't interpret this as a "Chris hates A-Ko" #FanFiction. I don't hate A-Ko. If anything, I empathize with her, as I've got a temper that's damn near as bad as hers. But one of her problems is that she is more than just a little *over*protective of C-ko, and yet tends to undervalue her at times. (That would certainly seem to be supported by the conclusion of "Project A-Ko: Final") By the way, I have no intention of *ever* writing "Ani-Mayhem: The Motion Picture", so don't hold your breath. Ah, the endnotes. [1]In the event that you' ...