
HOMEBREW Digest Index (part 1)

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 17 Jun 2024
... ay 1990) coffee beers (Mark Stevens) <stevens@stsci.edu> Re: Fermentation Temperature (techentin) Lactose (boubez) Coffee Beer (Patrick Stirling (Sun HQ Consulting Services)) idle fermentation, how long in secondary? (cckweiss) HOMEBREW Digest #410 (Wed 02 May 1990) liquid yeast & krausen (RUSSG) coffee beer, cambridge brewing co., and hot weather fermenting (GIBSON) help (Mark Montgomery) Subscription Wanted: (Ed Leonhardt) Imitation of "Commercial" Brews ("Andy Wilcox") Quiet batches (p ...

Fascination Issue 091 expanded

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 20 Jan 2024
... ;California. Though they would not be able to accommodate us for dinner, this could be a fun lunch option, something CirqueCon has not yet tried. Their menu looks good and their prices reasonable. BOHO www.bohorestaurant.com 6801 Hollywood Boulevard #411 Hollywood, CA 90028 323-465-8500 PRICE - $45.00 EACH: A copy of their dinner menu is at: http://www.bohorestaurant.com/dinner.html They are proposing: Starter: Roasted Beet Salad - field lettuce, goat cheese, candied walnuts OR Creamy W ...

Fascination Issue 060 expanded

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 20 Jan 2024
... Quidam's Percussionist" & "BJ, Live from Japan! - An Online Chat" {Originally Published: Issues #25 & #32 - September 2003 & April 2004} *) "Who Has What it Takes?" By: Keith Johnson & Lucy Valentine - Seattle, WA (USA) {Originally Published: Issues #41-44 - February 2005 through May 2005} *) "Six Thousand Fifty-Seven" By: Rich Alford - Bothel, Washington (USA) {Originally Published: Issue #55 - Sep/Oct 2007} o) Copyright & Disclaimer ============================================================ ...

Fascination Issue 060 a

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 20 Jan 2024
... Quidam's Percussionist" & "BJ, Live from Japan! - An Online Chat" {Originally Published: Issues #25 & #32 - September 2003 & April 2004} *) "Who Has What it Takes?" By: Keith Johnson & Lucy Valentine - Seattle, WA (USA) {Originally Published: Issues #41-44 - February 2005 through May 2005} *) "Six Thousand Fifty-Seven" By: Rich Alford - Bothel, Washington (USA) {Originally Published: Issue #55 - Sep/Oct 2007} o) Copyright & Disclaimer ============================================================ ...

Fascination Issue 041 expanded

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 20 Jan 2024
... i l N e w s l e t t e r ------------------------------------------------------------ E X P A N D E D I S S U E ------------------------------------------------------------ ======================================================================= Issue #41e "Midway Between Art and Technology" February 2005 ======================================================================= We're off and running again! After a brief respite, the staff is hard at work bringing you news, reviews and updates on Cirque ...

Reading for pleasure Issue 1

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 28 Nov 2023
... RE by Randy Russell (P); MAY'S NEW-FANGLED MIRTH by Mary Jo Adamson (P); MURDER SAILS AT MIDNIGHT by Marian Babson (P); SKYWATCHER by Winona Kent (P); THE SPY WHO WOULDN'T DIE by Stuart James (P); SHALAKO by Louis L'Amour (P); STAGECOACH #41: Red Buffalo by Hank Mitchum (P); TIMBER CREEK by Cameron Judd (P); ENEMY AT THE GATES by William Craig (P); HELMET FOR MY PILLOW by Robert Leckie (P); SECRET ARMIES: The Explosive Inside Story of the World's Most Elite Warriors by James Adams ( ...


eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 23 Sep 2023
... comunicación, sol las que escribimos o recibimos ) telnet stmp.cychack.org 25 * Esto nos deberá poner al responder, una cosa parecida a esto: Trying Connected to stmp.cychack.org Escape character is `^]d. 220 stmp.cychack.org Smail3.1.28.1 #41 ready at Thu, 7 Jul 99 02:17 MDT * Ahora estamos dentro sin necesidad de haber insertado ninguna clave * podemos escribir help para recibir información de comandos pero para * el truco que os voy a enseñar ahora debemos escribir el comando helo * En ...

GUÍA DEL HACKING (mayormente) INOFENSIVO Vol.1 Número 2

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 13 Feb 2023
... durante algún tiempo, un mensaje diciendo "acceso denegado" como cuando atacas un firewall. Pero, más fácilmente verás algo como esto: Trying Connected to callisto.unm.edu. Escape character is `^]Ô. 220 callisto.unm.edu Smail3.1.28.1 #41 ready at Fri, 12 Jul 96 12:17 MDT Hey, échale un vistazo a eso! No nos pide que hagamos log (identificarnos). Sólo dice...preparado! Nota que está usando Smail3.1.28.1, un programa usado para redactar y enviar correo electrónico. Oh dios mío, qué ha ...

GEnieLamp Online Magazine Issue No.2.19

eZine's profile picture
Published in 
 · 24 Jul 2021
... ions & music 15532 KV_PARK_.ARC X K.KRESSIN 900615 79380 151 31 Desc: 2-5 yrs. Animated playground puzzle GEO_1 and GEO_2 are quite different...hopefully GEO_3 will have the best of both! (K.KRESSIN, CAT29, TOP3, MSG:110/M475) ROLL YOUR OWN File #4145, PTRSETUP.ARC includes the source code for a """"""""""""" Pascal program that uses dialogue boxes that are 'roll your own'. It's not a particularly simple example, but the intent as to what is desired should be pretty self evident. (M.L.HANSON, C ...
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